Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

4541 + Samaritan + a Samaritan + the Samaritans + of the Samaritans + with the Samaritans + and he was a Samaritan +/ . Samareites {sam-ar-i'-tace}; from 4540 + Samaria + of Samaria + and Samaria + that Samaria + and in Samaria +/ ; a Samarite, i .e . inhabitant of Samaria: --Samaritan .

4542 . Samareitis {sam-ar-i'-tis}; feminine of 4541 + Samaritan + a Samaritan + the Samaritans + of the Samaritans + with the Samaritans + and he was a Samaritan +/ ; a Samaritess, i .e . woman of Samaria: --of Samaria .