sheal , EZR , 10:29


Sheal Interlinear Index Study

Sheal EZR 010 029 And of the sons <01121 +ben > of Bani <01137
+Baniy > ; Meshullam <04918 +M@shullam > , Malluch <04409
+Malluwk > , and Adaiah <05718 + , Jashub <03437
+Yashuwb > , and {Sheal} <07594 +Sh@>al > , and Ramoth <03406
+Y@riymowth > .


- misheal , 4861 ,

- sheal , 7594 ,



misheal -4861 mishal , {misheal} ,

sheal -7594 {sheal} ,

shealtiel -7597 salathiel , {shealtiel} ,


Misheal 4861 -- Mish/al -- Mishal, {Misheal}.

Sheal 7594 Sh@/al -- -- {Sheal}.

Shealtiel 7597 Sh@/altiy/el -- -- Shalthiel, {Shealtiel}.

Shealtiel 7598 Sh@/altiy/el -- -- {Shealtiel}.




Misheal 4861 ## Mish>al {mish-awl'}; from 7592; request; Mishal,
a place in Palestine: -- Mishal, {Misheal}. Compare 4913.[ql

Sheal 7594 ## Sh@>al {sheh-awl'}; from 7592; request; Sheal, an
Israelite: -- {Sheal}.[ql

Shealtiel 7597 ## Sh@>altiy>el {sheh-al-tee-ale'}; or Shaltiy>el
{shal-tee-ale'}; from 7592 and 410; I have asked God; Shealtiel,
an Israelite: -- Shalthiel, {Shealtiel}.[ql

Shealtiel 7598 ## Sh@>altiy>el (Aramaic) {sheh-al-tee-ale'};
corresponding to 7597: -- {Shealtiel}.[ql


Misheal 019 026 Jos /^{Misheal /and reacheth to
Carmel westward , and to Shihorlibnath ;

Sheal 010 029 Ezr /^{Sheal /and Ramoth .

Shealtiel 003 002 Ezr /^{Shealtiel /and his
brethren , and builded the altar of the God of Israel , to offer
burnt offerings thereon, as it is written in the law of Moses
the man of God .

Shealtiel 012 001 Neh /^{Shealtiel /and Jeshua :
Seraiah , Jeremiah , Ezra ,

Shealtiel 005 002 Ezr /^{Shealtiel /and Jeshua the
son of Jozadak , and began to build the house of God which is at
Jerusalem : and with them were the prophets of God helping them.

Shealtiel 003 008 Ezr /^{Shealtiel /and Jeshua the
son of Jozadak , and the remnant of their brethren the priests
and the Levites , and all they that were come out of the
captivity unto Jerusalem ; and appointed the Levites , from
twenty years old and upward , to set forward the work of the
house of the LORD .

Shealtiel 001 012 Hag /^{Shealtiel /and Joshua the
son of Josedech , the high priest , with all the remnant of the
people , obeyed the voice of the LORD their God , and the words
of Haggai the prophet , as the LORD their God had sent him, and
the people did fear before the LORD .

Shealtiel 001 014 Hag /^{Shealtiel /governor of
Judah , and the spirit of Joshua the son of Josedech , the high
priest , and the spirit of all the remnant of the people ; and
they came and did work in the house of the LORD of hosts , their
God ,

Shealtiel 002 002 Hag /^{Shealtiel /governor of
Judah , and to Joshua the son of Josedech , the high priest ,
and to the residue of the people , saying ,

Shealtiel 001 001 Hag /^{Shealtiel /governor of
Judah , and to Joshua the son of Josedech , the high priest ,
saying ,

Shealtiel 002 023 Hag /^{Shealtiel /saith the LORD
, and will make thee as a signet : for I have chosen thee, saith
the LORD of hosts .



sheal And of the sons of Bani; Meshullam, Malluch,

Adaiah, Jashub, and {Sheal}, and Ramoth.
