Aridai Est_09_09 /^{Aridai /and Vajezatha ,

bride Rev_21_02 /${bride /adorned for her
husband .

bride Isa_61_10 /^{bride /adorneth herself
with her jewels .

bride Isa_49_18 /^{bride /doeth.

bride Jer_07_34 /^{bride /for the land shall
be desolate .

bride Jer_02_32 /^{bride /her attire ? yet my
people have forgotten me days without number .

bride Joh_03_29 /${bride /is the bridegroom :
but the friend of the bridegroom , which standeth and heareth
him , rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice : this
my joy therefore is fulfilled .

bride Joe_02_16 /^{bride /out of her closet .

bride Rev_22_17 /${bride /say , Come . And let
him that heareth say , Come . And let him that is athirst come .
And whosoever will , let him take the water of life freely .

bride Rev_18_23 /${bride /shall be heard no
more at all in thee : for thy merchants were the great men of
the earth ; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived .

bride Isa_62_05 /^{bride /so shall thy God
rejoice over thee.

bride Rev_21_09 /${bride /the Lamb's wife .

bride Jer_25_10 /^{bride /the sound of the
millstones , and the light of the candle .

bride Jer_33_11 /^{bride /the voice of them
that shall say , Praise the LORD of hosts : for the LORD is good
; for his mercy endureth for ever : and of them that shall bring
the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD . For I will
cause to return the captivity of the land , as at the first ,
saith the LORD .

bridechamber Luk_05_34 /${bridechamber /fast , while
the bridegroom is with them ?

bridechamber Mar_02_19 /${bridechamber /fast , while
the bridegroom is with them ? as long as they have the
bridegroom with them , they cannot fast .

bridechamber Mat_09_15 /${bridechamber /mourn , as
long as the bridegroom is with them ? but the days will come ,
when the bridegroom shall be taken from them , and then shall
they fast .

bridegroom Rev_18_23 /${bridegroom /and of the
bride shall be heard no more at all in thee : for thy merchants
were the great men of the earth ; for by thy sorceries were all
nations deceived .

bridegroom Jer_25_10 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride , the sound of the millstones , and the light of
the candle .

bridegroom Jer_33_11 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride , the voice of them that shall say , Praise the
LORD of hosts : for the LORD is good ; for his mercy endureth
for ever : and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise
into the house of the LORD . For I will cause to return the
captivity of the land , as at the first , saith the LORD .

bridegroom Jer_16_09 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride .

bridegroom Jer_07_34 /^{bridegroom /and the voice
of the bride : for the land shall be desolate .

bridegroom Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom /but the friend
of the bridegroom , which standeth and heareth him , rejoiceth
greatly because of the bridegroom's voice : this my joy
therefore is fulfilled .

bridegroom Mat_25_10 /${bridegroom /came ; and they
that were ready went in with him to the marriage : and the door
was shut .

bridegroom Mat_25_06 /${bridegroom /cometh ; go ye
out to meet him .

bridegroom Psa_19_05 /^{bridegroom /coming out of
his chamber , and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race .

bridegroom Isa_61_10 /^{bridegroom /decketh himself
with ornaments , and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels

bridegroom Joe_02_16 /^{bridegroom /go forth of his
chamber , and the bride out of her closet .

bridegroom Luk_05_34 /${bridegroom /is with them ?

bridegroom Mar_02_19 /${bridegroom /is with them ?
as long as they have the bridegroom with them , they cannot fast

bridegroom Mat_09_15 /${bridegroom /is with them ?
but the days will come , when the bridegroom shall be taken from
them , and then shall they fast .

bridegroom Isa_62_05 /^{bridegroom /rejoiceth over
the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

bridegroom Luk_05_35 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
away from them , and then shall they fast in those days .

bridegroom Mar_02_20 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
away from them , and then shall they fast in those days .

bridegroom Mat_09_15 /${bridegroom /shall be taken
from them , and then shall they fast .

bridegroom Mat_25_05 /${bridegroom /tarried , they
all slumbered and slept .

bridegroom Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom /which standeth
and heareth him , rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's
voice : this my joy therefore is fulfilled .

bridegroom Mar_02_19 /${bridegroom /with them ,
they cannot fast .

