Bethanath 019 038 Jos /^{Bethanath /and
Bethshemesh ; nineteen cities with their villages .

Bethanath 001 033 Jug /^{Bethanath /became
tributaries unto them.

Bethanath 001 033 Jug /^{Bethanath /but he dwelt
among the Canaanites , the inhabitants of the land :
nevertheless the inhabitants of Bethshemesh and of Bethanath
became tributaries unto them.

Bethanoth 015 059 Jos /^{Bethanoth /and Eltekon ;
six cities with their villages :

Bethany 024 050 Luk /${Bethany /and he lifted up
his hands , and blessed them .

Bethany 021 017 Mat /${Bethany /and he lodged
there .

Bethany 019 029 Luk /${Bethany /at the mount
called the mount of Olives , he sent two of his disciples ,

Bethany 011 001 Mar /${Bethany /at the mount of
Olives , he sendeth forth two of his disciples ,

Bethany 011 012 Mar /${Bethany /he was hungry :

Bethany 026 006 Mat /${Bethany /in the house of
Simon the leper ,

Bethany 014 003 Mar /${Bethany /in the house of
Simon the leper , as he sat at meat , there came a woman having
an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious ; and
she brake the box , and poured it on his head .

Bethany 011 001 Joh /${Bethany /the town of Mary
and her sister Martha .

Bethany 011 018 Joh /${Bethany /was nigh unto
Jerusalem , about fifteen furlongs off :

Bethany 012 001 Joh /${Bethany /where Lazarus
was which had been dead , whom he raised from the dead .

Bethany 011 011 Mar /${Bethany /with the twelve .

Bigthan 002 021 Est /^{Bigthan /and Teresh , of
those which kept the door , were wroth , and sought to lay hand
on the king Ahasuerus .

Bigthana 006 002 Est /^{Bigthana /and Teresh ,
two of the king's chamberlains , the keepers of the door , who
sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus .

Dathan 016 027 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram , on
every side : and Dathan and Abiram came out , and stood in the
door of their tents , and their wives , and their sons , and
their little children .

Dathan 016 001 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram , the
sons of Eliab , and On , the son of Peleth , sons of Reuben ,
took men:

Dathan 011 006 Deu /^{Dathan /and Abiram , the
sons of Eliab , the son of Reuben : how the earth opened her
mouth , and swallowed them up , and their households , and their
tents , and all the substance that was in their possession , in
the midst of all Israel :

Dathan 016 012 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram , the
sons of Eliab : which said , We will not come up :

Dathan 026 009 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram ,
which were famous in the congregation , who strove against Moses
and against Aaron in the company of Korah , when they strove
against the LORD :

Dathan 016 024 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram .

Dathan 026 009 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram . This
is that Dathan and Abiram , which were famous in the
congregation , who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the
company of Korah , when they strove against the LORD :

Dathan 016 025 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram ; and
the elders of Israel followed him .

Dathan 016 027 Num /^{Dathan /and Abiram came
out , and stood in the door of their tents , and their wives ,
and their sons , and their little children .

Dathan 106 017 Psa /^{Dathan /and covered the
company of Abiram .

Dothan 037 017 Gen /^{Dothan /And Joseph went
after his brethren , and found them in Dothan .

Elnathan 036 025 Jer /^{Elnathan /and Delaiah and
Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not
burn the roll : but he would not hear them.

Elnathan 008 016 Ezr /^{Elnathan /and for Jarib ,
and for Elnathan , and for Nathan , and for Zechariah , and for
Meshullam , chief men ; also for Joiarib , and for Elnathan ,
men of understanding .

Elnathan 008 016 Ezr /^{Elnathan /and for Nathan ,
and for Zechariah , and for Meshullam , chief men ; also for
Joiarib , and for Elnathan , men of understanding .

Elnathan 008 016 Ezr /^{Elnathan /men of
understanding .

Elnathan 024 008 IIKi /^{Elnathan /of Jerusalem .

Elnathan 026 022 Jer /^{Elnathan /the son of
Achbor , and certain men with him into Egypt .

Elnathan 036 012 Jer /^{Elnathan /the son of
Achbor , and Gemariah the son of Shaphan , and Zedekiah the son
of Hananiah , and all the princes .

Ethan 002 006 ICh /^{Ethan /and Heman , and
Calcol , and Dara : five of them in all.

Ethan 002 008 ICh /^{Ethan /Azariah .

Ethan 004 031 IKi /^{Ethan /the Ezrahite , and
Heman , and Chalcol , and Darda , the sons of Mahol : and his
fame was in all nations round about .

Ethan 089 001 Psa /^{Ethan /the Ezrahite .>> I
will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever : with my mouth
will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations .

Ethan 006 044 ICh /^{Ethan /the son of Kishi ,
the son of Abdi , the son of Malluch ,

Ethan 015 017 ICh /^{Ethan /the son of
Kushaiah ;

Ethan 006 042 ICh /^{Ethan /the son of Zimmah ,
the son of Shimei ,

Ethan 015 019 ICh /^{Ethan /were appointed to
sound with cymbals of brass ;

Ethanim 008 002 IKi /^{Ethanim /which is the
seventh month .

Hothan 011 044 ICh /^{Hothan /the Aroerite ,

Jehonathan 017 008 IICh /^{Jehonathan /and Adonijah ,
and Tobijah , and Tobadonijah , Levites ; and with them
Elishama and Jehoram , priests .

Jehonathan 027 025 ICh /^{Jehonathan /the son of
Uzziah :

Jonathan 015 036 IISa /^{Jonathan /Abiathar's son;
and by them ye shall send unto me every thing that ye can hear .

Jonathan 031 002 ISa /^{Jonathan /and Abinadab ,
and Malchishua , Saul's sons .

Jonathan 010 002 ICh /^{Jonathan /and Abinadab ,
and Malchishua , the sons of Saul .

Jonathan 017 017 IISa /^{Jonathan /and Ahimaaz
stayed by Enrogel ; for they might not be seen to come into the
city : and a wench went and told them; and they went and told
king David .

Jonathan 020 039 ISa /^{Jonathan /and David knew
the matter .

Jonathan 018 003 ISa /^{Jonathan /and David made
a covenant , because he loved him as his own soul .

Jonathan 020 030 ISa /^{Jonathan /and he said
unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I
know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own
confusion , and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness ?

Jonathan 014 012 ISa /^{Jonathan /and his
armourbearer , and said , Come up to us, and we will shew you a
thing . And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer , Come up after
me: for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel .

Jonathan 014 014 ISa /^{Jonathan /and his
armourbearer made , was about twenty men , within as it were an
half acre of land , which a yoke of oxen might plow.

Jonathan 014 013 ISa /^{Jonathan /and his
armourbearer slew after him.

Jonathan 014 017 ISa /^{Jonathan /and his
armourbearer were not there.

Jonathan 014 049 ISa /^{Jonathan /and Ishui , and
Melchishua : and the names of his two daughters were these; the
name of the firstborn Merab , and the name of the younger Michal

Jonathan 002 032 ICh /^{Jonathan /and Jether died
without children .

Jonathan 012 011 Neh /^{Jonathan /and Jonathan
begat Jaddua .

Jonathan 008 033 ICh /^{Jonathan /and Malchishua ,
and Abinadab , and Eshbaal .

Jonathan 009 039 ICh /^{Jonathan /and Malchishua ,
and Abinadab , and Eshbaal .

Jonathan 019 006 ISa /^{Jonathan /and Saul sware ,
As the LORD liveth , he shall not be slain .

Jonathan 017 020 IISa /^{Jonathan /And the woman
said unto them, They be gone over the brook of water . And when
they had sought and could not find them, they returned to
Jerusalem .

Jonathan 008 006 Ezr /^{Jonathan /and with him
fifty males .

Jonathan 001 043 IKi /^{Jonathan /answered and
said to Adonijah , Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon
king .

Jonathan 020 028 ISa /^{Jonathan /answered Saul ,
David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem :

Jonathan 020 032 ISa /^{Jonathan /answered Saul
his father , and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain ?
what hath he done ?

Jonathan 020 025 ISa /^{Jonathan /arose , and
Abner sat by Saul's side , and David's place was empty .

Jonathan 020 034 ISa /^{Jonathan /arose from the
table in fierce anger , and did eat no meat the second day of
the month : for he was grieved for David , because his father
had done him shame .

Jonathan 012 011 Neh /^{Jonathan /begat Jaddua .

Jonathan 020 005 ISa /^{Jonathan /Behold, to
morrow is the new moon , and I should not fail to sit with the
king at meat : but let me go , that I may hide myself in the
field unto the third day at even .

Jonathan 014 008 ISa /^{Jonathan /Behold, we will
pass over unto these men , and we will discover ourselves unto

Jonathan 019 007 ISa /^{Jonathan /brought David
to Saul , and he was in his presence , as in times past .

Jonathan 020 013 ISa /^{Jonathan /but if it
please my father to do thee evil , then I will shew it thee, and
send thee away , that thou mayest go in peace : and the LORD be
with thee, as he hath been with my father .

Jonathan 013 022 ISa /^{Jonathan /but with Saul
and with Jonathan his son was there found .

Jonathan 019 007 ISa /^{Jonathan /called David ,
and Jonathan shewed him all those things . And Jonathan brought
David to Saul , and he was in his presence , as in times past .

Jonathan 020 017 ISa /^{Jonathan /caused David to
swear again , because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved
his own soul .

Jonathan 014 013 ISa /^{Jonathan /climbed up upon
his hands and upon his feet , and his armourbearer after him:
and they fell before Jonathan ; and his armourbearer slew after

Jonathan 020 037 ISa /^{Jonathan /cried after the
lad , and said , Is not the arrow beyond thee?

Jonathan 020 038 ISa /^{Jonathan /cried after the
lad , Make speed , haste , stay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered
up the arrows , and came to his master .

Jonathan 027 032 ICh /^{Jonathan /David's uncle
was a counsellor , a wise man , and a scribe : and Jehiel the
son of Hachmoni was with the king's sons :

Jonathan 014 045 ISa /^{Jonathan /die , who hath
wrought this great salvation in Israel ? God forbid : as the
LORD liveth , there shall not one hair of his head fall to the
ground ; for he hath wrought with God this day . So the people
rescued Jonathan , that he died not.

Jonathan 020 040 ISa /^{Jonathan /gave his
artillery unto his lad , and said unto him, Go , carry them to
the city .

