assigned Jos_20_08 /^{assigned /Bezer in the
wilderness upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben , and
Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad , and Golan in Bashan
out of the tribe of Manasseh .

assigned Gen_47_22 /^{assigned /them of Pharaoh ,
and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore
they sold not their lands .

assigned 2Sa_11_16 /^{assigned /Uriah unto a place
where he knew that valiant men were.

ensign Isa_11_12 /^{ensign /for the nations ,
and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel , and gather together
the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth .

ensign Isa_11_10 /^{ensign /of the people ; to
it shall the Gentiles seek : and his rest shall be glorious .

ensign Num_02_02 /^{ensign /of their father's
house : far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall
they pitch .

ensign Isa_30_17 /^{ensign /on an hill .

ensign Isa_18_03 /^{ensign /on the mountains ;
and when he bloweth a trumpet , hear ye.

ensign Isa_31_09 /^{ensign /saith the LORD ,
whose fire is in Zion , and his furnace in Jerusalem .

ensign Isa_05_26 /^{ensign /to the nations from
far , and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth : and,
behold, they shall come with speed swiftly :

ensign Zec_09_16 /^{ensign /upon his land .

ensigns Psa_74_04 /^{ensigns /for signs .

sign Eze_24_24 /^{sign /according to all that
he hath done shall ye do : and when this cometh , ye shall know
that I am the Lord GOD .

sign Isa_66_19 /^{sign /among them, and I
will send those that escape of them unto the nations , to
Tarshish , Pul , and Lud , that draw the bow , to Tubal , and
Javan , to the isles afar off , that have not heard my fame ,
neither have seen my glory ; and they shall declare my glory
among the Gentiles .

sign Jos_04_06 /^{sign /among you, that when
your children ask their fathers in time to come , saying , What
mean ye by these stones ?

sign Eze_14_08 /^{sign /and a proverb , and I
will cut him off from the midst of my people ; and ye shall know
that I am the LORD .

sign Isa_19_20 /^{sign /and for a witness
unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt : for they shall cry
unto the LORD because of the oppressors , and he shall send them
a saviour , and a great one , and he shall deliver them.

sign Deu_28_46 /^{sign /and for a wonder ,
and upon thy seed for ever .

sign 1Co_01_22 /${sign /and the Greeks seek
after wisdom :

sign Luk_11_29 /${sign /and there shall no
sign be given it , but the sign of Jonas the prophet .

sign Mat_12_39 /${sign /and there shall no
sign be given to it , but the sign of the prophet Jonas :

sign Mat_16_04 /${sign /and there shall no
sign be given unto it , but the sign of the prophet Jonas . And
he left them , and departed .

sign Isa_20_03 /^{sign /and wonder upon Egypt
and upon Ethiopia ;

sign Luk_11_29 /${sign /be given it , but the
sign of Jonas the prophet .

sign Mat_12_39 /${sign /be given to it , but
the sign of the prophet Jonas :

sign Mat_16_04 /${sign /be given unto it ,
but the sign of the prophet Jonas . And he left them , and
departed .

sign Mar_08_12 /${sign /be given unto this
generation .

sign Exo_08_23 /^{sign /be.

sign Isa_07_14 /^{sign /Behold, a virgin
shall conceive , and bear a son , and shall call his name
Immanuel .

sign Exo_31_17 /^{sign /between me and the
children of Israel for ever : for in six days the LORD made
heaven and earth , and on the seventh day he rested , and was
refreshed .

sign Eze_20_12 /^{sign /between me and them,
that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.

sign Exo_31_13 /^{sign /between me and you
throughout your generations ; that ye may know that I am the
LORD that doth sanctify you.

sign Eze_20_20 /^{sign /between me and you,
that ye may know that I am the LORD your God .

sign Jud_20_38 /^{sign /between the men of
Israel and the liers in wait , that they should make a great
flame with smoke rise up out of the city .

sign Eze_39_15 /^{sign /by it, till the
buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog .

sign Mar_08_11 /${sign /from heaven ,
tempting him .

sign Mat_16_01 /${sign /from heaven .

sign Luk_11_16 /${sign /from heaven .

sign Mat_12_38 /${sign /from thee .

sign Rev_15_01 /${sign /in heaven , great and
marvellous , seven angels having the seven last plagues ; for in
them is filled up the wrath of God .

