praise Psa_35_28 /^{praise /all the day long.

praise Zep_03_20 /^{praise /among all people of
the earth , when I turn back your captivity before your eyes ,
saith the LORD .

praise Jer_33_09 /^{praise /and an honour
before all the nations of the earth , which shall hear all the
good that I do unto them: and they shall fear and tremble for
all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto

praise 1Pe_04_11 /${praise /and dominion for
ever and ever . Amen .

praise Dan_04_37 /^{praise /and extol and
honour the King of heaven , all whose works are truth , and his
ways judgment : and those that walk in pride he is able to abase

praise Zep_03_19 /^{praise /and fame in every
land where they have been put to shame .

praise Jer_13_11 /^{praise /and for a glory :
but they would not hear .

praise Deu_10_21 /^{praise /and he is thy God ,
that hath done for thee these great and terrible things , which
thine eyes have seen .

praise 1Pe_01_07 /${praise /and honour and
glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ :

praise Deu_26_19 /^{praise /and in name , and
in honour ; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the LORD
thy God , as he hath spoken .

praise 2Ch_08_14 /^{praise /and minister before
the priests , as the duty of every day required : the porters
also by their courses at every gate : for so had David the man
of God commanded .

praise Neh_12_46 /^{praise /and thanksgiving
unto God .

praise Neh_12_24 /^{praise /and to give thanks ,
according to the commandment of David the man of God , ward
over against ward .

praise Psa_71_08 /^{praise /and with thy honour
all the day .

praise Psa_100_04 /^{praise /be thankful unto
him, and bless his name .

praise Psa_111_10 /^{praise /endureth for ever .

praise Psa_108_01 /^{praise /even with my glory

praise Isa_61_03 /^{praise /for the spirit of
heaviness ; that they might be called trees of righteousness ,
the planting of the LORD , that he might be glorified .

praise Isa_42_10 /^{praise /from the end of the
earth , ye that go down to the sea , and all that is therein ;
the isles , and the inhabitants thereof.

praise Psa_50_23 /^{praise /glorifieth me: and
to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the
salvation of God .

praise Psa_66_02 /^{praise /glorious .

Praise Psa_150_01 /^{Praise /God in his
sanctuary : praise him in the firmament of his power .

praise Luk_19_37 /${praise /God with a loud
voice for all the mighty works that they had seen ;

praise Pro_31_31 /^{praise /her in the gates .

praise Psa_150_02 /^{praise /him according to
his excellent greatness .

praise Psa_109_30 /^{praise /him among the
multitude .

Praise Psa_150_02 /^{Praise /him for his mighty
acts : praise him according to his excellent greatness .

praise Psa_42_05 /^{praise /him for the help of
his countenance .

praise Psa_107_32 /^{praise /him in the
assembly of the elders .

praise Psa_150_01 /^{praise /him in the
firmament of his power .

praise Psa_148_01 /^{praise /him in the heights

praise Psa_150_05 /^{praise /him upon the high
sounding cymbals .

Praise Psa_150_05 /^{Praise /him upon the loud
cymbals : praise him upon the high sounding cymbals .

praise Psa_150_04 /^{praise /him with stringed
instruments and organs .

praise Psa_150_03 /^{praise /him with the
psaltery and harp .

Praise Psa_150_03 /^{Praise /him with the sound
of the trumpet : praise him with the psaltery and harp .

Praise Psa_150_04 /^{Praise /him with the
timbrel and dance : praise him with stringed instruments and
organs .

praise Psa_117_01 /^{praise /him, all ye people

praise Psa_148_03 /^{praise /him, all ye stars
of light .

praise Psa_135_01 /^{praise /him, O ye servants
of the LORD .

praise Psa_69_34 /^{praise /him, the seas , and
every thing that moveth therein.

praise Psa_42_11 /^{praise /him, who is the
health of my countenance , and my God .

praise Psa_43_05 /^{praise /him, who is the
health of my countenance , and my God .

Praise Psa_148_04 /^{Praise /him, ye heavens of
heavens , and ye waters that be above the heavens .

praise Psa_28_07 /^{praise /him.

praise Psa_22_23 /^{praise /him; all ye the
seed of Jacob , glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of
Israel .

praise Psa_149_03 /^{praise /his name in the
dance : let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp

praise Psa_56_04 /^{praise /his word , in God I
have put my trust ; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

praise Psa_56_10 /^{praise /his word .

praise Psa_56_10 /^{praise /his word : in the
LORD will I praise his word .

praise Psa_145_01 /^{praise /I will extol thee,
my God , O king ; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever .

praise Psa_102_21 /^{praise /in Jerusalem ;

praise Psa_149_01 /^{praise /in the
congregation of saints .

praise Isa_62_07 /^{praise /in the earth .

praise Psa_09_14 /^{praise /in the gates of the
daughter of Zion : I will rejoice in thy salvation .

praise 2Ch_31_02 /^{praise /in the gates of the
tents of the LORD .

praise Isa_42_12 /^{praise /in the islands .

praise Jer_33_11 /^{praise /into the house of
the LORD . For I will cause to return the captivity of the land ,
as at the first , saith the LORD .

praise Psa_147_01 /^{praise /is comely .

praise Psa_33_01 /^{praise /is comely for the
upright .

praise 2Co_08_18 /${praise /is in the gospel
throughout all the churches ;

praise Rom_02_29 /${praise /is not of men , but
of God .

praise Psa_100_01 /^{praise /Make a joyful
noise unto the LORD , all ye lands .

praise Jer_49_25 /^{praise /not left , the city
of my joy !

praise Psa_115_17 /^{praise /not the LORD ,
neither any that go down into silence .

