afresh Heb_06_06 /${afresh /and put him to an
open shame .

fresh Job_29_20 /^{fresh /in me , and my bow
was renewed in my hand .

fresh Num_11_08 /^{fresh /oil .

fresh Psa_92_10 /^{fresh /oil .

fresher Job_33_25 /^{fresher /than a child's :
he shall return to the days of his youth :

Heresh 1Ch_09_15 /^{Heresh /and Galal , and
Mattaniah the son of Micah , the son of Zichri , the son of
Asaph ;

Mareshah 1Ch_04_21 /^{Mareshah /and the families
of the house of them that wrought fine linen , of the house of
Ashbea ,

Mareshah 2Ch_11_08 /^{Mareshah /and Ziph ,

Mareshah Mic_01_15 /^{Mareshah /he shall come
unto Adullam the glory of Israel .

Mareshah Jos_15_44 /^{Mareshah /nine cities with
their villages :

Mareshah 2Ch_20_37 /^{Mareshah /prophesied against
Jehoshaphat , saying , Because thou hast joined thyself with
Ahaziah , the LORD hath broken thy works . And the ships were
broken , that they were not able to go to Tarshish .

Mareshah 1Ch_02_42 /^{Mareshah /the father of
Hebron .

Moreshethgath Mic_01_14 /^{Moreshethgath /the houses
of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel .

Peresh 1Ch_07_16 /^{Peresh /and the name of his
brother was Sheresh ; and his sons were Ulam and Rakem .

refresh Act_27_03 /${refresh /himself .

refresh Phm_01_20 /${refresh /my bowels in the
Lord .

refresh 1Ki_13_07 /^{refresh /thyself, and I
will give thee a reward .

refreshed 1Sa_16_23 /^{refreshed /and was well ,
and the evil spirit departed from him.

refreshed Phm_01_07 /${refreshed /by thee ,
brother .

refreshed 2Co_07_13 /${refreshed /by you all .

refreshed Job_32_20 /^{refreshed /I will open my
lips and answer .

refreshed 2Ti_01_16 /${refreshed /me , and was not
ashamed of my chain :

refreshed 1Co_16_18 /${refreshed /my spirit and
yours : therefore acknowledge ye them that are such .

refreshed 2Sa_16_14 /^{refreshed /themselves there.

refresheth Pro_25_13 /^{refresheth /the soul of his
masters .

refreshing Act_03_19 /${refreshing /shall come from
the presence of the Lord ;

refreshing Isa_28_12 /^{refreshing /yet they would
not hear .

RESH Psa_119_015 /^{RESH /Consider mine
affliction , and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law .

Resheph 1Ch_07_25 /^{Resheph /and Telah his son ,
and Tahan his son ,

Sheresh 1Ch_07_16 /^{Sheresh /and his sons were
Ulam and Rakem .

Telharesha Neh_07_61 /^{Telharesha /Cherub , Addon ,
and Immer : but they could not shew their father's house , nor
their seed , whether they were of Israel .

Teresh Est_02_21 /^{Teresh /of those which kept
the door , were wroth , and sought to lay hand on the king
Ahasuerus .

Teresh Est_06_02 /^{Teresh /two of the king's
chamberlains , the keepers of the door , who sought to lay hand
on the king Ahasuerus .

thresh Jer_51_33 /^{thresh /her: yet a little
while , and the time of her harvest shall come .

thresh Mic_04_13 /^{thresh /O daughter of Zion :
for I will make thine horn iron , and I will make thy hoofs
brass : and thou shalt beat in pieces many people : and I will
consecrate their gain unto the LORD , and their substance unto
the Lord of the whole earth .

thresh Hab_03_12 /^{thresh /the heathen in
anger .

thresh Isa_41_15 /^{thresh /the mountains , and
beat them small , and shalt make the hills as chaff .

threshed Amo_01_03 /^{threshed /Gilead with
threshing instruments of iron :

threshed Jud_06_11 /^{threshed /wheat by the
winepress , to hide it from the Midianites .

threshed Isa_28_27 /^{threshed /with a threshing
instrument , neither is a cart wheel turned about upon the
cummin ; but the fitches are beaten out with a staff , and the
cummin with a rod .

thresheth 1Co_09_10 /${thresheth /in hope should
be partaker of his hope .

threshing Isa_21_10 /^{threshing /and the corn of
my floor : that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts , the
God of Israel , have I declared unto you.

threshing Isa_28_27 /^{threshing /instrument ,
neither is a cart wheel turned about upon the cummin ; but the
fitches are beaten out with a staff , and the cummin with a rod .

threshing Isa_41_15 /^{threshing /instrument
having teeth : thou shalt thresh the mountains , and beat them
small , and shalt make the hills as chaff .

threshing 2Sa_24_22 /^{threshing /instruments and
other instruments of the oxen for wood .

threshing 1Ch_21_23 /^{threshing /instruments for
wood , and the wheat for the meat offering ; I give it all.

