asleep Mar_14_40 /${asleep /again , heavy ,
neither wist they what to answer him .

asleep Mat_26_43 /${asleep /again : for their
eyes were heavy .

asleep 2Pe_03_04 /${asleep /all things continue
as they were from the beginning of the creation .

asleep Mat_26_40 /${asleep /and saith unto
Peter , What , could ye not watch with me one hour ?

asleep Luk_08_23 /${asleep /and there came down
a storm of wind on the lake ; and they were filled with water,
and were in jeopardy .

asleep Jud_04_21 /^{asleep /and weary . So he
died .

asleep 1Sa_26_12 /^{asleep /because a deep
sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them.

asleep 1Co_15_18 /${asleep /in Christ are
perished .

asleep Mar_04_38 /${asleep /on a pillow : and
they awake him , and say unto him , Master , carest thou not
that we perish ?

asleep 1Th_04_13 /${asleep /that ye sorrow not ,
even as others which have no hope .

asleep Son_07_09 /^{asleep /to speak .

sleep Pro_06_10 /^{sleep /a little slumber , a
little folding of the hands to sleep :

sleep Pro_24_33 /^{sleep /a little slumber , a
little folding of the hands to sleep :

sleep Jer_51_57 /^{sleep /a perpetual sleep ,
and not wake , saith the King , whose name is the LORD of hosts .

sleep Jer_51_39 /^{sleep /a perpetual sleep ,
and not wake , saith the LORD .

sleep Pro_19_15 /^{sleep /and an idle soul
shall suffer hunger .

sleep Act_20_09 /${sleep /and as Paul was long
preaching , he sunk down with sleep , and fell down from the
third loft , and was taken up dead .

sleep Act_20_09 /${sleep /and fell down from
the third loft , and was taken up dead .

sleep Isa_29_10 /^{sleep /and hath closed your
eyes : the prophets and your rulers , the seers hath he covered .

sleep Est_06_01 /^{sleep /and he commanded to
bring the book of records of the chronicles ; and they were read
before the king .

sleep Gen_28_16 /^{sleep /and he said , Surely
the LORD is in this place ; and I knew it not.

sleep Exo_22_27 /^{sleep /and it shall come to
pass, when he crieth unto me, that I will hear ; for I am
gracious .

sleep Psa_78_65 /^{sleep /and like a mighty
man that shouteth by reason of wine .

sleep Psa_76_05 /^{sleep /and none of the men
of might have found their hands .

sleep Jer_51_57 /^{sleep /and not wake , saith
the King , whose name is the LORD of hosts .

sleep Jer_51_39 /^{sleep /and not wake , saith
the LORD .

sleep Mar_04_27 /${sleep /and rise night and
day , and the seed should spring and grow up , he knoweth not
how .

sleep Jud_16_20 /^{sleep /and said , I will go
out as at other times before , and shake myself. And he wist not
that the LORD was departed from him.

sleep Act_16_27 /${sleep /and seeing the
prison doors open , he drew out his sword , and would have
killed himself , supposing that the prisoners had been fled .

sleep Act_13_36 /${sleep /and was laid unto
his fathers , and saw corruption :

sleep Jud_16_14 /^{sleep /and went away with
the pin of the beam , and with the web .

sleep Luk_09_32 /${sleep /and when they were
awake , they saw his glory , and the two men that stood with him

sleep 1Th_05_06 /${sleep /as do others ; but
let us watch and be sober .

sleep Dan_02_01 /^{sleep /brake from him.

sleep Son_05_02 /^{sleep /but my heart waketh :
it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh , saying, Open to
me, my sister , my love , my dove , my undefiled : for my head
is filled with dew , and my locks with the drops of the night .

sleep 1Co_15_51 /${sleep /but we shall all be
changed ,

sleep Gen_31_40 /^{sleep /departed from mine
eyes .

sleep Mat_01_24 /${sleep /did as the angel of
the Lord had bidden him , and took unto him his wife :

sleep Job_04_13 /^{sleep /falleth on men ,

sleep Job_33_15 /^{sleep /falleth upon men ,
in slumberings upon the bed ;

sleep Gen_15_12 /^{sleep /fell upon Abram ;
and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.

sleep Rom_13_11 /${sleep /for now is our
salvation nearer than when we believed .

sleep Psa_04_08 /^{sleep /for thou, LORD ,
only makest me dwell in safety .

sleep 1Sa_26_12 /^{sleep /from the LORD was
fallen upon them.

sleep Joh_11_12 /${sleep /he shall do well .

sleep Deu_24_13 /^{sleep /in his own raiment ,
and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before
the LORD thy God .

sleep 1Th_04_14 /${sleep /in Jesus will God
bring with him .

sleep Job_07_21 /^{sleep /in the dust ; and
thou shalt seek me in the morning , but I shall not be.

