arising -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
{arising} , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse ,
set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen ,
succeed , sure , upholden , uprising ,

blessing -1288 abundantly , blaspheme , bless , blessed ,
blessest , blesseth , {blessing} , congratulate , curse , cursed
, down , kneel , kneeled , praise , praised , salute , saluted ,
thanked ,

blessing -1293 blessed , {blessing} , blessings , liberal ,
pools , present ,

blessings -1293 blessed , blessing , {blessings} , liberal ,
pools , present ,

bruising -6213 about , accomplish , advanced , appointed , apt ,
bear , become , bestow , bring , bringeth , brought , bruised ,
{bruising} , busy , cast , charge , come , commit , committed ,
committeth , committing , deal , dealest , dealeth , dealt ,
deckedst , did , didst , do , doers , doest , doeth , doing ,
done , dress , dressed , effect , execute , executed ,
executedst , executest , executeth , executing , execution ,
exercise , fashioned , fitteth , flew , followed , forth ,
fulfil , fulfilled , fulfilling , gat , gathered , get , getteth
, give , given , go , god , gotten , govern , granted , held ,
holden , keep , kept , labour , laboured , made , madest ,
maintain , maintained , make , maker , makest , maketh , making ,
meet , observe , observed , occupied , offer , offered ,
offering , officers , ordained ,

business -1697 acts , advice , affairs , answer , answered , any
, because , book , {business} , care , case , cause , causes ,
certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune ,
communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds ,
disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand ,
groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message ,
nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision
, purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said ,
sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some ,
sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the ,
thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith ,
whit , word , words , work , works ,

business -4399 {business} , cattle , goods , labour , made ,
occupation , stuff , thing , use , work , workmanship , works ,

business -4639 {business} , deed , deeds , labour , labours ,
made , making , occupation , offered , operation , possessions ,
purpose , wares , well , work , working , workmanship , works ,
wrought ,

business -6045 {business} , travail ,

ceasing -2308 alone , bare , cease , ceased , ceaseth ,
{ceasing} , endeth , failed , forbare , forbear , forbeareth ,
forborn , forsake , leave , left , rest , unoccupied , wanteth ,

chasing -1814 burning , {chasing} , hotly , inflame , kindle ,
persecute , persecutors , pursued ,

circumcising -4135 circumcise , circumcised , {circumcising} ,
cut ,

cleansing -2893 cleansed , {cleansing} , purification ,
purifying ,

compassing -5362 about , compass , compassed , {compassing} ,
cut , destroy , go , going , gone , inclosed , kill , round ,

compassing -5437 about , again , applied , aside , avoided ,
back , beset , besieged , bring , brought , came , carried ,
cast , changed , circuit , closed , compass , compassed ,
compasseth , {compassing} , driven , environ , every , fetch ,
go , gone , led , occasioned , remove , removed , returned ,
round , side , sit , turn , turned , turneth , walk , went ,
winding ,

confessing -3034 cast , confess , confessed , confesseth ,
{confessing} , confession , praise , praised , shoot , thank ,
thankful , thanking , thanks , thanksgiving ,

cursing -0423 curse , curses , {cursing} , execration , oath ,
possess , swearing ,

cursing -3994 curse , {cursing} ,

cursing -7045 accursed , curse , curses , {cursing} , cursings ,

cursings -7045 accursed , curse , curses , cursing , {cursings} ,

disinherit -3423 bound , cast , consume , destroy , {disinherit}
, dispossess , dispossessed , drave , drive , driven , driving ,
drove , enjoy , expelled , got , heir , heirs , inherit ,
inheritance , inherited , inheritor , poor , possess , possessed
, possessest , possesseth , possession , poverty , seize ,
succeeded , succeedest , take ,

disposing -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , {disposing} , due ,
fashion , fashions , form , judged , judgment , judgments , just
, justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

drowsiness -5124 {drowsiness} ,

hissing -8292 bleatings , {hissing} ,

hissing -8322 {hissing} ,

inclosings -4396 {inclosings} , settings ,

leasing -3577 deceitful , false , {leasing} , lying ,

missing -6485 appoint , appointed , avenge , bestowed , calledst
, charge , charged , chargest , commit , committed , counted ,
deprived , empty , enjoined , go , governor , hurt , judgment ,
keep , lacked , lacketh , lacking , laid , look , miss , missed ,
{missing} , mustereth , number , numbered , numberest ,
officers , overseer , overseers , oversight , punish , punished ,
reckon , remember , remembrance , ruler , rulers , set , sum ,
visit , visited , visitest , visiteth , visiting , want ,
wanting ,

