reaper , AM , 9:13

reapers , 2KI , 4:18

reapers , MT , 13:30 , MT , 13:39

reapers , RU , 2:3 , RU , 2:4 , RU , 2:5 , RU , 2:6 , RU , 2:
7 , RU , 2:14


reaper 2327 # theristes {ther-is-tace'}; from 2325; a
harvester: -- {reaper}.[ql


reaper Interlinear Index Study

reaper AMO 009 013 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , the days <03117
+yowm > come <00935 +bow> > , saith<05002 +n@>um > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , that the plowman <02790 +charash > shall
overtake <05066 +nagash > the {reaper} <07114 +qatsar > , and
the treader <01869 +darak > of grapes <06025 + him that
soweth <04900 +mashak > seed <02233 +zera< > ; and the mountains
<02022 +har > shall drop <05197 +nataph > sweet <06071 +
wine <06071 + , and all <03605 +kol > the hills <01389
+gib shall melt <04127 +muwg > .


- reaper , 7114 ,


reapers -2327 {reapers},


reaper -7114 cuttest , discouraged , grieved , harvestman ,
lothed , mower , much , reap , reaped , {reaper} , reapers ,
reapest , reapeth , reaping , short , shortened , shorter ,
straitened , troubled , vexed ,

reapers -7114 cuttest , discouraged , grieved , harvestman ,
lothed , mower , much , reap , reaped , reaper , {reapers} ,
reapest , reapeth , reaping , short , shortened , shorter ,
straitened , troubled , vexed ,


reaper 2327 ** theristes ** {reaper}.


reapers ......... and the reapers 2327 -theristes->

reapers ......... to the reapers 2327 -theristes->



reaper 2327 # theristes {ther-is-tace'}; from 2325; a harvester:
-- {reaper}.[ql


reaper 009 013 Amo /^{reaper /and the treader
of grapes him that soweth seed ; and the mountains shall drop
sweet wine , and all the hills shall melt .

reapers 002 007 Rut /^{reapers /among the
sheaves : so she came , and hath continued even from the morning
until now, that she tarried a little in the house .

reapers 002 014 Rut /^{reapers /and he reached
her parched corn, and she did eat , and was sufficed , and left .

reapers 002 003 Rut /^{reapers /and her hap was
to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz , who was of
the kindred of Elimelech .

reapers 002 006 Rut /^{reapers /answered and
said , It is the Moabitish damsel that came back with Naomi out
of the country of Moab :

reapers 013 039 Mat /${reapers /are the angels .

reapers 013 030 Mat /${reapers /Gather ye
together first the tares , and bind them in bundles to burn them
: but gather the wheat into my barn .

reapers 002 004 Rut /^{reapers /The LORD be with
you. And they answered him, The LORD bless thee.

reapers 002 005 Rut /^{reapers /Whose damsel is


reaper 1 -

reapers 9 -


reaper Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that

plowman shall overtake the {reaper}, and the treader of grapes

that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and

the hills shall melt.