sign Eze_12_11 /^{sign /like as I have done ,
so shall it be done unto them: they shall remove and go into
captivity .

sign 1Co_14_22 /${sign /not to them that
believe , but to them that believe not : but prophesying serveth
not for them that believe not , but for them which believe .

sign Rom_04_11 /${sign /of circumcision , a
seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being
uncircumcised : that he might be the father of all them that
believe , though they be not circumcised ; that righteousness
might be imputed unto them also :

sign Jer_06_01 /^{sign /of fire in
Bethhaccerem : for evil appeareth out of the north , and great
destruction .

sign Luk_11_29 /${sign /of Jonas the prophet .

sign Isa_07_11 /^{sign /of the LORD thy God ;
ask it either in the depth , or in the height above .

sign Mat_16_04 /${sign /of the prophet Jonas .
And he left them , and departed .

sign Mat_12_39 /${sign /of the prophet Jonas :

sign Mat_24_30 /${sign /of the Son of man in
heaven : and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn , and
they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory .

sign Mat_24_03 /${sign /of thy coming , and
of the end of the world ?

sign Deu_13_01 /^{sign /or a wonder ,

sign Deu_13_02 /^{sign /or the wonder come to
pass , whereof he spake unto thee, saying , Let us go after
other gods , which thou hast not known , and let us serve them;

sign Mat_26_48 /${sign /saying , Whomsoever I
shall kiss , that same is he : hold him fast .

sign 2Ki_20_09 /^{sign /shalt thou have of the
LORD , that the LORD will do the thing that he hath spoken :
shall the shadow go forward ten degrees , or go back ten degrees

sign Joh_06_30 /${sign /shewest thou then ,
that we may see , and believe thee ? what dost thou work ?

sign Joh_02_18 /${sign /shewest thou unto us ,
seeing that thou doest these things ?

sign Isa_38_22 /^{sign /that I shall go up to
the house of the LORD ?

sign Isa_55_13 /^{sign /that shall not be cut
off .

sign 2Ki_20_08 /^{sign /that the LORD will
heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the LORD the
third day ?

sign Exo_04_08 /^{sign /that they will
believe the voice of the latter sign .

sign Jud_06_17 /^{sign /that thou talkest
with me.

sign 1Ki_13_03 /^{sign /the same day , saying
, This is the sign which the LORD hath spoken ; Behold, the
altar shall be rent , and the ashes that are upon it shall be
poured out .

sign Dan_06_08 /^{sign /the writing , that it
be not changed , according to the law of the Medes and Persians ,
which altereth not .

sign Eze_04_03 /^{sign /to the house of
Israel .

sign Num_16_38 /^{sign /unto the children of
Israel .

sign Eze_12_06 /^{sign /unto the house of
Israel .

sign Luk_11_30 /${sign /unto the Ninevites ,
so shall also the Son of man be to this generation .

sign Isa_38_07 /^{sign /unto thee from the
LORD , that the LORD will do this thing that he hath spoken ;

sign Exo_13_09 /^{sign /unto thee upon thine
hand , and for a memorial between thine eyes , that the LORD'S
law may be in thy mouth : for with a strong hand hath the LORD
brought thee out of Egypt .

sign 1Sa_02_34 /^{sign /unto thee, that shall
come upon thy two sons , on Hophni and Phinehas ; in one day
they shall die both of them.

sign Isa_37_30 /^{sign /unto thee, Ye shall
eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year
that which springeth of the same: and in the third year sow ye,
and reap , and plant vineyards , and eat the fruit thereof.

sign 2Ki_19_29 /^{sign /unto thee, Ye shall
eat this year such things as grow of themselves, and in the
second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third
year sow ye, and reap , and plant vineyards , and eat the fruits

sign Eze_24_27 /^{sign /unto them; and they
shall know that I am the LORD .

sign 1Sa_14_10 /^{sign /unto us.

sign Luk_02_12 /${sign /unto you ; Ye shall
find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes , lying in a manger .

sign Jer_44_29 /^{sign /unto you, saith the
LORD , that I will punish you in this place , that ye may know
that my words shall surely stand against you for evil :

sign Deu_06_08 /^{sign /upon thine hand , and
they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes .

sign Deu_11_18 /^{sign /upon your hand , that
they may be as frontlets between your eyes .

sign Mar_08_12 /${sign /verily I say unto you
, There shall no sign be given unto this generation .

