recompensed Luk_14_14 /${recompensed /at the
resurrection of the just .

recompensed Jer_18_20 /^{recompensed /for good ? for
they have digged a pit for my soul . Remember that I stood
before thee to speak good for them, and to turn away thy wrath
from them.

recompensed Pro_11_31 /^{recompensed /in the earth :
much more the wicked and the sinner .

recompensed Psa_18_24 /^{recompensed /me according
to my righteousness , according to the cleanness of my hands in
his eyesight .

recompensed 2Sa_22_25 /^{recompensed /me according to
my righteousness ; according to my cleanness in his eye sight .

recompensed Psa_18_20 /^{recompensed /me.

recompensed 2Sa_22_21 /^{recompensed /me.

recompensed Rom_11_35 /${recompensed /unto him again

recompensed Num_05_08 /^{recompensed /unto the LORD ,
even to the priest ; beside the ram of the atonement , whereby
an atonement shall be made for him.

recompensed Eze_22_31 /^{recompensed /upon their
heads , saith the Lord GOD .
