resist , 1PE , 5:9

resist , 2TI , 3:8

resist , AC , 6:10 , AC , 7:51

resist , JAS , 4:7 , JAS , 5:6

resist , LU , 21:15

resist , MT , 5:39

resist , RO , 13:2

resist , ZEC , 3:1

resisted , HEB , 12:4

resisted , RO , 9:19

resisteth , 1PE , 5:5

resisteth , JAS , 4:6

resisteth , RO , 13:2 , RO , 13:2


God 2313 # theomacheo {theh-o-makh-eh'-o}; from 2314; to
resist deity: -- fight against {God}.[ql

against 2313 # theomacheo {theh-o-makh-eh'-o}; from 2314; to
resist deity: -- fight {against} God.[ql

fight 2313 # theomacheo {theh-o-makh-eh'-o}; from 2314; to
resist deity: -- {fight} against God.[ql

resist 0496 # antipipto {an-tee-pip'-to}; from 473 and 4098
(including its alternate); to oppose: -- {resist}.[ql

resist 0436 # anthistemi {anth-is'-tay-mee}; from 473 and 2476;
to stand against, i.e. oppose: -- {resist}, withstand.[ql

resist 0478 # antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from
473 and 2525; to set down (troops) against, i.e. withstand: --

resist 0498 # antitassomai {an-tee-tas'-som-ahee}; from 473 and
the middle voice of 5021; to range oneself against, i.e. oppose:
-- oppose themselves, {resist}.[ql

rise 4911 # sunephistemi {soon-ef-is'-tay-mee}; from 4862 and
2186; to stand up together, i.e. to resist (or assault) jointly:
-- {rise} up together.[ql

together 4911 # sunephistemi {soon-ef-is'-tay-mee}; from 4862
and 2186; to stand up together, i.e. to resist (or assault)
jointly: -- rise up {together}.[ql

up 4911 # sunephistemi {soon-ef-is'-tay-mee}; from 4862 and
2186; to stand up together, i.e. to resist (or assault) jointly:
-- rise {up} together.[ql


resist Interlinear Index Study

resist ZEC 003 001 . And he shewed <07200 +ra>ah > me Joshua
<03091 +Y@howshuwa< > the high <01419 +gadowl > priest <03548
+kohen > standing <05975 + before <06440 +paniym > the
angel <04397 +mal>ak > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and Satan
<07854 +satan > standing <05975 + at <05921 + his
right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > to {resist} <07853
+satan > him .

resist MAT 005 039 But I say <3004 -lego -> unto you , That ye
{resist} <0436 -anthistemi -> not evil <4190 -poneros -> : but
whosoever <3748 -hostis -> shall smite <4474 -rhapizo -> thee on
<1909 -epi -> thy right <1188 -dexios -> cheek <4600 -siagon -> ,
turn <4762 -strepho -> to him the other <0243 -allos -> also
<2532 -kai -> .

resist LUK 021 015 For I will give 1325 -didomi - you a mouth
4750 -stoma - and wisdom 4678 -sophia - , which 3739 -hos - all
3956 -pas - your 5213 -humin - adversaries LUK 0480 -antikeimai -
shall not be able 1410 -dunamai - to gainsay LUK 0471 -antepo -
nor 3761 -oude - {resist} 0436 -anthistemi - .

resist ACT 006 010 And they were not able <2480 -ischuo -> to
{resist} <0436 -anthistemi -> the wisdom <4678 -sophia -> and
the spirit <4151 -pneuma -> by which <3739 -hos -> he spake
<2980 -laleo -> .

resist ACT 007 051 . Ye stiffnecked <4644 -sklerotrachelos ->
and uncircumcised <0564 -aperitmetos -> in heart <2588 -kardia -
> and ears <3775 -ous -> , ye do always <0104 -aei -> {resist}
<0496 -antipipto -> the Holy <0040 -hagios -> Ghost <4151 -
pneuma -> : as your <5216 -humon -> fathers <3962 -pater -> [
did ] , so <2532 -kai -> [ do ] ye .

resist ROM 013 002 Whosoever <3588 -ho -> therefore <5620 -hoste
-> resisteth <0498 -antitassomai -> the power <1849 -exousia -> ,
resisteth <0436 -anthistemi -> the ordinance <1296 -diatage ->
of God <2316 -theos -> : and they that {resist} <0436 -
anthistemi -> shall receive <2983 -lambano -> to themselves
<1438 -heautou -> damnation <2917 -krima -> .

resist 2TI 003 008 Now <1161 -de -> as Jannes <2389 -Iannes ->
and Jambres <2387 -Iambres -> withstood <0436 -anthistemi ->
Moses <3475 -Moseus -> , so <3779 -houto -> do these <3778 -
houtos -> also <2532 -kai -> {resist} <0436 -anthistemi -> the
truth <0225 -aletheia -> : men <0444 -anthropos -> of corrupt
<2704 -katphtheiro -> minds <3563 -nous -> , reprobate <0096 -
adokimos -> concerning <4012 -peri -> the faith <4102 -pistis ->

