dromedary 1070 ## beker {beh'-ker}; from 1069 (in the sense of
youth); a young camel: -- {dromedary}. [ql

dromedary 1072 ## bikrah {bik-raw'}; feminine of 1070; a young
she-camel: -- {dromedary}. [ql

dromedary 7409 ## rekesh {reh'-kesh}; from 7408; a relay of
animals on a post-route (as stored up for that purpose); by
implication, a courser: -- {dromedary}, mule, swift beast.[ql

dromedary 7424 ## rammak {ram-mawk'}; of foreign origin; a brood
mare: -- {dromedary}.[ql

Rome 4514 # Rhomaios {hro-mah'-yos}; from 4516; Romaean, i.e.
Roman (as noun): -- Roman, of {Rome}.[ql

Rome 4516 # Rhome {hro'-may}; from the base of 4517; strength;
Roma, the capital of Italy: -- {Rome}.[ql
