regard Hab_01_05 /^{regard /and wonder
marvellously : for I will work a work in your days , which ye
will not believe , though it be told you.

regard Dan_11_37 /^{regard /any god : for he
shall magnify himself above all.

regard Pro_06_35 /^{regard /any ransom ;
neither will he rest content , though thou givest many gifts .

regard Act_08_11 /${regard /because that of
long time he had bewitched them with sorceries .

regard Pro_05_02 /^{regard /discretion , and
that thy lips may keep knowledge .

regard Psa_66_18 /^{regard /iniquity in my
heart , the Lord will not hear me:

regard Job_03_04 /^{regard /it from above ,
neither let the light shine upon it.

regard 1Sa_04_20 /^{regard /it.

regard Psa_94_07 /^{regard /it.

regard Job_35_13 /^{regard /it.

regard Rom_14_06 /${regard /it. He that eateth ,
eateth to the Lord , for he giveth God thanks ; and he that
eateth not , to the Lord he eateth not , and giveth God thanks .

regard Psa_31_06 /^{regard /lying vanities :
but I trust in the LORD .

regard Luk_18_04 /${regard /man ;

regard Job_36_21 /^{regard /not iniquity : for
this hast thou chosen rather than affliction .

regard Isa_05_12 /^{regard /not the work of the
LORD , neither consider the operation of his hands .

regard Psa_28_05 /^{regard /not the works of
the LORD , nor the operation of his hands , he shall destroy
them, and not build them up .

Regard Lev_19_31 /^{Regard /not them that have
familiar spirits , neither seek after wizards , to be defiled by
them: I am the LORD your God .

regard 2Sa_13_20 /^{regard /not this thing . So
Tamar remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house .

regard Gen_45_20 /^{regard /not your stuff ;
for the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.

regard Ecc_08_02 /^{regard /of the oath of God .

regard Isa_13_17 /^{regard /silver ; and as for
gold , they shall not delight in it.

regard Dan_11_37 /^{regard /the God of his
fathers , nor the desire of women , nor regard any god : for he
shall magnify himself above all.

regard Amo_05_22 /^{regard /the peace offerings
of your fat beasts .

regard Deu_28_50 /^{regard /the person of the
old , nor shew favour to the young :

regard Psa_102_17 /^{regard /the prayer of the
destitute , and not despise their prayer .

regard 2Ki_03_14 /^{regard /the presence of
Jehoshaphat the king of Judah , I would not look toward thee,
nor see thee.

regard Lam_04_16 /^{regard /them: they
respected not the persons of the priests , they favoured not the
elders .

regard 1Sa_25_25 /^{regard /this man of Belial ,
even Nabal : for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name ,
and folly is with him: but I thine handmaid saw not the young
men of my lord , whom thou didst send .

regard Exo_05_09 /^{regard /vain words .

regard Mal_01_09 /^{regard /your persons ?
saith the LORD of hosts .

regarded Luk_18_02 /${regarded /man :

regarded 1Ch_17_17 /^{regarded /me according to
the estate of a man of high degree , O LORD God .

regarded Exo_09_21 /^{regarded /not the word of
the LORD left his servants and his cattle in the field .

regarded Luk_01_48 /${regarded /the low estate of
his handmaiden : for , behold , from henceforth all generations
shall call me blessed .

regarded Dan_03_12 /^{regarded /thee : they serve
not thy gods , nor worship the golden image which thou hast set
up .

regarded Psa_106_44 /^{regarded /their affliction
, when he heard their cry :

regarded Heb_08_09 /${regarded /them not , saith
the Lord .

regardest Job_30_20 /^{regardest /me not.

regardest 2Sa_19_06 /^{regardest /neither princes
nor servants : for this day I perceive , that if Absalom had
lived , and all we had died this day , then it had pleased thee
well .

regardest Mar_12_14 /${regardest /not the person
of men , but teachest the way of God in truth : Is it lawful to
give tribute to Caesar , or not ?

regardest Mat_22_16 /${regardest /not the person
of men .

regardeth Ecc_05_08 /^{regardeth /and there be
higher than they .

regardeth Job_39_07 /^{regardeth /he the crying of
the driver .

regardeth Rom_14_06 /${regardeth /it unto the Lord
; and he that regardeth not the day , to the Lord he doth not
regard it. He that eateth , eateth to the Lord , for he giveth
God thanks ; and he that eateth not , to the Lord he eateth not ,
and giveth God thanks .

regardeth Isa_33_08 /^{regardeth /no man .

regardeth Deu_10_17 /^{regardeth /not persons ,
nor taketh reward :

regardeth Rom_14_06 /${regardeth /not the day , to
the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth , eateth to the
Lord , for he giveth God thanks ; and he that eateth not , to
the Lord he eateth not , and giveth God thanks .

regardeth Mal_02_13 /^{regardeth /not the offering
any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand .

regardeth Dan_06_13 /^{regardeth /not thee , O
king , nor the decree that thou hast signed , but maketh his
petition three times a day .

regardeth Pro_29_07 /^{regardeth /not to know it.

regardeth Pro_15_05 /^{regardeth /reproof is
prudent .

regardeth Pro_13_18 /^{regardeth /reproof shall be
honoured .

regardeth Ecc_11_04 /^{regardeth /the clouds shall
not reap .

regardeth Rom_14_06 /${regardeth /the day ,
regardeth it unto the Lord ; and he that regardeth not the day ,
to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth , eateth to
the Lord , for he giveth God thanks ; and he that eateth not ,
to the Lord he eateth not , and giveth God thanks .

regardeth Pro_12_10 /^{regardeth /the life of his
beast : but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel .

regardeth Job_34_19 /^{regardeth /the rich more
than the poor ? for they all are the work of his hands .

regarding Php_02_30 /${regarding /his life , to
supply your lack of service toward me .

regarding Job_04_20 /^{regarding /it.
