prophesy 2372 ## chazah {khaw-zaw'}; a primitive root; to gaze
at; mentally, to perceive, contemplate (with pleasure);
specifically, to have a vision of: -- behold, look, {prophesy},
provide, see. [ql

prophesy 5012 ## naba> {naw-baw'}; a primitive root; to prophesy,
i.e. speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple
discourse): -- {prophesy}(-ing), make self a prophet.[ql

prophesy 5013 ## n@ba> (Aramaic) {neb-aw'}; corresponding to
5012: -- {prophesy}.[ql

prophesy 5030 ## nabiy> {naw-bee'}; from 5012; a prophet or
(generally) inspired man: -- prophecy, that {prophesy}, prophet.

prophesy 5197 ## nataph {naw-taf'}; a primitive root; to ooze, i.
e. distil gradually; by implication, to fall in drops;
figuratively, to speak by inspiration: -- drop(-ping),

prophesy 4395 # propheteuo {prof-ate-yoo'-o}; from 4396; to
foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the
prophetic office: -- {prophesy}.[ql

prophesying 5017 ## n@buw>ah (Aramaic) {neb-oo-aw};
corresponding to 5016; inspired teaching: -- {prophesying}.[ql

prophesying 4394 # propheteia {prof-ay-ti'-ah}; from 4396
("prophecy"); prediction (scriptural or other): -- prophecy,
