abhorrest Rom_02_22 /${abhorrest /idols , dost
thou commit sacrilege ?

abhorrest Isa_07_16 /^{abhorrest /shall be
forsaken of both her kings .

Answerest 1Sa_26_14 /^{Answerest /thou not, Abner
? Then Abner answered and said , Who art thou that criest to the
king ?

Answerest Mar_15_04 /${Answerest /thou nothing ?
behold how many things they witness against thee .

Answerest Mat_26_62 /${Answerest /thou nothing ?
what is it which these witness against thee ?

Answerest Mar_14_60 /${Answerest /thou nothing ?
what is it which these witness against thee ?

Answerest Joh_18_22 /${Answerest /thou the high
priest so ?

barest Isa_63_19 /^{barest /rule over them;
they were not called by thy name .

barest 1Ki_02_26 /^{barest /the ark of the Lord
GOD before David my father , and because thou hast been
afflicted in all wherein my father was afflicted .

barest Joh_03_26 /${barest /witness , behold ,
the same baptizeth , and all men come to him .

bearest Gal_04_27 /${bearest /not ; break forth
and cry , thou that travailest not : for the desolate hath many
more children than she which hath an husband .

bearest Rom_11_18 /${bearest /not the root , but
the root thee .

bearest Jud_13_03 /^{bearest /not: but thou
shalt conceive , and bear a son .

bearest Joh_08_13 /${bearest /record of thyself ;
thy record is not true .

bearest Psa_106_04 /^{bearest /unto thy people :
O visit me with thy salvation ;

carest Mar_12_14 /${carest /for no man : for
thou regardest not the person of men , but teachest the way of
God in truth : Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar , or not ?

carest Mat_22_16 /${carest /thou for any man:
for thou regardest not the person of men .

carest Mar_04_38 /${carest /thou not that we
perish ?

considerest Mat_07_03 /${considerest /not the beam
that is in thine own eye ?

Considerest Jer_33_24 /^{Considerest /thou not what
this people have spoken , saying , The two families which the
LORD hath chosen , he hath even cast them off ? thus they have
despised my people , that they should be no more a nation before

coverest Psa_104_02 /^{coverest /thyself with
light as with a garment : who stretchest out the heavens like a
curtain :

coverest Deu_22_12 /^{coverest /thyself.

deliverest Psa_35_10 /^{deliverest /the poor from
him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from
him that spoileth him?

deliverest Mic_06_14 /^{deliverest /will I give up
to the sword .

desirest Psa_51_16 /^{desirest /not sacrifice ;
else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering .

desirest Psa_51_06 /^{desirest /truth in the
inward parts : and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know
wisdom .

devourest Eze_36_13 /^{devourest /up men , and
hast bereaved thy nations ;

dishonourest Rom_02_23 /${dishonourest /thou God ?

enquirest Job_10_06 /^{enquirest /after mine
iniquity , and searchest after my sin ?

fairest Son_01_08 /^{fairest /among women , go
thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock , and feed thy kids
beside the shepherds tents .

fairest Son_05_09 /^{fairest /among women ? what
is thy beloved more than another beloved , that thou dost so
charge us?

fairest Son_06_01 /^{fairest /among women ?
whither is thy beloved turned aside ? that we may seek him with

favourest Psa_41_11 /^{favourest /me, because mine
enemy doth not triumph over me.

fearest Jer_22_25 /^{fearest /even into the hand
of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon , and into the hand of the
Chaldeans .

fearest Gen_22_12 /^{fearest /God , seeing thou
hast not withheld thy son , thine only son from me.

fearest Isa_57_11 /^{fearest /me not?

forest Isa_44_23 /^{forest /and every tree
therein: for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob , and glorified
himself in Israel .

forest Isa_10_18 /^{forest /and of his fruitful
field , both soul and body : and they shall be as when a
standardbearer fainteth .

forest Hos_02_12 /^{forest /and the beasts of
the field shall eat them.

forest Isa_32_19 /^{forest /and the city shall
be low in a low place .

forest Isa_09_18 /^{forest /and they shall
mount up like the lifting up of smoke .

forest Mic_05_08 /^{forest /as a young lion
among the flocks of sheep : who, if he go through , both
treadeth down , and teareth in pieces , and none can deliver .

forest Psa_104_20 /^{forest /do creep forth.

forest Isa_44_14 /^{forest /he planteth an ash ,
and the rain doth nourish it.

forest Isa_21_13 /^{forest /in Arabia shall ye
lodge , O ye travelling companies of Dedanim .

forest Psa_50_10 /^{forest /is mine, and the
cattle upon a thousand hills .

forest Jer_12_08 /^{forest /it crieth out
against me: therefore have I hated it.

forest 1Sa_22_05 /^{forest /of Hareth .

forest 2Ki_19_23 /^{forest /of his Carmel .

forest Isa_37_24 /^{forest /of his Carmel .

forest 1Ki_10_17 /^{forest /of Lebanon .

forest 2Ch_09_16 /^{forest /of Lebanon .

forest 1Ki_07_02 /^{forest /of Lebanon ; the
length thereof was an hundred cubits , and the breadth thereof
fifty cubits , and the height thereof thirty cubits , upon four
rows of cedar pillars , with cedar beams upon the pillars .

forest 2Ch_09_20 /^{forest /of Lebanon were of
pure gold : none were of silver ; it was not any thing accounted
of in the days of Solomon .

forest 1Ki_10_21 /^{forest /of Lebanon were of
pure gold ; none were of silver : it was nothing accounted of in
the days of Solomon .

forest Eze_20_47 /^{forest /of the south , Hear
the word of the LORD ; Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold, I will
kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in
thee, and every dry tree : the flaming flame shall not be
quenched , and all faces from the south to the north shall be
burned therein.

forest Eze_20_46 /^{forest /of the south field ;

forest Zec_11_02 /^{forest /of the vintage is
come down .

forest Jer_46_23 /^{forest /saith the LORD ,
though it cannot be searched ; because they are more than the
grasshoppers , and are innumerable .

forest Isa_10_19 /^{forest /shall be few , that
a child may write them.

forest Jer_05_06 /^{forest /shall slay them,
and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall
watch over their cities : every one that goeth out thence shall
be torn in pieces : because their transgressions are many , and
their backslidings are increased .

forest Neh_02_08 /^{forest /that he may give me
timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which
appertained to the house , and for the wall of the city , and
for the house that I shall enter into . And the king granted me,
according to the good hand of my God upon me.

forest Jer_10_03 /^{forest /the work of the
hands of the workman , with the axe .