Praise Psa_113_01 /^{Praise /O ye servants of
the LORD , praise the name of the LORD .

praise Psa_148_14 /^{praise /of all his saints ;
even of the children of Israel , a people near unto him. Praise
ye the LORD .

praise 1Co_04_05 /${praise /of God .

praise Php_01_11 /${praise /of God .

praise Joh_12_43 /${praise /of God .

praise Eph_01_12 /${praise /of his glory , who
first trusted in Christ .

praise Eph_01_14 /${praise /of his glory .

praise Joh_12_43 /${praise /of men more than
the praise of God .

praise Jer_48_02 /^{praise /of Moab : in
Heshbon they have devised evil against it; come , and let us cut
it off from being a nation . Also thou shalt be cut down , O
Madmen ; the sword shall pursue thee .

praise Eph_01_06 /${praise /of the glory of his
grace , wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved .

praise Psa_145_21 /^{praise /of the LORD : and
let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever .

praise Rom_13_03 /${praise /of the same :

praise Jer_51_41 /^{praise /of the whole earth
surprised ! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the
nations !

praise 1Pe_02_14 /${praise /of them that do
well .

Praise Rev_19_05 /${Praise /our God , all ye
his servants , and ye that fear him , both small and great .

praise Psa_71_06 /^{praise /shall be
continually of thee.

praise Psa_22_25 /^{praise /shall be of thee in
the great congregation : I will pay my vows before them that
fear him.

praise Psa_34_01 /^{praise /shall continually
be in my mouth .

praise 2Ch_20_21 /^{praise /the beauty of
holiness , as they went out before the army , and to say ,
Praise the LORD ; for his mercy endureth for ever .

praise Ezr_03_10 /^{praise /the LORD , after
the ordinance of David king of Israel .

Praise Rom_15_11 /${Praise /the Lord , all ye
Gentiles ; and laud him , all ye people .

praise Psa_117_01 /^{praise /the LORD , all ye
nations : praise him, all ye people .

praise 1Ch_23_30 /^{praise /the LORD , and
likewise at even ;

praise 2Ch_07_06 /^{praise /the LORD , because
his mercy endureth for ever , when David praised by their
ministry ; and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all
Israel stood .

Praise Isa_12_04 /^{Praise /the LORD , call
upon his name , declare his doings among the people , make
mention that his name is exalted .

Praise Psa_147_12 /^{Praise /the LORD , O
Jerusalem ; praise thy God , O Zion .

Praise Psa_146_01 /^{Praise /the LORD , O my
soul .

praise Psa_102_18 /^{praise /the LORD .

Praise Psa_115_18 /^{Praise /the LORD .

praise 1Ch_25_03 /^{praise /the LORD .

praise Psa_150_06 /^{praise /the LORD . Praise
ye the LORD .

praise Psa_118_19 /^{praise /the LORD :

praise Psa_146_02 /^{praise /the LORD : I will
sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

praise Gen_29_35 /^{praise /the LORD :
therefore she called his name Judah ; and left bearing .

praise Isa_62_09 /^{praise /the LORD ; and they
that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my
holiness .

Praise 2Ch_20_21 /^{Praise /the LORD ; for his
mercy endureth for ever .

Praise Psa_135_03 /^{Praise /the LORD ; for the
LORD is good : sing praises unto his name ; for it is pleasant .

praise Psa_07_17 /^{praise /the LORD according
to his righteousness : and will sing praise to the name of the
LORD most high .

praise Psa_107_31 /^{praise /the LORD for his
goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children of men !

praise Psa_107_15 /^{praise /the LORD for his
goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children of men !

praise Psa_107_21 /^{praise /the LORD for his
goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children of men !

praise Psa_107_08 /^{praise /the LORD for his
goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children of men !

Praise Psa_148_07 /^{Praise /the LORD from the
earth , ye dragons , and all deeps :

praise 1Ch_16_04 /^{praise /the LORD God of
Israel :

praise 2Ch_20_19 /^{praise /the LORD God of
Israel with a loud voice on high .

Praise Jer_33_11 /^{Praise /the LORD of hosts :
for the LORD is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever : and of
them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of
the LORD . For I will cause to return the captivity of the land ,
as at the first , saith the LORD .

praise 2Ch_20_22 /^{praise /the LORD set
ambushments against the children of Ammon , Moab , and mount
Seir , which were come against Judah ; and they were smitten .

praise Psa_22_26 /^{praise /the LORD that seek
him: your heart shall live for ever .