Jonathan 020 037 ISa /^{Jonathan /had shot ,
Jonathan cried after the lad , and said , Is not the arrow
beyond thee?

Jonathan 009 003 IISa /^{Jonathan /hath yet a son ,
which is lame on his feet .

Jonathan 014 027 ISa /^{Jonathan /heard not when
his father charged the people with the oath : wherefore he put
forth the end of the rod that was in his hand , and dipped it in
an honeycomb , and put his hand to his mouth ; and his eyes were
enlightened .

Jonathan 001 012 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son , and
for the people of the LORD , and for the house of Israel ;
because they were fallen by the sword .

Jonathan 013 016 ISa /^{Jonathan /his son , and
the people that were present with them, abode in Gibeah of
Benjamin : but the Philistines encamped in Michmash .

Jonathan 019 001 ISa /^{Jonathan /his son , and
to all his servants , that they should kill David .

Jonathan 020 027 ISa /^{Jonathan /his son ,
Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat , neither
yesterday , nor to day ?

Jonathan 001 017 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son :

Jonathan 021 013 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son ; and
they gathered the bones of them that were hanged .

Jonathan 001 004 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son are
dead also.

Jonathan 001 005 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son be dead

Jonathan 021 014 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son buried
they in the country of Benjamin in Zelah , in the sepulchre of
Kish his father : and they performed all that the king commanded
. And after that God was intreated for the land .

Jonathan 021 012 IISa /^{Jonathan /his son from
the men of Jabeshgilead , which had stolen them from the street
of Bethshan , where the Philistines had hanged them, when the
Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa :

Jonathan 013 022 ISa /^{Jonathan /his son was
there found .

Jonathan 013 002 ISa /^{Jonathan /in Gibeah of
Benjamin : and the rest of the people he sent every man to his
tent .

Jonathan 020 033 ISa /^{Jonathan /knew that it
was determined of his father to slay David .

Jonathan 020 003 ISa /^{Jonathan /know this, lest
he be grieved : but truly as the LORD liveth , and as thy soul
liveth , there is but a step between me and death .

Jonathan 018 001 ISa /^{Jonathan /loved him as
his own soul .

Jonathan 020 016 ISa /^{Jonathan /made a covenant
with the house of David , saying, Let the LORD even require it
at the hand of David's enemies .

Jonathan 014 029 ISa /^{Jonathan /My father hath
troubled the land : see , I pray you, how mine eyes have been
enlightened , because I tasted a little of this honey .

Jonathan 014 039 ISa /^{Jonathan /my son , he
shall surely die . But there was not a man among all the people
that answered him.

Jonathan 014 042 ISa /^{Jonathan /my son . And
Jonathan was taken .

Jonathan 014 040 ISa /^{Jonathan /my son will be
on the other side . And the people said unto Saul , Do what
seemeth good unto thee.

Jonathan 012 014 Neh /^{Jonathan /of Shebaniah ,
Joseph ;

Jonathan 004 004 IISa /^{Jonathan /out of Jezreel ,
and his nurse took him up , and fled : and it came to pass, as
she made haste to flee , that he fell , and became lame . And
his name was Mephibosheth .

Jonathan 002 033 ICh /^{Jonathan /Peleth , and
Zaza . These were the sons of Jerahmeel .

Jonathan 020 009 ISa /^{Jonathan /said , Far be
it from thee : for if I knew certainly that evil were determined
by my father to come upon thee, then would not I tell it thee?

Jonathan 020 042 ISa /^{Jonathan /said to David ,
Go in peace , forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name
of the LORD , saying , The LORD be between me and thee, and
between my seed and thy seed for ever . And he arose and
departed : and Jonathan went into the city .

Jonathan 020 018 ISa /^{Jonathan /said to David ,
To morrow is the new moon : and thou shalt be missed , because
thy seat will be empty .

Jonathan 014 006 ISa /^{Jonathan /said to the
young man that bare his armour , Come , and let us go over unto
the garrison of these uncircumcised : it may be that the LORD
will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save
by many or by few .

Jonathan 020 011 ISa /^{Jonathan /said unto David
, Come , and let us go out into the field . And they went out
both of them into the field .

Jonathan 020 012 ISa /^{Jonathan /said unto David
, O LORD God of Israel , when I have sounded my father about to
morrow any time , or the third day, and, behold, if there be
good toward David , and I then send not unto thee, and shew it

Jonathan 014 012 ISa /^{Jonathan /said unto his
armourbearer , Come up after me: for the LORD hath delivered
them into the hand of Israel .

Jonathan 004 004 IISa /^{Jonathan /Saul's son ,
had a son that was lame of his feet . He was five years old when
the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel , and his
nurse took him up , and fled : and it came to pass, as she made
haste to flee , that he fell , and became lame . And his name
was Mephibosheth .

Jonathan 023 016 ISa /^{Jonathan /Saul's son
arose , and went to David into the wood , and strengthened his
hand in God .

Jonathan 019 002 ISa /^{Jonathan /Saul's son
delighted much in David : and Jonathan told David , saying ,
Saul my father seeketh to kill thee: now therefore, I pray thee,
take heed to thyself until the morning , and abide in a secret
place, and hide thyself:

Jonathan 019 007 ISa /^{Jonathan /shewed him all
those things . And Jonathan brought David to Saul , and he was
in his presence , as in times past .

Jonathan 013 003 ISa /^{Jonathan /smote the
garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba , and the
Philistines heard of it. And Saul blew the trumpet throughout
all the land , saying , Let the Hebrews hear .

Jonathan 014 004 ISa /^{Jonathan /sought to go
over unto the Philistines garrison , there was a sharp rock on
the one side , and a sharp rock on the other side : and the name
of the one was Bozez , and the name of the other Seneh .

Jonathan 019 004 ISa /^{Jonathan /spake good of
David unto Saul his father , and said unto him, Let not the king
sin against his servant , against David ; because he hath not
sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-
ward very good :

Jonathan 018 004 ISa /^{Jonathan /stripped
himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David ,
and his garments , even to his sword , and to his bow , and to
his girdle .

Jonathan 014 043 ISa /^{Jonathan /Tell me what
thou hast done . And Jonathan told him, and said , I did but
taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in mine
hand , and, lo , I must die .

Jonathan 014 045 ISa /^{Jonathan /that he died

Jonathan 037 020 Jer /^{Jonathan /the scribe ,
lest I die there.

Jonathan 037 015 Jer /^{Jonathan /the scribe :
for they had made that the prison .

Jonathan 015 027 IISa /^{Jonathan /the son of
Abiathar .

Jonathan 001 042 IKi /^{Jonathan /the son of
Abiathar the priest came : and Adonijah said unto him, Come in ;
for thou art a valiant man , and bringest good tidings .

Jonathan 010 015 Ezr /^{Jonathan /the son of
Asahel and Jahaziah the son of Tikvah were employed about this
matter: and Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite helped them.

Jonathan 018 030 Jug /^{Jonathan /the son of
Gershom , the son of Manasseh , he and his sons were priests to
the tribe of Dan until the day of the captivity of the land .

Jonathan 021 007 IISa /^{Jonathan /the son of Saul
, because of the LORD'S oath that was between them, between
David and Jonathan the son of Saul .

Jonathan 009 006 IISa /^{Jonathan /the son of Saul
, was come unto David , he fell on his face , and did reverence .
And David said , Mephibosheth . And he answered , Behold thy
servant !

Jonathan 021 007 IISa /^{Jonathan /the son of Saul

Jonathan 014 001 ISa /^{Jonathan /the son of Saul
said unto the young man that bare his armour , Come , and let us
go over to the Philistines garrison , that is on the other side
. But he told not his father .

Jonathan 011 034 ICh /^{Jonathan /the son of
Shage the Hararite ,

Jonathan 012 035 Neh /^{Jonathan /the son of
Shemaiah , the son of Mattaniah , the son of Michaiah , the son
of Zaccur , the son of Asaph :

Jonathan 020 007 ICh /^{Jonathan /the son of
Shimea David's brother slew him.

Jonathan 021 021 IISa /^{Jonathan /the son of
Shimea the brother of David slew him.

Jonathan 040 008 Jer /^{Jonathan /the sons of
Kareah , and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth , and the sons of
Ephai the Netophathite , and Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite ,
they and their men .

Jonathan 001 025 IISa /^{Jonathan /thou wast slain
in thine high places .

Jonathan 009 007 IISa /^{Jonathan /thy father's
sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father ;
and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually .

Jonathan 019 002 ISa /^{Jonathan /told David ,
saying , Saul my father seeketh to kill thee: now therefore, I
pray thee, take heed to thyself until the morning , and abide in
a secret place, and hide thyself:

Jonathan 014 043 ISa /^{Jonathan /told him, and
said , I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod
that was in mine hand , and, lo , I must die .

Jonathan 001 022 IISa /^{Jonathan /turned not back
, and the sword of Saul returned not empty .

Jonathan 020 004 ISa /^{Jonathan /unto David ,
Whatsoever thy soul desireth , I will even do it for thee.

Jonathan 001 026 IISa /^{Jonathan /very pleasant
hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful , passing
the love of women .

Jonathan 014 003 ISa /^{Jonathan /was gone .

Jonathan 018 001 ISa /^{Jonathan /was knit with
the soul of David , and Jonathan loved him as his own soul .

Jonathan 009 040 ICh /^{Jonathan /was Meribbaal :
and Meribbaal begat Micah .

Jonathan 008 034 ICh /^{Jonathan /was Meribbaal ;
and Meribbaal begat Micah .

Jonathan 014 042 ISa /^{Jonathan /was taken .

Jonathan 020 042 ISa /^{Jonathan /went into the
city .

Jonathan 020 035 ISa /^{Jonathan /went out into
the field at the time appointed with David , and a little lad
with him.

Jonathan 023 018 ISa /^{Jonathan /went to his
house .

Jonathan 001 023 IISa /^{Jonathan /were lovely and
pleasant in their lives , and in their death they were not
divided : they were swifter than eagles , they were stronger
than lions .

Jonathan 014 041 ISa /^{Jonathan /were taken :
but the people escaped .

Jonathan 020 001 ISa /^{Jonathan /What have I
done ? what is mine iniquity ? and what is my sin before thy
father , that he seeketh my life ?

Jonathan 020 010 ISa /^{Jonathan /Who shall tell
me? or what if thy father answer thee roughly ?

Jonathan's 038 026 Jer /^{Jonathan's /house , to
die there.