forest Jer_21_14 /^{forest /thereof, and it
shall devour all things round about it.

forest Amo_03_04 /^{forest /when he hath no
prey ? will a young lion cry out of his den , if he have taken
nothing ?

forest Eze_15_06 /^{forest /which I have given
to the fire for fuel , so will I give the inhabitants of
Jerusalem .

forest Isa_10_34 /^{forest /with iron , and
Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one .

forests Psa_29_09 /^{forests /and in his temple
doth every one speak of his glory .

forests Eze_39_10 /^{forests /for they shall
burn the weapons with fire : and they shall spoil those that
spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord GOD

forests 2Ch_27_04 /^{forests /he built castles
and towers .

gatherest Deu_24_21 /^{gatherest /the grapes of
thy vineyard , thou shalt not glean it afterward : it shall be
for the stranger , for the fatherless , and for the widow .

hearest 2Ch_06_21 /^{hearest /forgive .

hearest 1Ki_08_30 /^{hearest /forgive .

hearest Joh_11_42 /${hearest /me always : but
because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may
believe that thou hast sent me .

hearest Psa_22_02 /^{hearest /not; and in the
night season , and am not silent .

hearest Psa_65_02 /^{hearest /prayer , unto thee
shall all flesh come .

hearest 2Sa_05_24 /^{hearest /the sound of a
going in the tops of the mulberry trees , that then thou shalt
bestir thyself: for then shall the LORD go out before thee, to
smite the host of the Philistines .

hearest Joh_03_08 /${hearest /the sound thereof ,
but canst not tell whence it cometh , and whither it goeth : so
is every one that is born of the Spirit .

hearest 1Sa_24_09 /^{hearest /thou men's words ,
saying , Behold, David seeketh thy hurt ?

Hearest Mat_27_13 /${Hearest /thou not how many
things they witness against thee ?

Hearest Rut_02_08 /^{Hearest /thou not, my
daughter ? Go not to glean in another field , neither go from
hence, but abide here fast by my maidens :

Hearest Mat_21_16 /${Hearest /thou what these
say ? And Jesus saith unto them , Yea ; have ye never read , Out
of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise ?

hirest Eze_16_33 /^{hirest /them, that they may
come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom .

honourest 1Sa_02_29 /^{honourest /thy sons above
me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the
offerings of Israel my people ?

numberest Job_14_16 /^{numberest /my steps : dost
thou not watch over my sin ?

numberest Exo_30_12 /^{numberest /them.

numberest Exo_30_12 /^{numberest /them; that there
be no plague among them, when thou numberest them.

poorest 2Ki_24_14 /^{poorest /sort of the people
of the land .

preparest Num_15_08 /^{preparest /a bullock for a
burnt offering , or for a sacrifice in performing a vow , or
peace offerings unto the LORD :

preparest Psa_23_05 /^{preparest /a table before
me in the presence of mine enemies : thou anointest my head with
oil ; my cup runneth over .

preparest Psa_65_09 /^{preparest /them corn , when
thou hast so provided for it.

rememberest Psa_88_05 /^{rememberest /no more: and
they are cut off from thy hand .

rememberest Mat_05_23 /${rememberest /that thy
brother hath ought against thee ;

renderest Psa_62_12 /^{renderest /to every man
according to his work .

requirest Rut_03_11 /^{requirest /for all the city
of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman .

rest Mar_06_31 /${rest /a while : for there
were many coming and going , and they had no leisure so much as
to eat .

rest Lam_01_03 /^{rest /all her persecutors
overtook her between the straits .

rest Isa_07_19 /^{rest /all of them in the
desolate valleys , and in the holes of the rocks , and upon all
thorns , and upon all bushes .

rest 1Ch_12_38 /^{rest /also of Israel were
of one heart to make David king .

rest Heb_04_03 /${rest /although the works
were finished from the foundation of the world .

rest Lev_23_03 /^{rest /an holy convocation ;
ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in
all your dwellings .

rest Jer_46_27 /^{rest /and at ease , and
none shall make him afraid .

rest Jer_30_10 /^{rest /and be quiet , and
none shall make him afraid .

rest Jer_47_06 /^{rest /and be still .

rest Lev_26_34 /^{rest /and enjoy her
sabbaths .

rest Mat_12_43 /${rest /and findeth none .

rest Luk_11_24 /${rest /and finding none , he
saith , I will return unto my house whence I came out .

rest Jos_01_13 /^{rest /and hath given you
this land .

rest 2Ch_14_06 /^{rest /and he had no war in
those years ; because the LORD had given him rest .

rest Isa_18_04 /^{rest /and I will consider
in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs , and like a
cloud of dew in the heat of harvest .

rest 1Ch_22_09 /^{rest /and I will give him
rest from all his enemies round about : for his name shall be
Solomon , and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his
days .

rest Isa_14_07 /^{rest /and is quiet : they
break forth into singing .

rest Exo_23_11 /^{rest /and lie still; that
the poor of thy people may eat : and what they leave the beasts
of the field shall eat . In like manner thou shalt deal with thy
vineyard , and with thy oliveyard .

rest Isa_25_10 /^{rest /and Moab shall be
trodden down under him, even as straw is trodden down for the
dunghill .

rest Eze_16_42 /^{rest /and my jealousy shall
depart from thee, and I will be quiet , and will be no more
angry .

rest Dan_12_13 /^{rest /and stand in thy lot
at the end of the days .

rest Exo_23_12 /^{rest /and the son of thy
handmaid , and the stranger , may be refreshed .

rest Isa_28_12 /^{rest /and this is the
refreshing : yet they would not hear .

rest Deu_12_09 /^{rest /and to the
inheritance , which the LORD your God giveth you.

rest Lev_23_32 /^{rest /and ye shall afflict
your souls : in the ninth day of the month at even , from even
unto even , shall ye celebrate your sabbath .

rest Heb_04_01 /${rest /any of you should
seem to come short of it .

rest Jos_01_15 /^{rest /as he hath given you,
and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God
giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your
possession , and enjoy it, which Moses the LORD'S servant gave
you on this side Jordan toward the sunrising .

rest Heb_04_03 /${rest /as he said , As I
have sworn in my wrath , if they shall enter into my rest :
although the works were finished from the foundation of the
world .

rest Deu_05_14 /^{rest /as well as thou.

rest Son_01_07 /^{rest /at noon : for why
should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy
companions ?

rest Lev_26_35 /^{rest /because it did not
rest in your sabbaths , when ye dwelt upon it.

rest Mic_02_10 /^{rest /because it is
polluted , it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction .

rest Mat_26_45 /${rest /behold , the hour is
at hand , and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of
sinners .

rest Ezr_04_17 /^{rest /beyond the river ,
Peace , and at such a time .

rest Deu_28_65 /^{rest /but the LORD shall
give thee there a trembling heart , and failing of eyes , and
sorrow of mind :

rest Heb_03_18 /${rest /but to them that
believed not ?

rest 2Co_07_05 /${rest /but we were troubled
on every side ; without were fightings , within were fears .

rest Pro_06_35 /^{rest /content , though thou
givest many gifts .

rest Rev_14_11 /${rest /day nor night , who
worship the beast and his image , and whosoever receiveth the
mark of his name .

rest Act_05_13 /${rest /durst no man join
himself to them : but the people magnified them .

rest Rut_01_09 /^{rest /each of you in the
house of her husband . Then she kissed them; and they lifted up
their voice , and wept .

rest Zec_11_09 /^{rest /eat every one the
flesh of another .

rest 1Ki_20_30 /^{rest /fled to Aphek , into
the city ; and there a wall fell upon twenty and seven thousand
of the men that were left . And Benhadad fled , and came into
the city , into an inner chamber .

rest Isa_51_04 /^{rest /for a light of the
people .

rest Psa_132_14 /^{rest /for ever : here will
I dwell ; for I have desired it.

rest 1Ch_28_02 /^{rest /for the ark of the
covenant of the LORD , and for the footstool of our God , and
had made ready for the building :

rest Gen_08_09 /^{rest /for the sole of her
foot , and she returned unto him into the ark , for the waters
were on the face of the whole earth : then he put forth his hand
, and took her , and pulled her in unto him into the ark .

rest Rut_03_01 /^{rest /for thee, that it may
be well with thee?

rest Jer_06_16 /^{rest /for your souls . But
they said , We will not walk therein.

rest Jud_05_31 /^{rest /forty years .

rest Jud_03_11 /^{rest /forty years . And
Othniel the son of Kenaz died .

rest Jud_03_30 /^{rest /fourscore years .

rest 1Ch_22_09 /^{rest /from all his enemies
round about : for his name shall be Solomon , and I will give
peace and quietness unto Israel in his days .

rest 2Sa_07_11 /^{rest /from all thine enemies
. Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house .

rest Deu_25_19 /^{rest /from all thine
enemies round about , in the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out
the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven ; thou shalt not
forget it.

rest Deu_12_10 /^{rest /from all your enemies
round about , so that ye dwell in safety ;

rest Psa_94_13 /^{rest /from the days of
adversity , until the pit be digged for the wicked .

rest Exo_05_05 /^{rest /from their burdens .

rest Est_09_16 /^{rest /from their enemies ,
and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand , but they laid
not their hands on the prey ,

rest Rev_14_13 /${rest /from their labours ;
and their works do follow them .

rest Isa_14_03 /^{rest /from thy sorrow , and
from thy fear , and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made
to serve ,

rest Jos_14_15 /^{rest /from war .

rest Heb_04_10 /${rest /he also hath ceased
from his own works , as God did from his .

rest Exo_31_15 /^{rest /holy to the LORD :
whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day , he shall surely be
put to death .

rest Eze_21_17 /^{rest /I the LORD have said

rest Exo_34_21 /^{rest /in earing time and in
harvest thou shalt rest .

rest Zep_03_17 /^{rest /in his love , he will
joy over thee with singing .

rest Psa_16_09 /^{rest /in hope .

rest Act_02_26 /${rest /in hope :

rest Dan_04_04 /^{rest /in mine house , and
flourishing in my palace :

rest Psa_38_03 /^{rest /in my bones because
of my sin .

rest 2Co_02_13 /${rest /in my spirit , because
I found not Titus my brother : but taking my leave of them , I
went from thence into Macedonia .

rest Job_11_18 /^{rest /in safety .

rest Joh_11_13 /${rest /in sleep .

rest Hab_03_16 /^{rest /in the day of trouble
: when he cometh up unto the people , he will invade them with
his troops .

Rest Psa_37_07 /^{Rest /in the LORD , and
wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who
prospereth in his way , because of the man who bringeth wicked
devices to pass .

rest Ecc_02_23 /^{rest /in the night . This
is also vanity .

rest Jos_03_13 /^{rest /in the waters of
Jordan , that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the
waters that come down from above ; and they shall stand upon an
heap .

rest Isa_57_02 /^{rest /in their beds , each
one walking in his uprightness .

rest Eze_44_30 /^{rest /in thine house .

rest Rev_02_24 /${rest /in Thyatira , as many
as have not this doctrine , and which have not known the depths
of Satan , as they speak ; I will put upon you none other burden

rest Lev_26_35 /^{rest /in your sabbaths ,
when ye dwelt upon it.

rest Mar_14_41 /${rest /it is enough , the
hour is come ; behold , the Son of man is betrayed into the
hands of sinners .

rest Heb_04_11 /${rest /lest any man fall
after the same example of unbelief .

rest Lam_02_18 /^{rest /let not the apple of
thine eye cease .

rest Job_03_26 /^{rest /neither was I quiet ;
yet trouble came .

rest Rev_04_08 /${rest /not day and night ,
saying , Holy , holy , holy , Lord God Almighty , which was ,
and is , and is to come .

rest Psa_116_07 /^{rest /O my soul ; for the
LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.

rest 1Ki_15_23 /^{rest /of all the acts of
Asa , and all his might , and all that he did , and the cities
which he built , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ? Nevertheless in the time of
his old age he was diseased in his feet .

rest Deu_03_13 /^{rest /of Gilead , and all
Bashan , being the kingdom of Og , gave I unto the half tribe of
Manasseh ; all the region of Argob , with all Bashan , which was
called the land of giants .

rest 2Ch_28_26 /^{rest /of his acts and of all
his ways , first and last , behold, they are written in the book
of the kings of Judah and Israel .

rest 1Pe_04_02 /${rest /of his time in the
flesh to the lusts of men , but to the will of God .

rest Jud_07_08 /^{rest /of Israel every man
unto his tent , and retained those three hundred men : and the
host of Midian was beneath him in the valley .

rest Gen_30_36 /^{rest /of Laban's flocks .

rest Jos_17_06 /^{rest /of Manasseh's sons
had the land of Gilead .

rest Neh_06_01 /^{rest /of our enemies ,
heard that I had builded the wall , and that there was no breach
left therein; the doors upon the gates ;

rest 2Ch_13_22 /^{rest /of the acts of Abijah ,
and his ways , and his sayings , are written in the story of
the prophet Iddo .

