tabeel , EZR , 4:7



Tabeel Interlinear Index Study

Tabeel EZR 004 007 And in the days <03117 +yowm > of Artaxerxes
<00783 +>Artachshashta> > wrote <03789 +kathab > Bishlam <01312
+Bishlam > , Mithredath <04990 +Mithr@dath > , {Tabeel} <02870
+tab@>el > , and the rest <07605 +sh@>ar > of their companions
<03675 +k@nath > , unto Artaxerxes <00783 +>Artachshashta> >
king <04428 +melek > of Persia <06539 +Parac > ; and the writing
<03791 +kathab > of the letter <05406 +nisht@van > [ was ]
written <03789 +kathab > in the Syrian <00762 +>Aramiyth >
tongue <00762 +>Aramiyth > , and interpreted <08638 +tirgam > in
the Syrian <00762 +>Aramiyth > tongue <00762 +>Aramiyth > .


- mehetabeel , 4105 ,

- tabeel , 2870 ,



mehetabeel -4105 {mehetabeel} , mehetabel ,

tabeel -2870 tabeal , {tabeel} ,


Mehetabeel 4105 -- M@heytab/el -- {Mehetabeel}, Mehetabel.

Tabeel 2870 -- tab@/el -- Tabeal, {Tabeel}.




Mehetabeel 4105 ## M@heytab>el {meh-hay-tab-ale'}; from 3190
(augmented) and 410; bettered of God; Mehetabel, the name of an
Edomitish man and woman: -- {Mehetabeel}, Mehetabel.[ql

Tabeel 2870 ## tab@>el {taw-beh-ale'}; from 2895 and 410;
pleasing (to) God; Tabeel, the name of a Syrian and of a Persian:
-- Tabeal, {Tabeel}. [ql


Mehetabeel 006 010 Neh /^{Mehetabeel /who was shut
up ; and he said , Let us meet together in the house of God ,
within the temple , and let us shut the doors of the temple :
for they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night will they
come to slay thee.

Tabeel 004 007 Ezr /^{Tabeel /and the rest of
their companions , unto Artaxerxes king of Persia ; and the
writing of the letter was written in the Syrian tongue , and
interpreted in the Syrian tongue .



tabeel And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam,

Mithredath, {Tabeel}, and the rest of their companions, unto

Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the writing of the letter [was]

written in the Syrian tongue, and interpreted in the Syrian