Jonathan's 020 038 ISa /^{Jonathan's /lad gathered
up the arrows , and came to his master .

Jonathan's 009 001 IISa /^{Jonathan's /sake?

lefthanded 003 015 Jug /^{lefthanded /and by him
the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of
Moab .

lefthanded 020 016 Jug /^{lefthanded /every one
could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss .

leviathan 074 014 Psa /^{leviathan /in pieces, and
gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness .

leviathan 027 001 Isa /^{leviathan /that crooked
serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea .

leviathan 027 001 Isa /^{leviathan /the piercing
serpent , even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall
slay the dragon that is in the sea .

leviathan 104 026 Psa /^{leviathan /whom thou hast
made to play therein.

leviathan 041 001 Job /^{leviathan /with an hook ?
or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down ?

Matthan 001 015 Mat /${Matthan /and Matthan
begat Jacob ;

Matthan 001 015 Mat /${Matthan /begat Jacob ;

Nathan 010 039 Ezr /^{Nathan /and Adaiah ,

Nathan 008 016 Ezr /^{Nathan /and for Zechariah
, and for Meshullam , chief men ; also for Joiarib , and for
Elnathan , men of understanding .

Nathan 002 036 ICh /^{Nathan /and Nathan begat
Zabad ,

Nathan 014 004 ICh /^{Nathan /and Solomon ,

Nathan 005 014 IISa /^{Nathan /and Solomon ,

Nathan 003 005 ICh /^{Nathan /and Solomon ,
four , of Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel :

Nathan 012 012 Zec /^{Nathan /apart, and their
wives apart;

Nathan 012 005 IISa /^{Nathan /As the LORD
liveth , the man that hath done this thing shall surely die :

Nathan 002 036 ICh /^{Nathan /begat Zabad ,

Nathan 012 015 IISa /^{Nathan /departed unto his
house . And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's wife bare
unto David , and it was very sick .

Nathan 012 013 IISa /^{Nathan /I have sinned
against the LORD . And Nathan said unto David , The LORD also
hath put away thy sin ; thou shalt not die .

Nathan 011 038 ICh /^{Nathan /Mibhar the son of
Haggeri ,

Nathan 023 036 IISa /^{Nathan /of Zobah , Bani
the Gadite ,

Nathan 001 024 IKi /^{Nathan /said , My lord ,
O king , hast thou said , Adonijah shall reign after me, and he
shall sit upon my throne ?

Nathan 012 007 IISa /^{Nathan /said to David ,
Thou art the man . Thus saith the LORD God of Israel , I
anointed thee king over Israel , and I delivered thee out of the
hand of Saul ;

Nathan 007 003 IISa /^{Nathan /said to the king ,
Go , do all that is in thine heart ; for the LORD is with thee.

Nathan 017 002 ICh /^{Nathan /said unto David ,
Do all that is in thine heart ; for God is with thee.

Nathan 012 013 IISa /^{Nathan /said unto David ,
The LORD also hath put away thy sin ; thou shalt not die .

Nathan 017 003 ICh /^{Nathan /saying ,

Nathan 007 004 IISa /^{Nathan /saying ,

Nathan 001 011 IKi /^{Nathan /spake unto
Bathsheba the mother of Solomon , saying , Hast thou not heard
that Adonijah the son of Haggith doth reign , and David our lord
knoweth it not?

Nathan 007 017 IISa /^{Nathan /speak unto David .

Nathan 017 015 ICh /^{Nathan /speak unto David .

Nathan 001 010 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
Benaiah , and the mighty men , and Solomon his brother , he
called not.

Nathan 001 044 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada , and the Cherethites , and the
Pelethites , and they have caused him to ride upon the king's
mule :

Nathan 001 038 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada , and the Cherethites , and the
Pelethites , went down , and caused Solomon to ride upon king
David's mule , and brought him to Gihon .

Nathan 001 032 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada . And they came before the king .

Nathan 029 029 ICh /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
in the book of Gad the seer ,

Nathan 009 029 IICh /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite , and in the visions of
Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat ?

Nathan 001 008 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet , and
Shimei , and Rei , and the mighty men which belonged to David ,
were not with Adonijah .

Nathan 017 001 ICh /^{Nathan /the prophet , Lo,
I dwell in an house of cedars , but the ark of the covenant of
the LORD remaineth under curtains .

Nathan 007 002 IISa /^{Nathan /the prophet , See
now, I dwell in an house of cedar , but the ark of God dwelleth
within curtains .

Nathan 001 023 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet . And
when he was come in before the king , he bowed himself before
the king with his face to the ground .

Nathan 029 025 IICh /^{Nathan /the prophet : for
so was the commandment of the LORD by his prophets .

Nathan 012 025 IISa /^{Nathan /the prophet ; and
he called his name Jedidiah , because of the LORD .

Nathan 001 022 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet also
came in .

Nathan 001 034 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet
anoint him there king over Israel : and blow ye with the trumpet
, and say , God save king Solomon .

Nathan 051 001 Psa /^{Nathan /the prophet came
unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba .>> Have mercy upon
me, O God , according to thy lovingkindness : according unto the
multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions .

Nathan 001 045 IKi /^{Nathan /the prophet have
anointed him king in Gihon : and they are come up from thence
rejoicing , so that the city rang again . This is the noise that
ye have heard .

Nathan 012 001 IISa /^{Nathan /unto David . And
he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one
city ; the one rich , and the other poor .

Nathan 004 005 IKi /^{Nathan /was over the
officers : and Zabud the son of Nathan was principal officer ,
and the king's friend :

Nathan 004 005 IKi /^{Nathan /was principal
officer , and the king's friend :

Nathan 003 031 Luk /${Nathan /which was the son
of David ,

Nathanael 001 045 Joh /${Nathanael /and saith unto
him , We have found him, of whom Moses in the law , and the
prophets , did write , Jesus of Nazareth , the son of Joseph .

Nathanael 001 049 Joh /${Nathanael /answered and
saith unto him , Rabbi , thou art the Son of God ; thou art the
King of Israel .

Nathanael 001 047 Joh /${Nathanael /coming to him ,
and saith of him , Behold an Israelite indeed , in whom is no
guile !

Nathanael 021 002 Joh /${Nathanael /of Cana in
Galilee , and the sons of Zebedee , and two other of his
disciples .

Nathanael 001 046 Joh /${Nathanael /said unto him ,
Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth ? Philip saith
unto him , Come and see .

Nathanael 001 048 Joh /${Nathanael /saith unto him
, Whence knowest thou me ? Jesus answered and said unto him ,
Before that Philip called thee , when thou wast under the fig
tree , I saw thee .

Nathanmelech 023 011 IIKi /^{Nathanmelech /the
chamberlain , which was in the suburbs , and burned the chariots
of the sun with fire .

Nethaneel 015 024 ICh /^{Nethaneel /and Amasai ,
and Zechariah , and Benaiah , and Eliezer , the priests , did
blow with the trumpets before the ark of God : and Obededom and
Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark .

Nethaneel 012 036 Neh /^{Nethaneel /and Judah ,
Hanani , with the musical instruments of David the man of God ,
and Ezra the scribe before them.

Nethaneel 017 007 IICh /^{Nethaneel /and to
Michaiah , to teach in the cities of Judah .

Nethaneel 035 009 IICh /^{Nethaneel /his brethren ,
and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad , chief of the Levites ,
gave unto the Levites for passover offerings five thousand small
cattle, and five hundred oxen .

Nethaneel 010 022 Ezr /^{Nethaneel /Jozabad , and
Elasah .

Nethaneel 026 004 ICh /^{Nethaneel /the fifth ,

Nethaneel 002 014 ICh /^{Nethaneel /the fourth ,
Raddai the fifth ,

Nethaneel 024 006 ICh /^{Nethaneel /the scribe ,
one of the Levites , wrote them before the king , and the
princes , and Zadok the priest , and Ahimelech the son of
Abiathar , and before the chief of the fathers of the priests
and Levites : one principal household being taken for Eleazar ,
and one taken for Ithamar .

Nethaneel 007 018 Num /^{Nethaneel /the son of
Zuar , prince of Issachar , did offer :

Nethaneel 007 023 Num /^{Nethaneel /the son of
Zuar .

Nethaneel 010 015 Num /^{Nethaneel /the son of
Zuar .

Nethaneel 001 008 Num /^{Nethaneel /the son of
Zuar .

Nethaneel 002 005 Num /^{Nethaneel /the son of
Zuar shall be captain of the children of Issachar .

Nethaniah 025 002 ICh /^{Nethaniah /and Asarelah ,
the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph , which prophesied
according to the order of the king .

Nethaniah 041 012 Jer /^{Nethaniah /and found him
by the great waters that are in Gibeon .

Nethaniah 040 008 Jer /^{Nethaniah /and Johanan
and Jonathan the sons of Kareah , and Seraiah the son of
Tanhumeth , and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite , and
Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite , they and their men .

Nethaniah 025 023 IIKi /^{Nethaniah /and Johanan
the son of Careah , and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the
Netophathite , and Jaazaniah the son of a Maachathite , they and
their men .

Nethaniah 040 015 Jer /^{Nethaniah /and no man
shall know it: wherefore should he slay thee, that all the Jews
which are gathered unto thee should be scattered , and the
remnant in Judah perish ?

Nethaniah 041 002 Jer /^{Nethaniah /and the ten
men that were with him, and smote Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the
son of Shaphan with the sword , and slew him, whom the king of
Babylon had made governor over the land .

Nethaniah 017 008 IICh /^{Nethaniah /and Zebadiah ,
and Asahel , and Shemiramoth , and Jehonathan , and Adonijah ,
and Tobijah , and Tobadonijah , Levites ; and with them Elishama
and Jehoram , priests .

Nethaniah 041 010 Jer /^{Nethaniah /carried them
away captive , and departed to go over to the Ammonites .

Nethaniah 041 015 Jer /^{Nethaniah /escaped from
Johanan with eight men , and went to the Ammonites .

Nethaniah 041 009 Jer /^{Nethaniah /filled it with
them that were slain .

Nethaniah 041 016 Jer /^{Nethaniah /from Mizpah ,
after that he had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam , even mighty
men of war , and the women , and the children , and the eunuchs ,
whom he had brought again from Gibeon :

Nethaniah 041 011 Jer /^{Nethaniah /had done ,

Nethaniah 041 018 Jer /^{Nethaniah /had slain
Gedaliah the son of Ahikam , whom the king of Babylon made
governor in the land .

