apparently Num_12_08 /^{apparently /and not in dark
speeches ; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold :
wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant
Moses ?

current Gen_23_16 /^{current /money with the
merchant .

parents Luk_21_16 /${parents /and brethren , and
kinsfolks , and friends ; and some of you shall they cause to be
put to death .

parents Mat_10_21 /${parents /and cause them to
be put to death .

parents Mar_13_12 /${parents /and shall cause
them to be put to death .

parents Joh_09_20 /${parents /answered them and
said , We know that this is our son , and that he was born blind

parents Joh_09_22 /${parents /because they
feared the Jews : for the Jews had agreed already , that if any
man did confess that he was Christ , he should be put out of the
synagogue .

parents Heb_11_23 /${parents /because they saw
he was a proper child ; and they were not afraid of the king's
commandment .

parents Luk_02_27 /${parents /brought in the
child Jesus , to do for him after the custom of the law ,

parents Joh_09_03 /${parents /but that the works
of God should be made manifest in him .

parents 2Co_12_14 /${parents /but the parents for
the children .

parents 1Ti_05_04 /${parents /for that is good
and acceptable before God .

parents 2Co_12_14 /${parents /for the children .

parents Joh_09_23 /${parents /He is of age ; ask
him .

parents Col_03_20 /${parents /in all things :
for this is well pleasing unto the Lord .

parents Eph_06_01 /${parents /in the Lord : for
this is right .

parents Joh_09_18 /${parents /of him that had
received his sight .

parents Luk_18_29 /${parents /or brethren , or
wife , or children , for the kingdom of God's sake ,

parents Joh_09_02 /${parents /that he was born
blind ?

parents 2Ti_03_02 /${parents /unthankful , unholy

parents Luk_02_41 /${parents /went to Jerusalem
every year at the feast of the passover .

parents Luk_08_56 /${parents /were astonished :
but he charged them that they should tell no man what was done .

rent Jud_14_06 /^{rent /a kid , and he had
nothing in his hand : but he told not his father or his mother
what he had done .

rent Jos_09_04 /^{rent /and bound up ;

rent 2Sa_15_32 /^{rent /and earth upon his
head :

rent 2Sa_01_02 /^{rent /and earth upon his
head : and so it was, when he came to David , that he fell to
the earth , and did obeisance .

rent Jer_41_05 /^{rent /and having cut
themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand , to bring
them to the house of the LORD .

rent Lev_13_45 /^{rent /and his head bare ,
and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip , and shall cry ,
Unclean , unclean .

rent Isa_03_24 /^{rent /and instead of well
set hair baldness ; and instead of a stomacher a girding of
sackcloth ; and burning instead of beauty .

rent 1Ki_13_05 /^{rent /and the ashes poured
out from the altar , according to the sign which the man of God
had given by the word of the LORD .

rent 1Ki_13_03 /^{rent /and the ashes that
are upon it shall be poured out .

rent Luk_05_36 /${rent /and the piece that
was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old .

rent Jos_09_13 /^{rent /and these our
garments and our shoes are become old by reason of the very long
journey .

rent 2Ki_18_37 /^{rent /and told him the words
of Rabshakeh .

rent Isa_36_22 /^{rent /and told him the
words of Rabshakeh .

rent 1Sa_04_12 /^{rent /and with earth upon
his head .

rent Eze_30_16 /^{rent /asunder , and Noph
shall have distresses daily .

rent Job_02_12 /^{rent /every one his mantle ,
and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven .

rent 2Ki_11_14 /^{rent /her clothes , and
cried , Treason , Treason .

rent 2Ch_23_13 /^{rent /her clothes , and said
, Treason , Treason .

rent 2Sa_13_19 /^{rent /her garment of divers
colours that was on her, and laid her hand on her head , and
went on crying .

rent Jud_14_06 /^{rent /him as he would have
rent a kid , and he had nothing in his hand : but he told not
his father or his mother what he had done .

rent Mar_09_26 /${rent /him sore , and came
out of him : and he was as one dead ; insomuch that many said ,
He is dead .

rent Isa_37_01 /^{rent /his clothes , and
covered himself with sackcloth , and went into the house of the

rent 2Ki_19_01 /^{rent /his clothes , and
covered himself with sackcloth , and went into the house of the

rent Jos_07_06 /^{rent /his clothes , and
fell to the earth upon his face before the ark of the LORD until
the eventide , he and the elders of Israel , and put dust upon
their heads .