Praise Psa_33_02 /^{Praise /the LORD with harp :
sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten
strings .

praise Psa_109_30 /^{praise /the LORD with my
mouth ; yea, I will praise him among the multitude .

praise Psa_111_01 /^{praise /the LORD with my
whole heart , in the assembly of the upright , and in the
congregation .

praise Lev_19_24 /^{praise /the LORD withal.

praise Psa_69_30 /^{praise /the name of God
with a song , and will magnify him with thanksgiving .

praise Psa_113_01 /^{praise /the name of the

praise Psa_148_05 /^{praise /the name of the
LORD : for he commanded , and they were created .

praise Psa_148_13 /^{praise /the name of the
LORD : for his name alone is excellent ; his glory is above the
earth and heaven .

praise Joe_02_26 /^{praise /the name of the
LORD your God , that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed .

praise Pro_28_04 /^{praise /the wicked : but
such as keep the law contend with them.

praise Psa_35_18 /^{praise /thee among much
people .

praise Psa_119_016 /^{praise /thee because of
thy righteous judgments .

praise Psa_52_09 /^{praise /thee for ever ,
because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name ; for it
is good before thy saints .

praise Psa_45_17 /^{praise /thee for ever and
ever .

praise Psa_71_14 /^{praise /thee more and more .

praise Psa_63_05 /^{praise /thee with joyful
lips :

praise Psa_138_01 /^{praise /thee with my whole
heart : before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.

praise Psa_71_22 /^{praise /thee with the
psaltery , even thy truth , O my God : unto thee will I sing
with the harp , O thou Holy One of Israel .

praise 119 000 Psa /^{praise /thee with
uprightness of heart , when I shall have learned thy righteous
judgments .

praise Pro_27_02 /^{praise /thee, and not thine
own mouth ; a stranger , and not thine own lips .

praise Isa_38_19 /^{praise /thee, as I do this
day : the father to the children shall make known thy truth .

praise Isa_38_18 /^{praise /thee, death can not
celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for
thy truth .

praise Psa_67_05 /^{praise /thee, O God ; let
all the people praise thee.

praise Psa_67_03 /^{praise /thee, O God ; let
all the people praise thee.

praise Psa_43_04 /^{praise /thee, O God my God .

praise Psa_108_03 /^{praise /thee, O LORD ,
among the people : and I will sing praises unto thee among the
nations .

praise Psa_57_09 /^{praise /thee, O Lord ,
among the people : I will sing unto thee among the nations .

praise Psa_138_04 /^{praise /thee, O LORD ,
when they hear the words of thy mouth .

praise Psa_09_01 /^{praise /thee, O LORD , with
my whole heart ; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works .

praise Psa_145_10 /^{praise /thee, O LORD ; and
thy saints shall bless thee.

praise Psa_86_12 /^{praise /thee, O Lord my God
, with all my heart : and I will glorify thy name for evermore .

praise Dan_02_23 /^{praise /thee, O thou God of
my fathers , who hast given me wisdom and might , and hast made
known unto me now what we desired of thee : for thou hast now
made known unto us the king's matter .

praise Psa_49_18 /^{praise /thee, when thou
doest well to thyself.

praise Psa_67_03 /^{praise /thee.

praise Psa_22_22 /^{praise /thee.

praise Psa_67_05 /^{praise /thee.

praise Psa_63_03 /^{praise /thee.

praise Psa_118_21 /^{praise /thee: for thou
hast heard me, and art become my salvation .

praise Psa_76_10 /^{praise /thee: the remainder
of wrath shalt thou restrain .

praise Psa_118_28 /^{praise /thee: thou art my
God , I will exalt thee.

praise Isa_12_01 /^{praise /thee: though thou
wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away , and thou
comfortedst me.

praise Psa_119_017 /^{praise /thee; and let thy
judgments help me.

praise Psa_139_14 /^{praise /thee; for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made : marvellous are thy works ; and
that my soul knoweth right well .

praise Psa_88_10 /^{praise /thee? Selah .

praise Psa_30_09 /^{praise /thee? shall it
declare thy truth ?

praise 2Ch_23_13 /^{praise /Then Athaliah rent
her clothes , and said , Treason , Treason .

praise 1Ch_23_05 /^{praise /therewith.

praise Php_04_08 /${praise /think on these
things .

praise 1Ch_29_13 /^{praise /thy glorious name .

praise Psa_147_12 /^{praise /thy God , O Zion .

praise Psa_99_03 /^{praise /thy great and
terrible name ; for it is holy .

praise Gen_49_08 /^{praise /thy hand shall be
in the neck of thine enemies ; thy father's children shall bow
down before thee.

praise Psa_54_06 /^{praise /thy name , O LORD ;
for it is good .

praise Psa_74_21 /^{praise /thy name .

praise Psa_142_07 /^{praise /thy name : the
righteous shall compass me about ; for thou shalt deal
bountifully with me.

