Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0916 + be charged + were heavy + being burdened + that we were pressed + and they that were with him were heavy +/ . bareo {bar-eh'-o}; from 0926 + heavy + and grievous + the weightier + shall grievous + are not grievous + they are weighty +/ ; to weigh down (figuratively): --burden, charge, heavy, press .

1473 . ego {eg-o'}; a primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic): --I, me . For the other cases and the plural see 1691 + him as myself +/ , 1698 + is mine +/ , 1700 + and mine +/ , 2248 + to us but is longsuffering to us ...........hemas- / , 2249 + For we ourselves +/ , 2254, 2257 + are ours + may be ours + shall be ours + theirs and ours +/ , etc .

1912 + and they knew + that I may not overcharge + we would not be chargeable + that we might not be chargeable +/ . epibareo {ep-ee-bar-eh'-o}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 0916 + be charged + were heavy + being burdened + that we were pressed + and they that were with him were heavy +/ ; to be heavy upon, i .e . (pecuniarily) to be expensive to; figuratively, to be severe towards: --be chargeable to, overcharge .

1945 + on + lay + laid + is laid + imposed + thereon + pressed + And they were instant +/ . epikeimai {ep-ik'-i-mahee}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 2749 + lie + lay + laid + lieth + lying + is laid + was set + had lain + was laid + not lying + is not made + that is set + child is set + that I am set + there was set + And there were set + that we are appointed +/ ; to rest upon (literally or figuratively): --impose, be instant, (be) laid (there-, up-)on, (when) lay (on), lie (on), press upon .

1968 + on + fell + lying + he fell + and fell + thee fell + there fell + he was fallen + that they pressed +/ . epipipto {ep-ee-pip'-to}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 4098 + Fall + fell + down + fall + light + I fell + falleth + falling + to fail + he fall + ye fall + it fell + man fall + and fell + And fell + is fallen + seeds fell + And I fell + he falleth + him I fell + are fallen + shall fall + and he fell + And he fell + him he fell + and it fell + him she fell + it they fell + him and fell + it shall fall + and there fell + thou wilt fall + them which fell + him ; and he fell + And they shall fall + And that which fell + that they should fall + of them shall not fall +/ ; to embrace (with affection) or seize (with more or less violence; literally or figuratively): --fall into (on, upon) lie on, press upon .

2599 + But be it so I did not burden + or us . 26 Greet +/ . katabareo {kat-ab-ar-eh'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 0916 + be charged + were heavy + being burdened + that we were pressed + and they that were with him were heavy +/ ; to impose upon: --burden .

2616 + men oppress + that were oppressed +/ . katadunasteuo {kat-ad-oo-nas-tyoo'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and a derivative of 1413 + Potentate + the mighty + of great authority +/ ; to exercise dominion against, i .e . oppress: --oppress .

2669 + vexed + him that was oppressed +/ . kataponeo {kat-ap-on-eh'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and a derivative of 4192 + pain + for pain + of their pains +/ ; to labor down, i .e . wear with toil (figuratively, harrass): --oppress, vex .

3387 + any + ye any + Hath any + Have any + But let none +/ . metis {may'-tis}; or me tis {may tis}; from 3361 + or + no + nor + Nor + none + Lest + lest + means + in no + Let no + are no + take no + without + nothing + That no + that no + neither + Neither + me lest + him lest + her lest + not lest + And lest + with one + day lest + take ye no + to forbear + and let no + there be no + there is no + And have no + it is of no + things lest + And that no + having never + unto you lest + to anger lest + standeth lest + that ye cannot + unto them lest + diligently lest + that there is no + unto you Take no + when there is no + so that she is no + that there is any + things which cannot + that man and have no + Notwithstanding lest + him that there be no + That there should be no + thing and that there be no +/ and 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; whether any: --any [sometimes unexpressed except by the simple interrogative form of the sentence] .

4085 + pressed +/ . piezo {pee-ed'-zo}; another form for 4084 + caught + to take + was taken + laid hands + have taken + And he took + they caught + to apprehend + it that they might take + And when he had apprehended +/ ; to pack: --press down .

