battle was sore

battle was too sore for him <2KI3 -:26 >

battle went sore against saul <1SA31 -:3 >

battle went sore against saul <1CH10 -:3 >

be not wroth very sore

be sore amazed

because she lay sore upon him

because thou sore longedst after thy father's house 30 >

for he was sore afraid <1CH10 -:4 >

for he was sore afraid <1SA31 -:4 >

for his hand is sore upon us <1SA5 -:7 >

for they were sore afraid

grievous sore upon

he was sore athirst

he was sore troubled <1SA28 -:21 >

he was sore wounded <1SA31 -:3 >

his sore displeasure

israel was sore distressed

lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers

men were sore afraid

moab was sore afraid

mourn sore like doves

my heart is sore pained within me

my sore ran

my soul is also sore vexed

send my four sore judgments upon jerusalem

she weepeth sore

sore botch

sore broken

sore destruction

sore diseases <2CH21 -:19 >

sore distressed <1SA28 -:15 >

sore evil

sore evil

sore famine <1KI18 -:2 >

sore sicknesses

sore slaughter

sore troubles

sore vexed

sore vexed

sore wounded <2CH35 -:23 >

syria was sore troubled for this thing <2KI6 -:11 >

their kings shall be sore afraid

there was sore war against <1SA14 -:52 >

they all wept sore

they pressed sore upon

they were sore afraid

they were sore afraid

they were sore amazed

they were sore displeased

this sore travail hath god given

thou hast thrust sore at me

though thou hast sore broken us

thy hand presseth me sore

very sore battle <2SA2 -:17 >

very sore displeased with

very sore lamentation

was sore afraid <1SA21 -:12 >

was sore afraid <1SA28 -:20 >

was sore displeased with himself

was very sore afraid

weep sore for him

wept sore <1SA1 -:10 >

wept sore

were sore afraid <1SA17 -:24 >

were sore afraid

when every one shall know his own sore <2CH6 -:29 >

when they were sore

white reddish sore

with sore boils from

your mother shall be sore confounded