Nethaniah 025 012 ICh /^{Nethaniah /he, his sons ,
and his brethren , were twelve :

Nethaniah 041 007 Jer /^{Nethaniah /slew them, and
cast them into the midst of the pit , he, and the men that were
with him.

Nethaniah 041 001 Jer /^{Nethaniah /the son of
Elishama , of the seed royal , and the princes of the king ,
even ten men with him, came unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to
Mizpah ; and there they did eat bread together in Mizpah .

Nethaniah 025 025 IIKi /^{Nethaniah /the son of
Elishama , of the seed royal , came , and ten men with him, and
smote Gedaliah , that he died , and the Jews and the Chaldees
that were with him at Mizpah .

Nethaniah 036 014 Jer /^{Nethaniah /the son of
Shelemiah , the son of Cushi , unto Baruch , saying , Take in
thine hand the roll wherein thou hast read in the ears of the
people , and come . So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in
his hand , and came unto them.

Nethaniah 040 014 Jer /^{Nethaniah /to slay thee?
But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam believed them not.

Nethaniah 041 006 Jer /^{Nethaniah /went forth
from Mizpah to meet them, weeping all along as he went : and it
came to pass, as he met them, he said unto them, Come to
Gedaliah the son of Ahikam .

sabachthani 027 046 Mat /${sabachthani /that is to
say, My God , my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

sabachthani 015 034 Mar /${sabachthani /which is ,
being interpreted , My God , my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

than 015 002 Eze /^{than /a branch which is
among the trees of the forest ?

than 018 024 Pro /^{than /a brother .

than 027 010 Pro /^{than /a brother far off .

than 033 025 Job /^{than /a child's : he
shall return to the days of his youth :

than 004 008 Lam /^{than /a coal ; they are
not known in the streets : their skin cleaveth to their bones ;
it is withered , it is become like a stick .

than 009 004 Ecc /^{than /a dead lion .

than 017 012 Pro /^{than /a fool in his folly

than 019 022 Pro /^{than /a liar .

than 014 018 Jug /^{than /a lion ? And he
said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer , ye had not
found out my riddle .

than 009 025 Job /^{than /a post : they flee
away , they see no good .

than 007 026 Luk /${than /a prophet .

than 011 009 Mat /${than /a prophet .

than 005 003 Jer /^{than /a rock ; they have
refused to return .

than 012 012 Mat /${than /a sheep ? Wherefore
it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days .

than 015 017 Pro /^{than /a stalled ox and
hatred therewith.

than 018 019 Pro /^{than /a strong city : and
their contentions are like the bars of a castle .

than 007 004 Mic /^{than /a thorn hedge : the
day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh ; now shall be
their perplexity .

than 084 010 Psa /^{than /a thousand . I had
rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God , than to dwell in
the tents of wickedness .

than 007 006 Job /^{than /a weaver's shuttle ,
and are spent without hope .

than 036 021 Job /^{than /affliction .

than 002 021 IIPe /${than /after they have
known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them .

than 024 007 Num /^{than /Agag , and his
kingdom shall be exalted .

than 010 002 Jos /^{than /Ai , and all the
men thereof were mighty .

than 010 029 Joh /${than /all ; and no man is
able to pluck them out of my Father's hand .

than 018 011 Exo /^{than /all gods : for in
the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them.

than 004 032 Mar /${than /all herbs , and
shooteth out great branches ; so that the fowls of the air may
lodge under the shadow of it .

than 037 004 Gen /^{than /all his brethren ,
they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.

than 037 003 Gen /^{than /all his children ,
because he was the son of his old age : and he made him a coat
of many colours .

than 004 031 IKi /^{than /all men ; than
Ethan the Ezrahite , and Heman , and Chalcol , and Darda , the
sons of Mahol : and his fame was in all nations round about .

than 119 009 Psa /^{than /all my teachers :
for thy testimonies are my meditation .

than 004 010 Son /^{than /all spices !

than 016 025 IKi /^{than /all that were
before him.

than 002 009 Ecc /^{than /all that were
before me in Jerusalem : also my wisdom remained with me.

than 001 015 Dan /^{than /all the children
which did eat the portion of the king's meat .

than 087 002 Psa /^{than /all the dwellings
of Jacob .

than 019 007 IISa /^{than /all the evil that
befell thee from thy youth until now.

than 034 019 Gen /^{than /all the house of
his father .

than 004 013 Est /^{than /all the Jews .

than 016 033 IKi /^{than /all the kings of
Israel that were before him.

than 001 020 Dan /^{than /all the magicians
and astrologers that were in all his realm .

than 004 031 Mar /${than /all the seeds that
be in the earth :

than 018 030 ISa /^{than /all the servants of
Saul ; so that his name was much set by .

than 002 017 Est /^{than /all the virgins ;
so that he set the royal crown upon her head , and made her
queen instead of Vashti .

than 005 012 IIKi /^{than /all the waters of
Israel ? may I not wash in them, and be clean ? So he turned and
went away in a rage .

than 001 016 Ecc /^{than /all they that have
been before me in Jerusalem : yea, my heart had great experience
of wisdom and knowledge .

than 012 043 Mar /${than /all they which have
cast into the treasury :

than 012 033 Mar /${than /all whole burnt
offerings and sacrifices .

than 017 001 Pro /^{than /an house full of
sacrifices with strife .

than 017 010 Pro /^{than /an hundred stripes
into a fool .

than 005 008 ITi /${than /an infidel .

than 004 013 Ecc /^{than /an old and foolish
king , who will no more be admonished .

than 069 031 Psa /^{than /an ox or bullock
that hath horns and hoofs .

than 005 009 Son /^{than /another beloved , O
thou fairest among women ? what is thy beloved more than another
beloved , that thou dost so charge us?

than 005 009 Son /^{than /another beloved ,
that thou dost so charge us?

than 003 001 Gen /^{than /any beast of the
field which the LORD God had made . And he said unto the woman ,
Yea , hath God said , Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
garden ?

than 002 030 Dan /^{than /any living , but
for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the
king , and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart .

than 030 002 Pro /^{than /any man , and have
not the understanding of a man .

than 052 014 Isa /^{than /any man , and his
form more than the sons of men :

than 009 002 ISa /^{than /any of the people .

than 010 023 ISa /^{than /any of the people
from his shoulders and upward .

than 007 007 Deu /^{than /any people ; for ye
were the fewest of all people :

than 015 002 Eze /^{than /any tree , or than
a branch which is among the trees of the forest ?

than 004 012 Heb /${than /any twoedged sword ,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit , and
of the joints and marrow , and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart .

than 003 010 Rut /^{than /at the beginning ,
inasmuch as thou followedst not young men , whether poor or rich

than 036 011 Eze /^{than /at your beginnings :
and ye shall know that I am the LORD .

than 011 025 Jug /^{than /Balak the son of
Zippor , king of Moab ? did he ever strive against Israel , or
did he ever fight against them,

than 004 006 Ecc /^{than /both the hands full
with travail and vexation of spirit .

than 004 003 Ecc /^{than /both they, which
hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done
under the sun .

than 006 006 Hos /^{than /burnt offerings .

than 055 021 Psa /^{than /butter , but war
was in his heart : his words were softer than oil , yet were
they drawn swords .

than 011 004 Heb /${than /Cain , by which he
obtained witness that he was righteous , God testifying of his
gifts : and by it he being dead yet speaketh .

than 040 005 Psa /^{than /can be numbered .

than 008 010 Pro /^{than /choice gold .

than 008 019 Pro /^{than /choice silver .

than 008 037 Rom /${than /conquerors through
him that loved us .

than 028 003 Eze /^{than /Daniel ; there is
no secret that they can hide from thee:

than 007 026 Ecc /^{than /death the woman ,
whose heart is snares and nets , and her hands as bands : whoso
pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be
taken by her.

than 020 006 IISa /^{than /did Absalom : take
thou thy lord's servants , and pursue after him, lest he get him
fenced cities , and escape us .

than 021 009 IIKi /^{than /did the nations
whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel .

than 001 023 IISa /^{than /eagles , they were
stronger than lions .

than 004 013 Jer /^{than /eagles . Woe unto
us! for we are spoiled .

than 036 005 Exo /^{than /enough for the
service of the work , which the LORD commanded to make .

than 004 031 IKi /^{than /Ethan the Ezrahite ,
and Heman , and Chalcol , and Darda , the sons of Mahol : and
his fame was in all nations round about .

than 003 014 Pro /^{than /fine gold .

than 008 019 Pro /^{than /fine gold ; and my
revenue than choice silver .

than 013 012 Isa /^{than /fine gold ; even a
man than the golden wedge of Ophir .

than 003 009 Eze /^{than /flint have I made
thy forehead : fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks
, though they be a rebellious house .

than 007 005 Ecc /^{than /for a man to hear
the song of fools .

than 010 025 Mar /${than /for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God .

than 019 024 Mat /${than /for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God .

than 018 025 Luk /${than /for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God .

than 003 017 IPe /${than /for evil doing .

than 003 021 Job /^{than /for hid treasures ;

than 010 015 Mat /${than /for that city .

than 010 012 Luk /${than /for that city .

than 006 011 Mar /${than /for that city .

than 011 024 Mat /${than /for thee .

than 011 022 Mat /${than /for you .

than 010 014 Luk /${than /for you .

than 023 021 Act /${than /forty men , which
have bound themselves with an oath , that they will neither eat
nor drink till they have killed him : and now are they ready ,
looking for a promise from thee .

than 023 013 Act /${than /forty which had
made this conspiracy .

than 032 002 Job /^{than /God .

than 004 017 Job /^{than /God ? shall a man
be more pure than his maker ?

than 035 002 Job /^{than /God's ?

than 001 004 ITi /${than /godly edifying
which is in faith : so do.

than 016 016 Pro /^{than /gold ! and to get
understanding rather to be chosen than silver !

than 008 019 Pro /^{than /gold , yea, than
fine gold ; and my revenue than choice silver .

than 019 010 Psa /^{than /gold , yea, than
much fine gold : sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb .

than 052 003 Psa /^{than /good ; and lying
rather than to speak righteousness . Selah .

than 016 008 Pro /^{than /great revenues
without right .

than 022 001 Pro /^{than /great riches , and
loving favour rather than silver and gold .

than 015 016 Pro /^{than /great treasure and
trouble therewith.

