reveal Php_03_15 /${reveal /even this unto you .

reveal Mat_11_27 /${reveal /him.

reveal Luk_10_22 /${reveal /him.

reveal Job_20_27 /^{reveal /his iniquity ; and
the earth shall rise up against him.

reveal Dan_02_47 /^{reveal /this secret .

reveal Jer_33_06 /^{reveal /unto them the
abundance of peace and truth .

revealed Isa_40_05 /^{revealed /and all flesh
shall see it together : for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

revealed Mat_10_26 /${revealed /and hid , that
shall not be known .

revealed Deu_29_29 /^{revealed /belong unto us
and to our children for ever , that we may do all the words of
this law .

revealed 1Co_03_13 /${revealed /by fire ; and the
fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is .

revealed Rom_01_17 /${revealed /from faith to
faith : as it is written , The just shall live by faith .

revealed Rom_01_18 /${revealed /from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men , who hold
the truth in unrighteousness ;

revealed 2Th_01_07 /${revealed /from heaven with
his mighty angels ,

revealed 1Sa_03_21 /^{revealed /himself to Samuel
in Shiloh by the word of the LORD .

revealed 2Th_02_06 /${revealed /in his time .

revealed Isa_22_14 /^{revealed /in mine ears by
the LORD of hosts , Surely this iniquity shall not be purged
from you till ye die , saith the Lord GOD of hosts .

revealed 1Pe_01_05 /${revealed /in the last time .

revealed Rom_08_18 /${revealed /in us .

revealed Mat_16_17 /${revealed /it unto thee ,
but my Father which is in heaven .

revealed Jer_11_20 /^{revealed /my cause .

revealed Luk_12_02 /${revealed /neither hid ,
that shall not be known .

revealed 1Pe_01_12 /${revealed /that not unto
themselves , but unto us they did minister the things , which
are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel
unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven ; which
things the angels desire to look into .

revealed 2Th_02_03 /${revealed /the son of
perdition ;

revealed Mat_11_25 /${revealed /them unto babes .

revealed Luk_10_21 /${revealed /them unto babes :
even so , Father ; for so it seemed good in thy sight .

revealed 1Co_02_10 /${revealed /them unto us by
his Spirit : for the Spirit searcheth all things , yea , the
deep things of God .

revealed 1Co_14_30 /${revealed /to another that
sitteth by , let the first hold his peace .

revealed Dan_02_30 /^{revealed /to me for any
wisdom that I have more than any living , but for their sakes
that shall make known the interpretation to the king , and that
thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart .

revealed Isa_23_01 /^{revealed /to them.

revealed 2Sa_07_27 /^{revealed /to thy servant ,
saying , I will build thee an house : therefore hath thy servant
found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee.

revealed Dan_10_01 /^{revealed /unto Daniel ,
whose name was called Belteshazzar ; and the thing was true ,
but the time appointed was long : and he understood the thing ,
and had understanding of the vision .

revealed Dan_02_19 /^{revealed /unto Daniel in a
night vision . Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven .

revealed Luk_02_26 /${revealed /unto him by the
Holy Ghost , that he should not see death , before he had seen
the Lord's Christ .

revealed 1Sa_03_07 /^{revealed /unto him.

revealed Eph_03_05 /${revealed /unto his holy
apostles and prophets by the Spirit ;

revealed 2Th_02_08 /${revealed /whom the Lord
shall consume with the spirit of his mouth , and shall destroy
with the brightness of his coming :

revealed 1Pe_04_13 /${revealed /ye may be glad
also with exceeding joy .

revealer Dan_02_47 /^{revealer /of secrets ,
seeing thou couldest reveal this secret .

revealeth Amo_03_07 /^{revealeth /his secret unto
his servants the prophets .

revealeth Dan_02_28 /^{revealeth /secrets , and
maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the
latter days . Thy dream , and the visions of thy head upon thy
bed , are these ;

revealeth Pro_11_13 /^{revealeth /secrets : but he
that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter .

revealeth Pro_20_19 /^{revealeth /secrets :
therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips .

revealeth Dan_02_29 /^{revealeth /secrets maketh
known to thee what shall come to pass .

revealeth Dan_02_22 /^{revealeth /the deep and
secret things : he knoweth what is in the darkness , and the
light dwelleth with him .