rest 1Ki_15_07 /^{rest /of the acts of Abijam
, and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ? And there was war between
Abijam and Jeroboam .

rest 1Ki_22_39 /^{rest /of the acts of Ahab ,
and all that he did , and the ivory house which he made , and
all the cities that he built , are they not written in the book
of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_16_19 /^{rest /of the acts of Ahaz
which he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_01_18 /^{rest /of the acts of Ahaziah
which he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_14_18 /^{rest /of the acts of Amaziah
, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the
kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_25_26 /^{rest /of the acts of Amaziah
, first and last , behold, are they not written in the book of
the kings of Judah and Israel ?

rest 2Ki_21_25 /^{rest /of the acts of Amon
which he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_15_06 /^{rest /of the acts of Azariah
, and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 1Ki_16_05 /^{rest /of the acts of Baasha
, and what he did , and his might , are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 1Ki_16_14 /^{rest /of the acts of Elah ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_20_20 /^{rest /of the acts of
Hezekiah , and all his might , and how he made a pool , and a
conduit , and brought water into the city , are they not written
in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_32_32 /^{rest /of the acts of
Hezekiah , and his goodness , behold, they are written in the
vision of Isaiah the prophet , the son of Amoz , and in the book
of the kings of Judah and Israel .

rest 2Ki_13_08 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jehoahaz , and all that he did , and his might , are they not
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_14_15 /^{rest /of the acts of Jehoash
which he did , and his might , and how he fought with Amaziah
king of Judah , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_24_05 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jehoiakim , and all that he did , are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_36_08 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jehoiakim , and his abominations which he did , and that which
was found in him, behold, they are written in the book of the
kings of Israel and Judah : and Jehoiachin his son reigned in
his stead.

rest 1Ki_22_45 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jehoshaphat , and his might that he shewed , and how he warred ,
are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings
of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_20_34 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jehoshaphat , first and last , behold, they are written in the
book of Jehu the son of Hanani , who is mentioned in the book of
the kings of Israel .

rest 2Ki_10_34 /^{rest /of the acts of Jehu ,
and all that he did , and all his might , are they not written
in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_14_28 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jeroboam , and all that he did , and his might , how he warred ,
and how he recovered Damascus , and Hamath , which belonged to
Judah , for Israel , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 1Ki_14_19 /^{rest /of the acts of
Jeroboam , how he warred , and how he reigned , behold, they are
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel .

rest 2Ki_13_12 /^{rest /of the acts of Joash ,
and all that he did , and his might wherewith he fought against
Amaziah king of Judah , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_12_19 /^{rest /of the acts of Joash ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_08_23 /^{rest /of the acts of Joram ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_23_28 /^{rest /of the acts of Josiah ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_35_26 /^{rest /of the acts of Josiah ,
and his goodness , according to that which was written in the
law of the LORD ,

rest 2Ch_27_07 /^{rest /of the acts of Jotham ,
and all his wars , and his ways , lo, they are written in the
book of the kings of Israel and Judah .

rest 2Ki_15_36 /^{rest /of the acts of Jotham ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_21_17 /^{rest /of the acts of
Manasseh , and all that he did , and his sin that he sinned ,
are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings
of Judah ?

rest 2Ch_33_18 /^{rest /of the acts of
Manasseh , and his prayer unto his God , and the words of the
seers that spake to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel ,
behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel .

rest 2Ki_15_21 /^{rest /of the acts of Menahem
, and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 1Ki_15_31 /^{rest /of the acts of Nadab ,
and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 1Ki_16_27 /^{rest /of the acts of Omri
which he did , and his might that he shewed , are they not
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 2Ki_15_31 /^{rest /of the acts of Pekah ,
and all that he did , behold, they are written in the book of
the chronicles of the kings of Israel .

rest 2Ki_15_26 /^{rest /of the acts of
Pekahiah , and all that he did , behold, they are written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel .

rest 1Ki_14_29 /^{rest /of the acts of
Rehoboam , and all that he did , are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ?

rest 2Ki_15_15 /^{rest /of the acts of Shallum
, and his conspiracy which he made , behold, they are written in
the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel .

rest 1Ki_11_41 /^{rest /of the acts of
Solomon , and all that he did , and his wisdom , are they not
written in the book of the acts of Solomon ?

rest 2Ch_09_29 /^{rest /of the acts of Solomon
, first and last , are they not written in the book of Nathan
the prophet , and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite , and
in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of
Nebat ?

rest 2Ch_26_22 /^{rest /of the acts of Uzziah ,
first and last , did Isaiah the prophet , the son of Amoz ,
write .

rest 2Ki_15_11 /^{rest /of the acts of
Zachariah , behold, they are written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel .

rest 1Ki_16_20 /^{rest /of the acts of Zimri ,
and his treason that he wrought , are they not written in the
book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

rest 1Ch_04_43 /^{rest /of the Amalekites
that were escaped , and dwelt there unto this day .

rest Act_02_37 /${rest /of the apostles , Men
and brethren , what shall we do ?

rest Dan_07_12 /^{rest /of the beasts , they
had their dominion taken away : yet their lives were prolonged
for a season and time .

rest Lev_05_09 /^{rest /of the blood shall be
wrung out at the bottom of the altar : it is a sin offering .

rest Ezr_04_03 /^{rest /of the chief of the
fathers of Israel , said unto them, Ye have nothing to do with
us to build an house unto our God ; but we ourselves together
will build unto the LORD God of Israel , as king Cyrus the king
of Persia hath commanded us.

rest Jos_21_05 /^{rest /of the children of
Kohath had by lot out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim ,
and out of the tribe of Dan , and out of the half tribe of
Manasseh , ten cities .

rest Jos_17_02 /^{rest /of the children of
Manasseh by their families ; for the children of Abiezer , and
for the children of Helek , and for the children of Asriel , and
for the children of Shechem , and for the children of Hepher ,
and for the children of Shemida : these were the male children
of Manasseh the son of Joseph by their families .

rest 1Ch_06_77 /^{rest /of the children of
Merari were given out of the tribe of Zebulun , Rimmon with her
suburbs , Tabor with her suburbs :

rest Ezr_06_16 /^{rest /of the children of
the captivity , kept the dedication of this house of God with
joy ,

rest 1Ch_11_08 /^{rest /of the city .

rest Rev_20_05 /${rest /of the dead lived not
again until the thousand years were finished . This is the first
resurrection .

rest Exo_16_23 /^{rest /of the holy sabbath
unto the LORD : bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe
that ye will seethe ; and that which remaineth over lay up for
you to be kept until the morning .