than 030 015 Exo /^{than /half a shekel ,
when they give an offering unto the LORD , to make an atonement
for your souls .

than 018 009 Mat /${than /having two eyes to
be cast into hell fire .

than 009 047 Mar /${than /having two eyes to
be cast into hell fire :

than 009 045 Mar /${than /having two feet to
be cast into hell , into the fire that never shall be quenched :

than 018 008 Mat /${than /having two hands or
two feet to be cast into everlasting fire .

than 009 043 Mar /${than /having two hands to
go into hell , into the fire that never shall be quenched :

than 007 028 Luk /${than /he .

than 011 011 Mat /${than /he .

than 010 022 ICo /${than /he ?

than 012 003 Rom /${than /he ought to think ;
but to think soberly , according as God hath dealt to every man
the measure of faith .

than 011 022 Luk /${than /he shall come upon
him , and overcome him , he taketh from him all his armour
wherein he trusted , and divideth his spoils .

than 028 023 Pro /^{than /he that flattereth
with the tongue .

than 012 009 Pro /^{than /he that honoureth
himself, and lacketh bread .

than 004 004 IJo /${than /he that is in the
world .

than 019 001 Pro /^{than /he that is perverse
in his lips , and is a fool .

than 028 006 Pro /^{than /he that is perverse
in his ways , though he be rich .

than 013 016 Joh /${than /he that sent him .

than 014 005 ICo /${than /he that speaketh
with tongues , except he interpret , that the church may receive
edifying .

than 016 032 Pro /^{than /he that taketh a
city .

than 048 019 Gen /^{than /he, and his seed
shall become a multitude of nations .

than 002 032 IKi /^{than /he, and slew them
with the sword , my father David not knowing thereof, to wit,
Abner the son of Ner , captain of the host of Israel , and Amasa
the son of Jether , captain of the host of Judah .

than 032 004 Job /^{than /he.

than 006 003 Ecc /^{than /he.

than 031 011 Jer /^{than /he.

than 006 010 Ecc /^{than /he.

than 009 002 ISa /^{than /he: from his
shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people .

than 001 013 Hab /^{than /he?

than 073 007 Psa /^{than /heart could wish .

than 011 008 Job /^{than /hell ; what canst
thou know ?

than 023 011 Eze /^{than /her sister in her
whoredoms .

than 012 045 Mat /${than /himself , and they
enter in and dwell there : and the last state of that man is
worse than the first . Even so shall it be also unto this wicked
generation .

than 011 026 Luk /${than /himself ; and they
enter in , and dwell there : and the last state of that man is
worse than the first .

than 042 012 Job /^{than /his beginning : for
he had fourteen thousand sheep , and six thousand camels , and a
thousand yoke of oxen , and a thousand she asses .

than 004 009 ICh /^{than /his brethren : and
his mother called his name Jabez , saying , Because I bare him
with sorrow .

than 007 020 Dan /^{than /his fellows .

than 015 020 Joh /${than /his lord . If they
have persecuted me , they will also persecute you ; if they have
kept my saying , they will keep yours also .

than 013 016 Joh /${than /his lord ; neither
he that is sent greater than he that sent him .

than 004 017 Job /^{than /his maker ?

than 012 026 Pro /^{than /his neighbour : but
the way of the wicked seduceth them.

than 014 018 Jug /^{than /honey ? and what is
stronger than a lion ? And he said unto them, If ye had not
plowed with my heifer , ye had not found out my riddle .

than 019 010 Psa /^{than /honey and the
honeycomb .

than 119 010 Psa /^{than /honey to my mouth !

than 003 011 Mat /${than /I , whose shoes I
am not worthy to bear : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost
, and with fire :

than 014 028 Joh /${than /I .

than 001 007 Mar /${than /I after me , the
latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose

than 004 013 Gen /^{than /I can bear .

than 003 016 Luk /${than /I cometh , the
latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose : he shall
baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire :

than 030 001 Job /^{than /I have me in
derision , whose fathers I would have disdained to have set with
the dogs of my flock .

than 001 021 Phm /${than /I say .

than 020 007 Jer /^{than /I, and hast
prevailed : I am in derision daily , every one mocketh me.

than 061 002 Psa /^{than /I.

than 003 012 Rut /^{than /I.

than 142 006 Psa /^{than /I.

than 024 017 ISa /^{than /I: for thou hast
rewarded me good , whereas I have rewarded thee evil .

than 038 026 Gen /^{than /I; because that I
gave her not to Shelah my son . And he knew her again no more.

than 007 017 Deu /^{than /I; how can I
dispossess them?

than 039 009 Gen /^{than /I; neither hath he
kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife :
how then can I do this great wickedness , and sin against God ?

than 002 025 Ecc /^{than /I?

than 004 007 Psa /^{than /in the time that
their corn and their wine increased .

than 011 024 Pro /^{than /is meet , but it
tendeth to poverty .

than 003 019 Dan /^{than /it was wont to be
heated .

than 030 018 IICh /^{than /it was written .
But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying , The good LORD pardon
every one

than 021 002 IKi /^{than /it; or, if it seem
good to thee , I will give thee the worth of it in money .

than 004 001 Joh /${than /John ,

than 007 028 Luk /${than /John the Baptist :
but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he .

than 011 011 Mat /${than /John the Baptist :
notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is
greater than he .

than 011 032 Luk /${than /Jonas is here .

than 012 041 Mat /${than /Jonas is here .

than 007 003 Ecc /^{than /laughter : for by
the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better .

than 029 030 Gen /^{than /Leah , and served
with him yet seven other years .

than 063 003 Psa /^{than /life , my lips
shall praise thee.

than 008 003 Jer /^{than /life by all the
residue of them that remain of this evil family , which remain
in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of
hosts .

than 003 019 Joh /${than /light , because
their deeds were evil .

than 001 023 IISa /^{than /lions .

than 003 004 IITi /${than /lovers of God ;

than 033 012 Job /^{than /man .

than 012 007 Luk /${than /many sparrows .

than 010 031 Mat /${than /many sparrows .

than 010 037 Mat /${than /me is not worthy of
me .

than 010 037 Mat /${than /me is not worthy of
me : and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not
worthy of me .

than 057 008 Isa /^{than /me, and art gone up
; thou hast enlarged thy bed , and made thee a covenant with
them; thou lovedst their bed where thou sawest it.

than 012 023 Luk /${than /meat , and the body
is more than raiment .

than 006 025 Mat /${than /meat , and the body
than raiment ?

than 001 025 ICo /${than /men .

than 005 029 Act /${than /men .

than 001 025 ICo /${than /men ; and the
weakness of God is stronger than men .

than 004 007 Lam /^{than /milk , they were
more ruddy in body than rubies , their polishing was of sapphire

than 119 009 Psa /^{than /mine enemies : for
they are ever with me.

than 003 003 Heb /${than /Moses , inasmuch as
he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house .

than 019 010 Psa /^{than /much fine gold :
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb .

than 010 010 IICh /^{than /my father's loins .

than 012 010 IKi /^{than /my father's loins .

than 019 004 IKi /^{than /my fathers .

than 023 002 Job /^{than /my groaning .

than 007 015 Job /^{than /my life .

than 023 012 Job /^{than /my necessary food.

than 040 017 Isa /^{than /nothing , and
vanity .

than 002 007 Hos /^{than /now .

than 001 007 IPe /${than /of gold that
perisheth , though it be tried with fire , might be found unto
praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ :

than 029 020 Pro /^{than /of him.

than 026 012 Pro /^{than /of him.

than 056 005 Isa /^{than /of sons and of
daughters : I will give them an everlasting name , that shall
not be cut off .

than 002 016 Ecc /^{than /of the fool for
ever ; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be
forgotten . And how dieth the wise man? as the fool .

than 002 009 Hag /^{than /of the former ,
saith the LORD of hosts : and in this place will I give peace ,
saith the LORD of hosts .

than 018 013 Mat /${than /of the ninety and
nine which went not astray .

than 024 004 ICh /^{than /of the sons of
Ithamar ; and thus were they divided . Among the sons of Eleazar
there were sixteen chief men of the house of their fathers , and
eight among the sons of Ithamar according to the house of their
fathers .

than 055 021 Psa /^{than /oil , yet were they
drawn swords .

than 005 003 Pro /^{than /oil :

than 004 009 Ecc /^{than /one ; because they
have a good reward for their labour .

than 008 014 Mar /${than /one loaf .

than 016 017 Luk /${than /one tittle of the
law to fail .

than 005 047 Mat /${than /others? do not even
the publicans so ?

than 008 053 Joh /${than /our father Abraham ,
which is dead ? and the prophets are dead : whom makest thou
thyself ?

than 004 012 Joh /${than /our father Jacob ,
which gave us the well , and drank thereof himself , and his
children , and his cattle ?

than 003 020 IJo /${than /our heart , and
knoweth all things .

than 009 013 Ezr /^{than /our iniquities
deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as this;

than 015 007 Luk /${than /over ninety and
nine just persons , which need no repentance .

than 003 008 Nah /^{than /populous No , that
was situate among the rivers , that had the waters round about
it, whose rampart was the sea , and her wall was from the sea ?

than 007 001 Ecc /^{than /precious ointment ;
and the day of death than the day of one's birth .

than 012 023 Luk /${than /raiment .

than 006 025 Mat /${than /raiment ?

than 034 023 Job /^{than /right; that he
should enter into judgment with God .

than 004 007 Lam /^{than /rubies , their
polishing was of sapphire :

than 003 015 Pro /^{than /rubies : and all
the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

than 008 011 Pro /^{than /rubies ; and all
the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

than 015 022 ISa /^{than /sacrifice , and to
hearken than the fat of rams .

than 021 003 Pro /^{than /sacrifice .

than 027 005 Pro /^{than /secret love .

than 026 016 Pro /^{than /seven men that can
render a reason .

than 004 015 Rut /^{than /seven sons , hath
born him.

than 004 027 Gal /${than /she which hath an
husband .

than 023 011 Eze /^{than /she, and in her
whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms .

than 013 014 IISa /^{than /she, forced her,
and lay with her.

than 001 019 Est /^{than /she.

than 015 002 Jug /^{than /she? take her, I
pray thee, instead of her.

than 016 016 Pro /^{than /silver !

than 022 001 Pro /^{than /silver and gold .

than 004 011 Jon /^{than /sixscore thousand
persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their
left hand ; and also much cattle ?