sleep Dan_12_02 /^{sleep /in the dust of the
earth shall awake , some to everlasting life , and some to shame
and everlasting contempt .

sleep Psa_90_05 /^{sleep /in the morning they
are like grass which groweth up .

sleep 1Th_05_07 /${sleep /in the night ; and
they that be drunken are drunken in the night .

sleep Eze_34_25 /^{sleep /in the woods .

sleep Pro_04_16 /^{sleep /is taken away ,
unless they cause some to fall .

sleep Pro_20_13 /^{sleep /lest thou come to
poverty ; open thine eyes , and thou shalt be satisfied with
bread .

sleep Isa_05_27 /^{sleep /neither shall the
girdle of their loins be loosed , nor the latchet of their shoes
be broken :

sleep Pro_04_16 /^{sleep /not, except they
have done mischief ; and their sleep is taken away , unless they
cause some to fall .

sleep Pro_06_09 /^{sleep /O sluggard ? when
wilt thou arise out of thy sleep ?

sleep Ecc_05_12 /^{sleep /of a labouring man
is sweet , whether he eat little or much : but the abundance of
the rich will not suffer him to sleep .

sleep Psa_13_03 /^{sleep /of death ;

sleep Dan_10_09 /^{sleep /on my face , and my
face toward the ground .

sleep Dan_08_18 /^{sleep /on my face toward
the ground : but he touched me, and set me upright .

Sleep Mat_26_45 /${Sleep /on now , and take
your rest : behold , the hour is at hand , and the Son of man is
betrayed into the hands of sinners .

Sleep Mar_14_41 /${Sleep /on now , and take
your rest : it is enough , the hour is come ; behold , the Son
of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners .

sleep Pro_03_24 /^{sleep /shall be sweet .

sleep 1Th_05_07 /${sleep /sleep in the night ;
and they that be drunken are drunken in the night .

sleep Psa_13_03 /^{sleep /the sleep of death ;

sleep Gen_02_21 /^{sleep /to fall upon Adam ,
and he slept : and he took one of his ribs , and closed up the
flesh instead thereof;

sleep Psa_132_04 /^{sleep /to mine eyes , or
slumber to mine eyelids ,

sleep Pro_06_04 /^{sleep /to thine eyes , nor
slumber to thine eyelids .

sleep Jud_16_19 /^{sleep /upon her knees ; and
she called for a man , and she caused him to shave off the seven
locks of his head ; and she began to afflict him, and his
strength went from him.

sleep Jer_31_26 /^{sleep /was sweet unto me.

sleep 1Th_05_10 /${sleep /we should live
together with him .

sleep Dan_06_18 /^{sleep /went from him .

sleep Ecc_08_16 /^{sleep /with his eyes :

sleep 1Ki_01_21 /^{sleep /with his fathers ,
that I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders .

sleep Deu_24_12 /^{sleep /with his pledge :

sleep 2Sa_07_12 /^{sleep /with thy fathers , I
will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy
bowels , and I will establish his kingdom .

sleep Deu_31_16 /^{sleep /with thy fathers ;
and this people will rise up , and go a whoring after the gods
of the strangers of the land , whither they go to be among them,
and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made
with them.

sleep Luk_22_46 /${sleep /ye ? rise and pray ,
lest ye enter into temptation .

sleeper Jon_01_06 /^{sleeper /arise , call upon
thy God , if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish

sleepest Eph_05_14 /${sleepest /and arise from
the dead , and Christ shall give thee light .

sleepest Pro_06_22 /^{sleepest /it shall keep
thee; and when thou awakest , it shall talk with thee.

sleepest Mar_14_37 /${sleepest /thou ? couldest
not thou watch one hour ?

sleepest Psa_44_23 /^{sleepest /thou, O Lord ?
arise , cast us not off for ever .

sleepeth Hos_07_06 /^{sleepeth /all the night ;
in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire .

sleepeth 1Ki_18_27 /^{sleepeth /and must be
awaked .

sleepeth Mat_09_24 /${sleepeth /And they laughed
him to scorn .

sleepeth Joh_11_11 /${sleepeth /but I go , that I
may awake him out of sleep .

sleepeth Pro_10_05 /^{sleepeth /in harvest is a
son that causeth shame .

sleeping Mar_14_37 /${sleeping /and saith unto
Peter , Simon , sleepest thou ? couldest not thou watch one hour

sleeping Act_12_06 /${sleeping /between two
soldiers , bound with two chains : and the keepers before the
door kept the prison .

sleeping Luk_22_45 /${sleeping /for sorrow ,

sleeping Isa_56_10 /^{sleeping /lying down ,
loving to slumber .

sleeping 1Sa_26_07 /^{sleeping /within the trench
, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster : but Abner
and the people lay round about him.
