prolong , DE , 4:26 , DE , 4:40 , DE , 5:33 , DE , 11:9 , DE
, 17:20 , DE , 22:7 , DE , 30:18 , DE , 32:47
prolong , EC , 8:13
prolong , ISA , 53:10
prolong , JOB , 6:11 , JOB , 15:29
prolong , PR , 28:16
prolong , PS , 61:6
prolonged , DA , 7:12
prolonged , DE , 5:16 , DE , 6:2
prolonged , EC , 8:12
prolonged , EZE , 12:22 , EZE , 12:25 , EZE , 12:28
prolonged , ISA , 13:22
prolonged , PR , 28:2
prolongeth , EC , 7:15
prolongeth , PR , 10:27
continue 3905 # parateino {par-at-i'-no}; from 3844 and teino
(to stretch); to extend along, i.e. prolong (in point of time): -
- {continue}.[ql
prolong Interlinear Index Study
prolong DEU 004 026 I call <05749 + heaven <08064
+shamayim > and earth <00776 +>erets > to witness <05749 +
against you this day <03117 +yowm > , that ye shall soon <04116
+mahar > utterly perish <6> from off <05921 + the land
<00776 +>erets > whereunto <00834 +>aher > ye go <05674 +
over <05674 + Jordan <03383 +Yarden > to possess <03423
+yarash > it ; ye shall not {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ your ]
days <03117 +yowm > upon it , but shall utterly be destroyed
<08045 +shamad > .
prolong DEU 004 040 Thou shalt keep <08104 +shamar > therefore
his statutes <02706 +choq > , and his commandments <04687
+mitsvah > , which <00834 +>aher > I command <06680 +tsavah >
thee this day <03117 +yowm > , that it may go well <03190 +yatab
> with thee , and with thy children <01121 +ben > after <00310
+>achar > thee , and that thou mayest {prolong} <00748 +>arak >
[ thy ] days <03117 +yowm > upon the earth <00127 +>adamah > ,
which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430
+>elohiym > giveth <05414 +nathan > thee , for ever .
prolong DEU 005 033 Ye shall walk <03212 +yalak > in all <03605
+kol > the ways <01870 +derek > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > hath commanded
<06680 +tsavah > you , that ye may live <02421 +chayah > , and [
that it may be ] well <02895 +towb > with you , and [ that ] ye
may {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ your ] days <03117 +yowm > in
the land <00776 +>erets > which <00834 +>aher > ye shall possess
<03423 +yarash > .
prolong DEU 011 009 And that ye may {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [
your ] days <03117 +yowm > in the land <00127 +>adamah > , which
<00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > sware <07650 +shaba<
> unto your fathers <1> to give <05414 +nathan > unto them and
to their seed <02233 +zera< > , a land <00776 +>erets > that
floweth <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey
<01706 +d@bash > .
prolong DEU 017 020 That his heart <03824 +lebab > be not lifted
<07311 +ruwm > up above his brethren <00251 +>ach > , and that
he turn <05493 +cuwr > not aside from the commandment <04687
+mitsvah > , [ to ] the right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225
+yamiyn > , or [ to ] the left <08040 +s@mo>wl > : to the end
<04616 +ma that he may {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ his ]
days <03117 +yowm > in his kingdom <04467 +mamlakah > , he , and
his children <01121 +ben > , in the midst <07130 +qereb > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .
prolong DEU 022 007 [ But ] thou shalt in any wise let the dam
<00517 +>em > go <07971 +shalach > , and take <03947 +laqach >
the young <01121 +ben > to thee ; that it may be well <03190
+yatab > with thee , and [ that ] thou mayest {prolong} <00748
+>arak > [ thy ] days <03117 +yowm > .
prolong DEU 030 018 I denounce <05046 +nagad > unto you this day
<03117 +yowm > , that ye shall surely <03588 +kiy > perish <6> ,
[ and that ] ye shall not {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ your ]
days <03117 +yowm > upon the land <00127 +>adamah > , whither
thou passest <05674 + over <05674 + Jordan <03383
+Yarden > to go <00935 +bow> > to possess <03423 +yarash > it .
prolong DEU 032 047 For it [ is ] not a vain <07386 +reyq >
thing <01697 +dabar > for you ; because <03588 +kiy > it [ is ]
your life <02416 +chay > : and through this <02088 +zeh > thing
<01697 +dabar > ye shall {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ your ] days
<03117 +yowm > in the land <00127 +>adamah > , whither ye go
<05674 + over <05674 + Jordan <03383 +Yarden > to
possess <03423 +yarash > it .
prolong JOB 006 011 What <04100 +mah > [ is ] my strength <03581
+koach > , that I should hope <03176 +yachal > ? and what <04100
+mah > [ is ] mine end <07093 +qets > , that I should {prolong}
<00748 +>arak > my life <05315 +nephesh > ?