than 004 007 Lam /^{than /snow , they were
whiter than milk , they were more ruddy in body than rubies ,
their polishing was of sapphire :

than 051 007 Psa /^{than /snow .

than 011 031 Luk /${than /Solomon is here .

than 012 042 Mat /${than /Solomon is here .

than 009 016 Ecc /^{than /strength :
nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised , and his words
are not heard .

than 025 006 Act /${than /ten days , he went
down unto Caesarea ; and the next day sitting on the judgment
seat commanded Paul to be brought .

than 007 019 Ecc /^{than /ten mighty men
which are in the city .

than 001 008 ISa /^{than /ten sons ?

than 014 019 ICo /${than /ten thousand words
in an unknown tongue .

than 028 020 Isa /^{than /that a man can
stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he
can wrap himself in it.

than 003 022 Ecc /^{than /that a man should
rejoice in his own works ; for that is his portion : for who
shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

than 009 015 ICo /${than /that any man should
make my glorying void .

than 028 020 Isa /^{than /that he can wrap
himself in it.

than 002 024 Ecc /^{than /that he should eat
and drink , and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his
labour . This also I saw , that it was from the hand of God .

than 017 002 Luk /${than /that he should
offend one of these little ones .

than 029 019 Gen /^{than /that I should give
her to another man : abide with me.

than 027 001 ISa /^{than /that I should
speedily escape into the land of the Philistines ; and Saul
shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel :
so shall I escape out of his hand .

than 003 011 ICo /${than /that is laid ,
which is Jesus Christ .

than 012 024 Heb /${than /that of Abel .

than 005 036 Joh /${than /that of John : for
the works which the Father hath given me to finish , the same
works that I do , bear witness of me , that the Father hath sent
me .

than 036 007 Gen /^{than /that they might
dwell together ; and the land wherein they were strangers could
not bear them because of their cattle .

than 025 007 Pro /^{than /that thou shouldest
be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have
seen .

than 005 005 Ecc /^{than /that thou shouldest
vow and not pay .

than 014 012 Exo /^{than /that we should die
in the wilderness .

than 003 013 Luk /${than /that which is
appointed you .

than 001 008 Gal /${than /that which we have
preached unto you , let him be accursed .

than 001 009 Gal /${than /that ye have
received , let him be accursed .

than 119 010 Psa /^{than /the ancients ,
because I keep thy precepts .

than 008 005 Psa /^{than /the angels , and
hast crowned him with glory and honour .

than 001 004 Heb /${than /the angels , as he
hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they .

than 002 007 Heb /${than /the angels ; thou
crownedst him with glory and honour , and didst set him over the
works of thy hands :

than 002 009 Heb /${than /the angels for the
suffering of death , crowned with glory and honour ; that he by
the grace of God should taste death for every man .

than 035 011 Job /^{than /the beasts of the
earth , and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven ?

than 002 020 IIPe /${than /the beginning .

than 007 008 Ecc /^{than /the beginning
thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in
spirit .

than 016 008 Luk /${than /the children of
light .

than 045 002 Psa /^{than /the children of men
: grace is poured into thy lips : therefore God hath blessed
thee for ever .

than 054 001 Isa /^{than /the children of the
married wife , saith the LORD .

than 001 010 Dan /^{than /the children which
are of your sort ? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the
king .

than 017 014 IISa /^{than /the counsel of
Ahithophel . For the LORD had appointed to defeat the good
counsel of Ahithophel , to the intent that the LORD might bring
evil upon Absalom .

than 005 006 Eze /^{than /the countries that
are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my
statutes , they have not walked in them.

than 001 025 Rom /${than /the Creator , who
is blessed for ever . Amen .

than 009 017 Ecc /^{than /the cry of him that
ruleth among fools .

than 007 001 Ecc /^{than /the day of one's
birth .

than 004 019 Lam /^{than /the eagles of the
heaven : they pursued us upon the mountains , they laid wait for
us in the wilderness .

than 011 009 Job /^{than /the earth , and
broader than the sea .

than 055 009 Isa /^{than /the earth , so are
my ways higher than your ways , and my thoughts than your
thoughts .

than 030 008 Job /^{than /the earth .

than 001 008 Hab /^{than /the evening wolves :
and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen
shall come from far ; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth
to eat .

than 015 022 ISa /^{than /the fat of rams .

than 011 026 Luk /${than /the first .

than 027 064 Mat /${than /the first .

than 002 019 Rev /${than /the first .

than 012 045 Mat /${than /the first . Even so
shall it be also unto this wicked generation .

than 021 036 Mat /${than /the first : and
they did unto them likewise .

than 006 008 Ecc /^{than /the fool ? what
hath the poor , that knoweth to walk before the living ?

than 011 013 Dan /^{than /the former , and
shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and
with much riches .

than 012 024 Luk /${than /the fowls ?

than 035 011 Job /^{than /the fowls of heaven

than 013 012 Isa /^{than /the golden wedge of
Ophir .

than 046 023 Jer /^{than /the grasshoppers ,
and are innumerable .

than 040 012 Psa /^{than /the hairs of mine
head : therefore my heart faileth me.

than 069 004 Psa /^{than /the hairs of mine
head : they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully
, are mighty : then I restored that which I took not away .

than 033 009 IICh /^{than /the heathen , whom
the LORD had destroyed before the children of Israel .

than 007 026 Heb /${than /the heavens ;

than 005 008 Ecc /^{than /the highest
regardeth ; and there be higher than they .

than 003 003 Heb /${than /the house .

than 011 008 Dan /^{than /the king of the
north .

than 089 027 Psa /^{than /the kings of the
earth .

than 003 008 Eph /${than /the least of all
saints , is this grace given , that I should preach among the
Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ ;

than 001 008 Hab /^{than /the leopards , and
are more fierce than the evening wolves : and their horsemen
shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far ;
they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat .

than 003 046 Num /^{than /the Levites ;

than 004 002 Ecc /^{than /the living which
are yet alive .

than 013 015 IISa /^{than /the love wherewith
he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise , be gone .

than 042 005 Eze /^{than /the lower , and
than the middlemost of the building .

than 042 006 Eze /^{than /the lowest and the
middlemost from the ground .

than 003 014 Pro /^{than /the merchandise of
silver , and the gain thereof than fine gold .

than 042 005 Eze /^{than /the middlemost of
the building .

than 016 032 Pro /^{than /the mighty ; and he
that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city .

than 093 004 Psa /^{than /the mighty waves of
the sea .

than 076 004 Psa /^{than /the mountains of
prey .

than 005 006 Eze /^{than /the nations , and
my statutes more than the countries that are round about her:
for they have refused my judgments and my statutes , they have
not walked in them.

than 005 007 Eze /^{than /the nations that
are round about you, and have not walked in my statutes ,
neither have kept my judgments , neither have done according to
the judgments of the nations that are round about you;

than 093 004 Psa /^{than /the noise of many
waters , yea, than the mighty waves of the sea .

than 011 017 Job /^{than /the noonday ; thou
shalt shine forth , thou shalt be as the morning .

than 008 003 Dan /^{than /the other , and the
higher came up last .

than 018 014 Luk /${than /the other : for
every one that exalteth himself shall be abased ; and he that
humbleth himself shall be exalted .

than 025 023 Gen /^{than /the other people ;
and the elder shall serve the younger .

than 013 026 Lev /^{than /the other skin ,
but be somewhat dark ; then the priest shall shut him up seven
days :

than 013 016 IISa /^{than /the other that thou
didst unto me. But he would not hearken unto her.

than 006 005 Ecc /^{than /the other.

than 015 003 Jug /^{than /the Philistines ,
though I do them a displeasure .

than 034 019 Job /^{than /the poor ? for they
all are the work of his hands .

than 012 043 Joh /${than /the praise of God .

than 029 034 IICh /^{than /the priests .

than 007 008 Ecc /^{than /the proud in spirit

than 004 006 Lam /^{than /the punishment of
the sin of Sodom , that was overthrown as in a moment , and no
hands stayed on her.

than 037 016 Psa /^{than /the riches of many
wicked .

than 139 018 Psa /^{than /the sand : when I
awake , I am still with thee.

than 006 003 Job /^{than /the sand of the sea
: therefore my words are swallowed up .

than 011 009 Job /^{than /the sea .

than 020 005 IISa /^{than /the set time which
he had appointed him.

than 013 031 Lev /^{than /the skin , and that
there is no black hair in it; then the priest shall shut up him
that hath the plague of the scall seven days :

than 013 004 Lev /^{than /the skin , and the
hair thereof be not turned white ; then the priest shall shut up
him that hath the plague seven days :

than 013 020 Lev /^{than /the skin , and the
hair thereof be turned white ; the priest shall pronounce him
unclean : it is a plague of leprosy broken out of the boil .

than 013 021 Lev /^{than /the skin , but be
somewhat dark ; then the priest shall shut him up seven days :

than 013 032 Lev /^{than /the skin ;

than 013 030 Lev /^{than /the skin ; and
there be in it a yellow thin hair ; then the priest shall
pronounce him unclean : it is a dry scall , even a leprosy upon
the head or beard .

than 013 025 Lev /^{than /the skin ; it is a
leprosy broken out of the burning : wherefore the priest shall
pronounce him unclean : it is the plague of leprosy .

than 013 034 Lev /^{than /the skin ; then the
priest shall pronounce him clean : and he shall wash his clothes
, and be clean .

than 013 003 Lev /^{than /the skin of his
flesh , it is a plague of leprosy : and the priest shall look on
him, and pronounce him unclean .

than 009 035 IIKi /^{than /the skull , and the
feet , and the palms of her hands .

than 052 014 Isa /^{than /the sons of men :

than 018 008 IISa /^{than /the sword devoured .

than 012 006 Mat /${than /the temple .

than 023 023 IISa /^{than /the thirty , but he
attained not to the first three . And David set him over his
guard .

than 001 037 IKi /^{than /the throne of my
lord king David .

than 011 026 Heb /${than /the treasures in
Egypt : for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward .

than 011 021 ICh /^{than /the two ; for he
was their captain : howbeit he attained not to the first three .

than 008 002 Jug /^{than /the vintage of
Abiezer ?

than 014 037 Lev /^{than /the wall ;

than 006 009 Ecc /^{than /the wandering of
the desire : this is also vanity and vexation of spirit .

than 006 014 Eze /^{than /the wilderness
toward Diblath , in all their habitations : and they shall know
that I am the LORD .

