pursueth And I will set my face against you, and ye
shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall
reign over you; and ye shall flee when none {pursueth} you.

pursueth And upon them that are left [alive] of you
I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their
enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and
they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall whe

n none {pursueth}.

pursueth And they shall fall one upon another, as it
were before a sword, when none {pursueth}: and ye shall have no
power to stand before your enemies.

pursueth As righteousness [tendeth] to life: so he
that {pursueth} evil [pursueth it] to his own death.

pursueth As righteousness [tendeth] to life: so he
that pursueth evil [{pursueth} it] to his own death.

pursueth Evil {pursueth} sinners: but to the
righteous good shall be repayed.

pursueth All the brethren of the poor do hate him:
how much more do his friends go far from him? he {pursueth}
[them with] words, [yet] they [are] wanting [to him].

pursueth The wicked flee when no man {pursueth}: but
the righteous are bold as a lion.
