telah , 1CH , 7:25



Telah Interlinear Index Study

Telah 1CH 007 025 And Rephah <07506 +Rephach > [ was ] his son
<01121 +ben > , also Resheph <07566 +Resheph > , and {Telah}
<08520 +Telach > his son <01121 +ben > , and Tahan <08465
+Tachan > his son <01121 +ben > ,


telah his son <1CH7 -:25 >

- telah , 8520 ,



telah -8520 {telah} ,


Telah 8520 -- Telach -- {Telah}.




Telah 8520 ## Telach {teh'-lakh}; probably from an unused root
meaning to dissever; breach; Telach, an Israelite: -- {Telah}.[ql


Telah 007 025 ICh /^{Telah /his son , and
Tahan his son ,



telah <1CH7 -25> And Rephah [was] his son, also Resheph, and

his son, and Tahan his son,