musing -1901 meditation , {musing} ,

neesings -5846 {neesings} ,

nursing -0539 assurance , believe , believed , believeth ,
bringers , brought , continuance , established , fail , faithful
, nurse , nursed , {nursing} , stand , stedfast , sure , surely ,
trust , trusted , trusty , verified ,

nursing -3243 milch , nurse , {nursing} , suck , sucked ,
sucking , suckling , sucklings ,

oppressing -3238 destroy , oppress , oppressed , {oppressing} ,
oppression , oppressor , thrust , vex , vexed , wrong ,

passing -5674 alienate , altered , anger , apart , away , beyond
, bring , brought , came , carried , carry , come , cometh ,
coming , conduct , conducted , convey , current , delivered , do
, enter , escape , fail , forth , gendereth , get , go , gods ,
goeth , going , gone , have , laid , make , meddleth , more ,
over , overcome , overpass , overpast , overran , overrunning ,
partition , pass , passage , passed , passedst , passengers ,
passest , passeth , {passing} , past , perish , perishing ,
proclaim , proclaimed , provoketh , put , rageth , raiser ,
removed , sent , shave , smelling , sound , speedily , sweet ,
take , taken , through , took , transgress , transgressed ,
transgressest , transgressing , transgressors , translate , turn
, went , wroth ,

pleasing -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful ,
ease , fair , fairer , favour , fine , glad , good , goodlier ,
goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , graciously , joyful ,
kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry , most ,
pleasant , please , {pleasing} , pleasure , precious ,
prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , well ,

pleasing -6148 became , becometh , engaged , intermeddle ,
meddle , mingled , mortgaged , occupiers , occupy , pleasant ,
{pleasing} , pleasure , pledges , sureties , surety , sweet ,
undertake ,

praising -1984 boast , boastest , boasteth , celebrate ,
commended , foolish , foolishly , fools , gloriest , glorieth ,
glory , mad , marriage , praise , praised , praises , praiseth ,
{praising} , rage , renowned , shine , shined , sing ,

pransing -1725 {pransing} ,

pransings -1726 {pransings} ,

promising -2421 alive , life , like , live , lived , lives ,
liveth , nourish , nourished , preserve , preservest ,
preserveth , {promising} , quicken , quickened , recover ,
recovered , repaired , restored , revive , revived , save ,
saved , saving , whole ,

raising -5872 engedi , {raising} ,

raisins -6778 bunches , clusters , {raisins} ,

recompensing -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe
, ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , caused , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , {recompensing} , requite , restored , send ,
sendeth , sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

rising -0510 no , {rising} ,

rising -2225 {rising} ,

rising -4217 east , eastward , {rising} , side , sunrising ,

rising -5927 arise , ariseth , arose , ascend , ascended ,
ascending , began , breaketh , breaking , bring , bringeth ,
broken , brought , broughtest , burn , burnt , came , carried ,
carry , cast , chew , cheweth , climb , climbed , come , cometh ,
cut , dawning , depart , departed , exalted , excellest , fell ,
fetch , fetched , gat , get , getteth , go , goest , goeth ,
going , gone , grow , groweth , grown , increased , increaseth ,
laid , leap , leaped , levy , lifted , lifteth , light , lighted
, lightest , lighteth , mentioned , mount , offer , offered ,
offereth , offering , over , pay , prefer , put , raised ,
recovered , restore , rise , riseth , {rising} , rose , scaleth ,
set , setteth , shooting , shot , spring , stir , take , taken ,
took , vapour , went , wentest , wrought ,

rising -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , {rising} , rose ,
rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood ,
strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising ,

rising -7012 {rising} ,

rising -7613 accepted , dignity , excellency , highness ,
raiseth , {rising} ,

rising -7836 betimes , diligently , early , enquired , morning ,
{rising} , seek , seeketh ,

