princes GEN 012 015 The {princes} <08269 +sar > also of
Pharaoh <06547 +Par saw <07200 +ra>ah > her , and
commended <01984 +halal > her before <00413 +>el > Pharaoh
<06547 +Par : and the woman <00802 +>ishshah > was taken
<03947 +laqach > into Pharaoh s <06547 +Par house <01004
+bayith > .
princes GEN 017 020 And as for Ishmael <03458 +Yishmal > ,
I have heard <08085 +shama< > thee : Behold <02009 +hinneh > ,
I have blessed <01288 +barak > him , and will make him
fruitful <06509 +parah > , and will multiply <07235 +rabah >
him exceedingly <03966 +m@ ; twelve {princes} <05387
+nasiy> > shall he beget <03205 +yalad > , and I will make
<05414 +nathan > him a great <01419 +gadowl > nation <01471
+gowy > .
princes GEN 025 016 These <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] the
sons <01121 +ben > of Ishmael <03458 +Yishmal > , and
these <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ] their names <08034 +shem >
, by their towns <02691 +chatser > , and by their castles
<02918 +tiyrah > ; twelve {princes} <05387 +nasiy> >
according to their nations <00523 +>ummah > .
princes NUM 001 016 These <00428 +>el - leh > [ were ] the
renowned <07121 +qara> > of the congregation <05712 + ,
{princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of the tribes <04294 +matteh > of
their fathers <1> , heads <07218 +ro>sh > of thousands <00505
+>eleph > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .
princes NUM 001 044 . These <00428 +>el - leh > [ are ]
those that were numbered <06485 +paqad > , which <00834
+>aher > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > and Aaron <00175 +>Aharown >
numbered <06485 +paqad > , and the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> >
of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , [ being ] twelve men <00376
+>iysh > : each <00376 +>iysh > one <00259 +>echad > was for
the house <01004 +bayith > of his fathers <1> .
princes NUM 007 002 That the princes <05387 +nasiy> > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , heads <07218 +ro>sh > of the
house <01004 +bayith > of their fathers <1> , who <01992 +hem
> [ were ] the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of the tribes
<04294 +matteh > , and were over <05975 + them that
were numbered <06485 +paqad > , offered <07126 +qarab > :
princes NUM 007 002 That the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , heads <07218 +ro>sh > of the
house <01004 +bayith > of their fathers <1> , who <01992 +hem
> [ were ] the princes <05387 +nasiy> > of the tribes <04294
+matteh > , and were over <05975 + them that were
numbered <06485 +paqad > , offered <07126 +qarab > :
princes NUM 007 003 And they brought <00935 +bow> > their
offering <07133 +qorban > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , six <08337 +shesh > covered <06632 +tsab
> wagons <05699 + , and twelve oxen <01241 +baqar > ;
a wagon <05699 + for two <08147 +sh@nayim > of the
{princes} <05387 +nasiy> > , and for each one an ox <07794
+showr > : and they brought <07126 +qarab > them before <06440
+paniym > the tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > .
princes NUM 007 010 . And the princes <05387 +nasiy> >
offered <07126 +qarab > for dedicating <02598 +chanukkah > of
the altar <04196 +mizbeach > in the day <03117 +yowm > that it
was anointed <04886 +mashach > , even the {princes} <05387
+nasiy> > offered <07126 +qarab > their offering <07133
+qorban > before <06440 +paniym > the altar <04196 +mizbeach >
princes NUM 007 010 . And the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> >
offered <07126 +qarab > for dedicating <02598 +chanukkah > of
the altar <04196 +mizbeach > in the day <03117 +yowm > that it
was anointed <04886 +mashach > , even the princes <05387
+nasiy> > offered <07126 +qarab > their offering <07133
+qorban > before <06440 +paniym > the altar <04196 +mizbeach >
princes NUM 007 084 This <02063 +zo>th > [ was ] the
dedication <02598 +chanukkah > of the altar <04196 +mizbeach >
, in the day <03117 +yowm > when it was anointed <04886
+mashach > , by the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > : twelve chargers <07086 +q@ of
silver <03701 +keceph > , twelve silver <03701 +keceph >
bowls <04219 +mizraq > , twelve spoons <03709 +kaph > of gold
<02091 +zahab > :
princes NUM 010 004 And if <00518 +>im > they blow <08628
+taqa< > [ but ] with one <00259 +>echad > [ trumpet ] ,
then the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > , [ which are ] heads
<07218 +ro>sh > of the thousands <00505 +>eleph > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > , shall gather <03259 +ya themselves
unto thee .
princes NUM 016 002 And they rose <06965 +quwm > up before
<06440 +paniym > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , with certain <00582
+>enowsh > of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , two hundred <03967 +me>ah > and fifty <02572
+chamishshiym > {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of the assembly
<05712 + , famous <07149 +qirya> > in the congregation
<04150 +mow , men <00582 +>enowsh > of renown <08034
+shem > :
princes NUM 017 002 Speak <01696 +dabar > unto the children
<01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and take <03947
+laqach > of every one of them a rod <04294 +matteh > according
to the house <01004 +bayith > of [ their ] fathers <1> , of
all <03605 +kol > their {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > according
to the house <01004 +bayith > of their fathers <1> twelve rods
<04294 +matteh > : write <03789 +kathab > thou every man s
<00376 +>iysh > name <08034 +shem > upon his rod <04294
+matteh > .
