toil 041 051 Gen /^{toil /and all my father's
house .

toil 006 028 Mat /${toil /not , neither do
they spin :

toil 012 027 Luk /${toil /not , they spin not
; and yet I say unto you , that Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like one of these .

toil 005 029 Gen /^{toil /of our hands ,
because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed .

toiled 005 005 Luk /${toiled /all the night ,
and have taken nothing : nevertheless at thy word I will let
down the net .

toiling 006 048 Mar /${toiling /in rowing ; for
the wind was contrary unto them : and about the fourth watch of
the night he cometh unto them , walking upon the sea , and would
have passed by them .