than 019 043 IISa /^{than /the words of the
men of Israel .

than 105 024 Psa /^{than /their enemies .

than 002 019 Jug /^{than /their fathers , in
following other gods to serve them, and to bow down unto them;
they ceased not from their own doings , nor from their stubborn
way .

than 007 026 Jer /^{than /their fathers .

than 027 003 Pro /^{than /them both .

than 002 003 Php /${than /themselves .

than 042 005 Eze /^{than /these , than the
lower , and than the middlemost of the building .

than 005 020 Joh /${than /these , that ye may
marvel .

than 009 023 Heb /${than /these .

than 012 031 Mar /${than /these .

than 001 050 Joh /${than /these .

than 021 015 Joh /${than /these ? He saith
unto him , Yea , Lord ; thou knowest that I love thee . He saith
unto him , Feed my lambs .

than 005 037 Mat /${than /these cometh of
evil .

than 006 002 Amo /^{than /these kingdoms ? or
their border greater than your border ?

than 015 028 Act /${than /these necessary
things ;

than 014 012 Joh /${than /these shall he do ;
because I go unto my Father .

than 007 031 Joh /${than /these which this
man hath done ?

than 008 015 Eze /^{than /these.

than 007 010 Ecc /^{than /these? for thou
dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

than 016 051 Eze /^{than /they , and hast
justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast
done .

than 001 004 Heb /${than /they .

than 005 008 Ecc /^{than /they .

than 016 052 Eze /^{than /they : they are
more righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear
thy shame , in that thou hast justified thy sisters .

than 006 026 Mat /${than /they ?

than 021 003 Luk /${than /they all :

than 011 002 Dan /^{than /they all : and by
his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the
realm of Grecia .

than 015 010 ICo /${than /they all : yet not
I , but the grace of God which was with me .

than 020 025 IICh /^{than /they could carry
away : and they were three days in gathering of the spoil , it
was so much .

than 016 047 Eze /^{than /they in all thy
ways .

than 004 009 Lam /^{than /they that be slain
with hunger : for these pine away , stricken through for want of
the fruits of the field .

than 006 016 IIKi /^{than /they that be with

than 130 006 Psa /^{than /they that watch for
the morning .

than 130 006 Psa /^{than /they that watch for
the morning : I say, more than they that watch for the morning .

than 016 030 Jug /^{than /they which he slew
in his life .

than 010 011 Jos /^{than /they whom the
children of Israel slew with the sword .

than 022 015 Num /^{than /they.

than 009 014 Deu /^{than /they.

than 014 012 Num /^{than /they.

than 020 023 IKi /^{than /they.

than 020 025 IKi /^{than /they. And he
hearkened unto their voice , and did so .

than 003 009 Rom /${than /they? No , in no
wise : for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles , that
they are all under sin ;

than 011 006 Job /^{than /thine iniquity

than 015 013 Joh /${than /this , that a man
lay down his life for his friends .

than 025 009 IICh /^{than /this.

than 017 011 Act /${than /those in
Thessalonica , in that they received the word with all readiness
of mind , and searched the scriptures daily , whether those
things were so .

than 027 011 Act /${than /those things which
were spoken by Paul .

than 026 022 Act /${than /those which the
prophets and Moses did say should come :

than 004 038 Deu /^{than /thou art, to bring
thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance , as it is
this day .

than 014 008 Luk /${than /thou be bidden of
him ;

than 033 019 Isa /^{than /thou canst perceive
; of a stammering tongue , that thou canst not understand .

than 020 001 Deu /^{than /thou, be not afraid
of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee
up out of the land of Egypt .

than 041 040 Gen /^{than /thou.

than 015 028 ISa /^{than /thou.

than 035 005 Job /^{than /thou.

than 065 005 Isa /^{than /thou. These are a
smoke in my nose , a fire that burneth all the day .

than 016 052 Eze /^{than /thou: yea, be thou
confounded also, and bear thy shame , in that thou hast
justified thy sisters .

than 007 001 Deu /^{than /thou;

than 119 007 Psa /^{than /thousands of gold
and silver .

than 014 005 Mar /${than /three hundred pence
, and have been given to the poor . And they murmured against
her .

than 006 022 IISa /^{than /thus , and will be
base in mine own sight : and of the maidservants which thou hast
spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour .

than 027 008 Lev /^{than /thy estimation ,
then he shall present himself before the priest , and the priest
shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the
priest value him.

than 015 010 Job /^{than /thy father .

than 001 047 IKi /^{than /thy name , and make
his throne greater than thy throne . And the king bowed himself
upon the bed .

than 001 047 IKi /^{than /thy throne . And
the king bowed himself upon the bed .

than 009 001 Deu /^{than /thyself, cities
great and fenced up to heaven ,

than 021 013 IICh /^{than /thyself:

than 001 013 Hab /^{than /to behold evil ,
and canst not look on iniquity : wherefore lookest thou upon
them that deal treacherously , and holdest thy tongue when the
wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?

than 007 009 ICo /${than /to burn .

than 016 019 Pro /^{than /to divide the spoil
with the proud .

than 084 010 Psa /^{than /to dwell in the
tents of wickedness .

than 008 015 Ecc /^{than /to eat , and to
drink , and to be merry : for that shall abide with him of his
labour the days of his life , which God giveth him under the sun

than 011 025 Heb /${than /to enjoy the
pleasures of sin for a season ;

than 005 001 Ecc /^{than /to give the
sacrifice of fools : for they consider not that they do evil .

than 007 002 Ecc /^{than /to go to the house
of feasting : for that is the end of all men ; and the living
will lay it to his heart .

than 001 043 Jo /${than /to hear that my
children walk in truth .

than 004 008 Jon /^{than /to live .

than 004 003 Jon /^{than /to live .

than 006 006 Est /^{than /to myself?

than 118 008 Psa /^{than /to put confidence
in man .

than 118 009 Psa /^{than /to put confidence
in princes .

than 020 035 Act /${than /to receive .

than 052 003 Psa /^{than /to speak
righteousness . Selah .

than 003 011 Jer /^{than /treacherous Judah .

than 026 053 Mat /${than /twelve legions of
angels ?

than 004 019 Act /${than /unto God , judge ye

than 062 009 Psa /^{than /vanity .

than 026 016 Gen /^{than /we.

than 013 031 Num /^{than /we.

than 001 009 Exo /^{than /we:

than 020 023 IKi /^{than /we; but let us
fight against them in the plain , and surely we shall be
stronger than they.

than 001 028 Deu /^{than /we; the cities are
great and walled up to heaven ; and moreover we have seen the
sons of the Anakims there.

than 009 018 Ecc /^{than /weapons of war :
but one sinner destroyeth much good .

than 001 013 IICo /${than /what ye read or
acknowledge ; and I trust ye shall acknowledge even to the end ;

than 013 011 Rom /${than /when we believed .

than 004 010 Son /^{than /wine ! and the
smell of thine ointments than all spices !

than 001 002 Son /^{than /wine .

than 001 004 Son /^{than /wine : the upright
love thee.

than 025 024 Pro /^{than /with a brawling
woman and in a wide house .

than 021 009 Pro /^{than /with a brawling
woman in a wide house .

than 021 019 Pro /^{than /with a contentious
and an angry woman .

than 032 007 IICh /^{than /with him:

than 019 009 Gen /^{than /with them. And they
pressed sore upon the man , even Lot , and came near to break
the door .

than 014 018 ICo /${than /ye all :

than 019 043 IISa /^{than /ye: why then did ye
despise us, that our advice should not be first had in bringing
back our king ? And the words of the men of Judah were fiercer
than the words of the men of Israel .

than 006 002 Amo /^{than /your border ?

than 016 012 Jer /^{than /your fathers ; for,
behold , ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil
heart , that they may not hearken unto me:

than 055 009 Isa /^{than /your thoughts .

than 055 009 Isa /^{than /your ways , and my
thoughts than your thoughts .

than 023 015 Mat /${than /yourselves .

than 011 023 Deu /^{than /yourselves.

thank 023 030 ICh /^{thank /and praise the
LORD , and likewise at even ;

thank 016 004 ICh /^{thank /and praise the
LORD God of Israel :

thank 001 012 ITi /${thank /Christ Jesus our
Lord , who hath enabled me , for that he counted me faithful ,
putting me into the ministry ;

thank 001 003 IITi /${thank /God , whom I serve
from my forefathers with pure conscience , that without ceasing
I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day ;

thank 001 003 IITh /${thank /God always for you
, brethren , as it is meet , because that your faith groweth
exceedingly , and the charity of every one of you all toward
each other aboundeth ;

thank 001 014 ICo /${thank /God that I
baptized none of you , but Crispus and Gaius ;

thank 007 025 Rom /${thank /God through Jesus
Christ our Lord . So then with the mind I myself serve the law
of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin .

thank 006 033 Luk /${thank /have ye ? for
sinners also do even the same .

thank 006 034 Luk /${thank /have ye ? for
sinners also lend to sinners , to receive as much again .

thank 006 032 Luk /${thank /have ye ? for
sinners also love those that love them .

thank 014 018 ICo /${thank /my God , I speak
with tongues more than ye all :

thank 001 004 Phm /${thank /my God , making
mention of thee always in my prayers ,

thank 001 004 ICo /${thank /my God always on
your behalf , for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus
Christ ;

thank 001 008 Rom /${thank /my God through
Jesus Christ for you all , that your faith is spoken of
throughout the whole world .

thank 001 003 Php /${thank /my God upon every
remembrance of you ,

thank 033 016 IICh /^{thank /offerings , and
commanded Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel .

thank 029 031 IICh /^{thank /offerings ; and as
many as were of a free heart burnt offerings .

thank 029 031 IICh /^{thank /offerings into the
house of the LORD . And the congregation brought in sacrifices
and thank offerings ; and as many as were of a free heart burnt
offerings .

thank 017 009 Luk /${thank /that servant
because he did the things that were commanded him ? I trow not .

thank 016 007 ICh /^{thank /the LORD into the
hand of Asaph and his brethren .

thank 011 025 Mat /${thank /thee , O Father ,
Lord of heaven and earth , because thou hast hid these things
from the wise and prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes .

thank 010 021 Luk /${thank /thee , O Father ,
Lord of heaven and earth , that thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes : even
so , Father ; for so it seemed good in thy sight .