rest Est_09_12 /^{rest /of the king's
provinces ? now what is thy petition ? and it shall be granted
thee: or what is thy request further ? and it shall be done .

rest Jos_13_27 /^{rest /of the kingdom of
Sihon king of Heshbon , Jordan and his border , even unto the
edge of the sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward .

rest Eze_45_08 /^{rest /of the land shall
they give to the house of Israel according to their tribes .

rest Jos_21_34 /^{rest /of the Levites , out
of the tribe of Zebulun , Jokneam with her suburbs , and Kartah
with her suburbs ,

rest Rev_09_20 /${rest /of the men which were
not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of
their hands , that they should not worship devils , and idols of
gold , and silver , and brass , and stone , and of wood : which
neither can see , nor hear , nor walk :

rest 2Ch_24_14 /^{rest /of the money before
the king and Jehoiada , whereof were made vessels for the house
of the LORD , even vessels to minister , and to offer withal,
and spoons , and vessels of gold and silver . And they offered
burnt offerings in the house of the LORD continually all the
days of Jehoiada .

rest Jer_52_15 /^{rest /of the multitude .

rest Ezr_04_10 /^{rest /of the nations whom
the great and noble Asnappar brought over , and set in the
cities of Samaria , and the rest that are on this side the river
, and at such a time .

rest Lev_14_17 /^{rest /of the oil that is in
his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of
him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his right
hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot , upon the blood
of the trespass offering :

rest Lev_14_29 /^{rest /of the oil that is in
the priest's hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to
be cleansed , to make an atonement for him before the LORD .

rest Neh_04_14 /^{rest /of the people , Be
not ye afraid of them : remember the Lord , which is great and
terrible , and fight for your brethren , your sons , and your
daughters , your wives , and your houses .

rest Neh_10_28 /^{rest /of the people , the
priests , the Levites , the porters , the singers , the
Nethinims , and all they that had separated themselves from the
people of the lands unto the law of God , their wives , their
sons , and their daughters , every one having knowledge , and
having understanding ;

rest Neh_04_19 /^{rest /of the people , The
work is great and large , and we are separated upon the wall ,
one far from another .

rest Neh_11_01 /^{rest /of the people also
cast lots , to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy
city , and nine parts to dwell in other cities .

rest Jud_07_06 /^{rest /of the people bowed
down upon their knees to drink water .

rest Neh_07_72 /^{rest /of the people gave
was twenty thousand drams of gold , and two thousand pound of
silver , and threescore and seven priests garments .

rest 2Sa_10_10 /^{rest /of the people he
delivered into the hand of Abishai his brother , that he might
put them in array against the children of Ammon .

rest 1Ch_19_11 /^{rest /of the people he
delivered unto the hand of Abishai his brother , and they set
themselves in array against the children of Ammon .

rest 1Sa_13_02 /^{rest /of the people he sent
every man to his tent .

rest Jer_39_09 /^{rest /of the people that
remained .

rest 2Ki_25_11 /^{rest /of the people that
were left in the city , and the fugitives that fell away to the
king of Babylon , with the remnant of the multitude , did
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carry away .

rest 2Sa_12_28 /^{rest /of the people together
, and encamp against the city , and take it: lest I take the
city , and it be called after my name .

rest Num_31_32 /^{rest /of the prey which the
men of war had caught , was six hundred thousand and seventy
thousand and five thousand sheep ,

rest Neh_06_14 /^{rest /of the prophets ,
that would have put me in fear .

rest Ezr_07_18 /^{rest /of the silver and the
gold , that do after the will of your God .

rest 1Ch_24_20 /^{rest /of the sons of Levi
were these: Of the sons of Amram ; Shubael : of the sons of
Shubael ; Jehdeiah .

rest Isa_10_19 /^{rest /of the trees of his
forest shall be few , that a child may write them.

rest Eze_48_23 /^{rest /of the tribes , from
the east side unto the west side , Benjamin shall have a portion.

rest Dan_02_18 /^{rest /of the wise men of
Babylon .

rest Ezr_04_07 /^{rest /of their companions ,
unto Artaxerxes king of Persia ; and the writing of the letter
was written in the Syrian tongue , and interpreted in the Syrian
tongue .

rest Ezr_04_09 /^{rest /of their companions ;
the Dinaites , the Apharsathchites , the Tarpelites , the
Apharsites , the Archevites , the Babylonians , the Susanchites ,
the Dehavites , and the Elamites ,

rest Ezr_04_17 /^{rest /of their companions
that dwell in Samaria , and unto the rest beyond the river ,
Peace , and at such a time .

rest Psa_17_14 /^{rest /of their substance to
their babes .

rest Num_31_08 /^{rest /of them that were
slain ; namely, Evi , and Rekem , and Zur , and Hur , and Reba ,
five kings of Midian : Balaam also the son of Beor they slew
with the sword .

rest 2Ki_02_15 /^{rest /on Elisha . And they
came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

rest 1Ki_05_04 /^{rest /on every side , so
that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent .

rest 2Ch_14_07 /^{rest /on every side . So
they built and prospered .

rest 1Ch_22_18 /^{rest /on every side ? for
he hath given the inhabitants of the land into mine hand ; and
the land is subdued before the LORD , and before his people .

rest 2Sa_03_29 /^{rest /on the head of Joab ,
and on all his father's house ; and let there not fail from the
house of Joab one that hath an issue , or that is a leper , or
that leaneth on a staff , or that falleth on the sword , or that
lacketh bread .

rest Exo_28_10 /^{rest /on the other stone ,
according to their birth .

rest 2Ch_14_11 /^{rest /on thee, and in thy
name we go against this multitude . O LORD , thou art our God ;
let not man prevail against thee.

rest 2Sa_21_10 /^{rest /on them by day , nor
the beasts of the field by night .

rest Jos_21_44 /^{rest /round about ,
according to all that he sware unto their fathers : and there
stood not a man of all their enemies before them; the LORD
delivered all their enemies into their hand .

rest 2Ch_20_30 /^{rest /round about .

rest 2Ch_15_15 /^{rest /round about .

rest 2Sa_07_01 /^{rest /round about from all
his enemies ;

rest Mat_27_49 /${rest /said , Let be , let
us see whether Elias will come to save him .

rest Isa_11_10 /^{rest /shall be glorious .

rest Isa_30_15 /^{rest /shall ye be saved ;
in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength : and ye
would not.

rest Isa_63_14 /^{rest /so didst thou lead
thy people , to make thyself a glorious name .

rest Act_27_44 /${rest /some on boards , and
some on broken pieces of the ship . And so it came to pass ,
that they escaped all safe to land .

