strove Interlinear Index Study

strove GEN 026 020 And the herdmen <07462 +ra of Gerar
<01642 +G@rar > did strive <07378 +riyb > with Isaac s <03327
+Yitschaq > herdmen <07462 +ra , saying <00559 +>amar > ,
The water <04325 +mayim > [ is ] ours : and he called <07121
+qara> > the name <08034 +shem > of the well <00875 +@>er > Esek
<06320 +puwk > ; because <03588 +kiy > they {strove} <06229
+ with him .

strove GEN 026 021 And they digged <02658 +chaphar > another
<00312 +>acher > well <00875 +@>er > , and {strove} <07378 +riyb
> for that also <01571 +gam > : and he called <07121 +qara> >
the name <08034 +shem > of it Sitnah <07856 +Sitnan > .

strove GEN 026 022 And he removed <06275 + from thence
<08033 +sham > , and digged <02658 +chaphar > another <00312
+>acher > well <00875 +@>er > ; and for that they {strove}
<07378 +riyb > not : and he called <07121 +qara> > the name
<08034 +shem > of it Rehoboth <07344 +R@chobowth > ; and he said
<00559 +>amar > , For now <06258 + the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > hath made room <07337 +rachab > for us , and we shall
be fruitful <06509 +parah > in the land <00776 +>erets > .

strove EXO 002 013 And when he went <03318 +yatsa> > out the
second <08145 +sheniy > day <03117 +yowm > , behold <02009
+hinneh > , two <08147 +sh@nayim > men <00582 +>enowsh > of the
Hebrews <05680 + {strove} <05327 +natsah > together :
and he said <00559 +>amar > to him that did the wrong <07563
+rasha< > , Wherefore <04100 +mah > smitest <05221 +nakah > thou
thy fellow <07453 +rea< > ?

strove LEV 024 010 . And the son <01121 +ben > of an Israelitish
<03482 +Yisr@>eliyth > woman <00802 +>ishshah > , whose father
<01121 +ben > [ was ] an Egyptian <04713 +Mitsriy > , went
<03318 +yatsa> > out among <08432 +tavek > the children <01121
+ben > of Israel <03481 +Yisr@>eliy > : and this son <01121 +ben
> of the Israelitish <03482 +Yisr@>eliyth > [ woman ] and a man
<00376 +>iysh > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > {strove} <05327
+natsah > together in the camp <04264 +machaneh > ;

strove NUM 020 013 This <01992 +hem > [ is ] the water <04325
+mayim > of Meribah <04809 +M@riybah > ; because <00834 +>aher >
the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > {strove}
<07378 +riyb > with the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and he was
sanctified <06942 +qadash > in them .

strove NUM 026 009 And the sons <01121 +ben > of Eliab <00446
+>Eliy>ab > ; Nemuel <05241 +N@muw>el> , and Dathan <01885
+Dathan > , and Abiram <48> . This <01931 +huw> > [ is that ]
Dathan <01885 +Dathan > and Abiram <48> , [ which were ] famous
<07121 +qara> > in the congregation <05712 + , who <00834
+>aher > strove <05327 +natsah > against <05921 + Moses
<04872 +Mosheh > and against <05921 + Aaron <00175
+>Aharown > in the company <05712 + of Korah <07141
+Qorach > , when they {strove} <05327 +natsah > against <05921
+ the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > :

strove NUM 026 009 And the sons <01121 +ben > of Eliab <00446
+>Eliy>ab > ; Nemuel <05241 +N@muw>el> , and Dathan <01885
+Dathan > , and Abiram <48> . This <01931 +huw> > [ is that ]
Dathan <01885 +Dathan > and Abiram <48> , [ which were ] famous
<07121 +qara> > in the congregation <05712 + , who <00834
+>aher > {strove} <05327 +natsah > against <05921 + Moses
<04872 +Mosheh > and against <05921 + Aaron <00175
+>Aharown > in the company <05712 + of Korah <07141
+Qorach > , when they strove <05327 +natsah > against <05921
+ the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > :

strove 2SA 014 006 And thy handmaid <08198 +shiphchah > had two
<08147 +sh@nayim > sons <01121 +ben > , and they two <08147
+sh@nayim > {strove} <05327 +natsah > together in the field
<07704 +sadeh > , and [ there was ] none <00369 +>ayin > to part
<05337 +natsal > them , but the one <00259 +>echad > smote
<05221 +nakah > the other <00259 +>echad > , and slew <04191
+muwth > him .

strove PSA 060 001 . To the chief Musician <05329 +natsach >
upon <05921 + Shushaneduth <07799 +shuwshan > <5715> ,
Michtam <04387 +miktam > of David <01732 +David > , to teach
<03925 +lamad > ; when he {strove} <05327 +natsah > with
Aramnaharaim <00763 +>Aram Naharayim > <05104 +nahar > and with
Aramzobah <00758 +>Aram > <06678 +Tsowba> > , when Joab <03097
+Yow>ab > returned <07725 +shuwb > , and smote <05221 +nakah >
of Edom <00123 +>Edom > in the valley <01516 +gay> > of salt
<04417 +melach > twelve <08147 +sh@nayim > thousand <06240
+ <00505 +>eleph > . O God <00430 +>elohiym > , thou hast
cast <02186 +zanach > us off , thou hast scattered <06555
+parats > us , thou hast been displeased <00599 +>anaph > ; O
turn <07725 +shuwb > thyself to us again <07725 +shuwb > .

strove DAN 007 002 Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > spake <06032 + > and said <00560 +>amar > , I saw <02370 +chaza> > in my vision
<02376 +chezev > by night <03916 +leyl@ya> > , and , behold
<00718 +>aruw > , the four <00703 +>arba< > winds <07308 +ruwach
> of the heaven <08065 +shamayin > {strove} <01519 +giyach >
upon the great <07227 +rab > sea <03221 +yam > .

strove JOH 006 052 The Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> therefore <3767 -
oun -> {strove} <3164 -machomai -> among <4314 -pros ->
themselves <0240 -allelon -> , saying <3004 -lego -> , How <4459
-pos -> can <1410 -dunamai -> this <3778 -houtos -> man give
<1325 -didomi -> us [ his ] flesh <4561 -sarx -> to eat <5315 -
phago -> ?

strove ACT 007 026 And the next <1966 -epiousa -> day <2250 -
hemera -> he shewed <3700 -optanomai -> himself unto them as
they {strove} <3164 -machomai -> , and would have set <4900 -
sunelauno -> them at <1519 -eis -> one <1515 -eirene -> again
<1515 -eirene -> , saying <2036 -epo -> , Sirs <0435 -aner -> ,
ye are brethren <0080 -adephos -> ; why <2444 -hinati -> do
<0091 -adikeo -> ye wrong <0091 -adikeo -> one <0240 -allelon ->
to another <0240 -allelon -> ?

strove ACT 023 009 And there arose <1096 -ginomai -> a great
<3173 -megas -> cry <2906 -krauge -> : and the scribes <1122 -
grammateus -> [ that were ] of the Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -
> part <3313 -meros -> arose <0450 -anistemi -> , and {strove}
<1264 -diamachomai -> , saying <3004 -lego -> , We find <2147 -
heurisko -> no <3762 -oudeis -> evil <2556 -kakos -> in this
<5129 -toutoi -> man <0444 -anthropos -> : but if <1487 -ei -> a
spirit <4151 -pneuma -> or <2228 -e -> an angel <0032 -aggelos -
> hath spoken <2980 -laleo -> to him , let us not fight <2313 -
theomacheo -> against God <2313 -theomacheo -> .
