revenge 2Co_10_06 /${revenge /all disobedience ,
when your obedience is fulfilled .

revenge Eze_25_15 /^{revenge /and have taken
vengeance with a despiteful heart , to destroy it for the old
hatred ;

revenge 2Co_07_11 /${revenge /In all things ye
have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter .

revenge Jer_15_15 /^{revenge /me of my
persecutors ; take me not away in thy longsuffering : know that
for thy sake I have suffered rebuke .

revenge Jer_20_10 /^{revenge /on him.

revenged Eze_25_12 /^{revenged /himself upon them;

revenger Num_35_25 /^{revenger /of blood , and
the congregation shall restore him to the city of his refuge ,
whither he was fled : and he shall abide in it unto the death of
the high priest , which was anointed with the holy oil .

revenger Num_35_24 /^{revenger /of blood
according to these judgments :

revenger Num_35_27 /^{revenger /of blood find him
without the borders of the city of his refuge , and the revenger
of blood kill the slayer ; he shall not be guilty of blood :

revenger Num_35_19 /^{revenger /of blood himself
shall slay the murderer : when he meeteth him, he shall slay him.

revenger Num_35_27 /^{revenger /of blood kill the
slayer ; he shall not be guilty of blood :

revenger Num_35_21 /^{revenger /of blood shall
slay the murderer , when he meeteth him.

revenger Rom_13_04 /${revenger /to execute wrath
upon him that doeth evil .

revengers 2Sa_14_11 /^{revengers /of blood to
destroy any more , lest they destroy my son . And he said , As
the LORD liveth , there shall not one hair of thy son fall to
the earth .

revenges Deu_32_42 /^{revenges /upon the enemy .

revengeth Nah_01_02 /^{revengeth /and is furious ;
the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries , and he
reserveth wrath for his enemies .

revengeth Nah_01_02 /^{revengeth /the LORD
revengeth , and is furious ; the LORD will take vengeance on his
adversaries , and he reserveth wrath for his enemies .
