riding Interlinear Index Study

riding NUM 022 022 . And God s <00430 +>elohiym > anger <00639
+>aph > was kindled <02734 +charah > because <03588 +kiy > he
went <01980 +halak > : and the angel <04397 +mal>ak > of the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > stood <03320 +yatsab > in the way <01870
+derek > for an adversary <07854 +satan > against him . Now he
was {riding} <07392 +rakab > upon his ass <00860 +>athown > ,
and his two <08147 +sh@nayim > servants <05288 +na [ were ]
with him .

riding 2KI 004 024 Then she saddled <02280 +chabash > an ass
<00860 +>athown > , and said <00559 +>amar > to her servant
<05288 +na , Drive <05090 +nahag > , and go <03212 +yalak >
forward ; slack <06113 + not [ thy ] {riding} <07392
+rakab > for me , except I bid <00559 +>amar > thee .

riding JER 017 025 Then shall there enter <00935 +bow> > into
the gates <08179 +sha of this <02063 +zo>th > city <05892
+ kings <04428 +melek > and princes <08269 +sar > sitting
<03427 +yashab > upon the throne <03678 +kicce> > of David
<01732 +David > , {riding} <07392 +rakab > in chariots <07393
+rekeb > and on horses <05483 +cuwc > , they , and their princes
<08269 +sar > , the men <00376 +>iysh > of Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > , and the inhabitants <03427 +yashab > of Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > : and this <02088 +zeh > city <05892
+ shall remain <03427 +yashab > for ever <05769 + .

riding JER 022 004 For if <00518 +>im > ye do <06213 +
this <02088 +zeh > thing <01697 +dabar > indeed , then shall
there enter <00935 +bow> > in by the gates <08179 +sha of
this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > kings <04428 +melek >
sitting <03427 +yashab > upon the throne <03678 +kicce> > of
David <01732 +David > , {riding} <07392 +rakab > in chariots
<07393 +rekeb > and on horses <05483 +cuwc > , he , and his
servants <05650 + , and his people <05971 + .

riding EZE 023 006 [ Which were ] clothed <03847 +labash > with
blue <08504 +t@keleth > , captains<06346 +pechah > and rulers
<05461 +cagan > , all <03605 +kol > of them desirable <02531
+chemed > young <00970 +bachuwr > men , horsemen <06571 +parash
> {riding} <07392 +rakab > upon horses <05483 +cuwc > .

riding EZE 023 012 She doted <05689 + upon the Assyrians
<00804 +>Ashshuwr > [ her ] neighbours <07138 +qarowb > ,
captains <06346 +pechah > and rulers <05461 +cagan > clothed
<03847 +labash > most gorgeously <04358 +miklowl > , horsemen
<06571 +parash > {riding} <07392 +rakab > upon horses <05483
+cuwc > , all <03605 +kol > of them desirable <02531 +chemed >
young <00970 +bachuwr > men .

riding EZE 023 023 The Babylonians , and all <03605 +kol > the
Chaldeans <03779 +Kasday > , Pekod <06489 +P@qowd > , and Shoa
<07772 +Showa< > , and Koa <06970 +Qowa< > , [ and ] all <03605
+kol > the Assyrians <00804 +>Ashshuwr > with them : all <03605
+kol > of them desirable <02531 +chemed > young <00970 +bachuwr
> men , captains <06346 +pechah > and rulers <05461 +cagan > ,
great <07991 +shaliysh > lords <07991 +shaliysh > and renowned
<07121 +qara> > , all <03605 +kol > of them {riding} <07392
+rakab > upon horses <05483 +cuwc > .

riding EZE 038 015 And thou shalt come <00935 +bow> > from thy
place <04725 +maqowm > out of thenorth <06828 +tsaphown > parts
<03411 +y@rekah > , thou , and many <07227 +rab > people <05971
+ with thee , all <03605 +kol > of them {riding} <07392
+rakab > upon horses <05483 +cuwc > , a great <01419 +gadowl >
company <06951 +qahal > , and a mighty <07227 +rab > army <02428
+chayil > :

riding ZEC 001 008 I saw <07200 +ra>ah > by night <03915 +layil
> , and behold <02009 +hinneh > a man <00376 +>iysh > {riding}
<07392 +rakab > upon a red <00122 +>adom > horse <05483 +cuwc > ,
and he stood <05975 + among <00996 +beyn > the myrtle
<01918 +hadac > trees that [ were ] in the bottom <04699
+m@tsullah > ; and behind <00310 +>achar > him [ were there ]
red <00122 +>adom > horses <05483 +cuwc > , speckled <08320
+saruq > , and white <03836 +laban > .

riding ZEC 009 009 . Rejoice <01523 +giyl > greatly <03966
+m@ , O daughter <01323 +bath > of Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > ;
shout <07321 +ruwa< > , O daughter <01323 +bath > of Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > : behold <02009 +hinneh > , thy King
<04428 +melek > cometh <00935 +bow> > unto thee : he [ is ] just
<06662 +tsaddiyq > , and having salvation <03467 +yasha< > ;
lowly <06041 + , and {riding} <07392 +rakab > upon an ass
<02543 +chamowr > , and upon a colt <05895 + the foal
<01121 +ben > of an ass <00860 +>athown > .