praise Isa_25_01 /^{praise /thy name ; for thou
hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness
and truth .

praise Psa_44_08 /^{praise /thy name for ever .
Selah .

praise Psa_145_02 /^{praise /thy name for ever
and ever .

praise Psa_138_02 /^{praise /thy name for thy
lovingkindness and for thy truth : for thou hast magnified thy
word above all thy name .

praise Psa_21_13 /^{praise /thy power .

praise Psa_89_05 /^{praise /thy wonders , O
LORD : thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints .

praise Psa_145_04 /^{praise /thy works to
another, and shall declare thy mighty acts .

praise Psa_79_13 /^{praise /to all generations .

praise Psa_66_08 /^{praise /to be heard :

praise Heb_13_15 /${praise /to God continually ,
that is , the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name .

praise Isa_42_08 /^{praise /to graven images .

praise Psa_104_33 /^{praise /to my God while I
have my being .

praise Isa_61_11 /^{praise /to spring forth
before all the nations .

praise Jud_05_03 /^{praise /to the LORD God of
Israel .

praise Psa_07_17 /^{praise /to the name of the
LORD most high .

praise Psa_30_12 /^{praise /to thee, and not be
silent . O LORD my God , I will give thanks unto thee for ever .

praise Psa_09_02 /^{praise /to thy name , O
thou most High .

praise Luk_18_43 /${praise /unto God .

praise Psa_40_03 /^{praise /unto our God : many
shall see it, and fear , and shall trust in the LORD .

praise Psa_48_10 /^{praise /unto the ends of
the earth : thy right hand is full of righteousness .

praise Jer_17_26 /^{praise /unto the house of
the LORD .

praise 2Ch_29_30 /^{praise /unto the LORD with
the words of David , and of Asaph the seer . And they sang
praises with gladness , and they bowed their heads and
worshipped .

praise Heb_02_12 /${praise /unto thee .

praise Psa_138_01 /^{praise /unto thee.

praise Psa_61_08 /^{praise /unto thy name for
ever , that I may daily perform my vows .

praise Psa_147_07 /^{praise /upon the harp unto
our God :

Praise Psa_65_01 /^{Praise /waiteth for thee, O
God , in Sion : and unto thee shall the vow be performed .

praise Joh_09_24 /${praise /we know that this
man is a sinner .

praise Psa_119_017 /^{praise /when thou hast
taught me thy statutes .

praise Isa_48_09 /^{praise /will I refrain for
thee, that I cut thee not off .

praise Psa_42_04 /^{praise /with a multitude
that kept holyday .

Praise Psa_148_02 /^{Praise /ye him, all his
angels : praise ye him, all his hosts .

praise Psa_148_02 /^{praise /ye him, all his
hosts .

Praise Psa_148_03 /^{Praise /ye him, sun and
moon : praise him, all ye stars of light .

Praise Psa_105_45 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_149_09 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_148_14 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_117_02 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_104_35 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_146_10 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_147_20 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_116_19 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_106_48 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_150_06 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_113_09 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_135_21 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .

Praise Psa_112_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD , that delighteth
greatly in his commandments .

Praise Psa_111_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD . I
will praise the LORD with my whole heart , in the assembly of
the upright , and in the congregation .

Praise Psa_106_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD . O
give thanks unto the LORD ; for he is good : for his mercy
endureth for ever .

Praise Psa_113_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Praise , O ye servants of the LORD , praise the name of the LORD

Praise Psa_150_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Praise God in his sanctuary : praise him in the firmament of his
power .

Praise Psa_146_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Praise the LORD , O my soul .

Praise Psa_148_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Praise ye the LORD from the heavens : praise him in the heights .

Praise Psa_135_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD .
Praise ye the name of the LORD ; praise him, O ye servants of
the LORD .

Praise Psa_149_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD . Sing
unto the LORD a new song , and his praise in the congregation of
saints .

praise Jer_20_13 /^{praise /ye the LORD : for
he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of
evildoers .

Praise Psa_147_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD : for
it is good to sing praises unto our God ; for it is pleasant ;
and praise is comely .

Praise Jud_05_02 /^{Praise /ye the LORD for the
avenging of Israel , when the people willingly offered

Praise Psa_148_01 /^{Praise /ye the LORD from
the heavens : praise him in the heights .

