coming 3952 # parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}; from the present
participle of 3918; a being near, i.e. advent (often, return;
specifically, of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the
wicked); (by implication) physically, aspect: -- {coming},

presence 3952 # parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}; from the present
participle of 3918; a being near, i.e. advent (often, return;
specifically, of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the
wicked); (by implication) physically, aspect: -- coming,

punish 2849 # kolazo {kol-ad'-zo}; from kolos (dwarf); properly,
to curtail, i.e. (figuratively) to chastise (or reverse for
infliction): -- {punish}.[ql

punish 5097 # timoreo {tim-o-reh'-o}; from a comparative of
5092 and ouros (a guard); properly, to protect one's honor, i.e.
to avenge (inflict a penalty): -- {punish}.[ql

punish 1349 # dike {dee'-kay}; probably from 1166; right (as
self-evident), i.e. justice (the principle, a decision, or its
execution): -- judgment, {punish}, vengeance.[ql