rest 1Co_07_12 /${rest /speak I , not the
Lord : If any brother hath a wife that believeth not , and she
be pleased to dwell with him , let him not put her away .

rest Ecc_06_05 /^{rest /than the other.

rest Ezr_04_10 /^{rest /that are on this side
the river , and at such a time .

rest Neh_02_16 /^{rest /that did the work .

rest Eze_38_11 /^{rest /that dwell safely ,
all of them dwelling without walls , and having neither bars nor
gates ,

rest Exo_23_12 /^{rest /that thine ox and
thine ass may rest , and the son of thy handmaid , and the
stranger , may be refreshed .

rest 1Ch_16_41 /^{rest /that were chosen ,
who were expressed by name , to give thanks to the LORD ,
because his mercy endureth for ever ;

rest Heb_04_04 /${rest /the seventh day from
all his works .

rest Heb_04_08 /${rest /then would he not
afterward have spoken of another day .

rest Isa_34_14 /^{rest /there, and find for
herself a place of rest .

rest Zec_09_01 /^{rest /thereof: when the
eyes of man , as of all the tribes of Israel , shall be toward
the LORD .

rest Neh_09_28 /^{rest /they did evil again
before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hand of their
enemies , so that they had the dominion over them: yet when they
returned , and cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven ;
and many times didst thou deliver them according to thy mercies ;

rest Psa_132_08 /^{rest /thou, and the ark of
thy strength .

rest Act_09_31 /${rest /throughout all Judaea
and Galilee and Samaria , and were edified ; and walking in the
fear of the Lord , and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost , were
multiplied .

rest Isa_62_07 /^{rest /till he establish ,
and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth .

rest Job_14_06 /^{rest /till he shall
accomplish , as an hireling , his day .

rest Jer_50_34 /^{rest /to the land , and
disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon .

rest Exo_35_02 /^{rest /to the LORD :
whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death .

rest Heb_04_09 /${rest /to the people of God .

rest Job_03_18 /^{rest /together ; they hear
not the voice of the oppressor .

rest Job_17_16 /^{rest /together is in the
dust .

rest Rut_03_18 /^{rest /until he have
finished the thing this day .

rest Isa_62_01 /^{rest /until the
righteousness thereof go forth as brightness , and the salvation
thereof as a lamp that burneth .

rest 1Ch_23_25 /^{rest /unto his people ,
that they may dwell in Jerusalem for ever :

rest 1Ki_08_56 /^{rest /unto his people
Israel , according to all that he promised : there hath not
failed one word of all his good promise , which he promised by
the hand of Moses his servant .

rest Jos_23_01 /^{rest /unto Israel from all
their enemies round about , that Joshua waxed old and stricken
in age .

rest Lev_25_04 /^{rest /unto the land , a
sabbath for the LORD : thou shalt neither sow thy field , nor
prune thy vineyard .

rest Lev_25_05 /^{rest /unto the land .

rest Lev_16_31 /^{rest /unto you, and ye
shall afflict your souls , by a statute for ever .

rest Jos_22_04 /^{rest /unto your brethren ,
as he promised them: therefore now return ye, and get you unto
your tents , and unto the land of your possession , which Moses
the servant of the LORD gave you on the other side Jordan .

rest Deu_03_20 /^{rest /unto your brethren ,
as well as unto you, and until they also possess the land which
the LORD your God hath given them beyond Jordan : and then shall
ye return every man unto his possession , which I have given you.

rest Mat_11_29 /${rest /unto your souls .

rest Isa_11_02 /^{rest /upon him, the spirit
of wisdom and understanding , the spirit of counsel and might ,
the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD ;

rest Luk_10_06 /${rest /upon it : if not , it
shall turn to you again .

rest 2Co_12_09 /${rest /upon me .

rest Psa_125_03 /^{rest /upon the lot of the
righteous ; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto
iniquity .

rest Eze_24_13 /^{rest /upon thee.

rest Eze_05_13 /^{rest /upon them, and I will
be comforted : and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken
it in my zeal , when I have accomplished my fury in them.

rest Gen_49_15 /^{rest /was good , and the
land that it was pleasant ; and bowed his shoulder to bear , and
became a servant unto tribute .

rest 1Sa_15_15 /^{rest /we have utterly
destroyed .

rest Rom_11_07 /${rest /were blinded

rest Isa_28_12 /^{rest /wherewith ye may
cause the weary to rest ; and this is the refreshing : yet they
would not hear .

rest Jos_10_20 /^{rest /which remained of
them entered into fenced cities .

rest Isa_57_20 /^{rest /whose waters cast up
mire and dirt .

rest 1Co_11_34 /${rest /will I set in order
when I come .

rest 2Th_01_07 /${rest /with us , when the
Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels ,

rest Pro_29_17 /^{rest /yea, he shall give
delight unto thy soul .

rest Rev_06_11 /${rest /yet for a little
season , until their fellowservants also and their brethren ,
that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled .

rest Gen_18_04 /^{rest /yourselves under the
tree :

rested Est_09_18 /^{rested /and made it a day
of feasting and gladness .

rested Exo_31_17 /^{rested /and was refreshed .

rested Gen_02_03 /^{rested /from all his work
which God created and made .

rested Est_09_22 /^{rested /from their enemies ,
and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy ,
and from mourning into a good day : that they should make them
days of feasting and joy , and of sending portions one to
another , and gifts to the poor .

rested Jos_11_23 /^{rested /from war .

rested Num_10_36 /^{rested /he said , Return ,
O LORD , unto the many thousands of Israel .

rested Exo_10_14 /^{rested /in all the coasts
of Egypt : very grievous were they; before them there were no
such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such.

rested Gen_08_04 /^{rested /in the seventh
month , on the seventeenth day of the month , upon the mountains
of Ararat .

rested Num_09_23 /^{rested /in the tents, and
at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed : they kept the
charge of the LORD , at the commandment of the LORD by the hand
of Moses .

rested Num_10_12 /^{rested /in the wilderness
of Paran .

rested Num_09_18 /^{rested /in their tents.

rested Job_30_27 /^{rested /not: the days of
affliction prevented me.

rested 1Ki_06_10 /^{rested /on the house with
timber of cedar .

rested Exo_16_30 /^{rested /on the seventh day .

rested Gen_02_02 /^{rested /on the seventh day
from all his work which he had made .

rested Luk_23_56 /${rested /the sabbath day
according to the commandment .

rested Exo_20_11 /^{rested /the seventh day :
wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day , and hallowed it.

