rejoicing Pro_08_30 /^{rejoicing /always before

rejoicing Isa_65_18 /^{rejoicing /and her people a
joy .

rejoicing Psa_118_15 /^{rejoicing /and salvation
is in the tabernacles of the righteous : the right hand of the
LORD doeth valiantly .

rejoicing 2Ch_23_18 /^{rejoicing /and with singing ,
as it was ordained by David .

rejoicing 1Th_02_19 /${rejoicing /Are not even ye
in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming ?

rejoicing 2Co_06_10 /${rejoicing /as poor , yet
making many rich ; as having nothing , and yet possessing all
things .

rejoicing Psa_126_06 /^{rejoicing /bringing his
sheaves with him.

rejoicing Zep_02_15 /^{rejoicing /city that dwelt
carelessly , that said in her heart , I am, and there is none
beside me: how is she become a desolation , a place for beasts
to lie down in ! every one that passeth by her shall hiss , and
wag his hand .

rejoicing 2Co_01_14 /${rejoicing /even as ye also
are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus .

rejoicing Gal_06_04 /${rejoicing /in himself alone
, and not in another .

Rejoicing Rom_12_12 /${Rejoicing /in hope ;
patient in tribulation ; continuing instant in prayer ;

Rejoicing Pro_08_31 /^{Rejoicing /in the habitable
part of his earth ; and my delights were with the sons of men .

rejoicing Jam_04_01 /${rejoicing /is evil .

rejoicing 2Co_01_12 /${rejoicing /is this , the
testimony of our conscience , that in simplicity and godly
sincerity , not with fleshly wisdom , but by the grace of God ,
we have had our conversation in the world , and more abundantly
to you-ward .

rejoicing Php_01_26 /${rejoicing /may be more
abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again .

rejoicing Jer_15_16 /^{rejoicing /of mine heart :
for I am called by thy name , O LORD God of hosts .

rejoicing Psa_119_011 /^{rejoicing /of my heart .

rejoicing Heb_03_06 /${rejoicing /of the hope firm
unto the end .

rejoicing Psa_45_15 /^{rejoicing /shall they be
brought : they shall enter into the king's palace .

rejoicing 1Ki_01_45 /^{rejoicing /so that the city
rang again . This is the noise that ye have heard .

rejoicing Act_05_41 /${rejoicing /that they were
counted worthy to suffer shame for his name .

rejoicing Psa_19_08 /^{rejoicing /the heart : the
commandment of the LORD is pure , enlightening the eyes .

rejoicing Hab_03_14 /^{rejoicing /was as to devour
the poor secretly .

rejoicing 1Co_15_31 /${rejoicing /which I have in
Christ Jesus our Lord , I die daily .