4912 + throng + and keep + was taken + that held + was pressed + and stopped + constraineth + am I straitened + For I am in a strait + people that were taken + from them ; for they were taken +/ . sunecho {soon-ekh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2192 + hath 2192- hath 2192- we had 2192- we had 2192- Having 2192- Having 2192- he hath 2192- he hath 2192- had + hold + Hold + have + hath + Have + hast + Hast + Hath + lieth + I had + count + he had + having + as had + ye had + Having + it had + I have + he hath + they do + to have + man had + him had + and had + ye have + as have + But had + me hath + it hath + me hath + Holding + He hath + me have + he have + it Have + We have + we have + And had + and hold + And have + will eat + man have + may have + but have + but hath + she hath + the next + and hast + man hath + that had + and hath + may fear + and have + he could + that had + they had + he began + Which had + she could + Which had + that have + thee have + as having + We having + thou hast + they held + as he had + in we had + which had + to retain + it lacked + possessed + Thou hast + they took + they have + but having + which hast + which have + which hath + and I must + and he had + As we have + And having + shall have + might have + as ye have + for he had + woman have + parts have + And he had + not having + But I have + and having + off having + But we had + thou count + and having + For I have + And ye have + things have + with me had + men counted + I have kept + tongue hath + but to have + him We have + let us have + tongue hath + that he had + that I have + should have + them having + we may have + for he hath + For ye have + For we have + But we have + And he hath + And to have + But ye have + he that had + that she had + he that hath + And they had + him that had + covenant had + hope we have + And they had + that ye have + they counted + that we have + as they have + him may have + that he hath + I might have + He that hath + such as have + and the next + and they had + ye might have + and not using + had conceived + thee and have + they that had + man that hath + And she being + of you having + I should have + he which hath + For thou hast + things having + we might have + and they have + one that hath + ye shall have + them that had + shall he have + for they have + uncircumcised + myself to have + For as we have + she which hath + unto them Have + that they have + seeing we have + not that I had + that thou hast + they that have + things ye have + ye should have + but shall have + them that have + them which had + but me ye have + for they cannot + to him that had + unto you having + unto him having + him But we have + is he that hath + to that he hath + one of you hath + there thou hast + that I may have + for thee to have + unto him We have + they had not had + and he that hath + For he that hath + to me and I have + and that ye have + us not then have + that he had been + it for thou hast + that ye may have + that he may have + to him that hath + unto them I have + that we may have + And when they had + ye not and having + of you shall have + me unto thee hath + in him not having + that I might have + unto them Ye have + unto him Thou art + Let him that hath + and ye shall have + is that thou hast + that were diseased + Thou couldest have + it down and I have + that ye might have + unto thee who hath + that which he hath + unto him They have + And they that have + thee not thou hast + is it that ye have + them as one having + but such as I have + and to let him have + and thou shalt have + out they might have + that ye may be able + that were possessed + it to him that hath + shall they that have + and that ye may have + that they might have + with them they could + thou not that I have + them as one that had + and the day following + be as though they had + it out . He that hath + it unto him which hath + but from him that hath + and from him that hath + But that which ye have + unto them He that hath + which are with him have + But forasmuch as he had + him that they might have + and that they might have + to me that ye might have + those things that we have + out of that which ye have + with you ; but me ye have + unto them they had not had + unto you that in me ye might have + but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath + things of you and things that accompany +/ ; to hold together, i .e . to compress (the ears, with a crowd or siege) or arrest (a prisoner); figuratively, to compel, perplex, afflict, preoccupy: --constrain, hold, keep in, press, lie sick of, stop, be in a strait, straiten, be taken with, throng .

4928 + distress + and anguish +/ . sunoche {soon-okh-ay'}; from 4912 + throng + and keep + was taken + that held + was pressed + and stopped + constraineth + am I straitened + For I am in a strait + people that were taken + from them ; for they were taken +/ ; restraint, i .e . (figuratively) anxiety: --anguish, distress .