provide Interlinear Index Study
provide GEN 022 008 And Abraham <85> said <00559 +>amar > , My
son <01121 +ben > , God <00430 +>elohiym > will {provide} <07200
+ra>ah > himself a lamb <07716 +seh > for a burnt <05930 +
> offering : so they went <03212 +yalak > both <08147 +sh@nayim
> of them together <03162 +yachad > .
provide GEN 030 030 For [ it was ] little <04592 +m@ which
<00834 +>aher > thou hadst before <06440 +paniym > I [ came ] ,
and it is [ now ] increased <06555 +parats > unto a multitude
<07230 +rob > ; and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath blessed
<01288 +barak > thee since my coming <07272 +regel > : and now
<06258 + when <04970 +mathay > shall I {provide} <06213
+ for mine own house <01004 +bayith > also <01571 +gam > ?
provide EXO 018 021 Moreover thou shalt {provide} <02372 +chazah
> out of all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 + able <02428
+chayil > men <00582 +>enowsh > , such as fear <03373 +yare> >
God <00430 +>elohiym > , men <00582 +>enowsh > of truth <00571
+>emeth > , hating <08130 +sane> > covetousness <01215 +betsa< >
; and place <07760 +suwm > [ such ] over <05921 + them , [
to be ] rulers <08269 +sar > of thousands <00505 +>eleph > , [
and ] rulers <08269 +sar > of hundreds <03967 +me>ah > , rulers
<08269 +sar > of fifties <02572 +chamishshiym > , and rulers
<08269 +sar > of tens <06235 + :
Provide 1SA 016 017 And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559
+>amar > unto his servants <05650 + , {Provide} <07200
+ra>ah > me now <04994 +na> > a man <00376 +>iysh > that can
play <05059 +nagan > well <03190 +yatab > , and bring <00935
+bow> > [ him ] to me .
provide 2CH 002 007 Send <07971 +shalach > me now <06258 +
> therefore a man <00376 +>iysh > cunning <02450 +chakam > to
work <06213 + in gold <02091 +zahab > , and in silver
<03701 +keceph > , and in brass <05178 +n@chosheth > , and in
iron <01270 +barzel > , and in purple <00710 +>arg@van > , and
crimson <03758 +karmiyl > , and blue <08504 +t@keleth > , and
that can skill <03045 +yada< > to grave <06603 +pittuwach > with
the cunning <02450 +chakam > men that [ are ] with me in Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > and in Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ,
whom <00834 +>aher > David <01732 +David > my father <25> did
{provide} <03559 +kuwn > .
provide PSA 078 020 Behold <02005 +hen > , he smote <05221
+nakah > the rock <06697 +tsuwr > , that the waters <04325
+mayim > gushed <02100 +zuwb > out , and the streams <05158
+nachal > overflowed <07857 +shataph > ; can <03201 +yakol > he
give <05414 +nathan > bread <03899 +lechem > also <01571 +gam >
? can <03201 +yakol > he {provide} <03559 +kuwn > flesh <07607
+sh@>er > for his people <05971 + ?
Provide MAT 010 009 {Provide} <2532 -kai -> neither <3361 -me ->
gold <5557 -chrusos -> , nor <3366 -mede -> silver <0696 -
arguros -> , nor <3366 -mede -> brass <5475 -chalkos -> in your
<5216 -humon -> purses <2223 -zone -> ,
provide LUK 012 033 Sell 4453 -poleo - that ye have 5224 -
huparchonta - , and give 1325 -didomi - alms 1654 -eleemosune - ;
{provide} 4160 -poieo - yourselves 1438 -heautou - bags LUK
0905 -balantion - which wax 3822 -palaioo - not old 3822 -
palaioo - , a treasure 2344 -thesauros - in the heavens 3772 -
ouranos - that faileth LUK 0413 -anekleiptos - not , where 3699 -
hopou - no 3756 -ou - thief 2812 -kleptes - approacheth 1448 -
eggizo - , neither 3761 -oude - moth 4597 -ses - corrupteth 1311
-diaphtheiro - .
provide ACT 023 024 And {provide} <3936 -paristemi -> [ them ]
beasts <2934 -ktenos -> , that they may set <1913 -epibibazo ->
Paul <3972 -Paulos -> on <1913 -epibibazo -> , and bring <1295 -
diasozo -> [ him ] safe <1295 -diasozo -> unto Felix <5344 -
Phelix -> the governor <2232 -hegemon -> .
Provide ROM 012 017 Recompense <0591 -apodidomi -> to no <3367 -
medeis -> man <3367 -medeis -> evil <2556 -kakos -> for evil
<2556 -kakos -> . {Provide} <4306 -pronoeo -> things honest
<2570 -kalos -> in the sight <1799 -enopion -> of all <3956 -pas
-> men <0444 -anthropos -> .
provide 1TI 005 008 But if <1487 -ei -> any <5100 -tis ->
{provide} <4306 -pronoeo -> not for his own <2398 -idios -> ,
and specially <3122 -malista -> for those <3588 -ho -> of his
own <2398 -idios -> house <3609 -oikeios -> , he hath denied
<0720 -arneomai -> the faith <4102 -pistis -> , and is worse
<5501 -cheiron -> than an infidel <0571 -apistos -> .