renew , 1SA , 11:14

renew , HEB , 6:6

renew , ISA , 40:31 , ISA , 41:1

renew , LA , 5:21

renew , PS , 51:10

renewed , 2CH , 15:8

renewed , 2CO , 4:16

renewed , COL , 3:10

renewed , EPH , 4:23

renewed , JOB , 29:20

renewed , PS , 103:5

renewest , JOB , 10:17

renewest , PS , 104:30

renewing , RO , 12:2

renewing , TIT , 3:5


renew 0341 # anakainoo {an-ak-ahee-no'-o}; from 303 and a
derivative of 2537; to renovate: -- {renew}.[ql

renew 0340 # anakainizo {an-ak-ahee-nid'-zo}; from 303 and a
derivative of 2537; to restore: -- {renew}.[ql

renew 0365 # ananeoo {an-an-neh-o'-o}; from 303 and a
derivative of 3501; to renovate, i.e. reform: -- {renew}.[ql


renew Interlinear Index Study

renew 1SA 011 014 Then said <00559 +>amar > Samuel <08050
+Sh@muw>el > to the people <05971 + , Come <03212 +yalak > ,
and let us go <03212 +yalak > to Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > , and
{renew} <02318 +chadash > the kingdom <04410 +m@luwkah > there
<08033 +sham > .

renew PSA 051 010 Create <01254 +bara> > in me a clean <02889
+tahowr > heart <03820 +leb > , O God <00430 +>elohiym > ; and
{renew} <02318 +chadash > a right <03559 +kuwn > spirit <07307
+ruwach > within <07130 +qereb > me .

renew ISA 040 031 But they that wait <06960 +qavah > upon the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall {renew} <02498 +chalaph > [ their ]
strength <03581 +koach > ; they shall mount <05927 + up
with wings <83> as eagles <05404 +nesher > ; they shall run
<07323 +ruwts > , and not be weary <03021 +yaga< > ; [ and ]
they shall walk <03212 +yalak > , and not faint <03286 +ya

renew ISA 041 001 . Keep silence <02790 +charash > before <00413
+>el > me , O islands <00339 +>iy > ; and let the people <03816
+l@om > {renew} <02498 +chalaph > [ their ] strength <03581
+koach > : let them come <05066 +nagash > near <05066 +nagash > ;
then <00227 +>az > let them speak <01696 +dabar > : let us come
<07126 +qarab > near <07126 +qarab > together <03162 +yachad >
to judgment <04941 +mishpat > .

renew LAM 005 021 Turn <07725 +shuwb > thou us unto thee , O
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and we shall be turned <07725 +shuwb > ;
{renew} <02318 +chadash > our days <03117 +yowm > as of old
<06924 +qedem > .

renew HEB 006 006 If they shall fall <3895 -parapipto -> away
<3895 -parapipto -> , to {renew} <0340 -anakainizo -> them again
<3825 -palin -> unto repentance <3341 -metanoia -> ; seeing they
crucify <0388 -anastauroo -> to themselves <1438 -heautou -> the
Son <5207 -huios -> of God <2316 -theos -> afresh <0388 -
anastauroo -> , and put <3856 -paradeigmatizo -> [ him ] to an
open <3856 -paradeigmatizo -> shame <3856 -paradeigmatizo -> .


renew our days as

renew them again unto repentance

* renew , 0340 ,

- renew , 2318 , 2498 ,

* renew , 0340 anakainizo ,


renew -0340 {renew},

renewed -0341 {renewed},

renewed -0365 {renewed},

renewing -0342 {renewing},


renew -2318 {renew} , renewed , renewest , repair ,

renew -2498 abolish , alter , change , changed , cut , go ,
groweth , pass , passed , passeth , redness , {renew} , renewed ,
sprout , stricken , strike ,

renewed -2318 renew , {renewed} , renewest , repair ,

renewed -2498 abolish , alter , change , changed , cut , go ,
groweth , pass , passed , passeth , redness , renew , {renewed} ,
sprout , stricken , strike ,

renewest -2318 renew , renewed , {renewest} , repair ,


renew 2318 -- chadash -- {renew}, repair.