Praise Psa_135_01 /^{Praise /ye the name of the
LORD ; praise him, O ye servants of the LORD .

praise Jer_31_07 /^{praise /ye, and say , O
LORD , save thy people , the remnant of Israel .

praise 1Co_11_02 /${praise /you , brethren ,
that ye remember me in all things , and keep the ordinances , as
I delivered them to you .

praise 1Co_11_22 /${praise /you in this ? I
praise you not .

praise 1Co_11_17 /${praise /you not , that ye
come together not for the better , but for the worse .

praise 1Co_11_22 /${praise /you not .

praised Psa_145_03 /^{praised /and his greatness
is unsearchable .

praised Dan_04_34 /^{praised /and honoured him
that liveth for ever , whose dominion is an everlasting dominion
, and his kingdom is from generation to generation :

praised 2Sa_14_25 /^{praised /as Absalom for his
beauty : from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head
there was no blemish in him.

praised 2Ch_07_06 /^{praised /by their ministry ;
and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all Israel
stood .

praised Luk_01_64 /${praised /God .

praised 1Ch_16_25 /^{praised /he also is to be
feared above all gods .

praised Psa_96_04 /^{praised /he is to be feared
above all gods .

praised Son_06_09 /^{praised /her.

praised Psa_48_01 /^{praised /in the city of our
God , in the mountain of his holiness .

praised 2Sa_22_04 /^{praised /so shall I be saved
from mine enemies .

praised Psa_18_03 /^{praised /so shall I be
saved from mine enemies .

praised Ecc_04_02 /^{praised /the dead which are
already dead more than the living which are yet alive .

praised Dan_05_04 /^{praised /the gods of gold ,
and of silver , of brass , of iron , of wood , and of stone .

praised Dan_05_23 /^{praised /the gods of silver
, and gold , of brass , iron , wood , and stone , which see not ,
nor hear , nor know : and the God in whose hand thy breath is,
and whose are all thy ways , hast thou not glorified :

praised Ezr_03_11 /^{praised /the LORD , because
the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid .

praised 2Ch_07_03 /^{praised /the LORD , saying,
For he is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever .

praised 2Ch_05_13 /^{praised /the LORD , saying,
For he is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever : that then the
house was filled with a cloud , even the house of the LORD ;

praised 1Ch_16_36 /^{praised /the LORD .

praised Neh_05_13 /^{praised /the LORD . And the
people did according to this promise .

praised 2Ch_30_21 /^{praised /the LORD day by day
, singing with loud instruments unto the LORD .

praised 1Ch_23_05 /^{praised /the LORD with the
instruments which I made , said David, to praise therewith.

praised Isa_64_11 /^{praised /thee, is burned up
with fire : and all our pleasant things are laid waste .

praised Jud_16_24 /^{praised /their god : for
they said , Our god hath delivered into our hands our enemy ,
and the destroyer of our country , which slew many of us.

praises Exo_15_11 /^{praises /doing wonders ?

praises Psa_149_06 /^{praises /of God be in
their mouth , and a twoedged sword in their hand ;

praises 1Pe_02_09 /${praises /of him who hath
called you out of darkness into his marvellous light :

praises Psa_22_03 /^{praises /of Israel .

praises Isa_63_07 /^{praises /of the LORD ,
according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the
great goodness toward the house of Israel , which he hath
bestowed on them according to his mercies , and according to the
multitude of his lovingkindnesses .

praises Psa_78_04 /^{praises /of the LORD , and
his strength , and his wonderful works that he hath done .

praises Isa_60_06 /^{praises /of the LORD .

praises Psa_47_06 /^{praises /sing praises unto
our King , sing praises .

praises Psa_47_06 /^{praises /to God , sing
praises : sing praises unto our King , sing praises .

praises Psa_68_04 /^{praises /to his name :
extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH , and
rejoice before him.

praises Psa_75_09 /^{praises /to the God of
Jacob .

praises Psa_09_11 /^{praises /to the LORD ,
which dwelleth in Zion : declare among the people his doings .

praises Act_16_25 /${praises /unto God : and the
prisoners heard them .

praises Psa_149_03 /^{praises /unto him with the
timbrel and harp .

praises Psa_135_03 /^{praises /unto his name ;
for it is pleasant .

praises Psa_146_02 /^{praises /unto my God while
I have any being.

praises Psa_147_01 /^{praises /unto our God ;
for it is pleasant ; and praise is comely .

praises Psa_47_06 /^{praises /unto our King ,
sing praises .

praises Psa_27_06 /^{praises /unto the LORD .

praises Psa_68_32 /^{praises /unto the Lord ;
Selah :

praises Psa_108_03 /^{praises /unto thee among
the nations .

praises Psa_56_12 /^{praises /unto thee.

praises Psa_144_09 /^{praises /unto thee.

praises Psa_92_01 /^{praises /unto thy name , O
most High :

praises 2Sa_22_50 /^{praises /unto thy name .

praises Psa_18_49 /^{praises /unto thy name .

praises 2Ch_29_30 /^{praises /with gladness , and
they bowed their heads and worshipped .

praises Psa_47_07 /^{praises /with understanding

praiseth Pro_31_28 /^{praiseth /her.

raise Exo_23_01 /^{raise /a false report : put
not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness .

raise Mic_05_05 /^{raise /against him seven
shepherds , and eight principal men .

raise Jer_50_09 /^{raise /and cause to come up
against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north
country : and they shall set themselves in array against her;
from thence she shall be taken : their arrows shall be as of a
mighty expert man ; none shall return in vain .

raise Isa_29_03 /^{raise /forts against thee.

raise Amo_05_02 /^{raise /her up .

raise Heb_11_19 /${raise /him up , even from
the dead ; from whence also he received him in a figure .

