repented Psa_106_45 /^{repented /according to the
multitude of his mercies .

repented Jer_31_19 /^{repented /and after that I
was instructed , I smote upon my thigh : I was ashamed , yea,
even confounded , because I did bear the reproach of my youth .

repented Mat_21_29 /${repented /and went .

repented Mat_12_41 /${repented /at the preaching
of Jonas ; and , behold , a greater than Jonas is here .

repented Luk_11_32 /${repented /at the preaching
of Jonas ; and , behold , a greater than Jonas is here .

repented Amo_07_03 /^{repented /for this: It
shall not be, saith the LORD .

repented Amo_07_06 /^{repented /for this: This
also shall not be, saith the Lord GOD .

repented Jer_08_06 /^{repented /him of his
wickedness , saying , What have I done ? every one turned to his
course , as the horse rusheth into the battle .

repented 1Ch_21_15 /^{repented /him of the evil ,
and said to the angel that destroyed , It is enough , stay now
thine hand . And the angel of the LORD stood by the
threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite .

repented 2Sa_24_16 /^{repented /him of the evil ,
and said to the angel that destroyed the people , It is enough :
stay now thine hand . And the angel of the LORD was by the
threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite .

repented Jer_26_19 /^{repented /him of the evil
which he had pronounced against them? Thus might we procure
great evil against our souls .

repented Mat_27_03 /${repented /himself , and
brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests
and elders ,

repented Mat_11_21 /${repented /long ago in
sackcloth and ashes .

repented Rev_02_21 /${repented /not .

repented Mat_11_20 /${repented /not :

repented Mat_21_32 /${repented /not afterward ,
that ye might believe him .

repented Rev_09_20 /${repented /not of the works
of their hands , that they should not worship devils , and idols
of gold , and silver , and brass , and stone , and of wood :
which neither can see , nor hear , nor walk :

repented Rev_16_11 /${repented /not of their
deeds .

repented Rev_16_09 /${repented /not to give him
glory .

repented Zec_08_14 /^{repented /not:

repented Jer_20_16 /^{repented /not: and let him
hear the cry in the morning , and the shouting at noontide ;

repented 2Co_07_10 /${repented /of : but the
sorrow of the world worketh death .

repented Jon_03_10 /^{repented /of the evil ,
that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

repented Exo_32_14 /^{repented /of the evil which
he thought to do unto his people .

repented 2Co_12_21 /${repented /of the uncleanness
and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed .

repented Luk_10_13 /${repented /sitting in
sackcloth and ashes .

repented 1Sa_15_35 /^{repented /that he had made
Saul king over Israel .

repented Jud_02_18 /^{repented /the LORD because
of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and
vexed them.

repented Gen_06_06 /^{repented /the LORD that he
had made man on the earth , and it grieved him at his heart .

repented Jud_21_15 /^{repented /them for Benjamin
, because that the LORD had made a breach in the tribes of
Israel .

repented Jud_21_06 /^{repented /them for Benjamin
their brother , and said , There is one tribe cut off from
Israel this day .

repented Rev_09_21 /${repented /they of their
murders , nor of their sorceries , nor of their fornication ,
nor of their thefts .
