already 3528 ## k@bar {keb-awr'}; from 3527; properly, extent of
time, i.e . a great while; hence, long ago, formerly, hitherto: -
- {already}, (seeing that which), now. [ql

already 2235 # ede {ay'-day}; apparently from 2228 (or possibly
2229) and 1211; even now: -- already, (even) now ({already}), by
this time.[ql

already 2235 # ede {ay'-day}; apparently from 2228 (or possibly
2229) and 1211; even now: -- {already}, (even) now (already), by
this time.[ql

already 4258 # proamartano {pro-am-ar-tan'-o}; from 4253 and 264;
to sin previously (to conversion): -- sin {already}, heretofore

already 5348 # phthano {fthan'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to
be beforehand, i.e. anticipate or precede; by extension, to have
arrived at: -- ({already}) attain, come, prevent.[ql

bread 2557 ## chametz {khaw-mates'}; from 2556; ferment,
(figuratively) extortion: -- leaven, leavened ({bread}). [ql

bread 4682 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'}; from 4711 in the sense of
greedily devouring for sweetness; properly, sweetness;
concretely, sweet (i.e. not soured or bittered with yeast);
specifically, an unfermented cake or loaf, or (elliptically) the
festival of Passover (because no leaven was then used): --
unleaved ({bread}, cake), without leaven.[ql

bread 0106 # azumos {ad'-zoo-mos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2219; unleavened, i.e. (figuratively) uncorrupted;
(in the neutral plural) specially (by implication) the Passover
week: -- unleavened ({bread}).[ql

bread 4286 # prothesis {proth'-es-is}; from 4388; a setting
forth, i.e. (figuratively) proposal (intention); specifically,
the show-bread (in the Temple) as exposed before God: -- purpose,

breadth 4800 ## merchab {mer-khawb'}; from 7337; enlargement,
either literally (an open space, usually in a good sense), or
figuratively (liberty): -- {breadth}, large place (room).[ql

breadth 6613 ## p@thay (Aramaic) {peth-ah'-ee}; from a root
corresponding to 6601; open, i.e. (as noun) width: -- {breadth}.

breadth 7338 ## rachab {rakh'-ab}; from 7337; a width: --
{breadth}, broad place.[ql

breadth 7341 ## rochab {ro'-khab}; from 7337; width (literally
or figuratively): -- {breadth}, broad, largeness, thickness,

breadth 4114 # platos {plat'-os}; from 4116; width: -- {breadth}.
[ql break 0006 ## >abad {aw-bad'}; a primitive root; properly,
to wander away, i.e. lose oneself; by implication to perish
(causative, destroy): -- {break}, destroy(-uction), + not escape,
fail, lose, (cause to, make) perish, spend, X and surely, take,
be undone, X utterly, be void of, have no way to flee. [ql

dread 0367 ## >eymah {ay-maw'}; or (shortened) >emah {ay-maw'};
from the same as 366; fright; concrete, an idol (as a bugbear): -
- {dread}, fear, horror, idol, terrible, terror. [ql

dread 2844 ## chath {khath}; from 2865; concretely, crushed;
also afraid; abstractly, terror: -- broken, dismayed, {dread},
fear. [ql

dread 4172 ## mowra> {mo-raw'}; or mora> {mo-raw'}; or morah
(Psa. 9:20) {mo-raw'}; from 3372; fear; by implication, a
fearful thing or deed: -- {dread}, (that ought to be) fear(-ed),
terribleness, terror.[ql

dread 6206 ## (intransitive) to dread; hence, to harass: -- be affrighted
(afraid, dread, feared, terrified), break, {dread}, fear,
oppress, prevail, shake terribly.[ql

dread 6206 ## (intransitive) to dread; hence, to harass: -- be affrighted
(afraid, {dread}, feared, terrified), break, dread, fear,
oppress, prevail, shake terribly.[ql

dread 6343 ## pachad {pakh'-ad}; from 6342; a (sudden) alarm
(properly, the object feared, by implication, the feeling): --
{dread}(-ful), fear, (thing) great [fear, -ly feared], terror.[ql

dreadful 1763 ## d@chal (Aramaic) {deh-khal'}; corresponding to
2119; to slink, i.e. (by implication) to fear, or (causatively)
be formidable: -- make afraid, {dreadful}, fear, terrible. [ql

dreadful 3374 ## yir>ah {yir-aw'}; feminine of 3373; fear (also
used as infinitive); morally, reverence: -- X {dreadful}, X
exceedingly, fear(-fulness). [ql

foot-]breadth 4096 ## midrak {mid-rawk'}; from 1869; a treading,
i.e. a place for stepping on: -- [{foot-]breadth}.[ql

hand-breadth 2947 ## tephach {tay'-fakh}; from 2946; a spread of
the hand, i.e. a palm- breadth (not "span" of the fingers);
architecturally, a corbel (as a supporting palm): -- coping,
{hand-breadth}. [ql

hand-breadth 2948 ## tophach {to'-fakh}; from 2946 (the same as
2947): -- {hand-breadth} (broad). [ql

overspread 5310 ## naphats {naw-fats'}; a primitive root; to
dash to pieces, or scatter: -- be beaten in sunder, break (in
pieces), broken, dash (in pieces), cause to be discharged,
dispersed, be {overspread}, scatter.[ql

overspreading 3671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'}; from 3670; an edge or
extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing, (of a
garment or bed-clothing) a flap, (of the earth) a quarter, (of a
building) a pinnacle: -- + bird, border, corner, end, feather[-
ed], X flying, + (one an-)other, {overspreading}, X quarters,
skirt, X sort, uttermost part, wing([-ed]). [ql

read 7121 ## qara> {kaw-raw'}; a primitive root [rather
identical with 7122 through the idea of accosting a person met];
to call out to (i.e. properly, address by name, but used in a
wide variety of applications): -- bewray [self], that are bidden,
call (for, forth, self, upon), cry (unto), (be) famous, guest,
invite, mention, (give) name, preach, (make) proclaim(-ation),
pronounce, publish, {read}, renowned, say.[ql

read 7123 ## q@ra> (Aramaic) {ker-aw'}; corresponding to 7121: --
call, cry, {read}.[ql

read 0011 # Abraam {ab-rah-am'}; of Hebrew origin [85]; Abraham,
the Hebrew patriarch: -- Abraham. [In Acts 7:16 the text should
probably {read} Jacob.][ql

read 0314 # anaginosko {an-ag-in-oce'-ko}; from 303 and 1097; to
know again, i.e. (by extension) to read: -- {read}.[ql

readiness 4288 # prothumia {proth-oo-mee'-ah}; from 4289;
predisposition, i.e. alacrity: -- forwardness of mind,
{readiness} (of mind), ready (willing) mind.[ql

reading 4744 ## miqra> {mik-raw'}; from 7121; something called
out, i.e. a public meeting (the act, the persons, or the place);
also a rehearsal: -- assembly, calling, convocation, {reading}.

reading 0320 # angnosis {an-ag'-no-sis}; from 314; (the act of)
reading: -- {reading}.[ql

reading 2251 # hemeteros {hay-met'-er-os}; from 2349; our: --
our, your [by a different {reading}].[ql

ready 0631 ## >acar {aw-sar'}; a primitive root; to yoke or
hitch; by analogy, to fasten in any sense, to join battle: --
bind, fast, gird, harness, hold, keep, make {ready}, order,
prepare, prison(-er), put in bonds, set in array, tie. [ql

ready 1234 ## baqa< {baw-kah'}; a primitive root; to cleave;
generally, to rend, break, rip or open: -- make a breach, break
forth (into, out, in pieces, through, up), be {ready} to burst,
cleave (asunder), cut out, divide, hatch, rend (asunder), rip up,
tear, win. [ql

ready 1951 ## huwn {hoon}; a primitive root; properly, to be
naught, i.e. (figuratively) to be (causatively, act) light: --
be {ready}. [ql

ready 2363 ## chuwsh {koosh}; a primitive root; to hurry;
figuratively, to be eager with excitement or enjoyment: --
(make) haste(-n), {ready}. [ql

ready 2502 ## chalats {khaw-lats'}; a primitive root; to pull
off; hence (intensively) to strip, (reflex.) to depart; by
implication, to deliver, equip (for fight); present, strengthen:
-- arm (self), (go, ready) armed (X man, soldier), deliver, draw
out, make fat, loose, ({ready}) prepared, put off, take away,
withdraw self. [ql

ready 2502 ## chalats {khaw-lats'}; a primitive root; to pull
off; hence (intensively) to strip, (reflex.) to depart; by
implication, to deliver, equip (for fight); present, strengthen:
-- arm (self), (go, {ready}) armed (X man, soldier), deliver,
draw out, make fat, loose, (ready) prepared, put off, take away,
withdraw self. [ql

ready 2896 ## towb {tobe}; from 2895; good (as an adjective) in
the widest sense; used likewise as a noun, both in the masculine
and the feminine, the singular and the plural (good, a good or
good thing, a good man or woman; the good, goods or good things,
good men or women), also as an adverb (well): -- beautiful, best,
better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in)
favour, fine, glad, good (deed, -lier, -liest, -ly, -ness, -s),
graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best), loving,
merry, X most, pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious,
prosperity, {ready}, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-
favoured]). [ql

ready 3559 ## kuwn {koon}; a primitive root; properly, to be
erect(i.e. stand perpendicular); hence (causatively) to set up,
in a great variety of applications, whether literal (establish,
fix, prepare, apply), or figurative (appoint, render sure,
proper or prosperous): -- certain(-ty), confirm, direct,
faithfulness, fashion, fasten, firm, be fitted, be fixed, frame,
be meet, ordain, order, perfect, (make) preparation, prepare
(self), provide, make provision, (be, make) {ready}, right, set
(aright, fast, forth), be stable, (e-)stablish, stand, tarry, X
verydeed [ql

ready 4106 ## mahiyr {maw-here'}; or mahir {maw-here'}; from
4116; quick; hence, skilful: -- diligent, hasty, {ready}.[ql

ready 4116 ## mahar {maw-har'}; a primitive root; properly, to
be liquid or flow easily, i.e. (by implication); to hurry (in a
good or a bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverbially,
promptly: -- be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to make, in,
make) haste(-n, -ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make {ready}) X
quickly, rash, X shortly, (be so) X soon, make speed, X speedily,
X straightway, X suddenly, swift.[ql

ready 4131 ## mowt {mote}; a primitive root; to waver; by
implication , to slip, shake, fall: -- be carried, cast, be out
of course, be fallen in decay, X exceedingly, fall(-ing down),
be (re-)moved, be {ready}, shake, slide, slip.[ql

ready 4672 ## matsa> {maw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; properly, to
come forth to, i.e. appear or exist; transitively, to attain, i.
e. find or acquire; figuratively, to occur, meet or be present: -
- + be able, befall, being, catch, X certainly, (cause to) come
(on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing,
occasion, out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, hit, be
left, light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present,
{ready}, speed, suffice, take hold on.[ql

ready 5307 ## naphal {naw-fal'}; a primitive root; to fall, in a
great variety of applications (intransitive or causative,
literal or figurative): -- be accepted, cast (down, self, [lots],
out), cease, die, divide (by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let,
make, {ready} to) fall (away, down, -en, -ing), fell(-ing),
fugitive, have [inheritance], inferior, be judged [by mistake
for 6419], lay (along), (cause to) lie down, light (down), be (X
hast) lost, lying, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present(-ed, -
ing), (make to) rot, slay, smite out, X surely, throw down.[ql

ready 5546 ## callach {saw-lawkh'}; from 5545; placable: --
{ready} to forgive.[ql

ready 6213 ## in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows): --
accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow,
bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of,
commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, ({ready}) dress(-ed),
(put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-]ing
man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get,
go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ([a feast]), X
indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain,
make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare,
bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure,
provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin,
spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be
[warr-]ior, work(-man), yield, use.[ql

ready 6257 ## make fit, be {ready} to become.[ql

ready 6259 ## prepared: -- {ready}.[ql

ready 6263 ## 6264; prepared: -- {ready}.[ql

ready 6264 ## implication, skilful; feminine plural the future; also treasure:
-- things that shall come, {ready}, treasures.[ql

ready 7126 ## qarab {kaw-rab'}; a primitive root; to approach
(causatively, bring near) for whatever purpose: -- (cause to)
approach, (cause to) bring (forth, near), (cause to) come (near,
nigh), (cause to) draw near (nigh), go (near), be at hand, join,
be near, offer, present, produce, make {ready}, stand, take.[ql

ready 7138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'}; or qarob {kaw-robe'}; from
7126; near (in place, kindred or time): -- allied, approach, at
hand, + any of kin, kinsfold(-sman), (that is) near (of kin),
neighbour, (that is) next, (them that come) nigh (at hand), more
{ready}, short(-ly).[ql

ready 8003 ## shalem {shaw-lame'}; from 7999; complete
(literally or figuratively); especially friendly: -- full, just,
made {ready}, peaceable, perfect(-ed), quiet, Shalem [by mistake
for a name], whole.[ql

ready 1451 # eggus {eng-goos'}; from a primary verb agcho (to
squeeze or throttle; akin to the base of 43); near (literally or
figuratively, of place or time): -- from , at hand, near, nigh
(at hand, unto), {ready}.[ql

ready 2090 # hetoimazo {het-oy-mad'-zo}; from 2092; to prepare: -
- prepare, provide, make {ready}. Compare 2680.[ql

ready 2092 # hetoimos {het-oy'-mos}; from an old noun heteos
(fitness); adjusted, i.e. ready: -- prepared, (made) {ready}(-
iness, to our hand).[ql

ready 2093 # hetoimos {het'-oy-moce}; adverb from 2092; in
readiness: -- {ready}.[ql

ready 2130 # eumetadotos {yoo-met-ad'-ot-os}; from 2095 and a
presumed derivative of 3330; good at imparting, i.e. liberal: --
{ready} to distribute.[ql

ready 3195 # mello {mel'-lo}; a strengthened form of 3199
(through the idea of expectation); to attend, i.e. be about to
be, do, or suffer something (of persons or things, especially
events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability,
possibility, or hesitation): -- about, after that, be (almost),
(that which is, things, + which was for) to come, intend, was to
(be), mean, mind, be at the point, (be) {ready}, + return, shall
(begin), (which, that) should (after, afterwards, hereafter)
tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet.[ql

ready 3903 # paraskeuazo {par-ask-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 3844 and a
derivative of 4632; to furnish aside, i.e. get ready: -- prepare
self, be (make) {ready}.[ql

ready 4288 # prothumia {proth-oo-mee'-ah}; from 4289;
predisposition, i.e. alacrity: -- forwardness of mind, readiness
(of mind), {ready} (willing) mind.[ql

ready 4289 # prothumos {proth'-oo-mos}; from 4253 and 2372;
forward in spirit, i.e. predisposed; neuter (as noun) alacrity: -
- {ready}, willing.[ql

ready 4689 # spendo {spen'-do}; apparently a primary verb; to
pour out as a libation, i.e. (figuratively) to devote (one's
life or blood, as a sacrifice) (" spend"): -- (be {ready} to) be

shew-)bread 0740 # artos {ar'-tos}; from 142; bread (as raised)
or a loaf: -- ({shew-)bread}, loaf.[ql

shew-])bread 3899 ## lechem {lekh'-em}; from 3898; food (for man
or beast), especially bread, or grain (for making it): --
([{shew-])bread}, X eat, food, fruit, loaf, meat, victuals. See
also 1036. [ql

shewbread 4635 ## ma arrangement, i.e. (concretely) a pile (of loaves): -- row,

shewbread 6440 ## paniym {paw-neem'}; plural (but always as
singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'}; from 6437]; the
face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of
applications (literally and figuratively); also (with
prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.): -- +
accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), against, anger, X as (long as), at,
+ battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ,
endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part),
form(-er time, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), +
honourable, + impudent, + in, it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet,
X more than, mouth, of, off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out
of, over against, the partial, person, + please, presence,
propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard, right forth, +
serve, X {shewbread}, sight, state, straight, + street, X thee,
X them(-selves), through (+ -out), till, ti me(-s) past, (un-
)to(-ward), + upon, upside (+ down), with(-in, + -stand), X ye,
X you. shewing 0323 # anadeixis {an-ad'-ike-sis}; from 322; (the
act of) exhibition: -- {shewing}.[ql

spread 1980 ## halak {haw-lak'}; akin to 3212; a primitive root;
to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and
figuratively): -- (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on)
continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise
(self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along,
away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont
to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on,
pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send,
speedily, {spread}, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler),
walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander,
wax, [way-]faring man, X be weak, whirl. [ql

spread 2219 ## zarah {zaw-raw'}; a primitive root [compare 2114];
to toss about; by implication, to diffuse, winnow: -- cast away,
compass, disperse, fan, scatter (away), {spread}, strew, winnow.

spread 3212 ## yalak {yaw-lak'}; a primitive root [compare 1980];
to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively, to carry (in
various senses): -- X again, away, bear, bring, carry (away),
come (away), depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence,
him), (cause to, made) go (away, -- ing, -- ne, one's way, out),
grow, lead (forth), let down, march, prosper, + pursue, cause to
run, {spread}, take away ([-journey]), vanish, (cause to) walk(-
ing), wax, X be weak. [ql

spread 3318 ## yatsa> {yaw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; to go
(causatively, bring) out, in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively, direct and proxim.: -- X after,
appear, X assuredly, bear out, X begotten, break out, bring
forth (out, up), carry out, come (abroad, out, thereat, without),
+ be condemned, depart(-ing, -- ure), draw forth, in the end,
escape, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away
(forth, hence, out), (able to, cause to, let) go abroad (forth,
on, out), going out, grow, have forth (out), issue out, lay
(lie) out, lead out, pluck out, proceed, pull out, put away, be
risen, X scarce, send with commandment, shoot forth, {spread},
spring out, stand out, X still, X surely, take forth (out), at
any time, X to [and fro], utter. [ql

spread 3331 ## yatsa< {yaw-tsah'}; a primitive root; to strew as
a surface: -- make [one's] bed, X lie, {spread}. [ql

spread 4894 ## mishtowach {mish-to'-akh}; or mishtach {mish-
takh'}; from 7849; a spreading-place: -- (to) {spread} (forth, -
ing, upon).[ql

spread 4969 ## mathach {maw-thakh'}; a primitive root; to
stretch out: -- {spread} out.[ql

spread 5186 ## natah {naw-taw'}; a primitive root; to stretch or
spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral
deflection); used in a great variety of application (as follows):
-- + afternoon, apply, bow (down, -ing), carry aside, decline,
deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let
down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong,
put away, shew, {spread} (out), stretch (forth, out), take
(aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.[ql

spread 5203 ## natash {naw-tash'}; a primitive root; properly,
to pound, i.e. smite; by implication (as if beating out, and
thus expanding) to disperse; also, to thrust off, down, out or
upon (inclusively, reject, let alone, permit, remit, etc.): --
cast off, drawn, let fall, forsake, join [battle], leave (off),
lie still, loose, {spread} (self) abroad, stretch out, suffer.[ql

spread 5259 ## nacak {naw-sak'}; a primitive root [probably
identical with 5258 through the idea of fusion]; to interweave,
i.e. (figuratively) to overspread: -- that is {spread}.[ql

spread 5628 ## carach {saw-rakh'}; a primitive root; to extend
(even to excess): -- exceeding, hand, {spread}, stretch self,

spread 6168 ## (causatively, make) bare; hence, to empty, pour out, demolish: --
leave destitute, discover, empty, make naked, pour (out), rase,
{spread} self, uncover.[ql

spread 6327 ## puwts {poots}; a primitive root; to dash in
pieces, literally or figuratively (especially to disperse): --
break (dash, shake) in (to) pieces, cast (abroad), disperse
(selves), drive, retire, scatter (abroad), {spread} abroad.[ql

spread 6335 ## puwsh {poosh}; a primitive root; to spread;
figuratively, act proudly: -- grow up, be grown fat, {spread}
selves, be scattered.[ql

spread 6524 ## parach {paw-rakh'}; a primitive root; to break
forth as a bud, i.e. bloom; generally, to spread; specifically,
to fly (as extending the wings); figuratively, to flourish: -- X
abroad, X abundantly, blossom, break forth (out), bud, flourish,
make fly, grow, {spread}, spring (up).[ql

spread 6555 ## parats {paw-rats'}; a primitive root; to break
out (in many applications, direct and indirect, literal and
figurative): -- X abroad, (make a) breach, break (away, down, -
er, forth, in, up), burst out, come ({spread}) abroad, compel,
disperse, grow, increase, open, press, scatter, urge.[ql

spread 6566 ## paras {paw-ras'}; a primitive root; to break
apart, disperse, etc.: -- break, chop in pieces, lay open,
scatter, {spread} (abroad, forth, selves, out), stretch (forth,

spread 6576 ## parshez {par-shaze'}; a root apparently formed by
compounding 6567 and that of 6518 [compare 6574]; to expand: --

spread 6581 ## pasah {paw-saw'}; a primitive root; to spread: --

spread 6584 ## pashat {paw-shat'}; a primitive root; to spread
out (i.e. deploy in hostile array); by analogy, to strip (i.e.
unclothe, plunder, flay, etc.): -- fall upon, flay, invade, make
an invasion, pull off, put off, make a road, run upon, rush, set,
spoil, {spread} selves (abroad), strip (off, self).[ql

spread 7286 ## radad {raw-dad'}; a primitive root; to tread in
pieces, i.e. (figuratively) to conquer, or (specifically) to
overlay: -- spend, {spread}, subdue.[ql

spread 7502 ## raphad {raw-fad'}; a primitive root; to spread (a
bed); by implication, to refresh: -- comfort, make [a bed],

spread 7554 ## raqa< {raw-kah'}; a primitive root; to pound the
earth (as a sign of passion); by analogy to expand (by
hammering); by implication, to overlay (with thin sheets of
metal): -- beat, make broad, {spread} abroad (forth, over, out,
into plates), stamp, stretch.[ql

spread 7849 ## shatach {shaw-takh'}; a primitive root; to expand:
-- all abroad, enlarge, {spread}, stretch out.[ql

spread 7971 ## shalach {shaw-lakh'}; a primitive root; to send
away, for, or out (in a great variety of applications): -- X any
wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X
earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart
(down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach
forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow,
{spread}, stretch forth (out).[ql

spread 1268 # dianemo {dee-an-em'-o}; from 1223 and the base of
3551; to distribute, i.e. (of information) to disseminate: --

spread 1310 # diaphemizo {dee-af-ay-mid'-zo}; from 1223 and a
derivative of 5345; to report thoroughly, i.e. divulgate: --
blaze abroad, commonly report, {spread} abroad, fame.[ql

spread 1831 # exerchomai {ex-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1537 and 2064;
to issue (literally or figuratively): -- come (forth, out),
depart (out of), escape, get out, go (abroad, away, forth, out,
thence), proceed (forth), {spread} abroad.[ql

spread 4766 # stronnumi {strone'-noo-mee}; or simpler stronnuo
{strone-noo'-o}; prolongation from a still simpler stroo {stro'-
o} (used only as an alternate in certain tenses; probably akin
to 4731 through the idea of positing); to "strew", i.e. spread
(as a carpet or couch): -- make bed, furnish, {spread}, strew.[ql

spread 5291 # hupostronnumi {hoop-os-trone'-noo-mee}; from 5259
and 4766; to strew underneath (the feet as a carpet): --

spreading 4666 ## miphras {mif-rawce'}; from 6566; an expansion:
-- that which...spreadest forth, {spreading}.[ql

thread 2339 ## chuwt {khoot}; from an unused root probably
meaning to sew; a string; by implication, a measuring tape: --
cord, fillet, line, {thread}. [ql

thread 6616 ## pathiyl {paw-theel'}; from 6617; twine: -- bound,
bracelet, lace, line, ribband, {thread}, wire.[ql

thread 8144 ## shaniy {shaw-nee'}; of uncertain derivation;
crimson, properly, the insect or its color, also stuff dyed with
it: -- crimson, scarlet ({thread}).[ql

tread 0947 ## buwc {boos}; a primitive root; to trample
(literally or figuratively): -- loath, {tread} (down, under
[foot]), be polluted. [ql

tread 1318 ## bashac {baw-shas'}; a primitive root; to trample
down: -- {tread}. [ql

tread 1758 ## duwsh {doosh}; or dowsh {dosh}; or diysh {deesh};
a primitive root; to trample or thresh: -- break, tear, thresh,
{tread} out (down), at grass [Jer. 50:11, by mistake for 1877].

tread 1759 ## duwsh (Aramaic) {doosh}; corresponding to 1758; to
trample: -- {tread} down. [ql

tread 1869 ## darak {daw-rak'}; a primitive root; to tread; by
implication, to walk; also to string a bow (by treading on it in
bending): -- archer, bend, come, draw, go (over), guide, lead
(forth), thresh, {tread} (down), walk. [ql

tread 1915 ## hadak {haw-dak'}; a primitive root [compare 1854];
to crush with the foot: -- {tread} down. [ql

tread 4823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'}; from 7429; abasement (the
act or the thing): -- {tread} (down)-ing, (to be) trodden (down)
under foot.[ql

tread 5541 ## calah {saw-law'}; a primitive root; to hang up, i.
e. weigh, or (figuratively) contemn: -- {tread} down (under
foot), value.[ql

tread 6072 ## juice; figuratively, to trample: -- {tread} down.[ql

tread 7429 ## ramac {raw-mas'}; a primitive root; to tread upon
(as a potter, in walking or abusively): -- oppressor, stamp upon,
trample (under feet), {tread} (down, upon).[ql

tread 7760 ## suwm {soom}; or siym {seem}; a primitive root; to
put (used in a great variety of applications, literal,
figurative, inferentially, and elliptically): -- X any wise,
appoint, bring, call [a name], care, cast in, change, charge,
commit, consider, convey, determine, + disguise, dispose, do,
get, give, heap up, hold, impute, lay (down, up), leave, look,
make (out), mark, + name, X on, ordain, order, + paint, place,
preserve, purpose, put (on), + regard, rehearse, reward, (cause
to) set (on, up), shew, + stedfastly, take, X tell, + {tread}
down, ([over-])turn, X wholly, work.[ql

tread 0248 # aloao {al-o-ah'-o}; from the same as 257; to tread
out grain: -- thresh, {tread} out the corn.[ql

tread 2662 # katapateo {kat-ap-at-eh'-o}; from 2596 and 3961; to
trample down; figuratively, to reject with disdain: -- trample,
{tread} (down, underfoot).[ql

tread 3961 # pateo {pat-eh'-o}; from a derivative probably of
3817 (meaning a "path"); to trample (literally or figuratively):
-- {tread} (down, under foot).[ql

treading 4001 ## m@buwcah {meb-oo-saw'}; from 947; a trampling: -
- {treading} (trodden) down (under foot).[ql

which...spreadest 4666 ## miphras {mif-rawce'}; from 6566; an
expansion: -- that {which...spreadest} forth, spreading.[ql
