scatter Eze_05_12 /^{scatter /a third part into
all the winds , and I will draw out a sword after them.

scatter Dan_11_24 /^{scatter /among them the
prey , and spoil , and riches : yea, and he shall forecast his
devices against the strong holds , even for a time .

scatter Dan_04_14 /^{scatter /his fruit : let
the beasts get away from under it , and the fowls from his
branches :

scatter Eze_05_02 /^{scatter /in the wind ; and
I will draw out a sword after them.

scatter Eze_05_10 /^{scatter /into all the winds

scatter Jer_49_32 /^{scatter /into all winds
them that are in the utmost corners ; and I will bring their
calamity from all sides thereof, saith the LORD .

scatter Zec_01_21 /^{scatter /it.

scatter Hab_03_14 /^{scatter /me: their
rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly .

scatter Isa_28_25 /^{scatter /the cummin , and
cast in the principal wheat and the appointed barley and the rie
in their place ?

scatter Eze_30_26 /^{scatter /the Egyptians
among the nations , and disperse them among the countries ; and
they shall know that I am the LORD .

scatter Eze_29_12 /^{scatter /the Egyptians
among the nations , and will disperse them through the countries

scatter Eze_30_23 /^{scatter /the Egyptians
among the nations , and will disperse them through the countries

scatter Dan_12_07 /^{scatter /the power of the
holy people , all these things shall be finished .

scatter Jer_23_01 /^{scatter /the sheep of my
pasture ! saith the LORD .

scatter Deu_28_64 /^{scatter /thee among all
people , from the one end of the earth even unto the other ; and
there thou shalt serve other gods , which neither thou nor thy
fathers have known , even wood and stone .

scatter Eze_22_15 /^{scatter /thee among the
heathen , and disperse thee in the countries , and will consume
thy filthiness out of thee.

scatter Gen_11_09 /^{scatter /them abroad upon
the face of all the earth .

scatter Jer_09_16 /^{scatter /them also among
the heathen , whom neither they nor their fathers have known :
and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them.

scatter Eze_20_23 /^{scatter /them among the
heathen , and disperse them through the countries ;

scatter Eze_12_15 /^{scatter /them among the
nations , and disperse them in the countries .

scatter Jer_13_24 /^{scatter /them as the
stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness .

scatter Jer_18_17 /^{scatter /them as with an
east wind before the enemy ; I will shew them the back , and not
the face , in the day of their calamity .

scatter 1Ki_14_15 /^{scatter /them beyond the
river , because they have made their groves , provoking the LORD
to anger .

scatter Psa_59_11 /^{scatter /them by thy power ;
and bring them down , O Lord our shield .

scatter Gen_49_07 /^{scatter /them in Israel .

scatter Psa_106_27 /^{scatter /them in the lands

scatter Deu_32_26 /^{scatter /them into corners ,
I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men :

scatter Eze_10_02 /^{scatter /them over the city
. And he went in in my sight .

scatter Jer_49_36 /^{scatter /them toward all
those winds ; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts
of Elam shall not come .

scatter Isa_41_16 /^{scatter /them: and thou
shalt rejoice in the LORD , and shalt glory in the Holy One of
Israel .

scatter Psa_144_06 /^{scatter /them: shoot out
thine arrows , and destroy them.

scatter Num_16_37 /^{scatter /thou the fire
yonder ; for they are hallowed .

scatter Psa_68_30 /^{scatter /thou the people
that delight in war .

scatter Eze_12_14 /^{scatter /toward every wind
all that are about him to help him, and all his bands ; and I
will draw out the sword after them.

scatter Neh_01_08 /^{scatter /you abroad among
the nations :

scatter Lev_26_33 /^{scatter /you among the
heathen , and will draw out a sword after you: and your land
shall be desolate , and your cities waste .

scatter Deu_04_27 /^{scatter /you among the
nations , and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen ,
whither the LORD shall lead you.

scatter Eze_06_05 /^{scatter /your bones round
about your altars .

scattered Mat_09_36 /${scattered /abroad , as
sheep having no shepherd .

scattered Jam_01_01 /${scattered /abroad ,
greeting .

scattered Joh_11_52 /${scattered /abroad .

scattered Mat_26_31 /${scattered /abroad .

scattered Job_04_11 /^{scattered /abroad .

scattered Est_03_08 /^{scattered /abroad and
dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom ;
and their laws are diverse from all people ; neither keep they
the king's laws : therefore it is not for the king's profit to
suffer them.

scattered Exo_05_12 /^{scattered /abroad
throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of
straw .

scattered Act_08_01 /${scattered /abroad
throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria , except the
apostles .

scattered Gen_11_04 /^{scattered /abroad upon the
face of the whole earth .

scattered Act_11_19 /${scattered /abroad upon the
persecution that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice
, and Cyprus , and Antioch , preaching the word to none but unto
the Jews only .

scattered Act_08_04 /${scattered /abroad went
every where preaching the word .

scattered Joe_03_02 /^{scattered /among the
nations , and parted my land .

scattered Act_05_36 /${scattered /and brought to
nought .

scattered Eze_20_41 /^{scattered /and I will be
sanctified in you before the heathen .

scattered Eze_11_17 /^{scattered /and I will give
you the land of Israel .

scattered Zec_13_07 /^{scattered /and I will turn
mine hand upon the little ones .

scattered Num_10_35 /^{scattered /and let them
that hate thee flee before thee.

scattered Isa_18_07 /^{scattered /and peeled , and
from a people terrible from their beginning hitherto ; a nation
meted out and trodden under foot , whose land the rivers have
spoiled , to the place of the name of the LORD of hosts , the
mount Zion .