bridegroom's Joh_03_29 /${bridegroom's /voice : this
my joy therefore is fulfilled .

bridle Job_30_11 /^{bridle /before me.

bridle Pro_26_03 /^{bridle /for the ass , and a
rod for the fool's back .

bridle Isa_30_28 /^{bridle /in the jaws of the
people , causing them to err .

bridle Isa_37_29 /^{bridle /in thy lips , and I
will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest .

bridle 2Ki_19_28 /^{bridle /in thy lips , and I
will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest .

bridle Psa_32_09 /^{bridle /lest they come near
unto thee.

bridle Jam_03_02 /${bridle /the whole body .

bridle Psa_39_01 /^{bridle /while the wicked is
before me.

bridles Rev_14_20 /${bridles /by the space of a
thousand and six hundred furlongs .

bridleth Jam_01_26 /${bridleth /not his tongue ,
but deceiveth his own heart , this man's religion is vain .

deride Hab_01_10 /^{deride /every strong hold ;
for they shall heap dust , and take it.

derided Luk_16_14 /${derided /him .

derided Luk_23_35 /${derided /him, saying , He
saved others ; let him save himself , if he be Christ , the
chosen of God .

partridge 1Sa_26_20 /^{partridge /in the mountains

partridge Jer_17_11 /^{partridge /sitteth on eggs,
and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches , and not by
right , shall leave them in the midst of his days , and at his
end shall be a fool .

pride Pro_08_13 /^{pride /and arrogancy , and
the evil way , and the froward mouth , do I hate .

pride Psa_59_12 /^{pride /and for cursing and
lying which they speak .

pride Isa_16_06 /^{pride /and his wrath : but
his lies shall not be so.

pride Jer_13_17 /^{pride /and mine eye shall
weep sore , and run down with tears , because the LORD'S flock
is carried away captive .

pride Isa_09_09 /^{pride /and stoutness of
heart ,

pride Jer_48_29 /^{pride /and the haughtiness
of his heart .

pride 1Sa_17_28 /^{pride /and the naughtiness
of thine heart ; for thou art come down that thou mightest see
the battle .

pride Zep_03_11 /^{pride /and thou shalt no
more be haughty because of my holy mountain .

pride Zep_02_10 /^{pride /because they have
reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the
LORD of hosts .

pride Pro_14_03 /^{pride /but the lips of the
wise shall preserve them.

pride Psa_36_11 /^{pride /come against me, and
let not the hand of the wicked remove me.

pride Pro_11_02 /^{pride /cometh , then cometh
shame : but with the lowly is wisdom .

pride Pro_13_10 /^{pride /cometh contention :
but with the well advised is wisdom .

pride Psa_73_06 /^{pride /compasseth them
about as a chain ; violence covereth them as a garment .

pride Psa_10_02 /^{pride /doth persecute the
poor : let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined .

pride Mar_07_22 /${pride /foolishness :

pride Job_33_17 /^{pride /from man .

pride Eze_16_49 /^{pride /fulness of bread ,
and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters ,
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy .

Pride Pro_16_18 /^{Pride /goeth before
destruction , and an haughty spirit before a fall .

pride Eze_07_10 /^{pride /hath budded .

pride 1Ti_03_06 /${pride /he fall into the
condemnation of the devil .

pride Dan_04_37 /^{pride /he is able to abase .

pride Dan_05_20 /^{pride /he was deposed from
his kingly throne , and they took his glory from him :

pride Isa_23_09 /^{pride /of all glory , and
to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth .

pride Zec_10_11 /^{pride /of Assyria shall be
brought down , and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away .

pride Job_35_12 /^{pride /of evil men .

pride Eze_30_06 /^{pride /of her power shall
come down : from the tower of Syene shall they fall in it by the
sword , saith the Lord GOD .

pride Psa_10_04 /^{pride /of his countenance ,
will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts .

pride 2Ch_32_26 /^{pride /of his heart , both
he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem , so that the wrath of the
LORD came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah .

pride Hos_05_05 /^{pride /of Israel doth
testify to his face : therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in
their iniquity ; Judah also shall fall with them.

pride Hos_07_10 /^{pride /of Israel testifieth
to his face : and they do not return to the LORD their God , nor
seek him for all this.