raise Jer_50_32 /^{raise /him up : and I will
kindle a fire in his cities , and it shall devour all round
about him.

raise Jam_05_15 /${raise /him up ; and if he
have committed sins , they shall be forgiven him .

raise 1Ki_14_14 /^{raise /him up a king over
Israel , who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam that day : but
what? even now.

raise Joh_06_54 /${raise /him up at the last
day .

raise Joh_06_44 /${raise /him up at the last
day .

raise Joh_06_40 /${raise /him up at the last
day .

raise 2Sa_12_17 /^{raise /him up from the earth
: but he would not, neither did he eat bread with them.

raise Joh_02_19 /${raise /it up .

raise Joh_06_39 /${raise /it up again at the
last day .

raise Psa_41_10 /^{raise /me up , that I may
requite them.

raise 1Sa_02_35 /^{raise /me up a faithful
priest , that shall do according to that which is in mine heart
and in my mind : and I will build him a sure house ; and he
shall walk before mine anointed for ever .

raise Mat_10_08 /${raise /the dead , cast out
devils : freely ye have received , freely give .

raise Act_26_08 /${raise /the dead ?

raise Joe_03_07 /^{raise /them out of the
place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence
upon your own head :

raise Deu_18_18 /^{raise /them up a Prophet
from among their brethren , like unto thee, and will put my
words in his mouth ; and he shall speak unto them all that I
shall command him.

raise Jos_08_29 /^{raise /thereon a great heap
of stones , that remaineth unto this day .

raise Jer_23_05 /^{raise /unto David a
righteous Branch , and a King shall reign and prosper , and
shall execute judgment and justice in the earth .

raise Isa_15_05 /^{raise /up a cry of
destruction .

raise Zec_11_16 /^{raise /up a shepherd in the
land , which shall not visit those that be cut off , neither
shall seek the young one , nor heal that that is broken , nor
feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the
fat , and tear their claws in pieces .

raise Jer_51_01 /^{raise /up against Babylon ,
and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up
against me, a destroying wind ;

raise Job_30_12 /^{raise /up against me the
ways of their destruction .

raise Amo_06_14 /^{raise /up against you a
nation , O house of Israel , saith the LORD the God of hosts ;
and they shall afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto
the river of the wilderness .

raise Mat_03_09 /${raise /up children unto
Abraham .

raise Luk_03_08 /${raise /up children unto
Abraham .

raise Act_02_30 /${raise /up Christ to sit on
his throne ;

raise 2Sa_12_11 /^{raise /up evil against thee
out of thine own house , and I will take thy wives before thine
eyes , and give them unto thy neighbour , and he shall lie with
thy wives in the sight of this sun .

raise Eze_34_29 /^{raise /up for them a plant
of renown , and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in
the land , neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.

raise Amo_09_11 /^{raise /up his ruins , and I
will build it as in the days of old :

raise Gen_38_08 /^{raise /up seed to thy
brother .

raise Mar_12_19 /${raise /up seed unto his
brother .

raise Mat_22_24 /${raise /up seed unto his
brother .

raise Luk_20_28 /${raise /up seed unto his
brother .

raise Hab_01_03 /^{raise /up strife and
contention .

raise Hab_01_06 /^{raise /up the Chaldeans ,
that bitter and hasty nation , which shall march through the
breadth of the land , to possess the dwellingplaces that are not

raise Isa_44_26 /^{raise /up the decayed
places thereof:

raise Isa_61_04 /^{raise /up the former
desolations , and they shall repair the waste cities , the
desolations of many generations .

raise Isa_58_12 /^{raise /up the foundations
of many generations ; and thou shalt be called , The repairer of
the breach , The restorer of paths to dwell in .

raise Rut_04_10 /^{raise /up the name of the
dead upon his inheritance , that the name of the dead be not cut
off from among his brethren , and from the gate of his place :
ye are witnesses this day .

raise Rut_04_05 /^{raise /up the name of the
dead upon his inheritance .

raise Amo_09_11 /^{raise /up the tabernacle of
David that is fallen , and close up the breaches thereof; and I
will raise up his ruins , and I will build it as in the days of
old :

raise Isa_49_06 /^{raise /up the tribes of
Jacob , and to restore the preserved of Israel : I will also
give thee for a light to the Gentiles , that thou mayest be my
salvation unto the end of the earth .

raise Job_03_08 /^{raise /up their mourning .

raise Job_19_12 /^{raise /up their way against
me, and encamp round about my tabernacle .

raise Eze_23_22 /^{raise /up thy lovers
against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated , and I will bring
them against thee on every side ;

raise 1Ch_17_11 /^{raise /up thy seed after
thee, which shall be of thy sons ; and I will establish his
kingdom .

raise Deu_25_07 /^{raise /up unto his brother
a name in Israel , he will not perform the duty of my husband's
brother .

raise Deu_18_15 /^{raise /up unto thee a
Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren , like unto me;
unto him ye shall hearken ;

raise Jer_30_09 /^{raise /up unto them.

