ransom Job_36_18 /^{ransom /cannot deliver thee.

ransom Isa_43_03 /^{ransom /Ethiopia and Seba
for thee.

ransom 1Ti_02_06 /${ransom /for all , to be
testified in due time .

ransom Psa_49_07 /^{ransom /for him:

ransom Exo_30_12 /^{ransom /for his soul unto
the LORD , when thou numberest them; that there be no plague
among them, when thou numberest them.

ransom Mar_10_45 /${ransom /for many .

ransom Mat_20_28 /${ransom /for many .

ransom Pro_21_18 /^{ransom /for the righteous ,
and the transgressor for the upright .

ransom Pro_06_35 /^{ransom /neither will he
rest content , though thou givest many gifts .

ransom Pro_13_08 /^{ransom /of a man's life are
his riches : but the poor heareth not rebuke .

ransom Exo_21_30 /^{ransom /of his life
whatsoever is laid upon him.

ransom Hos_13_14 /^{ransom /them from the power
of the grave ; I will redeem them from death : O death , I will
be thy plagues ; O grave , I will be thy destruction :
repentance shall be hid from mine eyes .

ransomed Jer_31_11 /^{ransomed /him from the hand
of him that was stronger than he.

ransomed Isa_35_10 /^{ransomed /of the LORD shall
return , and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon
their heads : they shall obtain joy and gladness , and sorrow
and sighing shall flee away .

ransomed Isa_51_10 /^{ransomed /to pass over ?
