Timothy 001 018 ITi /${Timothy /according to the
prophecies which went before on thee , that thou by them
mightest war a good warfare ;

Timothy 013 023 Heb /${Timothy /is set at
liberty ; with whom , if he come shortly , I will see you .

Timothy 006 020 ITi /${Timothy /keep that which
is committed to thy trust , avoiding profane and vain babblings ,
and oppositions of science falsely so called :

Timothy 001 002 IITi /${Timothy /my dearly
beloved son : Grace , mercy , and peace , from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Lord .

Timothy 001 002 ITi /${Timothy /my own son in
the faith : Grace , mercy , and peace , from God our Father and
Jesus Christ our Lord .

Timothy 001 001 Phm /${Timothy /our brother ,
unto Philemon our dearly beloved , and fellowlabourer ,

Timothy 001 001 IICo /${Timothy /our brother ,
unto the church of God which is at Corinth , with all the saints
which are in all Achaia :

Timothy 006 021 ITi /${Timothy /was written from
Laodicea , which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana .>>