threshing Amo_01_03 /^{threshing /instruments of
iron :

threshing Isa_28_28 /^{threshing /it, nor break it
with the wheel of his cart , nor bruise it with his horsemen .

threshing Lev_26_05 /^{threshing /shall reach unto
the vintage , and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time :
and ye shall eat your bread to the full , and dwell in your land
safely .

threshing 1Ch_21_20 /^{threshing /wheat .

threshingfloor Num_18_27 /^{threshingfloor /and as the
fulness of the winepress .

threshingfloor Num_18_30 /^{threshingfloor /and as the
increase of the winepress .

threshingfloor 1Ch_21_21 /^{threshingfloor /and bowed
himself to David with his face to the ground .

threshingfloor 2Sa_24_24 /^{threshingfloor /and the oxen
for fifty shekels of silver .

threshingfloor Jer_51_33 /^{threshingfloor /it is time
to thresh her: yet a little while , and the time of her harvest
shall come .

threshingfloor 2Sa_24_18 /^{threshingfloor /of Araunah
the Jebusite .

threshingfloor Gen_50_10 /^{threshingfloor /of Atad ,
which is beyond Jordan , and there they mourned with a great and
very sore lamentation : and he made a mourning for his father
seven days .

threshingfloor 1Ch_13_09 /^{threshingfloor /of Chidon ,
Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark ; for the oxen stumbled .

threshingfloor 1Ch_21_28 /^{threshingfloor /of Ornan
the Jebusite , then he sacrificed there.

threshingfloor 2Ch_02_01 /^{threshingfloor /of Ornan the
Jebusite .

threshingfloor 1Ch_21_18 /^{threshingfloor /of Ornan
the Jebusite .

threshingfloor 1Ch_21_15 /^{threshingfloor /of Ornan
the Jebusite .

threshingfloor 2Sa_24_21 /^{threshingfloor /of thee, to
build an altar unto the LORD , that the plague may be stayed
from the people .

threshingfloor Num_15_20 /^{threshingfloor /so shall ye
heave it.

threshingfloor 1Ch_21_22 /^{threshingfloor /that I may
build an altar therein unto the LORD : thou shalt grant it me
for the full price : that the plague may be stayed from the
people .

threshingfloor 2Sa_06_06 /^{threshingfloor /Uzzah put
forth his hand to the ark of God , and took hold of it; for the
oxen shook it.

threshingfloors Dan_02_35 /^{threshingfloors /and the
wind carried them away , that no place was found for them: and
the stone that smote the image became a great mountain , and
filled the whole earth .

threshingplace 2Sa_24_16 /^{threshingplace /of Araunah
the Jebusite .

threshold Eze_43_08 /^{threshold /by my thresholds
, and their post by my posts , and the wall between me and them,
they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that
they have committed : wherefore I have consumed them in mine
anger .

threshold 1Sa_05_05 /^{threshold /of Dagon in
Ashdod unto this day .

threshold 1Ki_14_17 /^{threshold /of the door ,
the child died ;

threshold Eze_40_06 /^{threshold /of the gate ,
which was one reed broad ; and the other threshold of the gate,
which was one reed broad .

threshold Eze_46_02 /^{threshold /of the gate :
then he shall go forth ; but the gate shall not be shut until
the evening .

threshold Eze_40_07 /^{threshold /of the gate by
the porch of the gate within was one reed .

threshold Eze_40_06 /^{threshold /of the gate,
which was one reed broad .

threshold Eze_10_18 /^{threshold /of the house ,
and stood over the cherubims .

threshold Eze_09_03 /^{threshold /of the house .
And he called to the man clothed with linen , which had the
writer's inkhorn by his side ;

threshold Eze_10_04 /^{threshold /of the house ;
and the house was filled with the cloud , and the court was full
of the brightness of the LORD'S glory .

threshold Eze_47_01 /^{threshold /of the house
eastward : for the forefront of the house stood toward the east ,
and the waters came down from under from the right side of the
house , at the south side of the altar .

threshold 1Sa_05_04 /^{threshold /only the stump
of Dagon was left to him.

threshold Zep_01_09 /^{threshold /which fill their
masters houses with violence and deceit .

thresholds Eze_43_08 /^{thresholds /and their post
by my posts , and the wall between me and them, they have even
defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have
committed : wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger .

thresholds Zep_02_14 /^{thresholds /for he shall
uncover the cedar work .

thresholds Neh_12_25 /^{thresholds /of the gates .

Zeresh Est_05_10 /^{Zeresh /his wife .

Zeresh Est_06_13 /^{Zeresh /his wife and all
his friends every thing that had befallen him. Then said his
wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the
seed of the Jews , before whom thou hast begun to fall , thou
shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.

Zeresh Est_05_14 /^{Zeresh /his wife and all
his friends unto him, Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high
, and to morrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be
hanged thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the
banquet . And the thing pleased Haman ; and he caused the
gallows to be made .

Zeresh Est_06_13 /^{Zeresh /his wife unto him,
If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews , before whom thou hast
begun to fall , thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt
surely fall before him.
