stirred 035 021 Exo /^{stirred /him up , and
every one whom his spirit made willing , and they brought the
LORD'S offering to the work of the tabernacle of the
congregation , and for all his service , and for the holy
garments .

stirred 011 023 IKi /^{stirred /him up another
adversary , Rezon the son of Eliadah , which fled from his lord
Hadadezer king of Zobah :

stirred 036 002 Exo /^{stirred /him up to come
unto the work to do it:

stirred 017 016 Act /${stirred /in him , when he
saw the city wholly given to idolatry .

stirred 026 019 ISa /^{stirred /thee up against
me, let him accept an offering : but if they be the children of
men , cursed be they before the LORD ; for they have driven me
out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD ,
saying , Go , serve other gods .

stirred 035 026 Exo /^{stirred /them up in
wisdom spun goats hair.

stirred 011 010 Dan /^{stirred /up , and shall
assemble a multitude of great forces : and one shall certainly
come , and overflow , and pass through : then shall he return ,
and be stirred up , even to his fortress .

stirred 011 010 Dan /^{stirred /up , even to his
fortress .

stirred 021 025 IKi /^{stirred /up .

stirred 021 016 IICh /^{stirred /up against
Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines , and of the Arabians ,
that were near the Ethiopians :

stirred 021 027 Act /${stirred /up all the
people , and laid hands on him ,

stirred 011 014 IKi /^{stirred /up an adversary
unto Solomon , Hadad the Edomite : he was of the king's seed in
Edom .

stirred 022 008 ISa /^{stirred /up my servant
against me, to lie in wait , as at this day ?

stirred 013 050 Act /${stirred /up the devout
and honourable women , and the chief men of the city , and
raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas , and expelled them
out of their coasts .

stirred 014 002 Act /${stirred /up the Gentiles ,
and made their minds evil affected against the brethren .

stirred 006 012 Act /${stirred /up the people ,
and the elders , and the scribes , and came upon him, and caught
him , and brought him to the council ,

stirred 017 013 Act /${stirred /up the people .

stirred 001 001 Ezr /^{stirred /up the spirit of
Cyrus king of Persia , that he made a proclamation throughout
all his kingdom , and put it also in writing , saying ,

stirred 036 022 IICh /^{stirred /up the spirit of
Cyrus king of Persia , that he made a proclamation throughout
all his kingdom , and put it also in writing , saying ,

stirred 005 026 ICh /^{stirred /up the spirit of
Pul king of Assyria , and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of
Assyria , and he carried them away , even the Reubenites , and
the Gadites , and the half tribe of Manasseh , and brought them
unto Halah , and Habor , and Hara , and to the river Gozan ,
unto this day .

stirred 001 014 Hag /^{stirred /up the spirit of
Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel , governor of Judah , and the
spirit of Joshua the son of Josedech , the high priest , and the
spirit of all the remnant of the people ; and they came and did
work in the house of the LORD of hosts , their God ,

stirred 011 025 Dan /^{stirred /up to battle
with a very great and mighty army ; but he shall not stand : for
they shall forecast devices against him.