pride Jer_13_09 /^{pride /of Jerusalem .

pride Zec_11_03 /^{pride /of Jordan is spoiled

pride Jer_13_09 /^{pride /of Judah , and the
great pride of Jerusalem .

pride 1Jo_02_16 /${pride /of life , is not of
the Father , but is of the world .

pride Psa_31_20 /^{pride /of man : thou shalt
keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues .

pride Jer_48_29 /^{pride /of Moab , his
loftiness , and his arrogancy , and his pride , and the
haughtiness of his heart .

pride Isa_16_06 /^{pride /of Moab ; he is very
proud : even of his haughtiness , and his pride , and his wrath :
but his lies shall not be so.

pride Zec_09_06 /^{pride /of the Philistines .

pride Jer_49_16 /^{pride /of thine heart , O
thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock , that holdest the
height of the hill : though thou shouldest make thy nest as high
as the eagle , I will bring thee down from thence, saith the

pride Oba_01_03 /^{pride /of thine heart hath
deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock ,
whose habitation is high ; that saith in his heart , Who shall
bring me down to the ground ?

pride Lev_26_19 /^{pride /of your power ; and
I will make your heaven as iron , and your earth as brass :

pride Pro_29_23 /^{pride /shall bring him low :
but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit .

pride Job_41_15 /^{pride /shut up together as
with a close seal .

pride Isa_28_03 /^{pride /the drunkards of
Ephraim , shall be trodden under feet :

pride Isa_28_01 /^{pride /to the drunkards of
Ephraim , whose glorious beauty is a fading flower , which are
on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with
wine !

pride Isa_25_11 /^{pride /together with the
spoils of their hands .

rid Lev_26_06 /^{rid /evil beasts out of the
land , neither shall the sword go through your land .

rid Gen_37_22 /^{rid /him out of their hands
, to deliver him to his father again .

Rid Psa_144_11 /^{Rid /me, and deliver me
from the hand of strange children , whose mouth speaketh vanity ,
and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood :

rid Psa_144_07 /^{rid /me, and deliver me
out of great waters , from the hand of strange children ;

rid Psa_82_04 /^{rid /them out of the hand
of the wicked .

rid Exo_06_06 /^{rid /you out of their
bondage , and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm , and
with great judgments :

riddance Zep_01_18 /^{riddance /of all them that
dwell in the land .

riddance Lev_23_22 /^{riddance /of the corners of
thy field when thou reapest , neither shalt thou gather any
gleaning of thy harvest : thou shalt leave them unto the poor ,
and to the stranger : I am the LORD your God .

ridden Num_22_30 /^{ridden /ever since I was
thine unto this day ? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he
said , Nay.

riddle Jud_14_19 /^{riddle /And his anger was
kindled , and he went up to his father's house .

riddle Eze_17_02 /^{riddle /and speak a parable
unto the house of Israel ;

riddle Jud_14_15 /^{riddle /lest we burn thee
and thy father's house with fire : have ye called us to take
that we have ? is it not so?

riddle Jud_14_13 /^{riddle /that we may hear it.

riddle Jud_14_17 /^{riddle /to the children of
her people .

riddle Jud_14_16 /^{riddle /unto the children
of my people , and hast not told it me. And he said unto her,
Behold, I have not told it my father nor my mother , and shall I
tell it thee?

riddle Jud_14_12 /^{riddle /unto you: if ye can
certainly declare it me within the seven days of the feast , and
find it out , then I will give you thirty sheets and thirty
change of garments :

ride 2Ki_10_16 /^{ride /in his chariot .

ride Gen_41_43 /^{ride /in the second chariot
which he had; and they cried before him , Bow the knee : and he
made him ruler over all the land of Egypt .

ride Hag_02_22 /^{ride /in them; and the
horses and their riders shall come down , every one by the sword
of his brother .

ride Hos_10_11 /^{ride /Judah shall plow ,
and Jacob shall break his clods .

ride 2Sa_16_02 /^{ride /on ; and the bread and
summer fruit for the young men to eat ; and the wine , that such
as be faint in the wilderness may drink .

ride Deu_32_13 /^{ride /on the high places of
the earth , that he might eat the increase of the fields ; and
he made him to suck honey out of the rock , and oil out of the
flinty rock ;

ride Jud_05_10 /^{ride /on white asses , ye
that sit in judgment , and walk by the way .