prolong JOB 015 029 He shall not be rich <06238 + ,
neither <03808 +lo> > shall his substance <02428 +chayil >
continue <06965 +quwm > , neither <03808 +lo> > shall he
{prolong} <05186 +natah > the perfection <04512 +minleh >
thereof upon the earth <00776 +>erets > .
prolong PSA 061 006 Thou wilt {prolong} <03254 +yacaph > the
king s <04428 +melek > life : [ and ] his years <08141 +shaneh >
as many generations <01755 +dowr > .
prolong PRO 028 016 . The prince <05057 +nagiyd > that wanteth
<02638 +chacer > understanding <08394 +tabuwn > [ is ] also a
great <07227 +rab > oppressor <04642 +ma : [ but ] he
that hateth <08130 +sane> > covetousness <01215 +betsa< > shall
{prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ his ] days <03117 +yowm > .
prolong ECC 008 013 But it shall not be well <02896 +towb > with
the wicked <07563 +rasha< > , neither <03808 +lo> > shall he
{prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ his ] days <03117 +yowm > , [ which
are ] as a shadow <06738 +tsel > ; because <00834 +>aher > he
feareth <03373 +yare> > not before <06440 +paniym > God <00430
+>elohiym > .
prolong ISA 053 010 . Yet it pleased <02654 +chaphets > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > to bruise <01792 +daka> > him ; he hath put [
him ] to grief <02470 +chalah > : when <00518 +>im > thou shalt
make <07760 +suwm > his soul <05315 +nephesh > an offering for
sin <00817 +>asham > , he shall see <07200 +ra>ah > [ his ] seed
<02233 +zera< > , he shall {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ his ]
days <03117 +yowm > , and the pleasure <02656 +chephets > of the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall prosper <06743 +tsalach > in his
hand <03027 +yad > .
should prolong my life
thou mayest prolong
thou mayest prolong
thou wilt prolong
through this thing ye shall prolong
- prolong , 0748 , 3254 , 5186 ,
prolong DEU 004 026 I call <05749 + heaven <08064
+shamayim > and earth <00776 +>erets > to witness <05749 +
> against you this day <03117 +yowm > , that ye shall soon
<04116 +mahar > utterly perish <6> from off <05921 + the
land <00776 +>erets > whereunto <00834 +>aher > ye go <05674
+ over <05674 + Jordan <03383 +Yarden > to
possess <03423 +yarash > it ; ye shall not {prolong} <00748
+>arak > [ your ] days <03117 +yowm > upon it , but shall
utterly be destroyed <08045 +shamad > .
prolong DEU 004 040 Thou shalt keep <08104 +shamar > therefore
his statutes <02706 +choq > , and his commandments <04687
+mitsvah > , which <00834 +>aher > I command <06680 +tsavah >
thee this day <03117 +yowm > , that it may go well <03190
+yatab > with thee , and with thy children <01121 +ben > after
<00310 +>achar > thee , and that thou mayest {prolong} <00748
+>arak > [ thy ] days <03117 +yowm > upon the earth <00127
+>adamah > , which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > giveth <05414 +nathan > thee , for
ever .
prolong DEU 005 033 Ye shall walk <03212 +yalak > in all
<03605 +kol > the ways <01870 +derek > which <00834 +>aher >
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
commanded <06680 +tsavah > you , that ye may live <02421
+chayah > , and [ that it may be ] well <02895 +towb > with
you , and [ that ] ye may {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [ your
] days <03117 +yowm > in the land <00776 +>erets > which
<00834 +>aher > ye shall possess <03423 +yarash > .
prolong DEU 011 009 And that ye may {prolong} <00748 +>arak >
[ your ] days <03117 +yowm > in the land <00127 +>adamah > ,
which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > sware <07650
+shaba< > unto your fathers <1> to give <05414 +nathan > unto
them and to their seed <02233 +zera< > , a land <00776
+>erets > that floweth <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab
> and honey <01706 +d@bash > .
prolong DEU 017 020 That his heart <03824 +lebab > be not
lifted <07311 +ruwm > up above his brethren <00251 +>ach > ,
and that he turn <05493 +cuwr > not aside from the commandment
<04687 +mitsvah > , [ to ] the right <03225 +yamiyn > hand
<03225 +yamiyn > , or [ to ] the left <08040 +s@mo>wl > :
to the end <04616 +ma that he may {prolong} <00748 +>arak
> [ his ] days <03117 +yowm > in his kingdom <04467
+mamlakah > , he , and his children <01121 +ben > , in the
midst <07130 +qereb > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .
prolong DEU 022 007 [ But ] thou shalt in any wise let the dam
<00517 +>em > go <07971 +shalach > , and take <03947 +laqach
> the young <01121 +ben > to thee ; that it may be well <03190
+yatab > with thee , and [ that ] thou mayest {prolong}
<00748 +>arak > [ thy ] days <03117 +yowm > .
prolong DEU 030 018 I denounce <05046 +nagad > unto you this
day <03117 +yowm > , that ye shall surely <03588 +kiy >
perish <6> , [ and that ] ye shall not {prolong} <00748
+>arak > [ your ] days <03117 +yowm > upon the land <00127
+>adamah > , whither thou passest <05674 + over <05674
+ Jordan <03383 +Yarden > to go <00935 +bow> > to
possess <03423 +yarash > it .
prolong DEU 032 047 For it [ is ] not a vain <07386 +reyq >
thing <01697 +dabar > for you ; because <03588 +kiy > it [
is ] your life <02416 +chay > : and through this <02088 +zeh
> thing <01697 +dabar > ye shall {prolong} <00748 +>arak > [
your ] days <03117 +yowm > in the land <00127 +>adamah > ,
whither ye go <05674 + over <05674 + Jordan
<03383 +Yarden > to possess <03423 +yarash > it .
prolonged DEU 005 016 Honour <03513 +kabad > thy father <1>
and thy mother <00517 +>em > , as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath commanded <06680 +tsavah >
thee ; that thy days <03117 +yowm > may be {prolonged} <00748
+>arak > , and that it may go well <03190 +yatab > with thee ,
in the land <00127 +>adamah > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > giveth <05414
+nathan > thee .
prolonged DEU 006 002 That thou mightest fear <03372 +yare> >
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > , to
keep <08104 +shamar > all <03605 +kol > his statutes <02708
+chuqqah > and his commandments <04687 +mitsvah > , which
<00834 +>aher > I command <06680 +tsavah > thee , thou , and
thy son <01121 +ben > , and thy son s <01121 +ben > son
<01121 +ben > , all <03605 +kol > the days <03117 +yowm > of
thy life <02416 +chay > ; and that thy days <03117 +yowm >
may be {prolonged} <00748 +>arak > .
prolong -0748 became , defer , deferreth , draw , drew ,
lengthen , lengthened , long , {prolong} , prolonged ,
prolongeth , tarried ,
prolong -3254 add , added , addeth , again , any , bring , cease
, conceived , continued , done , exceed , exceedest , exceedeth ,
farther , further , gathered , gave , given , gotten ,
henceforth , increase , increased , increaseth , join , longer ,
more , moreover , much , proceed , proceeded , {prolong} ,
prolongeth , put , yield ,
prolong -5186 apply , aside , away , bow , bowed , bowing ,
carried , decline , declined , declineth , deliver , down ,
extend , extended , go , goeth , gone , incline , inclined ,
intended , laid , lay , let , offer , outstretched , overthrow ,
pervert , perverted , perverteth , pitched , {prolong} , put ,
shewed , spread , spreadeth , stretch , stretched , stretchedst ,
stretchest , stretcheth , turn , turned , turneth , wrest ,
yield ,
prolonged -0748 became , defer , deferreth , draw , drew ,
lengthen , lengthened , long , prolong , {prolonged} ,
prolongeth , tarried ,
prolonged -4900 continue , deferred , draw , draweth , drawn ,
drew , extend , forbear , give , handle , long , {prolonged} ,
scattered , soweth , stretched ,
prolongeth -0748 became , defer , deferreth , draw , drew ,
lengthen , lengthened , long , prolong , prolonged ,
{prolongeth} , tarried ,
prolongeth -3254 add , added , addeth , again , any , bring ,
cease , conceived , continued , done , exceed , exceedest ,
exceedeth , farther , further , gathered , gave , given , gotten
, henceforth , increase , increased , increaseth , join , longer
, more , moreover , much , proceed , proceeded , prolong ,
{prolongeth} , put , yield ,
prolong 0748 -- /arak -- defer, draw out, lengthen, (be, become,
make,{pro-)long}, + (out-, over-)live, tarry (long).
prolong 3052 -- y@hab -- deliver, give, lay, + {prolong}, pay,
prolong 3254 -- yacaph -- add, X again, X any more, X cease, X
come more, + conceiveagain, continue, exceed, X further, X
gather together, get more, givemore-over, X henceforth, increase
(more and more), join, X longer (bring,do, make, much, put), X
(the, much, yet) more (and more), proceed(further), {prolong},
put, be [strong-] er, X yet, yield.
prolong 5186 -- natah -- + afternoon, apply, bow (down, -ing),
carry aside, decline,deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline,
intend, lay, let down, offer,outstretched, overthrown, pervert,
pitch, {prolong}, put away, shew, spread(out), stretch (forth,
out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, causeto yield.
prolonged 0754 -- /arka/ -- lengthening, {prolonged}.