raise Act_07_37 /${raise /up unto you of your
brethren , like unto me ; him shall ye hear .

raise Act_03_22 /${raise /up unto you of your
brethren , like unto me ; him shall ye hear in all things
whatsoever he shall say unto you .

raise 2Co_04_14 /${raise /up us also by Jesus ,
and shall present us with you .

raise 1Co_06_14 /${raise /up us by his own
power .

raise Hos_06_02 /^{raise /us up , and we shall
live in his sight .

raised 1Ki_05_13 /^{raised /a levy out of all
Israel ; and the levy was thirty thousand men .

raised 1Co_15_44 /${raised /a spiritual body .
There is a natural body , and there is a spiritual body .

raised Act_13_37 /${raised /again , saw no
corruption .

raised Mat_17_23 /${raised /again . And they
were exceeding sorry .

raised Rom_04_25 /${raised /again for our
justification .

raised Mat_16_21 /${raised /again the third day

raised Luk_20_37 /${raised /even Moses shewed
at the bush , when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham , and
the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob .

raised 1Ki_09_15 /^{raised /for to build the
house of the LORD , and his own house , and Millo , and the wall
of Jerusalem , and Hazor , and Megiddo , and Gezer .

raised Mat_01_24 /${raised /from sleep did as
the angel of the Lord had bidden him , and took unto him his
wife :

raised Act_04_10 /${raised /from the dead ,
even by him doth this man stand here before you whole .

raised 1Th_01_10 /${raised /from the dead ,
even Jesus , which delivered us from the wrath to come .

raised Rom_07_04 /${raised /from the dead ,
that we should bring forth fruit unto God .

raised Joh_12_09 /${raised /from the dead .

raised Joh_12_01 /${raised /from the dead .

raised Act_03_15 /${raised /from the dead ;
whereof we are witnesses .

raised 2Ti_02_08 /${raised /from the dead
according to my gospel :

raised Rom_06_09 /${raised /from the dead dieth
no more ; death hath no more dominion over him .

raised Jer_06_22 /^{raised /from the sides of
the earth .

raised Eph_01_20 /${raised /him from the dead ,
and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

raised Joh_12_17 /${raised /him from the dead ,
bare record .

raised Rom_10_09 /${raised /him from the dead ,
thou shalt be saved .

raised Col_02_12 /${raised /him from the dead .

raised Act_17_31 /${raised /him from the dead .

raised Act_13_30 /${raised /him from the dead :

raised Act_12_07 /${raised /him up , saying ,
Arise up quickly . And his chains fell off from his hands .

raised 1Pe_01_21 /${raised /him up from the
dead , and gave him glory ; that your faith and hope might be in
God .

raised Act_13_34 /${raised /him up from the
dead , now no more to return to corruption , he said on this
wise , I will give you the sure mercies of David .

raised Isa_45_13 /^{raised /him up in
righteousness , and I will direct all his ways : he shall build
my city , and he shall let go my captives , not for price nor
reward , saith the LORD of hosts .

raised 1Co_15_43 /${raised /in glory : it is
sown in weakness ; it is raised in power :

raised 1Co_15_42 /${raised /in incorruption :

raised 1Co_15_43 /${raised /in power :

raised 1Co_15_52 /${raised /incorruptible , and
we shall be changed .

raised 2Ch_33_14 /^{raised /it up a very great
height , and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of
Judah .

raised 2Ch_32_05 /^{raised /it up to the towers ,
and another wall without , and repaired Millo in the city of
David , and made darts and shields in abundance .

raised 1Co_15_15 /${raised /not up , if so be
that the dead rise not .

raised Job_14_12 /^{raised /out of their sleep .

raised Jos_07_26 /^{raised /over him a great
heap of stones unto this day . So the LORD turned from the
fierceness of his anger . Wherefore the name of that place was
called , The valley of Achor , unto this day .

raised Act_13_50 /${raised /persecution against
Paul and Barnabas , and expelled them out of their coasts .

raised Luk_09_22 /${raised /the third day .

raised Exo_09_16 /^{raised /thee up , for to
shew in thee my power ; and that my name may be declared
throughout all the earth .

raised Rom_09_17 /${raised /thee up , that I
might shew my power in thee , and that my name might be declared
throughout all the earth .

raised Son_08_05 /^{raised /thee up under the
apple tree : there thy mother brought thee forth : there she
brought thee forth that bare thee.

raised Jud_03_15 /^{raised /them up a deliverer
, Ehud the son of Gera , a Benjamite , a man lefthanded : and by
him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of
Moab .

raised Jud_02_18 /^{raised /them up judges ,
then the LORD was with the judge , and delivered them out of the
hand of their enemies all the days of the judge : for it
repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them
that oppressed them and vexed them.

raised Ezr_01_05 /^{raised /to go up to build
the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem .

raised Heb_11_35 /${raised /to life again : and
others were tortured , not accepting deliverance ; that they
might obtain a better resurrection :

raised Luk_07_22 /${raised /to the poor the
gospel is preached .

