Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
already ......... already 2235 -ede->

already ......... already 4258 -proamartano->

already ......... already come 2186 -ephistemi->

already ......... already hold 2902 -krateo->

already ......... are already 2235 -ede->

already ......... doth already 2235 -ede->

already ......... he were already 2235 -ede->

already ......... I had already 2235 -ede->

already ......... it be already 2235 -ede->

already ......... we have already 5348 -phthano->

already ......... were already 2235 -ede->

already ......... with her already 2235 -ede->

already ......... you already 2235 -ede->

bread ......... and bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... and the bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... bread , and came 2064 -erchomai->

bread ......... bread , when 3739 -hos->

bread ......... bread , when 3753 -hote->

bread ......... bread . )

bread ......... bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... bread : and the chief 0749 -archiereus->

bread ......... bread drew nigh 1448 -eggizo->

bread ......... bread of sincerity 1505 -eilikrineia->

bread ......... bread the disciples 3101 -mathetes->

bread ......... by bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... For the bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... have bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... is that bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... is the bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... man s bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... men with bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... of bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... of that bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... that bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... the bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... The bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... them bread 0740 -artos->

bread ......... you not that bread 0740 -artos->

breadth ......... and the breadth 4114 -platos->

breadth ......... as the breadth 4114 -platos->

breadth ......... is the breadth 4114 -platos->

breadth ......... the breadth 4114 -platos->

read ......... And have ye not read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... and read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... and to read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... are read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... be read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... had read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... Have ye not read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... have ye not read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... him , being read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... him read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... is read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... that it be read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... unto them , Have ye not read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... up for to read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... when ye read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... which he read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... Which when they had read 0314 -anaginosko->

read ......... ye read 0314 -anaginosko->

readest ......... readest 0314 -anaginosko->

readest ......... thou readest 0314 -anaginosko->

readeth ......... is he that readeth 0314 -anaginosko->

readeth ......... not , ( let him that readeth 0314 -anaginosko->

readeth ......... whoso readeth 0314 -anaginosko->

readiness ......... in a readiness 2092 -hetoimos->

readiness ......... of it ; that as there was a readiness 4288 -prothumia->

readiness ......... readiness 4288 -prothumia->

reading ......... in the reading 0320 -angnosis->

reading ......... the reading 0320 -angnosis->

reading ......... to reading 0320 -angnosis->

ready ......... and be ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... and ready 3195 -mello->

ready ......... and they that were ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... are ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... are they ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... as in me is , I am ready 4289 -prothumos->

ready ......... but of a ready 4289 -prothumos->

ready ......... for I am ready 2093 -hetoimos->

ready ......... is ready 1451 -eggus->

ready ......... is ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... is ready 4289 -prothumos->

ready ......... might be ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... ready 2090 -hetoimazo->

ready ......... ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... ready 2130 -eumetadotos->

ready ......... ready 3903 -paraskeuazo->

ready ......... ready 4288 -prothumia->

ready ......... ready 4689 -spendo->

ready ......... that are ready 3195 -mello->

ready ......... things are ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... time I am ready 2093 -hetoimos->

ready ......... to be ready 2092 -hetoimos->

ready ......... to him that is ready 2093 -hetoimos->

ready ......... unto them , ready 3195 -mello->

ready ......... was ready 3195 -mello->

ready ......... was ready 3903 -paraskeuazo->

ready ......... ye may be ready 3903 -paraskeuazo->

shewbread ......... and the shewbread 0740 -artos->

shewbread ......... the shewbread 4286 -prothesis->

spread ......... But that it spread 1268 -dianemo->

spread ......... is spread 1831 -exerchomai->

spread ......... spread 1310 -diaphemizo->

spread ......... spread 1831 -exerchomai->

spread ......... spread 4766 -stronnumi->

spread ......... they spread 5291 -hupostronnumi->

spread ......... was spread 5318 -phaneros->

tread ......... shall they tread 3961 -pateo->

tread ......... to tread 3961 -pateo->

treadeth ......... and he treadeth 3961 -pateo->

treadeth ......... that treadeth 0248 -aloao->