prophesieth 1Co_14_04 /${prophesieth /edifieth the
church .

prophesieth Jer_28_09 /^{prophesieth /of peace ,
when the word of the prophet shall come to pass , then shall the
prophet be known , that the LORD hath truly sent him.

prophesieth Eze_12_27 /^{prophesieth /of the times
that are far off.

prophesieth 1Co_14_03 /${prophesieth /speaketh unto
men to edification , and exhortation , and comfort .

prophesieth 1Co_14_05 /${prophesieth /than he that
speaketh with tongues , except he interpret , that the church
may receive edifying .

prophesieth 1Co_11_05 /${prophesieth /with her head
uncovered dishonoureth her head : for that is even all one as if
she were shaven .