princes NUM 017 006 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > spake <01696
+dabar > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and every <03605 +kol > one of their {princes}
<05387 +nasiy> > gave <05414 +nathan > him a rod <04294
+matteh > apiece , for each prince <05387 +nasiy> > one <00259
+>echad > , according to their fathers <1> houses <01004
+bayith > , [ even ] twelve rods <04294 +matteh > : and the
rod <04294 +matteh > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > [ was ]
among <08432 +tavek > their rods <04294 +matteh > .
princes NUM 021 018 The {princes} <08269 +sar > digged <02658
+chaphar > the well <00875 +@>er > , the nobles <05081
+nadiyb > of the people <05971 + digged <03738 +karah >
it , by [ the direction of ] the lawgiver <02710 +chaqaq > ,
with their staves <04938 +mish . And from the
wilderness <04057 +midbar > [ they went ] to Mattanah <04980
+Mattanah > :
princes NUM 022 008 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto them ,
Lodge <03885 +luwn > here <06311 +poh > this night <03915
+layil > , and I will bring <07725 +shuwb > you word <01697
+dabar > again <07725 +shuwb > , as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> shall speak <01696 +dabar > unto me : and the {princes}
<08269 +sar > of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > abode <03427 +yashab >
with Balaam <01109 +Bil .
princes NUM 022 013 And Balaam <01109 +Bil rose <06965
+quwm > up in the morning <01242 +boqer > , and said <00559
+>amar > unto the {princes} <08269 +sar > of Balak <01111
+Balaq > , Get <03212 +yalak > you into <00413 +>el > your
land <00776 +>erets > : for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
refuseth <03985 +ma>en > to give <05414 +nathan > me leave
<05414 +nathan > to go <01980 +halak > with you .
princes NUM 022 014 And the {princes} <08269 +sar > of Moab
<04124 +Mow>ab > rose <06965 +quwm > up , and they went
<00935 +bow> > unto Balak <01111 +Balaq > , and said <00559
+>amar > , Balaam <01109 +Bil refuseth <03985 +ma>en >
to come <01980 +halak > with us .
princes NUM 022 015 . And Balak <01111 +Balaq > sent <07971
+shalach > yet <05750 + again <03254 +yacaph > {princes}
<08269 +sar > , more <07227 +rab > , and more honourable
<03513 +kabad > than they .
princes NUM 022 021 And Balaam <01109 +Bil rose <06965
+quwm > up in the morning <01242 +boqer > , and saddled <02280
+chabash > his ass <00860 +>athown > , and went <03212
+yalak > with the {princes} <08269 +sar > of Moab <04124
+Mow>ab > .
princes NUM 022 035 And the angel <04397 +mal>ak > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559 +>amar > unto Balaam <01109
+Bil , Go <03212 +yalak > with the men <00582 +>enowsh >
: but only the word <01697 +dabar > that I shall speak <01696
+dabar > unto thee , that thou shalt speak <01696 +dabar > .
So Balaam <01109 +Bil went <03212 +yalak > with the
{princes} <08269 +sar > of Balak <01111 +Balaq > .
princes NUM 022 040 And Balak <01111 +Balaq > offered <02076
+zabach > oxen <01241 +baqar > and sheep <06629 +tso>n > ,
and sent <07971 +shalach > to Balaam <01109 +Bil , and
to the {princes} <08269 +sar > that [ were ] with him .
princes NUM 023 006 And he returned <07725 +shuwb > unto him ,
and , lo <02009 +hinneh > , he stood <05324 +natsab > by
his burnt <05930 + sacrifice , he , and all <03605
+kol > the {princes} <08269 +sar > of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > .
princes NUM 023 017 And when he came <00935 +bow> > to him ,
behold <02009 +hinneh > , he stood <05324 +natsab > by his
burnt <05930 + offering , and the {princes} <08269
+sar > of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > with him . And Balak <01111
+Balaq > said <00559 +>amar > unto him , What <04100 +mah >
hath the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > spoken <01696 +dabar > ?
princes NUM 027 002 And they stood <05975 + before
<06440 +paniym > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , and before <06440
+paniym > Eleazar <00499 +>El the priest <03548 +kohen
> , and before <06440 +paniym > the {princes} <05387 +nasiy>
> and all <03605 +kol > the congregation <05712 + , [
by ] the door <06607 +pethach > of the tabernacle <00168
+>ohel > of the congregation <04150 +mow , saying <00559
+>amar > ,
princes NUM 031 013 . And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , and
Eleazar <00499 +>El the priest <03548 +kohen > , and
all <03605 +kol > the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > of the
congregation <05712 + , went <03318 +yatsa> > forth
<03318 +yatsa> > to meet <07125 +qir>ah > them without <02351
+chuwts > the camp <04264 +machaneh > .
princes NUM 032 002 The children <01121 +ben > of Gad <01410
+Gad > and the children <01121 +ben > of Reuben <07205
+R@>uwben > came <00935 +bow> > and spake <00559 +>amar > unto
Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , and to Eleazar <00499 +>El
the priest <03548 +kohen > , and unto the {princes} <05387
+nasiy> > of the congregation <05712 + , saying <00559
+>amar > ,
princes NUM 036 001 . And the chief <07218 +ro>sh > fathers
<1> of the families <04940 +mishpachah > of the children <01121
+ben > of Gilead <01568 +Gil , the son <01121 +ben > of
Machir <04353 +Makiyr > , the son <01121 +ben > of Manasseh
<04519 +M@nashsheh > , of the families <04940 +mishpachah >
of the sons <01121 +ben > of Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > , came
<07126 +qarab > near <05066 +nagash > , and spake <01696
+dabar > before <06440 +paniym > Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , and
before <06440 +paniym > the {princes} <05387 +nasiy> > , the
chief <07218 +ro>sh > fathers <1> of the children <01121 +ben
> of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :