rust Interlinear Index Study

rust MAT 006 019 . Lay not up for yourselves <5213 -humin ->
treasures <2344 -thesauros -> upon earth <1093 -ge -> , where
<3699 -hopou -> moth <4597 -ses -> and {rust} <1035 -brosis ->
doth corrupt <0853 -aphanizo -> , and where <3699 -hopou ->
thieves <2812 -kleptes -> break <1358 -diorusso -> through <1358
-diorusso -> and steal <2813 -klepto -> :

rust MAT 006 020 But lay up for yourselves <5213 -humin ->
treasures <2344 -thesauros -> in heaven <3772 -ouranos -> ,
where <3699 -hopou -> neither <3777 -oute -> moth <4597 -ses ->
nor <3777 -oute -> {rust} <1035 -brosis -> doth corrupt <0853 -
aphanizo -> , and where <3699 -hopou -> thieves <2812 -kleptes -
> do not break <1358 -diorusso -> through <1358 -diorusso -> nor
<3761 -oude -> steal <2813 -klepto -> :

rust JAS 005 003 Your <5216 -humon -> gold <5557 -chrusos -> and
silver <0696 -arguros -> is cankered <2728 -katioo -> ; and the
{rust} <2447 -ios -> of them shall be a witness <3142 -marturion
-> against <2596 -kata -> you , and shall eat <5315 -phago ->
your <5216 -humon -> flesh <4561 -sarx -> as it were fire <4442 -
pur -> . Ye have heaped <2343 -thesaurizo -> treasure <2343 -
thesaurizo -> together for the last <2078 -eschatos -> days
<2250 -hemera -> .