rent Est_04_01 /^{rent /his clothes , and put
on sackcloth with ashes , and went out into the midst of the
city , and cried with a loud and a bitter cry ;

rent 1Ki_21_27 /^{rent /his clothes , and put
sackcloth upon his flesh , and fasted , and lay in sackcloth ,
and went softly .

rent Gen_37_34 /^{rent /his clothes , and put
sackcloth upon his loins , and mourned for his son many days .

rent Jud_11_35 /^{rent /his clothes , and
said , Alas , my daughter ! thou hast brought me very low , and
thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth
unto the LORD , and I cannot go back .

rent 2Ki_05_07 /^{rent /his clothes , and said
, Am I God , to kill and to make alive , that this man doth send
unto me to recover a man of his leprosy ? wherefore consider , I
pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me.

rent Mar_14_63 /${rent /his clothes , and
saith , What need we any further witnesses ?

rent Mat_26_65 /${rent /his clothes , saying ,
He hath spoken blasphemy ; what further need have we of
witnesses ? behold , now ye have heard his blasphemy .

rent 2Ki_05_08 /^{rent /his clothes , that he
sent to the king , saying , Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes
? let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a
prophet in Israel .

rent Gen_37_29 /^{rent /his clothes .

rent 2Ki_22_11 /^{rent /his clothes .

rent 2Ch_34_19 /^{rent /his clothes .

rent 2Ki_06_30 /^{rent /his clothes ; and he
passed by upon the wall , and the people looked , and, behold,
he had sackcloth within upon his flesh .

rent Job_01_20 /^{rent /his mantle , and
shaved his head , and fell down upon the ground , and worshipped

rent Gen_37_33 /^{rent /in pieces .

rent Luk_23_45 /${rent /in the midst .

rent Mar_15_38 /${rent /in twain from the top
to the bottom .

rent Mat_27_51 /${rent /in twain from the top
to the bottom ; and the earth did quake , and the rocks rent ;

rent Mar_02_21 /${rent /is made worse .

rent Mat_09_16 /${rent /is made worse .

rent 2Ki_17_21 /^{rent /Israel from the house
of David ; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king : and
Jeroboam drave Israel from following the LORD , and made them
sin a great sin .

rent 1Ki_11_30 /^{rent /it in twelve pieces :

rent Ezr_09_03 /^{rent /my garment and my
mantle , and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard ,
and sat down astonied .

rent Ezr_09_05 /^{rent /my garment and my
mantle , I fell upon my knees , and spread out my hands unto the
LORD my God ,

rent Act_16_22 /${rent /off their clothes ,
and commanded to beat them.

rent 1Ki_14_08 /^{rent /the kingdom away from
the house of David , and gave it thee: and yet thou hast not
been as my servant David , who kept my commandments , and who
followed me with all his heart , to do that only which was right
in mine eyes ;

rent 1Sa_15_28 /^{rent /the kingdom of Israel
from thee this day , and hath given it to a neighbour of thine,
that is better than thou.

rent 1Sa_28_17 /^{rent /the kingdom out of
thine hand , and given it to thy neighbour , even to David :

rent 1Ki_19_11 /^{rent /the mountains , and
brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD ; but the LORD was not
in the wind : and after the wind an earthquake ; but the LORD
was not in the earthquake :

rent Gen_44_13 /^{rent /their clothes , and
laded every man his ass , and returned to the city .

rent Act_14_14 /${rent /their clothes , and
ran in among the people , crying out ,

rent Num_14_06 /^{rent /their clothes :

rent Jer_36_24 /^{rent /their garments ,
neither the king , nor any of his servants that heard all these
words .

rent 2Ki_02_12 /^{rent /them in two pieces .

rent 2Sa_01_11 /^{rent /them; and likewise all
the men that were with him:

rent 2Ki_22_19 /^{rent /thy clothes , and wept
before me; I also have heard thee, saith the LORD .

rent 2Ki_05_08 /^{rent /thy clothes ? let him
come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in
Israel .

rent Job_26_08 /^{rent /under them.

rent 1Ki_01_40 /^{rent /with the sound of

rentest Jer_04_30 /^{rentest /thy face with
painting , in vain shalt thou make thyself fair ; thy lovers
will despise thee, they will seek thy life .

transparent Rev_21_21 /${transparent /glass .