rested 2Ch_32_08 /^{rested /themselves upon the
words of Hezekiah king of Judah .

rested Est_09_17 /^{rested /they, and made it a
day of feasting and gladness .

rested Num_11_25 /^{rested /upon them, they
prophesied , and did not cease .

rested Num_11_26 /^{rested /upon them; and they
were of them that were written , but went not out unto the
tabernacle : and they prophesied in the camp .

restest Rom_02_17 /${restest /in the law , and
makest thy boast of God ,

resteth Ecc_07_09 /^{resteth /in the bosom of
fools .

resteth Pro_14_33 /^{resteth /in the heart of
him that hath understanding : but that which is in the midst of
fools is made known .

resteth 1Pe_04_14 /${resteth /upon you : on
their part he is evil spoken of , but on your part he is
glorified .

resteth Job_24_23 /^{resteth /yet his eyes are
upon their ways .

resting Pro_24_15 /^{resting /place :

resting Num_10_33 /^{resting /place for them.

resting 2Ch_06_41 /^{resting /place, thou, and
the ark of thy strength : let thy priests , O LORD God , be
clothed with salvation , and let thy saints rejoice in goodness .

resting Isa_32_18 /^{resting /places ;

restitution Job_20_18 /^{restitution /be, and he
shall not rejoice therein.

restitution Exo_22_03 /^{restitution /if he have
nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft .

restitution Act_03_21 /${restitution /of all things ,
which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets
since the world began .

restitution Exo_22_12 /^{restitution /unto the owner

restore Act_01_06 /${restore /again the kingdom
to Israel ?

Restore 2Ki_08_06 /^{Restore /all that was hers,
and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the
land , even until now.

restore Mat_17_11 /${restore /all things .

restore Job_20_18 /^{restore /and shall not
swallow it down : according to his substance shall the
restitution be, and he shall not rejoice therein.

restore 1Ki_20_34 /^{restore /and thou shalt
make streets for thee in Damascus , as my father made in Samaria
. Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant . So
he made a covenant with him, and sent him away .

restore Dan_09_25 /^{restore /and to build
Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks , and
threescore and two weeks : the street shall be built again , and
the wall , even in troublous times .

restore Isa_57_18 /^{restore /comforts unto him
and to his mourners .

restore Exo_22_04 /^{restore /double .

restore Gen_42_25 /^{restore /every man's money
into his sack , and to give them provision for the way : and
thus did he unto them.

restore Exo_22_01 /^{restore /five oxen for an
ox , and four sheep for a sheep .

restore Jer_30_17 /^{restore /health unto thee,
and I will heal thee of thy wounds , saith the LORD ; because
they called thee an Outcast , saying, This is Zion , whom no man
seeketh after .

restore Gen_20_07 /^{restore /her not, know thou
that thou shalt surely die , thou, and all that are thine.

restore Luk_19_08 /${restore /him fourfold .

restore Num_35_25 /^{restore /him to the city of
his refuge , whither he was fled : and he shall abide in it unto
the death of the high priest , which was anointed with the holy
oil .

Restore Neh_05_11 /^{Restore /I pray you, to
them, even this day , their lands , their vineyards , their
oliveyards , and their houses , also the hundredth part of the
money , and of the corn , the wine , and the oil , that ye exact
of them.

restore Lev_06_05 /^{restore /it in the
principal , and shall add the fifth part more thereto, and give
it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass
offering .

restore Deu_22_02 /^{restore /it to him again .

restore Lev_25_28 /^{restore /it to him, then
that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath
bought it until the year of jubile : and in the jubile it shall
go out , and he shall return unto his possession .

restore Jud_17_03 /^{restore /it unto thee.

restore 1Sa_12_03 /^{restore /it you.

restore Lev_24_21 /^{restore /it: and he that
killeth a man , he shall be put to death .

restore 2Sa_16_03 /^{restore /me the kingdom of
my father .

restore Pro_06_31 /^{restore /sevenfold ; he
shall give all the substance of his house .

restore Gal_06_01 /${restore /such an one in the
spirit of meekness ; considering thyself , lest thou also be
tempted .

restore Lev_06_04 /^{restore /that which he took
violently away , or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten ,
or that which was delivered him to keep , or the lost thing
which he found ,

restore 2Sa_12_06 /^{restore /the lamb fourfold ,
because he did this thing , and because he had no pity .

restore Gen_20_07 /^{restore /the man his wife ;
for he is a prophet , and he shall pray for thee , and thou
shalt live : and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou
shalt surely die , thou, and all that are thine.

restore Lev_25_27 /^{restore /the overplus unto
the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his
possession .

restore Eze_33_15 /^{restore /the pledge , give
again that he had robbed , walk in the statutes of life ,
without committing iniquity ; he shall surely live , he shall
not die .

restore Isa_49_06 /^{restore /the preserved of
Israel : I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles ,
that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth .

restore 2Sa_09_07 /^{restore /thee all the land
of Saul thy father ; and thou shalt eat bread at my table
continually .

restore Gen_40_13 /^{restore /thee unto thy
place : and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand ,
after the former manner when thou wast his butler .

restore Job_20_10 /^{restore /their goods .

restore Jer_27_22 /^{restore /them to this place

restore Neh_05_12 /^{restore /them, and will
require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest . Then I
called the priests , and took an oath of them, that they should
do according to this promise .

restore Jud_11_13 /^{restore /those lands again
peaceably .

restore Isa_01_26 /^{restore /thy judges as at
the first , and thy counsellors as at the beginning : afterward
thou shalt be called , The city of righteousness , the faithful
city .

restore Joe_02_25 /^{restore /to you the years
that the locust hath eaten , the cankerworm , and the
caterpiller , and the palmerworm , my great army which I sent
among you.

