counsellor 1884 -- d@thabar -- {counsellor}.

counsellor 1907 -- haddabar -- {counsellor}.

counsellor 3272 -- y@\at -- {counsellor}, consult together.

counsellor 1010 ** bouleutes ** {counsellor}.

counsellor 4825 ** sumboulos ** {counsellor}.

sell 4376 -- makar -- X at all, {sell} (away, -er, self).

sell 7666 shabar -- -- buy, {sell}.

sell 0591 ** apodidomi ** deliver (again), give (again), (re-
)pay(-ment be made),perform, recompense, render, requite,
restore, reward, {sell}, yield.

sell 1710 ** emporeuomai ** buy and {sell}, make merchandise.

sell 4097 ** piprasko ** {sell}.

sell 4453 ** poleo ** {sell}, whatever is sold.

seller 4211 ** porphuropolis ** {seller} of purple.