prolong 3052 ## y@hab (Aramaic) {yeh-hab'}; corresponding to
3051; -- deliver, give, lay, + {prolong}, pay, yield. [ql
prolong 3254 ## yacaph {yaw-saf'}; a primitive root; to add or
augment (often adverbial, to continue to do a thing): -- add, X
again, X any more, X cease, X come more, + conceive again,
continue, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, give
more-over, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X
longer (bring, do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more
(and more), proceed (further), {prolong}, put, be [strong-] er,
X yet, yield. [ql
prolong 5186 ## natah {naw-taw'}; a primitive root; to stretch
or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral
deflection); used in a great variety of application (as follows):
-- + afternoon, apply, bow (down, -ing), carry aside, decline,
deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let
down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, {prolong},
put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take
(aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.[ql
prolonged 0754 ## >arka> (Aramaic) {ar-kaw'}; or >arkah
(Aramaic) {ar-kaw'}; from 749; length: -- lengthening,
{prolonged}. [ql
prolong 053 010 Isa /^{prolong /his days , and
the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand .
prolong 008 013 Ecc /^{prolong /his days , which
are as a shadow ; because he feareth not before God .
prolong 028 016 Pro /^{prolong /his days .
prolong 017 020 Deu /^{prolong /his days in his
kingdom , he, and his children , in the midst of Israel .
prolong 006 011 Job /^{prolong /my life ?
prolong 061 006 Psa /^{prolong /the king's life :
and his years as many generations .
prolong 015 029 Job /^{prolong /the perfection
thereof upon the earth .
prolong 022 007 Deu /^{prolong /thy days .
prolong 004 040 Deu /^{prolong /thy days upon
the earth , which the LORD thy God giveth thee, for ever.
prolong 011 009 Deu /^{prolong /your days in the
land , which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give unto them
and to their seed , a land that floweth with milk and honey .
prolong 032 047 Deu /^{prolong /your days in the
land , whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
prolong 005 033 Deu /^{prolong /your days in the
land which ye shall possess .
prolong 004 026 Deu /^{prolong /your days upon
it, but shall utterly be destroyed .
prolong 030 018 Deu /^{prolong /your days upon
the land , whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.
prolonged 012 022 Eze /^{prolonged /and every
vision faileth ?
prolonged 005 016 Deu /^{prolonged /and that it
may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth
prolonged 012 028 Eze /^{prolonged /any more, but
the word which I have spoken shall be done , saith the Lord GOD .
prolonged 007 012 Dan /^{prolonged /for a season
and time .
prolonged 012 025 Eze /^{prolonged /for in your
days , O rebellious house , will I say the word , and will
perform it, saith the Lord GOD .
prolonged 008 012 Ecc /^{prolonged /yet surely I
know that it shall be well with them that fear God , which fear
before him:
prolongeth 010 027 Pro /^{prolongeth /days : but
the years of the wicked shall be shortened .
prolongeth 007 015 Ecc /^{prolongeth /his life in
his wickedness .
prolong 14 *
prolonged 9 -
prolongeth 2 -
prolong I call heaven and earth to witness against
you this day, that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the
land whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not
{prolong} [your] days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed.
prolong Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and
his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go
well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou
mayest {prolong} [thy] days upon the earth, which the LORD thy G
od giveth thee, for ever.
prolong Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD
your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and [that it may
be] well with you, and [that] ye may {prolong} [your] days in
the land which ye shall possess.
prolong And that ye may {prolong} [your] days in the
land, which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give unto them
and to their seed, a land that floweth with milk and honey.
prolong That his heart be not lifted up above his
brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, [to]
the right hand, or [to] the left: to the end that he may
{prolong} [his] days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in
the midst
of Israel.
prolong But] thou shalt in any wise let the dam go,
and take the young to thee; that it may be well with thee, and
[that] thou mayest {prolong} [thy] days.
prolong I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall
surely perish, [and that] ye shall not {prolong} [your] days
upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess
prolong For it [is] not a vain thing for you;
because it [is] your life: and through this thing ye shall
{prolong} [your] days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to
possess it.
prolong What [is] my strength, that I should hope?
and what [is] mine end, that I should {prolong} my life?
prolong He shall not be rich, neither shall his
substance continue, neither shall he {prolong} the perfection
thereof upon the earth.
prolong Thou wilt {prolong} the king's life: [and]
his years as many generations.
prolong The prince that wanteth understanding [is]
also a great oppressor: [but] he that hateth covetousness shall
{prolong} [his] days.
prolong But it shall not be well with the wicked,
neither shall he {prolong} [his] days, [which are] as a shadow;
because he feareth not before God.
prolong Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he
hath put [him] to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an
offering for sin, he shall see [his] seed, he shall {prolong}
[his] days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his