rising -7925 arose , betimes , early , morning , rise , {rising}
, rose ,

sin -0817 guiltiness , offering , {sin} , trespass , trespasses ,

sin -0819 images , offended , {sin} , sins , trespass ,
trespasses , trespassing ,

sin -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , {sin} , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

sin -2399 faults , grievously , offences , punishment , {sin} ,
sins ,

sin -2401 {sin} , sinful ,

sin -2402 {sin} ,

sin -2403 punishment , purification , purifying , sin , {sin} ,
sinner , sins ,

sin -2403 punishment , purification , purifying , {sin} , sin ,
sinner , sins ,

sin -2409 {sin} ,

sin -5512 {sin} ,

sin -5771 fault , iniquities , iniquity , mischief , punishment ,
punishments , {sin} ,

sin -6588 rebellion , {sin} , sins , transgression ,
transgressions , trespass ,

sin -7686 astray , deceived , deceiver , err , erred , erreth ,
go , ravished , {sin} , wander , wandered ,

sinai -5514 {sinai} ,

since -0227 beginning , even , hitherto , now , old , once ,
{since} , then , time , which , yet ,

since -0310 after , afterward , afterwards , again , away , back
, backside , behind , beside , follow , followed , followeth ,
following , forasmuch , hereafter , hinder , humbled , posterity
, pursuing , remnant , seeing , {since} , when ,

since -0518 cannot , doubtless , either , else , even , if ,
moreover , neither , no , nor , oh , save , saving , seeing ,
{since} , sith , surely , though , verily , when , whereas ,
whether , while ,

since -1767 ability , according , after , among , enough , much ,
oft , {since} , sufficient , time , too , very , when ,

since -2008 far , here , hither , hitherto , now , {since} ,
there , this , thither , thitherward , thus , way ,

since -3588 although , assuredly , because , certainly ,
doubtless , either , else , even , except , forasmuch , how , if
, inasmuch , nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , {since} ,
so , surely , than , then , therefore , though , thus , truly ,
when , whereas , whether , which , while , whom , whose , yea ,
yet ,

since -4480 above , after , among , at , because , more ,
neither , no , out , over , reason , {since} , than , the ,
through , whether , which ,

since -4481 according , after , because , more , part , {since} ,
than , these , within ,

since -5750 again , any , being , besides , else , ever ,
further , furthermore , good , henceforth , long , longer , more
, moreover , once , ready , {since} , space , still , them ,
when , whether , while , whiles , within , yet ,

sincerely -8549 blemish , complete , full , perfect ,
{sincerely} , sincerity , sound , spot , undefiled , upright ,
uprightly , whole , without ,

sincerity -8549 blemish , complete , full , perfect , sincerely ,
{sincerity} , sound , spot , undefiled , upright , uprightly ,
whole , without ,

sinew -1517 {sinew} , sinews ,

sinews -1517 sinew , {sinews} ,

sinews -6207 fleeing , {sinews} ,

sinful -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , {sinful} ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

sinful -2400 offenders , {sinful} , sinners ,

sinful -2401 sin , {sinful} ,

sing -1984 boast , boastest , boasteth , celebrate , commended ,
foolish , foolishly , fools , gloriest , glorieth , glory , mad ,
marriage , praise , praised , praises , praiseth , praising ,
rage , renowned , shine , shined , {sing} ,

sing -2167 praise , pruned , psalms , {sing} ,

sing -6030 account , answer , answered , answeredst , answerest ,
answereth , bear , beareth , brought , cry , hear , heard ,
heardest , hearest , lift , low , said , sang , scholar , shout ,
{sing} , spake , speak , testified , testifieth , testify ,
witness ,

sing -6031 abase , afflict , afflicted , afflictest ,
afflictions , chasten , defiled , exercised , force , forced ,
gentleness , hardly , humble , humbled , hurt , ravished ,
{sing} , submit , troubled , weakened , wise ,

sing -7440 cry , gladness , joy , proclamation , rejoicing ,
shouting , {sing} , singing , songs , triumph ,

sing -7442 aloud , crieth , cry , joy , joyful , rejoice , sang ,
shout , shouted , shouteth , {sing} , singing , triumph ,

sing -7788 {sing} , wentest ,

sing -7891 behold , sang , {sing} , singer , singers , singeth ,
singing , sung ,