raised Act_13_23 /${raised /unto Israel a
Saviour , Jesus :

raised Mat_11_05 /${raised /up , and the poor
have the gospel preached to them .

raised Act_02_24 /${raised /up , having loosed
the pains of death : because it was not possible that he should
be holden of it .

raised Act_02_32 /${raised /up , whereof we all
are witnesses .

raised 1Co_15_35 /${raised /up ? and with what
body do they come ?

raised Jud_03_09 /^{raised /up a deliverer to
the children of Israel , who delivered them, even Othniel the
son of Kenaz , Caleb's younger brother .

raised Luk_01_69 /${raised /up an horn of
salvation for us in the house of his servant David ;

raised 1Co_15_15 /${raised /up Christ : whom he
raised not up , if so be that the dead rise not .

raised Rom_08_11 /${raised /up Christ from the
dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that
dwelleth in you .

raised Jer_50_41 /^{raised /up from the coasts
of the earth .

raised Jer_25_32 /^{raised /up from the coasts
of the earth .

raised Rom_06_04 /${raised /up from the dead by
the glory of the Father , even so we also should walk in newness
of life .

raised Isa_14_09 /^{raised /up from their
thrones all the kings of the nations .

raised Act_03_26 /${raised /up his Son Jesus ,
sent him to bless you , in turning away every one of you from
his iniquities .

raised Jos_05_07 /^{raised /up in their stead,
them Joshua circumcised : for they were uncircumcised , because
they had not circumcised them by the way .

raised Dan_07_05 /^{raised /up itself on one
side , and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the
teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise , devour much
flesh .

raised Act_05_30 /${raised /up Jesus , whom ye
slew and hanged on a tree .

raised Act_13_33 /${raised /up Jesus again ; as
it is also written in the second psalm , Thou art my Son , this
day have I begotten thee .

raised Rom_08_11 /${raised /up Jesus from the
dead dwell in you , he that raised up Christ from the dead shall
also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in
you .

raised Rom_04_24 /${raised /up Jesus our Lord
from the dead ;

raised Jud_02_16 /^{raised /up judges , which
delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them.

raised Amo_02_11 /^{raised /up of your sons for
prophets , and of your young men for Nazarites . Is it not even
thus, O ye children of Israel ? saith the LORD .

raised 2Sa_23_01 /^{raised /up on high , the
anointed of the God of Jacob , and the sweet psalmist of Israel ,
said ,

raised Isa_41_25 /^{raised /up one from the
north , and he shall come : from the rising of the sun shall he
call upon my name : and he shall come upon princes as upon
morter , and as the potter treadeth clay .

raised Zec_02_13 /^{raised /up out of his holy
habitation .

raised 1Co_06_14 /${raised /up the Lord , and
will also raise up us by his own power .

raised 2Co_04_14 /${raised /up the Lord Jesus
shall raise up us also by Jesus , and shall present us with you .

raised Isa_23_13 /^{raised /up the palaces
thereof; and he brought it to ruin .

raised Isa_41_02 /^{raised /up the righteous
man from the east , called him to his foot , gave the nations
before him, and made him rule over kings ? he gave them as the
dust to his sword , and as driven stubble to his bow .

raised Jer_51_11 /^{raised /up the spirit of
the kings of the Medes : for his device is against Babylon , to
destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the LORD , the
vengeance of his temple .

raised Act_10_40 /${raised /up the third day ,
and shewed him openly ;

raised Zec_09_13 /^{raised /up thy sons , O
Zion , against thy sons , O Greece , and made thee as the sword
of a mighty man .

raised Act_13_22 /${raised /up unto them David
to be their king ; to whom also he gave testimony , and said , I
have found David the son of Jesse , a man after mine own heart ,
which shall fulfil all my will .

raised Jer_29_15 /^{raised /us up prophets in
Babylon ;

raised Eph_02_06 /${raised /us up together ,
and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus :

raised 1Co_15_17 /${raised /your faith is vain ;
ye are yet in your sins .

raiser Dan_11_20 /^{raiser /of taxes in the
glory of the kingdom : but within few days he shall be destroyed
, neither in anger , nor in battle .

raiseth 2Co_01_09 /${raiseth /the dead :

raiseth Psa_107_25 /^{raiseth /the stormy wind ,
which lifteth up the waves thereof.

raiseth Psa_146_08 /^{raiseth /them that are
bowed down : the LORD loveth the righteous :

raiseth Psa_145_14 /^{raiseth /up all those that
be bowed down .

raiseth Job_41_25 /^{raiseth /up himself, the
mighty are afraid : by reason of breakings they purify

raiseth Joh_05_21 /${raiseth /up the dead , and
quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will .

raiseth Psa_113_07 /^{raiseth /up the poor out
of the dust , and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill ;

raiseth 1Sa_02_08 /^{raiseth /up the poor out of
the dust , and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill , to set
them among princes , and to make them inherit the throne of
glory : for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S , and he
hath set the world upon them.