Restore Psa_51_12 /^{Restore /unto me the joy of
thy salvation ; and uphold me with thy free spirit .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /a dead body to
life , that, behold, the woman , whose son he had restored to
life , cried to the king for her house and for her land . And
Gehazi said , My lord , O king , this is the woman , and this is
her son , whom Elisha restored to life .

restored Ezr_06_05 /^{restored /and brought again
unto the temple which is at Jerusalem , every one to his place ,
and place them in the house of God .

restored Mar_08_25 /${restored /and saw every man
clearly .

restored Gen_42_28 /^{restored /and, lo , it is
even in my sack : and their heart failed them, and they were
afraid , saying one to another , What is this that God hath done
unto us?

restored 1Ki_13_06 /^{restored /him again , and
became as it was before .

restored Gen_20_14 /^{restored /him Sarah his
wife .

restored 2Ch_26_02 /^{restored /it to Judah ,
after that the king slept with his fathers .

restored 2Ki_14_22 /^{restored /it to Judah ,
after that the king slept with his fathers .

restored 1Ki_13_06 /^{restored /me again . And
the man of God besought the LORD , and the king's hand was
restored him again , and became as it was before .

restored Psa_69_04 /^{restored /that which I took
not away .

restored Gen_40_21 /^{restored /the chief butler
unto his butlership again ; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's
hand :

restored 2Ki_14_25 /^{restored /the coast of
Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain ,
according to the word of the LORD God of Israel , which he spake
by the hand of his servant Jonah , the son of Amittai , the
prophet , which was of Gathhepher .

restored Jud_17_03 /^{restored /the eleven
hundred shekels of silver to his mother , his mother said , I
had wholly dedicated the silver unto the LORD from my hand for
my son , to make a graven image and a molten image : now
therefore I will restore it unto thee.

restored Jud_17_04 /^{restored /the money unto
his mother ; and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver ,
and gave them to the founder , who made thereof a graven image
and a molten image : and they were in the house of Micah .

restored Eze_18_12 /^{restored /the pledge , and
hath lifted up his eyes to the idols , hath committed
abomination ,

restored 1Sa_07_14 /^{restored /to Israel , from
Ekron even unto Gath ; and the coasts thereof did Israel deliver
out of the hands of the Philistines . And there was peace
between Israel and the Amorites .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /to life , cried to
the king for her house and for her land . And Gehazi said , My
lord , O king , this is the woman , and this is her son , whom
Elisha restored to life .

restored 2Ki_08_01 /^{restored /to life , saying ,
Arise , and go thou and thine household , and sojourn
wheresoever thou canst sojourn : for the LORD hath called for a
famine ; and it shall also come upon the land seven years .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /to life .

restored 2Ch_08_02 /^{restored /to Solomon ,
Solomon built them, and caused the children of Israel to dwell

restored Eze_18_07 /^{restored /to the debtor his
pledge , hath spoiled none by violence , hath given his bread to
the hungry , and hath covered the naked with a garment ;

restored Deu_28_31 /^{restored /to thee: thy
sheep shall be given unto thine enemies , and thou shalt have
none to rescue them.

restored Heb_13_19 /${restored /to you the sooner

restored Gen_41_13 /^{restored /unto mine office ,
and him he hanged .

restored Mat_12_13 /${restored /whole , like as
the other .

restored Mar_03_05 /${restored /whole as the
other .

restored Luk_06_10 /${restored /whole as the
other .

restorer Isa_58_12 /^{restorer /of paths to dwell
in .

restorer Rut_04_15 /^{restorer /of thy life , and
a nourisher of thine old age : for thy daughter in law , which
loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons , hath born

restoreth Mar_09_12 /${restoreth /all things ; and
how it is written of the Son of man , that he must suffer many
things , and be set at nought .

restoreth Psa_23_03 /^{restoreth /my soul : he
leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

restrain Job_15_08 /^{restrain /wisdom to thyself?

restrained Exo_36_06 /^{restrained /from bringing .

restrained Gen_11_06 /^{restrained /from them,
which they have imagined to do .

restrained Gen_16_02 /^{restrained /me from bearing
: I pray thee, go in unto my maid ; it may be that I may obtain
children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai .

restrained Eze_31_15 /^{restrained /the floods
thereof, and the great waters were stayed : and I caused Lebanon
to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.

restrained 1Sa_03_13 /^{restrained /them not.

restrained Act_14_18 /${restrained /they the people
, that they had not done sacrifice unto them .

restrainest Job_15_04 /^{restrainest /prayer before
God .

restraint 1Sa_14_06 /^{restraint /to the LORD to
save by many or by few .

rests 1Ki_06_06 /^{rests /round about , that
the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house .

savourest Mar_08_33 /${savourest /not the things
that be of God , but the things that be of men .

savourest Mat_16_23 /${savourest /not the things
that be of God , but those that be of men .

scarest Job_07_14 /^{scarest /me with dreams ,
and terrifiest me through visions :

slanderest Psa_50_20 /^{slanderest /thine own
mother's son .

sufferest Rev_02_20 /${sufferest /that woman
Jezebel , which calleth herself a prophetess , to teach and to
seduce my servants to commit fornication , and to eat things
sacrificed unto idols .

swarest 1Ki_01_17 /^{swarest /by the LORD thy
God unto thine handmaid , saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son
shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne .

swarest Exo_32_13 /^{swarest /by thine own self,
and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of
heaven , and all this land that I have spoken of will I give
unto your seed , and they shall inherit it for ever .

swarest Psa_89_49 /^{swarest /unto David in thy
truth ?

swarest Deu_26_15 /^{swarest /unto our fathers ,
a land that floweth with milk and honey .

swarest Num_11_12 /^{swarest /unto their fathers

terrestrial 1Co_15_40 /${terrestrial /but the glory
of the celestial is one , and the glory of the terrestrial is
another .

terrestrial 1Co_15_40 /${terrestrial /is another .

treasurest Rom_02_05 /${treasurest /up unto thyself
wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous
judgment of God ;

wanderest Jer_02_20 /^{wanderest /playing the
harlot .

waterest Psa_65_09 /^{waterest /it: thou greatly
enrichest it with the river of God , which is full of water :
thou preparest them corn , when thou hast so provided for it.

waterest Psa_65_10 /^{waterest /the ridges
thereof abundantly : thou settlest the furrows thereof: thou
makest it soft with showers : thou blessest the springing

wrest 2Pe_03_16 /${wrest /as they do also the
other scriptures , unto their own destruction .

wrest Deu_16_19 /^{wrest /judgment ; thou
shalt not respect persons , neither take a gift : for a gift
doth blind the eyes of the wise , and pervert the words of the
righteous .

wrest Exo_23_02 /^{wrest /judgment:

wrest Psa_56_05 /^{wrest /my words : all their
thoughts are against me for evil .

wrest Exo_23_06 /^{wrest /the judgment of thy
poor in his cause .

wrestle Eph_06_12 /${wrestle /not against flesh
and blood , but against principalities , against powers ,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against
spiritual wickedness in high places.

wrestled Gen_32_24 /^{wrestled /a man with him
until the breaking of the day .

wrestled Gen_32_25 /^{wrestled /with him.

wrestled Gen_30_08 /^{wrestled /with my sister ,
and I have prevailed : and she called his name Naphtali .

wrestlings Gen_30_08 /^{wrestlings /have I wrestled
with my sister , and I have prevailed : and she called his name
Naphtali .