thank 018 011 Luk /${thank /thee , that I am
not as other men are, extortioners , unjust , adulterers , or
even as this publican .

thank 011 041 Joh /${thank /thee that thou
hast heard me .

thank 002 023 Dan /^{thank /thee, and praise
thee, O thou God of my fathers , who hast given me wisdom and
might , and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee :
for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter .

thank 029 013 ICh /^{thank /thee, and praise
thy glorious name .

thank 002 013 ITh /${thank /we God without
ceasing , because , when ye received the word of God which ye
heard of us , ye received it not as the word of men , but as it
is in truth , the word of God , which effectually worketh also
in you that believe .

thanked 028 015 Act /${thanked /God , and took
courage .

thanked 006 017 Rom /${thanked /that ye were the
servants of sin , but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of
doctrine which was delivered you .

thanked 014 022 IISa /^{thanked /the king : and
Joab said , To day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace
in thy sight , my lord , O king , in that the king hath
fulfilled the request of his servant .

thankful 001 021 Rom /${thankful /but became vain
in their imaginations , and their foolish heart was darkened .

thankful 100 004 Psa /^{thankful /unto him, and
bless his name .

thanking 005 013 IICh /^{thanking /the LORD ; and
when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals
and instruments of musick , and praised the LORD , saying, For
he is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever : that then the
house was filled with a cloud , even the house of the LORD ;

thanks 012 024 Neh /^{thanks /according to the
commandment of David the man of God , ward over against ward .

thanks 002 013 IITh /${thanks /alway to God for
you , brethren beloved of the Lord , because God hath from the
beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the
Spirit and belief of the truth :

thanks 005 020 Eph /${thanks /always for all
things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ ;

thanks 008 006 Mar /${thanks /and brake , and
gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them
before the people .

thanks 022 019 Luk /${thanks /and brake it, and
gave unto them , saying , This is my body which is given for you
: this do in remembrance of me .

thanks 015 036 Mat /${thanks /and brake them,
and gave to his disciples , and the disciples to the multitude .

thanks 026 027 Mat /${thanks /and gave it to
them , saying , Drink ye all of it ;

thanks 014 006 Rom /${thanks /and he that
eateth not , to the Lord he eateth not , and giveth God thanks .

thanks 017 016 Luk /${thanks /and he was a
Samaritan .

thanks 022 017 Luk /${thanks /and said , Take
this , and divide it among yourselves :

thanks 031 002 IICh /^{thanks /and to praise in
the gates of the tents of the LORD .

thanks 025 003 ICh /^{thanks /and to praise the

thanks 030 004 Psa /^{thanks /at the
remembrance of his holiness .

thanks 097 012 Psa /^{thanks /at the
remembrance of his holiness .

thanks 002 001 ITi /${thanks /be made for all
men ;

thanks 015 057 ICo /${thanks /be to God , which
giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ .

thanks 008 016 IICo /${thanks /be to God , which
put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you .

thanks 002 014 IICo /${thanks /be unto God ,
which always causeth us to triumph in Christ , and maketh
manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place .

Thanks 009 015 IICo /${Thanks /be unto God for
his unspeakable gift .

thanks 006 010 Dan /^{thanks /before his God ,
as he did aforetime .

thanks 016 004 Rom /${thanks /but also all the
churches of the Gentiles .

thanks 003 009 ITh /${thanks /can we render to
God again for you , for all the joy wherewith we joy for your
sakes before our God ;

thanks 079 013 Psa /^{thanks /for ever : we
will shew forth thy praise to all generations .

thanks 075 001 Psa /^{thanks /for that thy name
is near thy wondrous works declare .

thanks 005 018 ITh /${thanks /for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you .

thanks 001 016 Eph /${thanks /for you , making
mention of you in my prayers ;

thanks 011 024 ICo /${thanks /he brake it, and
said , Take , eat : this is my body , which is broken for you :
this do in remembrance of me .

thanks 006 011 Joh /${thanks /he distributed to
the disciples , and the disciples to them that were set down ;
and likewise of the fishes as much as they would .

thanks 014 023 Mar /${thanks /he gave it to
them : and they all drank of it .

thanks 035 018 Psa /^{thanks /in the great
congregation : I will praise thee among much people .

thanks 012 040 Neh /^{thanks /in the house of
God , and I, and the half of the rulers with me:

thanks 002 038 Luk /${thanks /likewise unto the
Lord , and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption
in Jerusalem .

thanks 001 011 IICo /${thanks /may be given by
many on our behalf .

thanks 011 017 Rev /${thanks /O Lord God
Almighty , which art , and wast , and art to come ; because thou
hast taken to thee thy great power , and hast reigned .

thanks 014 016 ICo /${thanks /seeing he
understandeth not what thou sayest ?

thanks 001 002 ITh /${thanks /to God always for
you all , making mention of you in our prayers ;

thanks 003 017 Col /${thanks /to God and the
Father by him .

thanks 001 003 Col /${thanks /to God and the
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , praying always for you ,

thanks 027 035 Act /${thanks /to God in
presence of them all : and when he had broken it, he began to
eat .

thanks 004 009 Rev /${thanks /to him that sat
on the throne , who liveth for ever and ever ,

thanks 013 015 Heb /${thanks /to his name .

thanks 016 041 ICh /^{thanks /to the LORD ,
because his mercy endureth for ever ;

thanks 136 003 Psa /^{thanks /to the Lord of
lords : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 016 035 ICh /^{thanks /to thy holy name ,
and glory in thy praise .

thanks 001 012 Col /${thanks /unto the Father ,
which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of
the saints in light :

thanks 136 002 Psa /^{thanks /unto the God of
gods : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 136 026 Psa /^{thanks /unto the God of
heaven : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 092 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ,
and to sing praises unto thy name , O most High :

thanks 016 008 ICh /^{thanks /unto the LORD ,
call upon his name , make known his deeds among the people .

thanks 107 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ,
for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 003 011 Ezr /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
because he is good , for his mercy endureth for ever toward
Israel . And all the people shouted with a great shout , when
they praised the LORD , because the foundation of the house of
the LORD was laid .

thanks 105 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
call upon his name : make known his deeds among the people .

thanks 118 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
for he is good : because his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 136 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 106 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 118 029 Psa /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 016 034 ICh /^{thanks /unto the LORD ;
for he is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever .

thanks 122 004 Psa /^{thanks /unto the name of
the LORD .

thanks 119 006 Psa /^{thanks /unto thee because
of thy righteous judgments .

thanks 075 001 Psa /^{thanks /unto thee do we
give thanks : for that thy name is near thy wondrous works
declare .

thanks 030 012 Psa /^{thanks /unto thee for
ever .

thanks 022 050 IISa /^{thanks /unto thee, O LORD
, among the heathen , and I will sing praises unto thy name .

thanks 018 049 Psa /^{thanks /unto thee, O LORD
, among the heathen , and sing praises unto thy name .

thanks 106 047 Psa /^{thanks /unto thy holy
name , and to triumph in thy praise .

thanks 140 013 Psa /^{thanks /unto thy name :
the upright shall dwell in thy presence .

thanks 014 017 ICo /${thanks /well , but the
other is not edified .

thanks 012 038 Neh /^{thanks /went over against
them, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall
, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even unto the broad wall

thanks 012 031 Neh /^{thanks /whereof one went
on the right hand upon the wall toward the dung gate :

thanksgiving 107 022 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and declare
his works with rejoicing .

thanksgiving 007 012 Rev /${thanksgiving /and honour ,
and power , and might , be unto our God for ever and ever .
Amen .

thanksgiving 100 004 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and into
his courts with praise : be thankful unto him, and bless his
name .

thanksgiving 095 002 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and make a
joyful noise unto him with psalms .

thanksgiving 050 014 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and pay thy
vows unto the most High :

thanksgiving 026 007 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and tell of
all thy wondrous works .

thanksgiving 051 003 Isa /^{thanksgiving /and the
voice of melody .

thanksgiving 030 019 Jer /^{thanksgiving /and the
voice of them that make merry : and I will multiply them, and
they shall not be few ; I will also glorify them, and they shall
not be small .

thanksgiving 116 017 Psa /^{thanksgiving /and will
call upon the name of the LORD .

thanksgiving 012 008 Neh /^{thanksgiving /he and his
brethren .

thanksgiving 002 009 Jon /^{thanksgiving /I will pay
that that I have vowed . Salvation is of the LORD .

thanksgiving 011 017 Neh /^{thanksgiving /in prayer :
and Bakbukiah the second among his brethren , and Abda the son
of Shammua , the son of Galal , the son of Jeduthun .

thanksgiving 004 006 Php /${thanksgiving /let your
requests be made known unto God .

thanksgiving 007 013 Lev /^{thanksgiving /of his
peace offerings .

thanksgiving 004 015 IICo /${thanksgiving /of many
redound to the glory of God .

thanksgiving 004 003 ITi /${thanksgiving /of them
which believe and know the truth .

thanksgiving 007 015 Lev /^{thanksgiving /shall be
eaten the same day that it is offered ; he shall not leave any
of it until the morning .

thanksgiving 147 007 Psa /^{thanksgiving /sing praise
upon the harp unto our God :

thanksgiving 007 012 Lev /^{thanksgiving /then he
shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes
mingled with oil , and unleavened wafers anointed with oil , and
cakes mingled with oil , of fine flour , fried .

thanksgiving 009 011 IICo /${thanksgiving /to God .

thanksgiving 007 012 Lev /^{thanksgiving /unleavened
cakes mingled with oil , and unleavened wafers anointed with oil
, and cakes mingled with oil , of fine flour , fried .

thanksgiving 012 046 Neh /^{thanksgiving /unto God .

thanksgiving 022 029 Lev /^{thanksgiving /unto the
LORD , offer it at your own will .

thanksgiving 004 005 Amo /^{thanksgiving /with leaven
, and proclaim and publish the free offerings : for this liketh
you, O ye children of Israel , saith the Lord GOD .

thanksgivings 012 027 Neh /^{thanksgivings /and with
singing , with cymbals , psalteries , and with harps .

thanksgivings 009 012 IICo /${thanksgivings /unto God ;

thankworthy 002 019 IPe /${thankworthy /if a man for
conscience toward God endure grief , suffering wrongfully .

unthankful 006 035 Luk /${unthankful /and to the
evil .

unthankful 003 002 IITi /${unthankful /unholy ,

Zethan 007 010 ICh /^{Zethan /and Tharshish ,
and Ahishahar .