sing -7892 musical , musick , {sing} , singers , singing , song ,
songs ,

singed -2761 {singed} ,

singer -5329 chief , excel , oversee , overseers , set ,
{singer} ,

singer -7891 behold , sang , sing , {singer} , singers , singeth
, singing , sung ,

singers -2171 {singers} ,

singers -7891 behold , sang , sing , singer , {singers} ,
singeth , singing , sung ,

singers -7892 musical , musick , sing , {singers} , singing ,
song , songs ,

singeth -7891 behold , sang , sing , singer , singers ,
{singeth} , singing , sung ,

singing -2158 branch , psalmist , psalms , {singing} , songs ,

singing -7440 cry , gladness , joy , proclamation , rejoicing ,
shouting , sing , {singing} , songs , triumph ,

singing -7442 aloud , crieth , cry , joy , joyful , rejoice ,
sang , shout , shouted , shouteth , sing , {singing} , triumph ,

singing -7445 joyful , {singing} , triumphing ,

singing -7891 behold , sang , sing , singer , singers , singeth ,
{singing} , sung ,

singing -7892 musical , musick , sing , singers , {singing} ,
song , songs ,

singular -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make ,
marvellous , marvellously , marvels , miracles , performing ,
separate , {singular} , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously ,
wonders , wondrous , wondrously , work ,

sinim -5515 {sinim} ,

sinite -5513 harden , {sinite} ,

sink -2883 fastened , settled , {sink} , sunk ,

sink -8257 deep , down , lettest , quenched , {sink} ,

sinned -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
{sinned} , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

sinner -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , {sinner} , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

sinner -2403 punishment , purification , purifying , sin , sin ,
{sinner} , sins ,

sinners -2400 offenders , sinful , {sinners} ,

sinnest -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , {sinnest} , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

sinneth -6213 pare , pass , peace , perform , performed ,
practise , practised , prepare , prepared , preparest ,
preparing , procure , procured , provide , provided , put ,
requite , sacrifice , sacrificed , served , set , shew , shewed ,
shewest , sheweth , shewing , {sinneth} , spendeth , take ,
taken , the , trimmed , undo , unto , used , work , workers ,
worketh , working , wrought , wroughtest , yeild , yeilding ,

sinneth -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , {sinneth} , sinning , trespass ,

sinneth -7683 also , astray , deceived , erred , ignorantly ,
{sinneth} , went ,

sinning -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , harm ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , {sinning} , trespass ,

sins -0819 images , offended , sin , {sins} , trespass ,
trespasses , trespassing ,

sins -2399 faults , grievously , offences , punishment , sin ,
{sins} ,

sins -2403 punishment , purification , purifying , sin , sin ,
sinner , {sins} ,

sins -2408 {sins} ,

sins -6588 rebellion , sin , {sins} , transgression ,
transgressions , trespass ,

sunrising -4217 east , eastward , rising , side , {sunrising} ,

tossings -5076 hold , {tossings} ,

transgressing -5674 alienate , altered , anger , apart , away ,
beyond , bring , brought , came , carried , carry , come ,
cometh , coming , conduct , conducted , convey , current ,
delivered , do , enter , escape , fail , forth , gendereth , get
, go , gods , goeth , going , gone , have , laid , make ,
meddleth , more , over , overcome , overpass , overpast ,
overran , overrunning , partition , pass , passage , passed ,
passedst , passengers , passest , passeth , passing , past ,
perish , perishing , proclaim , proclaimed , provoketh , put ,
rageth , raiser , removed , sent , shave , smelling , sound ,
speedily , sweet , take , taken , through , took , transgress ,
transgressed , transgressest , {transgressing} , transgressors ,
translate , turn , went , wroth ,

transgressing -6586 offended , rebelled , revolt , revolted ,
transgress , transgressed , {transgressing} , transgressor ,
transgressors ,

traversing -8308 {traversing} ,

trespassing -0819 images , offended , sin , sins , trespass ,
trespasses , {trespassing} ,

trespassing -4603 commit , transgress , transgressed ,
transgresseth , trespass , trespassed , {trespassing} ,

upharsin -6537 divided , peres , {upharsin} ,

uprising -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth ,
arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed ,
confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies ,
enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown ,
help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed ,
performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared ,
remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse ,
set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen ,
succeed , sure , upholden , {uprising} ,
