reins Interlinear Index Study

reins JOB 016 013 His archers <07228 +rab > compass <05437
+cabab > me round <05437 +cabab > about , he cleaveth <06398
+palach > my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > asunder , and doth not
spare <02550 +chamal > ; he poureth <08210 +shaphak > out my
gall <04845 +m@rerah > upon the ground <00776 +>erets > .

reins JOB 019 027 Whom <00834 +>aher > I shall see <02372
+chazah > for myself , and mine eyes <05869 + shall
behold <07200 +ra>ah > , and not another <02114 +zuwr > ; [
though ] my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > be consumed <03615 +kalah >
within <02436 +cheyq > me .

reins PSA 007 009 Oh <04994 +na> > let the wickedness <07451
+ra< > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > come to an end <01584
+gamar > ; but establish <03559 +kuwn > the just <06662
+tsaddiyq > : for the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > God <00430
+>elohiym > trieth <00974 +bachan > the hearts <03826 +libbah >
and {reins} <03629 +kilyah > .

reins PSA 016 007 I will bless <01288 +barak > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , who <00834 +>aher > hath given me counsel <03289
+ya : my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > also <00637 +>aph >
instruct <03256 +yacar > me in the night <03915 +layil > seasons

reins PSA 026 002 Examine <00974 +bachan > me , O LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , and prove <05254 +nacah > me ; try <06884 +tsaraph
> my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > and my heart <03820 +leb > .

reins PSA 073 021 . Thus <03588 +kiy > my heart <03824 +lebab >
was grieved <02556 +chamets > , and I was pricked <08150 +shanan
> in my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > .

reins PSA 139 013 For thou hast possessed <07069 +qanah > my
{reins} <03629 +kilyah > : thou hast covered <05526 +cakak > me
in my mother s <00517 +>em > womb <00990 +beten > .

reins PRO 023 016 Yea , my {reins} <03629 +kilyah > shall
rejoice <05937 + , when thy lips <08193 +saphah > speak
<01696 +dabar > right <04339 +meyshar > things .

reins ISA 011 005 And righteousness <06664 +tsedeq > shall be
the girdle <00232 +>ezowr > of his loins <04975 +mothen > , and
faithfulness <00530 +>emuwnah > the girdle <00232 +>ezowr > of
his {reins} <02504 +chalats > .

reins JER 011 020 But , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635
+tsaba> > , that judgest <08199 +shaphat > righteously <06664
+tsedeq > , that triest <00974 +bachan > the {reins} <03629
+kilyah > and the heart <03820 +leb > , let me see <07200 +ra>ah
> thy vengeance <05360 +n@qamah > on them : for unto thee have I
revealed <01540 +galah > my cause <07379 +riyb > .

reins JER 012 002 Thou hast planted <05193 +nata< > them , yea
<01571 +gam > , they have taken root <08327 +sharash > : they
grow <03212 +yalak > , yea <01571 +gam > , they bring <06213
+ forth <06213 + fruit <06529 +p@riy > : thou [
art ] near <07138 +qarowb > in their mouth <06310 +peh > , and
far <07350 +rachowq > from their {reins} <03629 +kilyah > .

reins JER 017 010 I the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > search <02713
+chaqar > the heart <03820 +leb > , [ I ] try <00974 +bachan >
the {reins} <03629 +kilyah > , even to give <05414 +nathan >
every man <00376 +>iysh > according to his ways <01870 +derek > ,
[ and ] according to the fruit <06529 +p@riy > of his doings
<04611 +ma .

reins JER 020 012 But , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635
+tsaba> > , that triest <00974 +bachan > the righteous <06662
+tsaddiyq > , [ and ] seest <07200 +ra>ah > the {reins} <03629
+kilyah > and the heart <03820 +leb > , let me see <07200 +ra>ah
> thy vengeance <05360 +n@qamah > on them : for unto thee have I
opened <01540 +galah > my cause <07379 +riyb > .

reins LAM 003 013 He hath caused the arrows <02671 +chets > of
his quiver <00827 +>ashpah > to enter <00935 +bow> > into my
{reins} <03629 +kilyah > .

reins REV 002 023 And I will kill <0615 -apokteino -> her
children <5043 -teknon -> with death <2288 -thanatos -> ; and
all <3956 -pas -> the churches <1577 -ekklesia -> shall know
<1097 -ginosko -> that I am <1510 -eimi -> he which <3739 -hos -
> searcheth <2045 -ereunao -> the {reins} <3510 -nephros -> and
hearts <2588 -kardia -> : and I will give <1325 -didomi -> unto
every <1538 -hekastos -> one of you according <2596 -kata -> to
your <5216 -humon -> works <2041 -ergon -> .
