ambassador Eph_06_20 /${ambassador /in bonds : that
therein I may speak boldly , as I ought to speak .

ambassador Pro_13_17 /^{ambassador /is health .

ambassador Oba_01_01 /^{ambassador /is sent among
the heathen , Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle

ambassador Jer_49_14 /^{ambassador /is sent unto
the heathen , saying, Gather ye together , and come against her,
and rise up to the battle .

ambassadors Jos_09_04 /^{ambassadors /and took old
sacks upon their asses , and wine bottles , old , and rent , and
bound up ;

ambassadors Isa_18_02 /^{ambassadors /by the sea ,
even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters , saying, Go , ye
swift messengers , to a nation scattered and peeled , to a
people terrible from their beginning hitherto ; a nation meted
out and trodden down , whose land the rivers have spoiled !

ambassadors Isa_30_04 /^{ambassadors /came to Hanes .

ambassadors 2Co_05_20 /${ambassadors /for Christ , as
though God did beseech you by us : we pray you in Christ's stead
, be ye reconciled to God .

ambassadors Eze_17_15 /^{ambassadors /into Egypt ,
that they might give him horses and much people . Shall he
prosper ? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he
break the covenant , and be delivered ?

ambassadors Isa_33_07 /^{ambassadors /of peace shall
weep bitterly .

ambassadors 2Ch_32_31 /^{ambassadors /of the princes
of Babylon , who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was
done in the land , God left him, to try him, that he might know
all that was in his heart .

ambassadors 2Ch_35_21 /^{ambassadors /to him, saying ,
What have I to do with thee, thou king of Judah ? I come not
against thee this day , but against the house wherewith I have
war : for God commanded me to make haste : forbear thee from
meddling with God , who is with me, that he destroy thee not.

Hasadiah 1Ch_03_20 /^{Hasadiah /Jushabhesed ,
five .

sad Eze_13_22 /^{sad /and strengthened the
hands of the wicked , that he should not return from his wicked
way , by promising him life :

sad Mar_10_22 /${sad /at that saying , and
went away grieved : for he had great possessions .

sad Mat_06_16 /${sad /countenance : for they
disfigure their faces , that they may appear unto men to fast .
Verily I say unto you , They have their reward .

sad Neh_02_01 /^{sad /in his presence .

sad Neh_02_02 /^{sad /seeing thou art not
sick ? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart . Then I was
very sore afraid ,

sad 1Ki_21_05 /^{sad /that thou eatest no
bread ?

sad Neh_02_03 /^{sad /when the city , the
place of my fathers sepulchres , lieth waste , and the gates
thereof are consumed with fire ?

sad Eze_13_22 /^{sad /whom I have not made
sad ; and strengthened the hands of the wicked , that he should
not return from his wicked way , by promising him life :

saddle 2Sa_19_26 /^{saddle /me an ass , that I
may ride thereon, and go to the king ; because thy servant is
lame .

Saddle 1Ki_13_27 /^{Saddle /me the ass . And
they saddled him.

Saddle 1Ki_13_13 /^{Saddle /me the ass . So
they saddled him the ass : and he rode thereon,

saddle Lev_15_09 /^{saddle /soever he rideth
upon that hath the issue shall be unclean .

saddled 2Ki_04_24 /^{saddled /an ass , and said
to her servant , Drive , and go forward ; slack not thy riding
for me, except I bid thee.

saddled 2Sa_16_01 /^{saddled /and upon them two
hundred loaves of bread , and an hundred bunches of raisins ,
and an hundred of summer fruits , and a bottle of wine .

saddled 1Ki_13_23 /^{saddled /for him the ass ,
to wit, for the prophet whom he had brought back .

saddled 1Ki_13_13 /^{saddled /him the ass : and
he rode thereon,

saddled 1Ki_13_27 /^{saddled /him.

saddled 2Sa_17_23 /^{saddled /his ass , and arose
, and gat him home to his house , to his city , and put his
household in order , and hanged himself, and died , and was
buried in the sepulchre of his father .

saddled Gen_22_03 /^{saddled /his ass , and took
two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son , and clave the
wood for the burnt offering , and rose up , and went unto the
place of which God had told him.

saddled 1Ki_02_40 /^{saddled /his ass , and went
to Gath to Achish to seek his servants : and Shimei went , and
brought his servants from Gath .

saddled Num_22_21 /^{saddled /his ass , and went
with the princes of Moab .

saddled Jud_19_10 /^{saddled /his concubine also
was with him.

Sadducees Act_23_07 /${Sadducees /and the
multitude was divided .

Sadducees Act_23_06 /${Sadducees /and the other
Pharisees , he cried out in the council , Men and brethren , I
am a Pharisee , the son of a Pharisee : of the hope and
resurrection of the dead I am called in question .

Sadducees Act_05_17 /${Sadducees /and were filled
with indignation ,

Sadducees Mat_16_01 /${Sadducees /came , and
tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven .

Sadducees Act_04_01 /${Sadducees /came upon them ,

Sadducees Mat_03_07 /${Sadducees /come to his
baptism , he said unto them , O generation of vipers , who hath
warned you to flee from the wrath to come ?

Sadducees Act_23_08 /${Sadducees /say that there
is no resurrection , neither angel , nor spirit : but the
Pharisees confess both .

Sadducees Mat_22_34 /${Sadducees /to silence ,
they were gathered together .

Sadducees Luk_20_27 /${Sadducees /which deny that
there is any resurrection ; and they asked him ,

Sadducees Mat_22_23 /${Sadducees /which say that
there is no resurrection , and asked him ,

Sadducees Mar_12_18 /${Sadducees /which say there
is no resurrection ; and they asked him , saying ,

sadly Gen_40_07 /^{sadly /to day ?

sadness Ecc_07_03 /^{sadness /of the countenance
the heart is made better .

Sadoc Mat_01_14 /${Sadoc /and Sadoc begat
Achim ; and Achim begat Eliud ;

Sadoc Mat_01_14 /${Sadoc /begat Achim ; and
Achim begat Eliud ;