sign Act_28_11 /${sign /was Castor and Pollux

sign Mar_13_04 /${sign /when all these things
shall be fulfilled ?

sign Luk_02_34 /${sign /which shall be spoken
against ;

sign 1Ki_13_03 /^{sign /which the LORD hath
spoken ; Behold, the altar shall be rent , and the ashes that
are upon it shall be poured out .

sign 1Ki_13_05 /^{sign /which the man of God
had given by the word of the LORD .

sign Luk_21_07 /${sign /will there be when
these things shall come to pass ?

signed Dan_06_12 /^{signed /a decree , that
every man that shall ask a petition of any God or man within
thirty days , save of thee , O king , shall be cast into the den
of lions ? The king answered and said , The thing is true ,
according to the law of the Medes and Persians , which altereth
not .

signed Dan_06_13 /^{signed /but maketh his
petition three times a day .

signed Dan_06_10 /^{signed /he went into his
house ; and his windows being open in his chamber toward
Jerusalem , he kneeled upon his knees three times a day , and
prayed , and gave thanks before his God , as he did aforetime .

signed Dan_06_09 /^{signed /the writing and the
decree .

signet Gen_38_25 /^{signet /and bracelets , and
staff .

signet Gen_38_18 /^{signet /and thy bracelets ,
and thy staff that is in thine hand . And he gave it her, and
came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

signet Dan_06_17 /^{signet /and with the signet
of his lords ; that the purpose might not be changed concerning
Daniel .

signet Exo_39_14 /^{signet /every one with his
name , according to the twelve tribes .

signet Exo_28_21 /^{signet /every one with his
name shall they be according to the twelve tribes .

signet Hag_02_23 /^{signet /for I have chosen
thee, saith the LORD of hosts .

signet Exo_39_30 /^{signet /HOLINESS TO THE

signet Exo_28_36 /^{signet /HOLINESS TO THE

signet Dan_06_17 /^{signet /of his lords ; that
the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel .

signet Exo_28_11 /^{signet /shalt thou engrave
the two stones with the names of the children of Israel : thou
shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold .

signet Jer_22_24 /^{signet /upon my right hand ,
yet would I pluck thee thence;

signets Exo_39_06 /^{signets /are graven , with
the names of the children of Israel .

signified Act_11_28 /${signified /by the Spirit
that there should be great dearth throughout all the world :
which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar .

signified Rev_01_01 /${signified /it by his angel
unto his servant John :

signifieth Heb_12_27 /${signifieth /the removing of
those things that are shaken , as of things that are made , that
those things which cannot be shaken may remain .

signify Act_21_26 /${signify /the accomplishment
of the days of purification , until that an offering should be
offered for every one of them .

signify Act_25_27 /${signify /the crimes laid
against him .

signify Act_23_15 /${signify /to the chief
captain that he bring him down unto you to morrow , as though ye
would enquire something more perfectly concerning him : and we ,
or ever he come near , are ready to kill him .

signify 1Pe_01_11 /${signify /when it testified
beforehand the sufferings of Christ , and the glory that should
follow .

signifying Joh_21_19 /${signifying /by what death
he should glorify God . And when he had spoken this , he saith
unto him , Follow me .

signifying Heb_09_08 /${signifying /that the way
into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest , while as the
first tabernacle was yet standing :

signifying Joh_18_32 /${signifying /what death he
should die .

signifying Joh_12_33 /${signifying /what death he
should die .

signs Psa_105_27 /^{signs /among them, and
wonders in the land of Ham .

signs Deu_04_34 /^{signs /and by wonders , and
by war , and by a mighty hand , and by a stretched out arm , and
by great terrors , according to all that the LORD your God did
for you in Egypt before your eyes ?

signs Gen_01_14 /^{signs /and for seasons ,
and for days , and years :

signs Isa_08_18 /^{signs /and for wonders in
Israel from the LORD of hosts , which dwelleth in mount Zion .

signs Dan_04_03 /^{signs /and how mighty are
his wonders ! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and his
dominion is from generation to generation .

signs 2Th_02_09 /${signs /and lying wonders ,

signs Exo_07_03 /^{signs /and my wonders in
the land of Egypt .

signs Deu_07_19 /^{signs /and the wonders ,
and the mighty hand , and the stretched out arm , whereby the
LORD thy God brought thee out : so shall the LORD thy God do
unto all the people of whom thou art afraid .

