reconciliation Dan_09_24 /^{reconciliation /for
iniquity , and to bring in everlasting righteousness , and to
seal up the vision and prophecy , and to anoint the most Holy .

reconciliation Eze_45_17 /^{reconciliation /for the
house of Israel .

reconciliation Heb_02_17 /${reconciliation /for the
sins of the people .

reconciliation Eze_45_15 /^{reconciliation /for them,
saith the Lord GOD .

reconciliation Lev_08_15 /^{reconciliation /upon it.

reconciliation 2Ch_29_24 /^{reconciliation /with their
blood upon the altar , to make an atonement for all Israel : for
the king commanded that the burnt offering and the sin offering
should be made for all Israel .