ride Psa_66_12 /^{ride /over our heads ; we
went through fire and through water : but thou broughtest us out
into a wealthy place.

ride Psa_45_04 /^{ride /prosperously because
of truth and meekness and righteousness ; and thy right hand
shall teach thee terrible things .

ride 2Sa_19_26 /^{ride /thereon, and go to the
king ; because thy servant is lame .

ride Jer_50_42 /^{ride /upon horses , every
one put in array , like a man to the battle , against thee, O
daughter of Babylon .

ride Jer_06_23 /^{ride /upon horses , set in
array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion .

ride Hos_14_03 /^{ride /upon horses : neither
will we say any more to the work of our hands , Ye are our gods :
for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy .

ride Job_30_22 /^{ride /upon it, and
dissolvest my substance .

ride 1Ki_01_38 /^{ride /upon king David's
mule , and brought him to Gihon .

ride 1Ki_01_33 /^{ride /upon mine own mule ,
and bring him down to Gihon :

ride Isa_58_14 /^{ride /upon the high places
of the earth , and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy
father : for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

ride 1Ki_01_44 /^{ride /upon the king's mule :

ride Isa_30_16 /^{ride /upon the swift ;
therefore shall they that pursue you be swift .

ride Hab_03_08 /^{ride /upon thine horses and
thy chariots of salvation ?

rider Jer_51_21 /^{rider /and with thee will I
break in pieces the chariot and his rider ;

rider Exo_15_01 /^{rider /hath he thrown into
the sea .

rider Exo_15_21 /^{rider /hath he thrown into
the sea .

rider Gen_49_17 /^{rider /shall fall backward .

rider Zec_12_04 /^{rider /with madness : and I
will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah , and will smite
every horse of the people with blindness .

riders Zec_10_05 /^{riders /on horses shall be
confounded .

riders Est_08_10 /^{riders /on mules , camels ,
and young dromedaries :

riders Hag_02_22 /^{riders /shall come down ,
every one by the sword of his brother .

riders Isa_36_08 /^{riders /upon them.

riders 2Ki_18_23 /^{riders /upon them.

rideth Amo_02_15 /^{rideth /the horse deliver
himself .

rideth Isa_19_01 /^{rideth /upon a swift cloud ,
and shall come into Egypt : and the idols of Egypt shall be
moved at his presence , and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the
midst of it.

rideth Lev_15_09 /^{rideth /upon that hath the
issue shall be unclean .

rideth Deu_33_26 /^{rideth /upon the heaven in
thy help , and in his excellency on the sky .

rideth Psa_68_04 /^{rideth /upon the heavens by
his name JAH , and rejoice before him.

rideth Psa_68_33 /^{rideth /upon the heavens of
heavens , which were of old ; lo, he doth send out his voice ,
and that a mighty voice .

rideth Est_06_08 /^{rideth /upon, and the crown
royal which is set upon his head :

ridges Psa_65_10 /^{ridges /thereof abundantly :
thou settlest the furrows thereof: thou makest it soft with
showers : thou blessest the springing thereof.

riding 2Ki_04_24 /^{riding /for me, except I bid

riding Jer_22_04 /^{riding /in chariots and on
horses , he, and his servants , and his people .

riding Jer_17_25 /^{riding /in chariots and on
horses , they, and their princes , the men of Judah , and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem : and this city shall remain for ever .

riding Zec_01_08 /^{riding /upon a red horse ,
and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom ;
and behind him were there red horses , speckled , and white .

riding Zec_09_09 /^{riding /upon an ass , and
upon a colt the foal of an ass .

riding Num_22_22 /^{riding /upon his ass , and
his two servants were with him.

riding Eze_38_15 /^{riding /upon horses , a
great company , and a mighty army :

riding Eze_23_12 /^{riding /upon horses , all
of them desirable young men .

riding Eze_23_06 /^{riding /upon horses .

riding Eze_23_23 /^{riding /upon horses .

Sarid Jos_19_12 /^{Sarid /eastward toward the
sunrising unto the border of Chislothtabor , and then goeth out
to Daberath , and goeth up to Japhia ,