signs Deu_34_11 /^{signs /and the wonders ,
which the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh ,
and to all his servants , and to all his land ,

signs Deu_29_03 /^{signs /and those great
miracles :

signs Jer_32_21 /^{signs /and with wonders ,
and with a strong hand , and with a stretched out arm , and with
great terror ;

signs Deu_26_08 /^{signs /and with wonders :

signs 2Co_12_12 /${signs /and wonders , and
mighty deeds .

signs Heb_02_04 /${signs /and wonders , and
with divers miracles , and gifts of the Holy Ghost , according
to his own will ?

signs Rom_15_19 /${signs /and wonders , by the
power of the Spirit of God ; so that from Jerusalem , and round
about unto Illyricum , I have fully preached the gospel of
Christ .

signs Deu_06_22 /^{signs /and wonders , great
and sore , upon Egypt , upon Pharaoh , and upon all his
household , before our eyes :

signs Mar_13_22 /${signs /and wonders , to
seduce , if it were possible , even the elect .

signs Joh_04_48 /${signs /and wonders , ye
will not believe .

signs Mat_24_24 /${signs /and wonders ;
insomuch that , if it were possible , they shall deceive the
very elect .

signs Dan_06_27 /^{signs /and wonders in
heaven and in earth , who hath delivered Daniel from the power
of the lions .

signs Jer_32_20 /^{signs /and wonders in the
land of Egypt , even unto this day , and in Israel , and among
other men ; and hast made thee a name , as at this day ;

signs Act_04_30 /${signs /and wonders may be
done by the name of thy holy child Jesus .

signs Dan_04_02 /^{signs /and wonders that the
high God hath wrought toward me.

signs Act_14_03 /${signs /and wonders to be
done by their hands .

signs Neh_09_10 /^{signs /and wonders upon
Pharaoh , and on all his servants , and on all the people of his
land : for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So
didst thou get thee a name , as it is this day .

signs Act_05_12 /${signs /and wonders wrought
among the people ; all with one accord in Solomon's porch .

signs 1Sa_10_07 /^{signs /are come unto thee,
that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee.

signs Exo_10_01 /^{signs /before him:

signs 1Sa_10_09 /^{signs /came to pass that
day .

signs Mar_16_20 /${signs /following . Amen .

signs Psa_78_43 /^{signs /in Egypt , and his
wonders in the field of Zoan :

signs 027 017 Jos /^{signs /in our sight , and
preserved us in all the way wherein we went , and among all the
people through whom we passed :

signs Act_02_19 /${signs /in the earth beneath
; blood , and fire , and vapour of smoke :

signs Act_07_36 /${signs /in the land of Egypt
, and in the Red sea , and in the wilderness forty years .

signs Exo_04_30 /^{signs /in the sight of the
people .

signs Luk_21_25 /${signs /in the sun , and in
the moon , and in the stars ; and upon the earth distress of
nations , with perplexity ; the sea and the waves roaring ;

signs Exo_04_09 /^{signs /neither hearken unto
thy voice , that thou shalt take of the water of the river , and
pour it upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out
of the river shall become blood upon the dry land.

signs 2Co_12_12 /${signs /of an apostle were
wrought among you in all patience , in signs , and wonders , and
mighty deeds .

signs Jer_10_02 /^{signs /of heaven ; for the
heathen are dismayed at them .

signs Mat_16_03 /${signs /of the times ?

signs Mar_16_17 /${signs /shall follow them
that believe ; In my name shall they cast out devils ; they
shall speak with new tongues ;

signs Luk_21_11 /${signs /shall there be from
heaven .

signs Psa_74_09 /^{signs /there is no more any
prophet : neither is there among us any that knoweth how long .

signs Luk_01_62 /${signs /to his father , how
he would have him called .

signs Joh_20_30 /${signs /truly did Jesus in
the presence of his disciples , which are not written in this
book :

signs Act_02_43 /${signs /were done by the
apostles .

signs Act_02_22 /${signs /which God did by him
in the midst of you , as ye yourselves also know :

signs Exo_04_28 /^{signs /which he had
commanded him.

signs Exo_10_02 /^{signs /which I have done
among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD .

signs Num_14_11 /^{signs /which I have shewed
among them?

signs Act_08_13 /${signs /which were done .