renew 2498 -- chalaph -- abolish, alter, change, cut off, go on
forward, grow up, beover, pass (away, on, through), {renew},
sprout, strike through.

renew 0340 ** anakainizo ** {renew}.

renew 0341 ** anakainoo ** {renew}.

renew 0365 ** ananeoo ** {renew}.

renewing 0342 ** anakainosis ** {renewing}.


renew ......... to renew 0340 -anakainizo->

renewed ......... And be renewed 0365 -ananeoo->

renewed ......... is renewed 0341 -anakainoo->

renewed ......... man is renewed 0341 -anakainoo->

renewing ......... and renewing 0342 -anakainosis->

renewing ......... by the renewing 0342 -anakainosis->



renew 2318 ## chadash {khaw-dash'}; a primitive root; to be new;
causatively, to rebuild: -- {renew}, repair. [ql

renew 2498 ## chalaph {khaw-laf'}; a primitive root; properly,
to slide by, i.e. (by implication) to hasten away, pass on,
spring up, pierce or change: -- abolish, alter, change, cut off,
go on forward, grow up, be over, pass (away, on, through),
{renew}, sprout, strike through. [ql

renew 0340 # anakainizo {an-ak-ahee-nid'-zo}; from 303 and a
derivative of 2537; to restore: -- {renew}.[ql

renew 0341 # anakainoo {an-ak-ahee-no'-o}; from 303 and a
derivative of 2537; to renovate: -- {renew}.[ql

renew 0365 # ananeoo {an-an-neh-o'-o}; from 303 and a derivative
of 3501; to renovate, i.e. reform: -- {renew}.[ql

renewing 0342 # anakainosis {an-ak-ah'-ee-no-sis}; from 341;
renovation: -- {renewing}.[ql


renew 051 010 Psa /^{renew /a right spirit
within me.

renew 005 021 Lam /^{renew /our days as of old

renew 011 014 ISa /^{renew /the kingdom there.

renew 041 001 Isa /^{renew /their strength :
let them come near ; then let them speak : let us come near
together to judgment .

renew 040 031 Isa /^{renew /their strength ;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles ; they shall run , and
not be weary ; and they shall walk , and not faint .

renew 006 006 Heb /${renew /them again unto
repentance ; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God
afresh , and put him to an open shame .

renewed 004 016 IICo /${renewed /day by day .

renewed 003 010 Col /${renewed /in knowledge
after the image of him that created him :

renewed 029 020 Job /^{renewed /in my hand .

renewed 004 023 Eph /${renewed /in the spirit of
your mind ;

renewed 103 005 Psa /^{renewed /like the eagle's

renewed 015 008 IICh /^{renewed /the altar of the
LORD , that was before the porch of the LORD .

renewest 104 030 Psa /^{renewest /the face of the
earth .

renewest 010 017 Job /^{renewest /thy witnesses
against me, and increasest thine indignation upon me ; changes
and war are against me.

renewing 003 005 Tit /${renewing /of the Holy
Ghost ;

renewing 012 002 Rom /${renewing /of your mind ,
that ye may prove what is that good , and acceptable , and
perfect , will of God .


renew 6 *

renewed 6 -

renewest 2 -

renewing 2 -


renew <1SA11 -14> Then said Samuel to the people, Come, and let

go to Gilgal, and {renew} the kingdom there.

renew Create in me a clean heart, O God; and {renew}

right spirit within me.

renew But they that wait upon the LORD shall {renew}

[their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they

shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not

renew Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the

people {renew} [their] strength: let them come near; then let

speak: let us come near together to judgment.

renew Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be

turned; {renew} our days as of old.

renew If they shall fall away, to {renew} them again

repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God

and put him] to an open shame.