Resist JAS 004 007 Submit <5293 -hupotasso -> yourselves
therefore <3767 -oun -> to God <2316 -theos -> . {Resist} <0436 -
anthistemi -> the devil <1228 -diabolos -> , and he will flee
<5343 -pheugo -> from you .

resist JAS 005 006 Ye have condemned <2613 -katadikazo -> [ and
] killed <5407 -phoneuo -> the just <1342 -dikaios -> ; [ and ]
he doth not {resist} <0498 -antitassomai -> you .

resist 1PE 005 009 Whom <3739 -hos -> {resist} <0436 -anthistemi
-> stedfast <4731 -stereos -> in the faith <4102 -pistis -> ,
knowing <1492 -eido -> that the same <0846 -autos -> afflictions
<3804 -pathema -> are accomplished <2005 -epiteleo -> in your
<5216 -humon -> brethren <0081 -adelphotes -> that are in the
world <2889 -kosmos -> .


he doth not resist you

resist him

resist shall receive

so do these also resist <2TI3 -:8 >

whom resist stedfast <1PE5 -:9 >

ye resist not evil

* resist , 0436 , 0496 , 0498 ,

- resist , 7853 ,

* resist , 0436 anthistemi , 0496 antipipto , 0498 antitassomai ,


resist -0436 {resist}, withstand,withstood,

resist -0496{resist},

resist -0498 opposed, {resist}, resisteth,

resisted -0478 {resisted},

resisteth -0498 opposed, resist, {resisteth},


resist -7853 adversaries , {resist} ,


resist 7853 satan -- -- (be an) adversary, {resist}.

resist 0436 ** anthistemi ** {resist}, withstand.

resist 0478 ** antikathistemi ** {resist}.

resist 0496 ** antipipto ** {resist}.

resist 0498 ** antitassomai ** oppose themselves, {resist}.


resist ......... and he doth not resist 0498 -antitassomai->

resist ......... and they that resist 0436 -anthistemi->

resist ......... resist 0436 -anthistemi->

Resist ......... Resist 0436 -anthistemi->

resist ......... resist 0496 -antipipto->

resist ......... to resist 0436 -anthistemi->

resist ......... unto you , That ye resist 0436 -anthistemi->

resisted ......... hath resisted 0436 -anthistemi->

resisted ......... resisted 0478 -antikathistemi->

resisteth ......... resisteth 0436 -anthistemi->

resisteth ......... resisteth 0498 -antitassomai->



resist 7853 ## satan {saw-tan'}; a primitive root; to attack,
(figuratively) accuse: -- (be an) adversary, {resist}.[ql

resist 0436 # anthistemi {anth-is'-tay-mee}; from 473 and 2476;
to stand against, i.e. oppose: -- {resist}, withstand.[ql

resist 0478 # antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 473
and 2525; to set down (troops) against, i.e. withstand: --

resist 0496 # antipipto {an-tee-pip'-to}; from 473 and 4098
(including its alternate); to oppose: -- {resist}.[ql

resist 0498 # antitassomai {an-tee-tas'-som-ahee}; from 473 and
the middle voice of 5021; to range oneself against, i.e. oppose:
-- oppose themselves, {resist}.[ql


resist 003 001 Zec /^{resist /him.

resist 005 039 Mat /${resist /not evil : but
whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek , turn to him the
other also .

resist 013 002 Rom /${resist /shall receive to
themselves damnation .

resist 005 009 IPe /${resist /stedfast in the
faith , knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in
your brethren that are in the world .

Resist 004 007 Jam /${Resist /the devil , and
he will flee from you .

resist 007 051 Act /${resist /the Holy Ghost :
as your fathers did, so do ye .

resist 003 008 IITi /${resist /the truth : men
of corrupt minds , reprobate concerning the faith .

resist 006 010 Act /${resist /the wisdom and
the spirit by which he spake .

resist 005 006 Jam /${resist /you .

resisted 009 019 Rom /${resisted /his will ?

resisted 012 004 Heb /${resisted /unto blood ,
striving against sin .

resisteth 013 002 Rom /${resisteth /the ordinance
of God : and they that resist shall receive to themselves
damnation .

resisteth 013 002 Rom /${resisteth /the power ,
resisteth the ordinance of God : and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation .

resisteth 005 005 IPe /${resisteth /the proud ,
and giveth grace to the humble .

resisteth 004 006 Jam /${resisteth /the proud ,
but giveth grace unto the humble .


resist 10 *

resisted 2 -

resisteth 4 -
