seventy Num_07_85 /^{seventy /all the silver
vessels weighed two thousand and four hundred shekels, after the
shekel of the sanctuary :

seventy Luk_10_01 /${seventy /also , and sent
them two and two before his face into every city and place ,
whither he himself would come .

seventy Ezr_02_05 /^{seventy /and five .

seventy Exo_38_28 /^{seventy /and five shekels
he made hooks for the pillars , and overlaid their chapiters ,
and filleted them.

seventy Est_09_16 /^{seventy /and five thousand ,
but they laid not their hands on the prey ,

seventy Gen_12_04 /^{seventy /and five years old
when he departed out of Haran .

seventy Neh_07_43 /^{seventy /and four .

seventy Ezr_02_40 /^{seventy /and four .

seventy Ezr_08_35 /^{seventy /and seven lambs ,
twelve he goats for a sin offering : all this was a burnt
offering unto the LORD .

seventy Gen_05_31 /^{seventy /and seven years :
and he died .

seventy Gen_04_24 /^{seventy /and sevenfold .

seventy Ezr_02_36 /^{seventy /and three .

seventy Neh_07_39 /^{seventy /and three .

seventy Neh_07_09 /^{seventy /and two .

seventy Neh_11_19 /^{seventy /and two .

seventy Ezr_02_04 /^{seventy /and two .

seventy Neh_07_08 /^{seventy /and two .

seventy Ezr_02_03 /^{seventy /and two .

seventy Jud_09_56 /^{seventy /brethren :

seventy Eze_41_12 /^{seventy /cubits broad ; and
the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about , and
the length thereof ninety cubits .

seventy Num_11_25 /^{seventy /elders : and it
came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they
prophesied , and did not cease .

seventy Ezr_08_07 /^{seventy /males .

seventy Ezr_08_14 /^{seventy /males .

seventy Eze_08_11 /^{seventy /men of the
ancients of the house of Israel , and in the midst of them stood
Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan , with every man his censer in his
hand ; and a thick cloud of incense went up .

seventy Num_11_16 /^{seventy /men of the elders
of Israel , whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people ,
and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of
the congregation , that they may stand there with thee.

seventy Num_11_24 /^{seventy /men of the elders
of the people , and set them round about the tabernacle .

seventy Exo_24_09 /^{seventy /of the elders of
Israel :

seventy Exo_24_01 /^{seventy /of the elders of
Israel ; and worship ye afar off .

seventy 2Ki_10_07 /^{seventy /persons , and put
their heads in baskets , and sent him them to Jezreel .

seventy 2Ki_10_06 /^{seventy /persons , were with
the great men of the city , which brought them up .

seventy Luk_10_17 /${seventy /returned again
with joy , saying , Lord , even the devils are subject unto us
through thy name .

seventy Num_07_19 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_67 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_79 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_49 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_43 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_37 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_61 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_73 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_25 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_55 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_31 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy Num_07_13 /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them were full of fine
flour mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 2Ki_10_01 /^{seventy /sons in Samaria .
And Jehu wrote letters , and sent to Samaria , unto the rulers
of Jezreel , to the elders , and to them that brought up Ahab's
children, saying ,

seventy Exo_01_05 /^{seventy /souls : for Joseph
was in Egypt already.

seventy Exo_38_29 /^{seventy /talents , and two
thousand and four hundred shekels .

seventy Num_31_32 /^{seventy /thousand and five
thousand sheep ,

seventy 2Sa_24_15 /^{seventy /thousand men .

seventy 1Ch_21_14 /^{seventy /thousand men .

seventy Mat_18_22 /${seventy /times seven .

Seventy Dan_09_24 /^{Seventy /weeks are
determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city , to finish
the transgression , and to make an end of sins , and to make
reconciliation for iniquity , and to bring in everlasting
righteousness , and to seal up the vision and prophecy , and to
anoint the most Holy .

seventy Isa_23_15 /^{seventy /years , according
to the days of one king : after the end of seventy years shall
Tyre sing as an harlot .

seventy Gen_11_26 /^{seventy /years , and begat
Abram , Nahor , and Haran .

seventy Gen_05_12 /^{seventy /years , and begat
Mahalaleel :

seventy Zec_07_05 /^{seventy /years , did ye at
all fast unto me, even to me?

seventy Isa_23_17 /^{seventy /years , that the
LORD will visit Tyre , and she shall turn to her hire , and
shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon
the face of the earth .

seventy Jer_25_11 /^{seventy /years .

seventy Jer_25_12 /^{seventy /years are
accomplished , that I will punish the king of Babylon , and that
nation , saith the LORD , for their iniquity , and the land of
the Chaldeans , and will make it perpetual desolations .

seventy Jer_29_10 /^{seventy /years be
accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good
word toward you, in causing you to return to this place .

seventy Dan_09_02 /^{seventy /years in the
desolations of Jerusalem .

seventy Isa_23_15 /^{seventy /years shall Tyre
sing as an harlot .
