refine , ZEC , 13:9

refined , 1CH , 28:18 , 1CH , 29:4

refined , ISA , 25:6 , ISA , 48:10

refined , ZEC , 13:9

refiner , MAL , 3:3

refiner's , MAL , 3:2



refine Interlinear Index Study

refine ZEC 013 009 And I will bring <00935 +bow> > the third
<07992 +sh@liyshiy > part through the fire <00784 +>esh > , and
will {refine} <06884 +tsaraph > them as silver <03701 +keceph >
is refined <06884 +tsaraph > , and will try <00974 +bachan >
them as gold <02091 +zahab > is tried <00974 +bachan > : they
shall call <07121 +qara> > on my name <08034 +shem > , and I
will hear <06030 + them : I will say <00559 +>amar > , It
[ is ] my people <05971 + : and they shall say <00559
+>amar > , The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] my God <00430
+>elohiym > .


will refine them as silver is refined

- refine , 6884 ,



refine -6884 casteth , finer , founder , goldsmith , goldsmiths
, melt , melteth , pure , purge , {refine} , refined , refiner ,
tried , try ,

refined -2212 fine , pour , purge , purified , {refined} ,

refined -6884 casteth , finer , founder , goldsmith , goldsmiths
, melt , melteth , pure , purge , refine , {refined} , refiner ,
tried , try ,

refiner -6884 casteth , finer , founder , goldsmith , goldsmiths
, melt , melteth , pure , purge , refine , refined , {refiner} ,
tried , try ,


refine 6884 -- tsaraph -- cast, ({re-)fine}(-er), founder,
goldsmith, melt, pure,purge away, try.

refine 2212 -- zaqaq -- fine, pour down, purge, purify, {refine}.




refine 2212 ## zaqaq {zaw-kak'}; a primitive root; to strain,
(figuratively) extract, clarify: -- fine, pour down, purge,
purify, {refine}. [ql


refine 013 009 Zec /^{refine /them as silver
is refined , and will try them as gold is tried : they shall
call on my name , and I will hear them: I will say , It is my
people : and they shall say , The LORD is my God .

refined 013 009 Zec /^{refined /and will try
them as gold is tried : they shall call on my name , and I will
hear them: I will say , It is my people : and they shall say ,
The LORD is my God .

refined 028 018 ICh /^{refined /gold by weight ;
and gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims , that
spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of
the LORD .

refined 029 004 ICh /^{refined /silver , to
overlay the walls of the houses withal:

refined 048 010 Isa /^{refined /thee, but not
with silver ; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction .

refiner 003 003 Mal /^{refiner /and purifier of
silver : and he shall purify the sons of Levi , and purge them
as gold and silver , that they may offer unto the LORD an
offering in righteousness .

refiner's 003 002 Mal /^{refiner's /fire , and
like fullers soap :


refine 1 *

refined 5 -

refiner 1 -


refine And I will bring the third part through the

and will {refine} them as silver is refined, and will try them as

gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them:

will say, It [is] my people: and they shall say, The L

ORD [is] my God.
