afterward receive me

against an elder receive not an accusation <1TI5 -:19 >

believe on him should receive

blind receive their sight

but he shall receive an hundredfold now

but receive power as kings one hour with

but ye shall receive power

cannot receive this saying

church may receive edifying <1CO14 -:5 >

die receive tithes

doeth wrong shall receive for

ephraim shall receive shame

every man shall receive his own reward according <1CO3 -:8 >

faith receive ye

fool receive me <2CO11 -:16 >

for he shall receive me

for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me 18 >

he might receive his sight

he might receive from

he shall receive any thing

heart will receive commandments

heaven must receive until

him shall receive remission

if thou wilt receive my words

lord will receive my prayer

man can receive nothing

may receive my sight

might receive my sight

much more they which receive abundance

nor receive instruction

now therefore receive no <2KI12 -:7 >

place which he should after receive for an inheritance :8 >

receive as much again

receive comfort

receive correction

receive for himself

receive garments <2KI5 -:26 >

receive glory

receive him

receive him

receive him as myself

receive him not into <2JO1 -:10 >

receive him therefore

receive his ashes

receive instruction

receive instruction

receive money <2KI5 -:26 >

receive my instruction

receive my sayings

receive my spirit

receive no <2KI12 -:8 >

receive not

receive not honour from men

receive not testimony from man

receive power

receive something

receive such <3JO1 -:8 >

receive thy brother's blood from thy hand

receive thy sight

receive thy sight

receive us <2CO7 -:2 >

receive with meekness

receive ye

receive you unto myself

sabbath day receive circumcision

same shall receive greater damnation

shall receive an hundredfold

shall we not receive evil

shall we receive good at

should receive <2SA18 -:12 >

then receive my present at my hand

therefore ye shall receive

these shall receive greater damnation

they did not receive him

they may receive me into their houses

they may receive forgiveness

they may receive you into everlasting habitations

they might receive

they might receive

they receive you

they receive you not

they shall receive

they which are called might receive

thou didst not receive <1CO4 -:7 >

thou mightest receive thy sight

thou shalt receive them

thou shalt receive <1KI5 -:9 >

thou shouldest receive him for ever

thou therefore receive him

thou wilt receive instruction

we might receive

we might receive

we receive <2JO1 -:8 >

we receive <1JO3 -:22 >

we shall receive

we would receive <2CO8 -:4 >

when thou shalt receive thy sisters

wherefore receive ye one another

which receive honour one

which thou shalt receive <1SA10 -:4 >

which ye receive

who receive

who shall not receive manifold more

whoso shall receive one such little child

whosoever shall not receive you

whosoever shall not receive you

whosoever shall receive one

whosoever shall receive this child

whosoever shall receive me

whosoever shall not receive

whosoever shall not receive

whosoever shall receive me receiveth him

whosoever will not receive you

will receive none <2KI5 -:16 >

will receive you <2CO6 -:17 >

will ye not receive instruction

world cannot receive

ye might receive damage by us <2CO7 -:9 >

ye receive another spirit <2CO11 -:4 >

ye receive her

ye receive me not

ye receive not <2CO6 -:1 >

ye receive not our witness

ye receive not

ye shall receive no more reproach