scattered Isa_18_02 /^{scattered /and peeled , to
a people terrible from their beginning hitherto ; a nation meted
out and trodden down , whose land the rivers have spoiled !

scattered Eze_28_25 /^{scattered /and shall be
sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen , then shall they
dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob .

scattered Jer_40_15 /^{scattered /and the remnant
in Judah perish ?

scattered Psa_141_07 /^{scattered /at the grave's
mouth , as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth .

scattered Eze_34_05 /^{scattered /because there is
no shepherd : and they became meat to all the beasts of the
field , when they were scattered .

scattered Eze_46_18 /^{scattered /every man from
his possession .

scattered Joh_16_32 /${scattered /every man to his
own , and shall leave me alone : and yet I am not alone ,
because the Father is with me .

scattered 2Ki_25_05 /^{scattered /from him.

scattered Jer_52_08 /^{scattered /from him.

scattered 1Sa_13_08 /^{scattered /from him.

scattered 1Sa_13_11 /^{scattered /from me, and
that thou camest not within the days appointed , and that the
Philistines gathered themselves together at Michmash ;

scattered Eze_34_12 /^{scattered /in the cloudy
and dark day .

scattered Jer_31_10 /^{scattered /Israel will
gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock .

scattered Zec_01_19 /^{scattered /Judah , Israel ,
and Jerusalem .

scattered Zec_01_21 /^{scattered /Judah , so that
no man did lift up his head : but these are come to fray them,
to cast out the horns of the Gentiles , which lifted up their
horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

scattered Psa_68_14 /^{scattered /kings in it, it
was white as snow in Salmon .

scattered Psa_68_01 /^{scattered /let them also
that hate him flee before him.

scattered Jer_23_02 /^{scattered /my flock , and
driven them away , and have not visited them: behold, I will
visit upon you the evil of your doings , saith the LORD .

scattered 2Sa_18_08 /^{scattered /over the face of
all the country : and the wood devoured more people that day
than the sword devoured .

scattered Jer_50_17 /^{scattered /sheep ; the
lions have driven him away : first the king of Assyria hath
devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath
broken his bones .

scattered 1Sa_11_11 /^{scattered /so that two of
them were not left together .

scattered Eze_34_12 /^{scattered /so will I seek
out my sheep , and will deliver them out of all places where
they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day .

scattered Psa_53_05 /^{scattered /the bones of him
that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame ,
because God hath despised them.

scattered Hab_03_06 /^{scattered /the perpetual
hills did bow : his ways are everlasting .

scattered Luk_01_51 /${scattered /the proud in the
imagination of their hearts .

scattered Jer_30_11 /^{scattered /thee, yet will I
not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure ,
and will not leave thee altogether unpunished .

scattered Deu_30_03 /^{scattered /thee.

scattered Eze_34_21 /^{scattered /them abroad ;

scattered Gen_11_08 /^{scattered /them abroad from
thence upon the face of all the earth : and they left off to
build the city .

scattered Eze_11_16 /^{scattered /them among the
countries , yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the
countries where they shall come .

scattered Eze_36_19 /^{scattered /them among the
heathen , and they were dispersed through the countries :
according to their way and according to their doings I judged

scattered Zec_07_14 /^{scattered /them with a
whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not. Thus the
land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor
returned : for they laid the pleasant land desolate .

scattered Psa_18_14 /^{scattered /them; and he
shot out lightnings , and discomfited them.

scattered 2Sa_22_15 /^{scattered /them; lightning ,
and discomfited them.

scattered Psa_89_10 /^{scattered /thine enemies
with thy strong arm .

scattered Eze_06_08 /^{scattered /through the
countries .

scattered 1Pe_01_01 /${scattered /throughout
Pontus , Galatia , Cappadocia , Asia , and Bithynia ,

scattered Jer_03_13 /^{scattered /thy ways to the
strangers under every green tree , and ye have not obeyed my
voice , saith the LORD .

scattered Eze_17_21 /^{scattered /toward all winds
: and ye shall know that I the LORD have spoken it.

scattered Eze_34_06 /^{scattered /upon all the
face of the earth , and none did search or seek after them.

scattered Job_18_15 /^{scattered /upon his
habitation .

scattered 1Ki_22_17 /^{scattered /upon the hills ,
as sheep that have not a shepherd : and the LORD said , These
have no master : let them return every man to his house in peace

scattered Nah_03_18 /^{scattered /upon the
mountains , and no man gathereth them.

scattered 2Ch_18_16 /^{scattered /upon the
mountains , as sheep that have no shepherd : and the LORD said ,
These have no master ; let them return therefore every man to
his house in peace .

scattered Psa_44_11 /^{scattered /us among the
heathen .

scattered Psa_60_01 /^{scattered /us, thou hast
been displeased ; O turn thyself to us again .

scattered Eze_20_34 /^{scattered /with a mighty
hand , and with a stretched out arm , and with fury poured out .

scattereth Mat_12_30 /${scattereth /abroad .

scattereth Isa_24_01 /^{scattereth /abroad the
inhabitants thereof.

scattereth Pro_11_24 /^{scattereth /and yet
increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet ,
but it tendeth to poverty .

scattereth Pro_20_08 /^{scattereth /away all evil
with his eyes .

scattereth Job_37_11 /^{scattereth /his bright
cloud :

scattereth Job_38_24 /^{scattereth /the east wind
upon the earth ?

scattereth Psa_147_16 /^{scattereth /the hoarfrost
like ashes .

scattereth Joh_10_12 /${scattereth /the sheep .

scattereth Pro_20_26 /^{scattereth /the wicked ,
and bringeth the wheel over them.

scattering Isa_30_30 /^{scattering /and tempest ,
and hailstones .
