rainy , PR , 27:15


early 4406 # proimos {pro'-ee-mos}; from 4404; dawning, i.e.
(by analogy) autumnal (showering, the first of the rainy season):
-- {early}.[ql

foul 5494 # cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo (to
pour; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a channel),
meaning a storm (as pouring rain); by implication, the rainy
season, i.e. winter: -- tempest, {foul} weather, winter.[ql

tempest 5494 # cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo
(to pour; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a
channel), meaning a storm (as pouring rain); by implication, the
rainy season, i.e. winter: -- {tempest}, foul weather, winter.[ql

weather 5494 # cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo
(to pour; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a
channel), meaning a storm (as pouring rain); by implication, the
rainy season, i.e. winter: -- tempest, foul {weather}, winter.[ql

winter 3914 # paracheimazo {par-akh-i-mad'-zo}; from 3844 and
5492; to winter near, i.e. stay with over the rainy season: --

winter 5494 # cheimon {khi-mone'}; from a derivative of cheo
(to pour; akin to the base of 5490 through the idea of a
channel), meaning a storm (as pouring rain); by implication, the
rainy season, i.e. winter: -- tempest, foul weather, {winter}.[ql


rainy Interlinear Index Study

rainy PRO 027 015 . A continual <02956 +tarad > dropping <01812
+deleph > in a very <05464 +cagriyd > {rainy} <05464 +cagriyd >
day <03117 +yowm > and a contentious <04066 +madown > woman
<00802 +>ishshah > are alike <07737 +shavah > .


very rainy day

- rainy , 5464 ,



rainy -5464 {rainy} , very ,


rainy 5464 -- cagriyd -- very {rainy}.




rainy 5464 ## cagriyd {sag-reed'}; probably from 5462 in the
sense of sweeping away; a pouring rain: -- very {rainy}.[ql


rainy 027 015 Pro /^{rainy /day and a
contentious woman are alike .


rainy 1 -


rainy A continual dropping in a very {rainy} day
and a

contentious woman are alike.
